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Hey guys.

I haven't, to my recollection, signed onto the server in well over a month. Maybe two. I don't have the consecutive hours anymore to play spess, with school and other RL commitments. I can't in good faith call myself a Primary Admin when I can no longer commit myself to the community.

So I'm retiring from my position as Primary Admin. Frances will be taking over whitelist applications and delegating as she sees fit.

I'm not leaving the community to any higher degree than I already have, and once things settle out I'll probably come back and play, and/or help moderate for a bit. But as I don't anticipate having more than a few weeks in the near future where I'll have anything resembling free time, it doesn't make sense for me to stay a Primary.

So yeah. See y'all around on the forums, and have fun in space.



I'd like to thank you for the time and effort you've put into this community, Lessick. You've helped manage issues, calculate responses and develop ideas.

Hopefully you won't be a stranger to the community and staff.



With the formal bit out of the way:

Thank you, hope you have a good run and hope to see you about :<

Also, I kept this one name in my justincakes.txt (yes, I have this file on my desktop), for, well, just in case: Kikahkahchitaka. Just a random thing, if you remember who that was.


Thank you for everything you have done for the server and for myself. You've helped me out a lot with various things here and there. I will always remember Matilda and her smiley faces over PDA messages.


While this is something we had already discussed, it still makes me sad to see this post finally come. Even though you might not have been active recently, I always considered you a driving force behind this community, as well as a source of personal encouragement, and you will be a face I will miss seeing among staff.

Best of luck with whatever it is you'll try to do, and I hope you find satisfaction in your future enterprises.



is all I can really say to you, it always pains me to see someone officially step down from a majority of their influence on the server.

I'll miss you all the same, and the opportunity for a friendship we might have had. I dunno'.

Good luck out there.

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