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Frances - Lore Dev Application

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Ckey/BYOND Username: FFrances

Position Being Applied For (coder, mapper, spriter): Lore Dev

Past Experiences/Knowledge: Game design, story design. Nothing I can show here, sadly. It's all over the place. Also two years of experience with digital art.

Examples of Past Work: The lobby screen. You look at it every time you log on. My flowery writing can also be seen all over unban request threads where I smack balds in the face.

Preferred Mode of Communication (Skype, Steam, etc.): Skype (all the major devs have it)

Additional Comments:


You've probably seen the long, ranty post I wrote yesterday about the way our lore is currently handled. The fact is, one of the things that annoy me the most currently is the way our lore is communicated to our users - I think our wiki is inefficient, and there's a sore lack of lore guides for people trying to get into our universe. I have a lot of ideas of how to improve that, and I figured rather than communicating them to someone else and hoping they actually execute them, I'd give a shot at offering to create/implement them myself.

I am not here to radically change the way our lore works. I don't want to retcon civilizations, or canonize the clown planet, or anything like that. But I do do want to change completely how lore is /handled/, on the front end. What gets to the users, basically. Not content, but content delivery. I generally have a pretty good idea of how to do that, and I'd like to get in touch with the people who are in charge of the wiki, to see if we can work something out.

If you're interested in the help, that is.

Also, something I've wanted to do for a while is draw concepts for you guys. So if you feel like you need any, count that as an offer as well.


yes please. please, please, please. halp.

More people who have an idea of what they're doing to work on lore would be very helpful.


May I ask some questions?

As I have not had many experiences with you personally, How do you deal with people completely disregarding your opinion and going about what they wish to do? Not in a hostile way, but believing themselves to be right.

And how do you think about inactive members, who still try and claim ownership over whatever it is they used to have control over?

As I have not had many experiences with you personally, How do you deal with people completely disregarding your opinion and going about what they wish to do? Not in a hostile way, but believing themselves to be right.

As a member of staff, that happens fairly enough with other players who have broken the rules, and are adamant they're immune to whatever we server mods are trying to enforce on them. While I try to argue with them using logic until I can clearly see they won't have any of it, I usually hold a position of power over them (since quite simply, if you don't want to listen to the rules, you get banned). This is obviously not the case here - however, I believe the foundation of our server is built on common sense, and that common sense will always be able to triumph in the end. If I absolutely cannot get through to someone, I would try to call to the general public to see if other people can bring logic into this (and it's not about the popular opinion, it's about the opinion that's the best argued).

Of course, this is a two-way street. I'm not infallible - and in an effort to save some time because of the numerous situations I often have to deal with, I can be quick on the draw. So I try to remain open to criticism, differing points of view, etc. I don't want to be one of those stubborn people, and if you can explain to me why I'm wrong in a clear and understandable way, I have no issue with stepping down.


And how do you think about inactive members, who still try and claim ownership over whatever it is they used to have control over?

The lore team is writing lore for the community to use, not as their own personal pet project. The only ownership anyone should have is the one they inherited by doing a good job. If you're good at something, there's no reason why we should stop you from doing it. But if your sole argument for opposing a lore change is "I don't want my things to be undone" or "I spent a lot of time on this", you have no claims, because again, not your personal story.


You've probably seen the long, ranty post I wrote yesterday about the way our lore is currently handled. The fact is, one of the things that annoy me the most currently is the way our lore is communicated to our users - I think our wiki is inefficient, and there's a sore lack of lore guides for people trying to get into our universe. I have a lot of ideas of how to improve that, and I figured rather than communicating them to someone else and hoping they actually execute them, I'd give a shot at offering to create/implement them myself.

I am not here to radically change the way our lore works. I don't want to retcon civilizations, or canonize the clown planet, or anything like that. But I do do want to change completely how lore is /handled/, on the front end. What gets to the users, basically. Not content, but content delivery. I generally have a pretty good idea of how to do that, and I'd like to get in touch with the people who are in charge of the wiki, to see if we can work something out.

If you're interested in the help, that is.

Also, something I've wanted to do for a while is draw concepts for you guys. So if you feel like you need any, count that as an offer as well.

Everything I am reading tells me that you would be a great addition to the team. Content delivery is absolutely important, and I'm so glad you made your post. I had vague inklings in this direction which I likely didn't even voice, but actually seeing someone else frankly state what the issue was and provide a fresh perspective was needed for anything to actually get done. I think we could really use you on the lore team, and the attitude you've had when discussing these issues is something I think would fit in well this this.

Guest Marlon Phoenix

I completely support his application, and had actually been planning to message him about the possibility of him joining the lore team.



Did Rusty say that Frances was an artist? Because we want pretty pictures for the wiki.

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