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The Forums: Debrief


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Okay, so what happened?

Obviously, the move wasn't supposed to take this long, nor was it supposed to be this. Erm. Dramatic? Anyways, here's what happened:

At some point when we were using our old forums, the forum structure stored in our database become damaged. Basically, somehow, the old software introduced an error into the stored datastructure. This error was dormant until I decided to fuck with the forum structure, and remove a category. After which, the party got started.

The eventual solution was provided by Talkarcabbage, who spent a large chunk of time researching the issue. A script was ran to recalculate some of the structure, and the rest was wiped in order for the forums to automatically regenerate them. It seems to be working now, with the only casualties being the announcements boards! Ergo, not much of importance, in the grand scheme of things.

Now we should be in the clear, though. Nothing will be reset anymore, barring anything completely unforeseen.

A huge "Thank you" to Talkar! Without his work, all of the shitposts would be gone, and we'd have to start from scratch.


Oh, also.

175x175 avatars are a thing now. Go nuts.

And lemme know what you think about the new theme. I'll be adding stuff to the sidebar, namely the useful links category. If there's anything else you'd like to suggest, design wise, lemme know!

Will we be getting the like button back?

I rather liked that


I guess you could say... YOU LIKED THE BUTTON.

I'll show myself out.

Good news is our forums are functional again!

Guest Complete Garbage
Will we be getting the like button back?

I rather liked that


I guess you could say... YOU LIKED THE BUTTON.

I'll show myself out.

Good news is our forums are functional again!

Well, for the most part. I mean, the mobile interface is iffy and I can't find the button to subscribe to get notified about topics.

Will we be getting the like button back?

I rather liked that


I guess you could say... YOU LIKED THE BUTTON.

I'll show myself out.

Good news is our forums are functional again!

Well, for the most part. I mean, the mobile interface is iffy and I can't find the button to subscribe to get notified about topics.


What kinda phone? My one plus two is fine. I think it's a small screen issue

Guest Complete Garbage

iPhone 5c; it probably is a screen issue, it works fine on my laptop.


I've got a 5c too and these forums look fucking rubbish on it.

These new forums entirely look like rubbish in my honest opinion, everything's so hard to read and tell what's part of what.

The borders on everything are too faded, and the coloring is a bunch of ass-spraying mayhem.

Guest Marlon Phoenix

I'm still getting headaches reading the forums for more than a minute at a time. This sleek, modern style is trash. Pls bring back the soft contrasting colors and borders.

Guest Complete Garbage

Wow, is it just me or is that picture really fucking huge?

But I agree, the mobile interface is garbage.

Wow, is it just me or is that picture really fucking huge?

But I agree, the mobile interface is garbage.


The phones a 1440p resolution, so yeah it is.

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