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TES RP: New roleplay


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I'm intending to run a new TES themed RP game similar to my previous work:




As these things often do, they died due to IRL and lack of activity from the players. I intend to kind of fix that by making it live RP over discord in sessions instead of play by forum post. Like last time, it would be open to anyone willing to commit the time to make it a lasting thing, and while I understand anxiety and other mental issues are rampant in RP communities, I still expect that commitment from the players. I do understand things come up that make you unable to play, believe me, I've been there, but keep it in mind if you apply for this.

As for the theme, if enough of the players are interested, I'll keep the old theme and setting, maybe even have the old players keep their characters. Rules will be light and the RP freeform, mostly based on logic and limited realism. I have virtually no TTRP DMing experience so if any experienced DM is willing to co-lead and supplement me with mechanics rules, I'll be interested in taking them on.

See you later then, I'll make a discord channel when enough people show interest, where characters can apply.

Hello! I'm interested in this. Would I be able to bring back Talen-kai?

Yes! There is still the question of when and if the last RP is canon. If you like, I'll give you a rundown of what happened on his quest or we just scrap everything.

And sure Tainted, I'll put you in.


Yes! There is still the question of when and if the last RP is canon. If you like, I'll give you a rundown of what happened on his quest or we just scrap everything.


I wouldn't mind getting a rundown of how it went, I thought it was going awfully well until it died.


I'll give you two a rundown of your last advanture then, wish Nursie would play as well, though. Welcome on board. It brings us to 5, I think I can handle one or two more, preferebly someone from america since it is the center of the world.

Here's if people want to read a bit on exposition. Unless something else comes to mind, we'll likely be going with this setting.


I'm open for suggestions for a more specific setup for the advanture.


This might seem blunt, but you didn't seem very responsive last time around. Will you be able to join and participate in these to a full extent?

Also, I guess I'll have to retconn your character being horribly murdered by city guards in the Ratway.


I stopped because it only seemed that you and I were doing anything... Kind of boring when only the old WIzard (Crazy) wizard was doing something. Plus, IRL got in the way. I will be active this time.

I stopped because it only seemed that you and I were doing anything... Kind of boring when only the old WIzard (Crazy) wizard was doing something. Plus, IRL got in the way. I will be active this time.

Fair enough. As things stand, the current players are all from USA/Canada and I will probably be setting the schedual to accomodate them. Knowing you're from Germany, would you be able to play at odd weekend times. Idk, late afternoon/midnight.

I stopped because it only seemed that you and I were doing anything... Kind of boring when only the old WIzard (Crazy) wizard was doing something. Plus, IRL got in the way. I will be active this time.

Fair enough. As things stand, the current players are all from USA/Canada and I will probably be setting the schedual to accomodate them. Knowing you're from Germany, would you be able to play at odd weekend times. Idk, late afternoon/midnight.


On weekends is fine, on weekdays... Not so much....

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