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Make a safe-guard for writing without a pen

Fire and Glory

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I am sure most of us who've had to write something long in SS13 have suffered dearly when they accidentally switch their hands and so when you save those 3 paragraphs you've written down, it doesn't actually save, and you just lose it all, because you're not holding a pen.

I've personally lost several faxes this way, and as a Head of Staff writing these faxes, my time generally isn't infinite.

I don't quite remember what the prompt looked like, but something that stopped you from pressing 'okay' and sent you 'You're not holding a pen, either get a pen or click 'cancel', along with the addition of a 'cancel' button, would be very beneficial to us all.

more then a shitton of mice 'n shit anyways


Oh god, yes yes yes yes yes PLEASE yes this.

Between finding a safe/quiet place to write and forgetting or losing or needing to put away the pen, I've lost an hour before trying to write out a few paragraphs. While it's simple to just pull up notepad next to the game and do it in there, a nice little reminder to get out ye pen would be very welcome.

My safeguard is writing them onto notepad then copying and pasting to the paper in SS13.
Personally I just keep copying everything I've written over and over as I go in-case I forget.

But we shouldn't need do to things like that, and I tend to forget when I haven't been CMO for a while.


True. I have done this, and wiped my progress many times as RD. Usually, I am so ticked off that I just give up on whatever I was writing. This has occasionally killed the documentation for experiments, or experimental designs.

I would totally support this change, as it would be a major QoL improvement that would cut the sheer pain of the SS13 text editor down by half or so. Then, all we would need are pencils and erasers...

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