Guest Posted October 17, 2016 Posted October 17, 2016 Preface: It is <>. At some point biotechnology has sufficiently surpassed the mere fields of cloning and genetic technology to further delve into improvement of the human genome and society as a whole by way of providing some manner of tangible benefit to civilized folk, military operators, businessmen, brokers, science and medical figures all across the known universe. No, really, the whole human genome has been mapped out for us already and we've gleaned nothing useful from it... aside from having the stepping stones to a new, more permanent method of bioenhancement. And given genetic fuckery of any sort in terms of giving people genetic mutations either beneficial or negative is only canonically temporary (wears off after the shift), it's clear we need a different method of enabling the brave few that play characters with mechanical limbs or prosthetics, in addition to allowing for greater diversity in characters whether they be aug-fanatics or die-hard purists. It is time we cast away prosthetics being "replacement limbs" and breathe actual life and meaning into having a mechanical arm or leg. Almost all of this is inspired from Deus Ex, but also from the biotechnology fields from other ranges of video game media. Also, bring back bioengineer and furnish the damn genetics lab. Axe the "genetics" part. Nobody's going to miss genetics anyway, so without any further ado: Bionic augmentation. The Big Four races are able to enjoy bionic augmentation, with certain limitations in respect to certain niche balance scenarios. IPCs do not enjoy these benefits given their general lack of biotic functions. Sorry, robits, you'll have to become super-soldiers another day and another way. Certain antagonist types can elect to use and abuse these benefits round-start and select their own, naturally given a limited system to prevent awkward cases. Ground Rules: 1.) Augmentations come in "packages". Each package has its own correspondence and compatability with a limb type. A cardiovascular chest enhancement is not compatible for packaging into an arm or leg. 2.) Augmentations can only be packaged in a synthetic limb, though the chest and head have a specific caveat.* 3.) Aug-packs provide benefits ranging from niche to gamechanging. However, the level of consequence and its severity runs congruent with its benefits, particularly to EMP Susceptibility. The more high-reward aug-packs you have installed, the more susceptible you are to EMP, and most actions working in tandem with one another will drain an augmented person of their nutrition banks very quickly. This can range to inconveniencing (a minimum 10 second stun while your packages reset themselves) to highly lethal, depending on the case. 4.) Certain limbs have specific aug-pack implementation limitations. They are determined below, and are the maximum that can be implemented by NT bioaugmentation specialists in order to protect an augmented patient from the dangers of augment rejection: Head: 3 aug-pack limit. Chest+Lower Chest: 4 aug-pack limit. Arm/Leg: 2 aug-pack limit per limb. 5.) Almost all augments (such as the dermal implant) are divided into Grades of quality. Depending on how they are printed via the bioengineering lab in conjunction to R&D's tech levels (bioengineering MUST be synced to the servers periodically), the Grades E, D, C, B, A, A+, S and S+ will each incur their own bonuses regarding a specific statistic they intend to enhance whilst also incurring EMP Susceptibility penalties. This for that. A single S+ grade augment that is affected by an EMP can render very debilitating and potentially permanent consequences. C grade augments upon being EMP'd will automatically stun the augmented subject due to the immediate shock induced by augmentation system failure. Augmentations are rolled dependent on the biological research level as a factor times a certain amount for a certain augmentation, to equal a final "rating". Total ratings are judged on a scale alongside the corresponding Grade letter it falls under in terms of a range. It should be incredibly difficult to roll a 99/100 (for example) S+ grade augmentation that grants Smart Vision. With high biological research level, you are still only likely to roll a B or an A for Smart Vision if you are fairly lucky due to the lowered factor multiplier in combination with the biological research level. 6.) All active-effect and toggle-effect augmentations use or drain nutriment, respectively. Grade quality factors into how much nutriment is used. Low nutriment can prevent usage of active-effect and toggle-effect augmentations altogether. It is important to eat well and stay in healthy shape, but where you're going, you're liable to burn a lot of calories. You will not regenerate nutriment while toggling on or activating an augment, eating any food that you did will have been for nothing as it immediately transfers to excess energy before it can be digested. 7.) Specific non-crew antagonist types that qualify for enhancement may pick and choose their augmentations round-start, given their possible connections with Zeng Hu Pharmaceuticals or a criminal bioengineering group. As antagonists, they are granted antagonist-specific grades that are equivalent to that of an S-rank augment that NanoTrasen produces. NanoTrasen was not the first to seize the opportunity that bioengineering brings, so it's at a greater disadvantage than other rival corporations are in terms of technology. NT dominates the fuel game, not biotech. It's up to the bioengineers and the research division aboard NT stations to research on how to improve augmentations. *Dermal armor aug-packaging are REQUIRED for the chest/head in order to facilitate further aug-packs to be implemented into a subject. This reskins the applicable organ to a limb foundry type chosen by the bioengineer operating. Augmentation Glossary: Head: Dermal Cranium Armor Augpack: Passive-ability technologically-advanced implanted head armor. The augmentation allows for further augmentations to be packaged inside the head, in addition to providing minor-to-incredible levels of substantial dermal protection. The E Grade is a mere gateway, but has its benefits in that it makes it difficult to discern if a subject possesses internal cranium augmentations due to the complete lack of armoring. The S+ Grade by contrast completely foregoes the matter of subtlety in favor of creating an almost invulnerable shell impervious to all forms of sources of dermal trauma, with its only weakness being EMP or continued exposure to a vacuum. Adds a slight bit of spaceproofing to the head, but not much to really count. Internal Electronic Interface Database Augpack: Active-effect augment that allows the user to remotely interface with airlocks or other machine devices (including APCs) in order to interact with them, even from a distance. Grade value determines ability to interface, speed in attempting to interface, and access efficiency. E-C Grade will not permit a user to open airlocks, only slowly attempt to interface with machines from afar. The less distance, the less time needed to interface with a device, naturally. This matters little for the Grade A and higher. The AI will be warned of airlock interface attempts by anything lower than the A+ rank IEID, which has superior processing power and network breach capability. The AI will be warned after an airlock has been forced open except in the case of an S+ IEID augmented user. Wayfinder Sonar System Augpack: A toggle-effect augment that mimicks the effects of a T-ray scanner, but every 10 seconds, any moving mobs within the radius of X tiles around the augmented individual will be temporarily revealed through walls for the next two seconds. The E Grade is prone to miscalculations and may inaccurately display mobs surrounding the user. Slightly higher grades lessen this effect. The B Grade phases out the glitch altogether. The A+ rank displays tagged mobs for twice as long. The S+ Rank halves the pause between sonar pings. All Grades make a rather obvious noise, within 4 tiles of the augmented user, which may lead to those in close proximity to be alerted. Higher grades do not disperse this effect. Heightened Awareness Monitor Augpack: Active-effect augment that allows an augmented person to 'tag' another mob within line-of-sight and track them for two minutes through any surface, or at least until the tagged mob walks outside of the 14 tile range of the augmented subject. E Grade will constantly lose tagged targets, can only mark one target at a time and is generally unreliable for practical use. D Grade fixes this issue. C Grade allows for two tags, B Grade allows for three, A Grade allows for four. A+ Grade allows for five marks and also increases the 14 tile range to 20. S allows for six marks and increases the tracking timing to two and a half minutes. S+ allows for seven marks and can track tagged targets by way of an internal GPS augmented reality module that can perform assumptions of last known tagged target positions and their movement patterns. These will be displayed respectively in the Status menu. Smart Vision Augpack: Toggle-effect optical membrane implant augmentation that allows an augmented subject with a mechanical eye prosthesis (important note here.) to see past structures in order to glean important data beyond the walls. The E Grade might as well not exist, but it's a decent baseline if you want to see approximately two tiles further with x-ray vision. Useful if you're in the dark with no light, but that's it. For higher grades, the downsides are more and more dispersed, x-ray sight range is increased and its nutriment drain rate is slightly lowered. S rank allows for full 7 tile radius x-ray coverage. S+ rank greatly reduces the nutriment drain rate, allowing for consistent and reliable usage. Incredibly illegal due to the nature of its strictly militaristic usage and its potential to aid agents of espionage with terrible misdeeds, and the hardest to roll decent augmentation ratings properly. Requires mechanical eyes or a retinal overlayed set of eyes. Flash/Irritant Suppressant Augpack: Passive-effect augmentation that grants resistance to pepperspray or flash-type effects at low grades, and outright immunity to such sources of inconvenience at higher grades. Requires mechanical eyes or a retinal overlayed set of eyes. Interchangable Retinal HUD Augpack: Neutralizes the need for HUDglasses or eyepiece attachments utilizing integrated augmented reality functions, which are interchangable within their own tier. Low grades start with the standard medical, security HUDs and science goggles. Medium grades allow for mesons, material scanners and machine scanners. High grades (short of S+) permit for night vision, thermals and flash-suppressant HUD adjustments. S+ permits for interchangeability with all goggle or HUD types. Requires mechanical eyes or a retinal overlayed set of eyes. As a passive bonus effect, will grant its user comprehensive personal information such as total health, nutriment levels, location-specific damage readouts and display them in the Status tab of the gameport. Assisted Social Interaction Enhancer Augpack: Active-effect. Provides its user with a direct monitor of behavior patterns and likely responses from conversational subjects. In real terms, this means the user can gain an insight into which conversational methods to employ in any situation, and like a vampire with their own powers of influencing, can create psychological suggestions by way of releasing near-undetectable pheromones. Higher grades increase the effectiveness and reliability of the ASIE. The S+ Grade releases powerful enough pheromones to dissuade certain antagonists such as revolutionaries or anti-NT elements from operating on their side, given that the suggestion is powerful and convincing enough. Cultists and those with ASIE augmentations are totally immune to pheromone suggestions, regardless of their grade. Vampiric Dominations overwrite everything. Vampire > Cult + ASIE > Non-ASIE, for a more basic understanding. Chest: Thresher Dermal Armor Subroutine Augpack: Passive/active effect skin enhancement. Provides its user with the ability to withstand larger amounts of impact from harmful sources, the amount prevented depends on the grade. A technologically-advanced version of implanted body armor, this augmentation is able to reduce inflicted damage effects from blunt trauma, ballistic attacks, cutting, and/or slashing attacks. Secondary functionality also provides whole-sale protection from electromagnetic pulse (EMP) assault, at the S Grade. Activation of the augmentation package immediately reinforces the body from any physical form of attack and greatly reduces it, at the cost of spending a hefty nutriment fund to supply the energy needed to reinforce mechanical joints, act as pain inhibition and strengthen nerve endings to be less susceptible to attack. A high grade activation permits its user to effectively ignore or brush off most forms of small arms for the next 15 seconds. Required for further chest augmentations. Like the cranium dermal armor, higher grades will make the chest appear more and more mechanical in nature, though the lowest grade will always provide the benefit of additional augments to the chest or skin. VM Pocris Health System Augpack: Passive-effect pacemaker implant, activated upon damage registering. Provides its user with additional passive health regeneration of all damage types as long as the individual sits still and remains at rest, and at higher grades, pushes thresholds required to put an individual into crit even further and can set the maximum health at a much higher value. Comes at a cost of consuming steady amounts of nutriment while healing. Running out of nutriment will disable passive healing functions until nutriment is consumed. Comes with two child packages automatically, which will not count against the augmentation limit. Cardiovertor Defibrillator Augpack: Automatic effect pacemaker assistant, prompt activated upon death. Provides its user with the ability to resuscitate themselves from a near-death experience, setting any pain or weakness values to zero and cutting damage sustained prior to the deathblow to a variable fraction dependent on augmentation quality, but can only do this once. Also greatly increases rate of blood regeneration at the cost of significant nutriment over a period of time. Comes automatically equipped with the VM Pocris Health System, and its quality depends on its parent system's Grade. Angiogenesis Protein Therapy Augpack: Passive-effect pacemaker assistant. Automatically provides biomedical care to fight infection, malignant chemical doses and other forms of injury. The efficiency of this sub-augment depends on the quality of its parent aug. Implanted Rebreather: Auto-active effect lung assistant, triggering upon the detection of airborne toxins, such as phoron or deadly levels of carbon dioxide, or to support breathing functions for a short time in vacuum-like conditions. It cannot reduce damage from airborne radioactive contaminants or particle energy effects, however. Higher grades of this augmentation extend the period of time in which an individual can survive in a toxic environment. The S+ rank can last as long as 5 continuous minutes in a toxic environment and at least 2 minutes in a no-pressure environment, for instance. After enough exposure, the rebreather required a refill of available emergency oxygen. This can be facilitated by taking an emergency mask and oxygen tank and breathing deep of its contents until the rebreather is filled again. The breathalyzer filter requires time to slowly break down toxic molecular compositions taken in by the rebreather. An additional feature is that sprinting (another future addition I assume will be added) costs will be cut by a Grade-dependent margin. [Company Name] Series 7 Energy Converter Augpack: Passive effect augment implantation. Increases existing maximum thresholds for nutriment and passively regenerates nutriment when the augmented is not currently affected by any nutriment consumption effects caused by augmentation activation. Though not mandatory, this augmentation greatly enhances the reliability of other augmentations and allows for back-to-back deployment in addition to greater flexibility. Higher grades trivialize nutriment loss and will regenerate that loss without delay. Adamantium Prosthetic Spinal Cord: Passive-effect spinal replacement. Greatly increases the chest bone-break threshold, and neutralizes slowdown effects rendered by hardsuits, magboots or an overload of equipment. How much depends on the Grade quality, though the slowdown will always be neutralized. Infrared Dispersion Field Augpack: Active-effect skin overlay. Bends the light hitting the user, rendering him/her practically invisible. The effect will work on any wavelength that is part of the visual spectrum, including laser beams. The effect is so strong that the active camouflage cannot be outed by thermal detection sources. The active camouflage is not perfect unlike a stealth field, quick movements will cause the active camouflage effect to ripple due to sudden adjustments to a changing background. Slower and more deliberate movements will less frequently cause these distortions. The activation is loud and creates a gold flash of light enveloping around the user. The active camouflage also does not include cloaking of held items or weaponry. The active camouflage effect is one of the more nutriment demanding augmentations to keep online, and low-grade ones will only work for a few seconds before completely starving its user. Higher grade IDFs are much more reliable but still carry over the other consequences this augmentation carries. Smart Vision counteracts this effect due to its usage of x-rays to analyze solid objects in front of other background objects or behind them. Reflex Enhancer Augpack: Passive-effect spinal augment. Shortens delay procs slightly at low grades, nearly neutralizes them altogether at higher grades, though at the cost of potentially quickly exhausting an augmented subject if overexerted. The time it takes to aggressively grab someone will also be lowered. Respecting delay procs will avoid low nutriment's rendering this augment's effects null. Higher grades also reduces the overall nutriment cost for engaging in combat. As a utility effect, bypasses click delay by certain amounts to interact with objects faster, but does not reduce nutriment in doing so. Does not factor into fire-delay, guns will retain their natural rate of fire. Arms: Prosthetic Shock Buffer Augpack: Passive-effect prosthesis enhancement. The Cybernetic Arm's shock buffers and strengthened bone frames gives augmented individuals an additional edge in hand-to-hand combat, though higher quality grades permit greater damage and an additional utility to punch through and destroy non-reinforced steel walls at the cost of significant nutriment. The S Grade will permit the ability to displace but not outright destroy reinforced walls. Reaction Management Buffer Augpack: Passive-effect prosthesis enhancement. A series of liquid-polymer reaction-management buffers installed in the Cybernetic Arm's wrist and elbow joints will reduce firearm recoil and notably enhance greater control and accuracy with firearms. It will also be more difficult to disarm or push down an individual with this augmentation, given the enhanced equilibrioception and greater balance prosthetic enhancements grant in contrast to what regular biological arms give. Plasteel Duraframe Buffer Augpack: Passive/Active effect prosthesis enhancer. In addition to granting (variant) robust armoring to the affected prosthetics, the user is granted the additional ability to move, throw and displace bulkier objects such as machine frames, vendors or other normally rooted down objects. Useful for heavy lifters, construction personnel or those with an insatiable desire to The interaction to carry and displace larger machines costs nutrition, nutrition over time for carrying and moving the object, and a flat amount for tossing it across a room. Pulsed Energy Projector System Augpack: Toggle-active effect prosthetic attachment. Grants the user the ability to fold their prosthetic arm inward and extend its embedded invisible laser pulse emitter which, upon contact with the target, ablates the surface and causes a small amount of exploding plasma. This produces a pressure wave that can stun and knock other individuals off their feet, in addition to creating electromagnetic radiation that affects nerve cells to cause a painful sensation, in most situations rendering them instantly unconscious. The pulse effect will occasionally launch the victim into a nearby surface which may cause additional damage normally expected from slamming into a reinforced wall. Nutriment usage and projectile effectiveness/AoE depends on the overall Grade quality of the augmentation. Integrated Magpul Ballistic System Augpack: Toggle effect prosthetic attachment. Grants the user the ability to fold their prosthetic arm inward and extend a lethal submachinegun loaded with .45 auto caliber with an internal feed design, though it accepts .45 stick magazines in order to reload. Illegal by NT manufacturing standards and impossible to procure station-side, strictly antagonist-only. Does not cost energy to utilize given the ballistic nature. Integrated Magpul Silencer System Assistant-Augpack: Secondary utility option to the above augment. Temporarily forces a semiauto fire mechanism and activating the integrated suppressor for more surgical and quiet shooting scenarios. More to come, perhaps? Legs: WiP for now. This is about a 70% finished on-paper concept, but I may as well pitch it to the community and see what they think. It's around time we decided to consider how we're going to allow for greater med/sci cooperation if genetics isn't coming back anytime soon. Need to do/think on: -- More arm augmentation ideas, preferably unique ones. -- Leg augmentation ideas that are creative and don't just increase movement speed. -- Regular re-reviewing to improve existing concepts. -- Bug a coder (or a few) and get them inspired somehow. Naturally, do give feed-back. "i like it +1" doesn't help improve concepts much. Don't do "why don't we just bring back genetics" because that's not the purpose of this suggestion and it is irrelevant. Either you suggest things to be more on-board with the subject, or you're not onboard with the idea and you don't say anything else besides your reasons why you think the suggestion is bad. Go make another thread if you think you have a better idea at that point. I'm well aware this is also a high-density suggestion, but I hope the amount of hours I put into putting this all down is enough to pique the interest of developers. It is massive in bulk when the spoilers are displayed, and the glossary isn't necessarily need-to-read but you can glean a lot of what this is about. From a lore standpoint, I'm aware of the ramifications of this. Remember pre-Bay merge when we had people concerned about going several steps further in terms of transhumanism and turning themselves into robots? Once upon a time, nobody cared about that because it didn't affect the less radical purists who knew they weren't hanzers wanting to put ridiculous amounts of metal into their bodies. With this suggestion, it'll create a fair deal of controversy amongst humans given how augmentations don't just assist the physically disabled for the sake of humanitarian ideals, but they also enhance human capabilities beyond their mortal peak and create situations that weren't thought possible to begin with. Not only could augmentations do a lot of good for humanity, they could potentially create unthought-of problems that would create discussions questioning the morality and general altruistic ethics on whether augmentations enable individuals to help others more, or cause even more harm to them. This is something I'd actually love to see, because there are already a large amount of opinions regarding the issue of transhumanism altogether. In many sci-fictional genres it's potentially the most interesting subject that challenges the concepts of humanity, ethics and whether modifying a biological body is the pinnacle of ultra-modern technology come to its glorious head, or an immoral travesty and abomination that equates to playing God for the sake of self-benefit and profit by making individuals stronger, deadlier and more loyal followers. And that's why I made this suggestion, because it would create unending and limitless amounts of opportunities for roleplay depth not thought of before. I am also seizing the record for the forum's longest singular forum post, at 25434 characters.
Omnivac Posted October 17, 2016 Posted October 17, 2016 I fully endorse this and would like to see it in game. Also added suggestion language Augs in the head slot that translate and let the user speak various languages. Since there are 8 grades maybe at a rate of 1 for understanding and 2 for speech (An example being an Aug that lets the user speak and understand gutter and understand catbeast would be 3 points or a Grade C Augment.)
Nanako Posted October 17, 2016 Posted October 17, 2016 From me, No. Lets start with the age old point, nobody comes to work for body augmentation. Farther to that, most of these are some combination of antag powers given to non antags, and in general ways to be more robust and thus more of a problem for security. Why would NT allow anyone with any of these augments onto the station? they are a walking weapon and thus a security risk
Guest Posted October 17, 2016 Posted October 17, 2016 I had already prepared to address these points. Lets start with the age old point, nobody comes to work for body augmentation. If the company covers insurance, yes actually they would. VeyMed and Zeng Hu offer a wide range of bonuses for their own more loyal employees, and augs would specifically source from those two corporations (assuming this is accepted as a larger project). As part of contractual obligations on the end of NT, they can certainly supply what is reasonably needed on the end of the employee to work on a NanoTrasen station. The trade-off is that the employee is also required to oblige to more contractual conditions. The amount of micromanaging that mega-corporations do for its more loyal and valuable employees in order to further reel them in as established employees is rather astounding and that level of hold corporations hold over people in the current setting is one of the major reasons large governments like the Sol Alliance have a lot of conflict with NanoTrasen. I also had an idea that it's very possible that augmentations could save and carry over shifts, albeit at standard available NT quality and not at Grade S+ if they got them. They would have to be a non-antagonist and hadn't died at the end of the round due to them. I also imagine that they end up factoring into some sort of an additional loadout subscreen for management of existing augmentations they had received from a 'canon' standpoint and adjust/remove any they see fit. This could also fathomably work into the economy project where it costs money to maintain these augmentations and receive chemical treatment to counteract augmentation rejection. Farther to that, most of these are some combination of antag powers given to non antags, and in general ways to be more robust and thus more of a problem for security. You automatically lose any argument when you complain a new feature will be used to self-antag and robust security. It's a massive slippery slope that anyone with a hint of sense will dismiss every single time. Also, that didn't stop you from coding in the feature to allow mice to chew up boxes. Only a few people did that and it's pretty much stopped after the humor factor wore off. Why would NT allow anyone with any of these augments onto the station? they are a walking weapon and thus a security risk Why do we allow IPCs on the station if there are synthetic terrorists killing people? They're all walking weapons immune to all forms of tasers and non-lethal measures. Again, another slippery slope. Anything can be weaponized but it's a matter of intent on the individual to use it as such, even for dedicated weaponized augs. In the Deus Ex prequels (chronologically), after the Aug Incident that caused every single hanzer with a specific chip implant to go on an insane murdering spree, Augs all around the Earth were cordoned into Aug ghettos and discriminated against. Many suffered greatly from augmentation due to the required neuropozyne drug suddenly falling in availability in response to almost every high-profile biotech corporation being forced to shut down or get bought out by TYM. Very few people could afford military-grade augs to start with because it required a lot of money to begin with. In terms of this setting, it would not be much different to start with. NT would come in rather late to the bioaugmentation race but still attempting to participate in researching biotechnology in order to market their own product. Nowhere near the quality of Zeng Hu's carefully constructed jet black carbon fiber prosthetics, but they have to start somewhere. The only individuals really qualified to receive the augmentations are test subjects, high-end personnel or those that can afford the operations. With NT, they want to market experimental biotech to their own employees before starting to expand operations further, because their version of biotech isn't quite safe or reliable yet. Besides, the security force is more than well enough prepared to vaporize anything it chooses if a threat determines to make itself out as such. EMP exists to deal with non-shielded humanoid-augs. It's entirely trivial from a gameplay standpoint and dismissable from a roleplay and lore standpoint.
Guest Complete Garbage Posted October 17, 2016 Posted October 17, 2016 Ideas for leg-augs: Climbing enhancement(faster climbing speed over tables, etc) Reactionary stability enhancement(increases the threshold pressure before you get, "a sudden rush of air knocks you over!" Muscle density augmentation(take a subtraction from overall movement speed, but you move at the slightly lower speed no matter what you're wearing) Nerve-signal response interpretation upgrade(when afflicted by pain[either halloss or damage to areas other than the legs] the movement speed decrease is heavily curbed) And then just a movement speed enhancer that increases speed at the cost of a much higher rate of nutrition loss <-- I'm dumb
Conservatron Posted October 18, 2016 Posted October 18, 2016 have some give and take like a built-in welder arm that can rupture if targeted by an attack, or built in 'magboots' for legs that reduce your speed by a bit (although, gravity loss isn't as common since we moved to exodus map and its an event rather than something that can happen with power loss). I think at its core its a good idea, but the suggestion as it stands is basically 'i want to powergame with all these not-quite weapons as a normal crewmember'
icy_dew Posted October 18, 2016 Posted October 18, 2016 oh yes this is great. i don't see anything wrong with this, if it just gets some more work done on it
DatBerry Posted October 27, 2016 Posted October 27, 2016 i did suggest this before but with less details, i'm always in support of new features, especially ones that will give jobs like robotics something to actually do. not to mention more people going for implants and prosthetic limbs which mean EMP weapons would become even more of use.
Guest Complete Garbage Posted October 27, 2016 Posted October 27, 2016 Well, Delta got deleted, so unless there's a repost, or a forum mod agrees to edit his post, I doubt this will be carried through.
icy_dew Posted November 5, 2016 Posted November 5, 2016 also, as a suggestion, you could make an eye augment that shows you more details about certain items when examining, for example examining doors will give you info wether they're powered on, are electrified or bolted A la dead space
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