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[Denied]How IPCs work

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Type: IPC Anatomy(?)

Founding/Settlement Date (if applicable):

Region of Space: Everywhere with an IPC

Controlled by : SCIENCE

Other Snapshot information: N/A

Long Description: Basically, IPCs are too complex to work the way current computers work, and by that i mean the way transistors currently work. For IPCs to work the way they do, we'd have to use quantum physics to our advantage (oh, and scientists are actually working on this irl btw). I would go into detail on how it works, but I think the video I've posted at the bottom explains it better. Using Quantum Computers could not only make them possible, but also make AI possible due to the nature of the computers.

Positronic brains were good enough for Asimov, so they should be good enough for us.


Positronic brains are pure fantasy invented by asmiov using words that sound cool.

I like the idea of a somewhat scientifically grounded approach in that IPCs brains are Quantum Computers. You could still call the brain 'positronic' for giggles but have the actual lore be Quantum instead of 'platinum and volatile memory or some shit'.

'platinum and volatile memory or some shit'.

What I hate about that is the words "Volatile Memory". Anyone with a slight knowledge of how computers work would know that volatile memory is literally RAM, which gets erased when the system shuts down.

(Not arguing with you here, btw)

They use bluespess.

Literally. That's it.

Yeah, but that's just is. What IS bluespace? I've been told it's a dimension, a plane of existance. How can something USE it?

Plus, it's kinda like someone saying "UUHHH THE BIBLE SAYS SO" in a religious argument


I'm really lazy to check it out in detail, but from what I understand, the data and processes are stored in a bluespace pocket as energy. Then the IPC access that pocket to get whatever it needs. How that's done without actual hardware or if there is hardware in there is beyond me. What I do now is that it doesn't make much sense regardless because, firstly, Bluespace is like WH 40K on steriods sparkled with good old grim-darkcides to make it less perilous. And secondly, it seems far too advanced for someone that isn't even post-scarcity. I mean, holy shit, humanity's developed almost 3 wildly different methods of FTL travel, a power source that's more efficient than the dirt cheap fusion and space industry that turned platinum into a primary steel alloy metal, BUT we cannot handle poverty.

I'm really lazy to check it out in detail, but from what I understand, the data and processes are stored in a bluespace pocket as energy. Then the IPC access that pocket to get whatever it needs. How that's done without actual hardware or if there is hardware in there is beyond me. What I do now is that it doesn't make much sense regardless because, firstly, Bluespace is like WH 40K on steriods sparkled with good old grim-darkcides to make it less perilous. And secondly, it seems far too advanced for someone that isn't even post-scarcity. I mean, holy shit, humanity's developed almost 3 wildly different methods of FTL travel, a power source that's more efficient than the dirt cheap fusion and space industry that turned platinum into a primary steel alloy metal, BUT we cannot handle poverty.


Sounds cool buuuut why not just use quantum computers? The idea of using blue spess as all purpose plot hole filler and general lore maguffin is fine but unnecessary in this case as we can easily use an IRL concept. QT Quantum Compies bby gurl.

I'm really lazy to check it out in detail, but from what I understand, the data and processes are stored in a bluespace pocket as energy. Then the IPC access that pocket to get whatever it needs. How that's done without actual hardware or if there is hardware in there is beyond me. What I do now is that it doesn't make much sense regardless because, firstly, Bluespace is like WH 40K on steriods sparkled with good old grim-darkcides to make it less perilous. And secondly, it seems far too advanced for someone that isn't even post-scarcity. I mean, holy shit, humanity's developed almost 3 wildly different methods of FTL travel, a power source that's more efficient than the dirt cheap fusion and space industry that turned platinum into a primary steel alloy metal, BUT we cannot handle poverty.


Sounds like you just took the definition of positronic brain from Paradise, I think.

I think there are some things that should at least try to remain vague. I love quoting me some TV tropes, so I'm going to go with "Rule of Cool." The suspension of disbelief as long as something is at least remotely believable and cool as fuck. Such as, trying to explain why Gipsy Danger doesn't collapse under its own weight unless it was made of Gallium which is toxic to humans... doesn't that sound silly? Who cares if Gipsy would collapse on itself? It's a giant robot that fights giant monsters. It's cool! I really think that explaining a positronic brain as just, a really advanced computer that just works... maybe throwing in "neural net" and "positron pathways" makes it sound cooler and believable. I just don't think it needs a deeper explanation.


It's the definition that WAS used by Aurora. I didn't take it from Paradise, I took it from Aurora loredev's mouth. I am actually saying it's somewhat dumb.

  • 3 weeks later...

Yeah, but that's just is. What IS bluespace? I've been told it's a dimension, a plane of existance. How can something USE it?

Plus, it's kinda like someone saying "UUHHH THE BIBLE SAYS SO" in a religious argument


It's a dimensional plane that can be harnessed by using quantum mumbo-jumbo mechanics and pseudoscience. It's also linked to Phoron/Plasma.

  • 7 months later...

Denied as per request of the synth lore dev.

Reason: We don't use real life science. We are in the year 2459, using 21st century science is a big no.

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