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Loyalty Implants Directive Laws

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In my own opinion, I do not believe the Loyalty Implants should only make you LOYAL to the NanoTrasen but should have other 'attachments' to the Loyalty Implant.

Like an AI's Directive Laws. Henceforth, Loyalty Implants Directive Laws. I propose the following Loyalty Implants Directive Laws in Order:

1. You will remain loyal to the NanoTrasen.

2. You will preserve your own life and the crew's lives. (That way, no Loyalty Implants will, "Fuck that Crew Member. He's expendable."

Something along the lines. I can't think of ones. I'll let you guys brainstorm.


Did I mention in my suggestion about company assets? I don't think I did. Let me check my suggestion. Yes, I didn't. Loyalty to NanoTrasen can be interpreted in many ways.

1. You will remain loyal to the NanoTrasen.

2. You will preserve your own life and the crew's lives. (That way, no Loyalty Implants will, "Fuck that Crew Member. He's expendable."

I would change #2 from "crew's lives" to "lives of high-ranking personnel", aka Command and NT event folks. The people who truly matter to any corporation, when it all comes down to a bad situation, are those in charge who have been with the company for many years. Whereas the catbeast cargo tech truly is expendable in comparison, although you wouldn't plainly state it.

1. You will remain loyal to the NanoTrasen.

2. You will preserve your own life and the crew's lives. (That way, no Loyalty Implants will, "Fuck that Crew Member. He's expendable."

I would change #2 from "crew's lives" to "lives of high-ranking personnel", aka Command and NT event folks. The people who truly matter to any corporation, when it all comes down to a bad situation, are those in charge who have been with the company for many years. Whereas the catbeast cargo tech truly is expendable in comparison, although you wouldn't plainly state it.

And then everyone now has a reason to bumrush people with hostages, because captains and HoS' are told that everyone else is less important than money and gadgets.

Guest Marlon Phoenix


I already made this suggestion and directives for a loyalty implant awhile ago and it never went anywhere.

I would change #2 from "crew's lives" to "lives of high-ranking personnel", aka Command and NT event folks. The people who truly matter to any corporation, when it all comes down to a bad situation, are those in charge who have been with the company for many years. Whereas the catbeast cargo tech truly is expendable in comparison, although you wouldn't plainly state it.

And then everyone now has a reason to bumrush people with hostages, because captains and HoS' are told that everyone else is less important than money and gadgets.

Wrong, they are simply told to preserve themselves and the lives of key personnel in that case. It is then up to their personal judgement as to how much they will value the other crewmembers.

I wouldn't trade key research, large amounts of credits, or high-risk items to a terrorist in exchange for a janitor or cargo tech, unless I had a plan to immediately regain what I gave via betraying the deal. Whereas, if the Captain or Research Director was kidnapped? I would certainly go out of the way to get them back, they hold valuable inside information on the company and station, as well as being key to ensuring the station's command structure is kept together.


Perhaps we could take a slightly asimov-esque approach to the laws in question. I propose that the loyalty implant impose 3 laws as follows:

1: You are loyal to the corporation NanoTrasen and will act in it's best interest above all other parties.

2: You will seek to preserve your own life where this does not conflict with the first law.

3: You will seek to preserve company assets where this does not conflict with the first or second laws.

This would cover all the bases I can immediately think of. The implanted crew is obligated to act in the company's best interest. There may be some concern over these laws putting the company before the wellbeing of the individual. Is this too extreme?


This would cover all the bases I can immediately think of. The implanted crew is obligated to act in the company's best interest. There may be some concern over these laws putting the company before the wellbeing of the individual. Is this too extreme?


I think it's not extreme enough.

If the station were on the brink of destruction, and you had a decent chance of saving it, your loyalty implant should compel you to try to preserve it, even at the risk to your own life, rather than hopping on an escape pod

An employee is an asset and they have value. But i doubt there's any single employee, save trasen herself, who isn't worth sacrificing to save a hundred-billion credit space station


I must agree with Nanako that is not extreme m however I have a concurrent opinion.

The NanoTrasen assets involves the crew's lives but... The station is on the risk, threatened, or actively being destructed and the costs or station cannot be refunded. The Emergency Shuttle and let the station die with a loss of the engine, terrorists killing/bombing, and such. Otherwise, it would shortly appear to be extreme to fight back and hold onto the collapsing station which we all know where this is going to go. I would believe that the Emergency Shuttle is more important and shuttle be regarded as a priority to save the crew rather ERT.

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