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[Denied] SebkillerDK's Head of Staff application

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BYOND key: SebkillerDK

Character names: Jack Walker. William Wakefield. MX-42, (Android). Kaizen, (AI).

How long have you been playing on Aurora?: For a Little over half a year now, since summer 2016

Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: I want to try something new, and be able to man a position, where i can have a chance of further improoving RP for both myself, and others in the round.

Why did you come to Aurora?: My friend reccomended this server to me, as a good HRP server.

Have you read the BS12 wiki on the head roles you plan on playing?: Yes i have read the BS12 wiki regarding my desired head role.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each.

Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about:

Roleplay is about acting as a specific character, or role in a greater game of acting with others, having fun,

and developing characters and a good story. It's about having fun, and enjoying your time spent together with the other players.

Roleplay should be about, as i mentioned above, having fun and developing a good story, but at the same time keeping it at a realistic level of realism.

What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?:

I think that the OOC purpose of a head of staff player, should be to act as a sort of example, of how to roleplay properly in their respective departments, and help others that might have questions, about how to do specific tasks, or might be new to the game itself.

What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?:

The OOC responsebility of a whitelisted player, should allways be to act as an example of good RP, and friendly helpfull behvior. Personally i will allways try to help the best i can, if asked for help. or answer questions asked about different Things in OOC, fx someone asking how to set up the SM. And gennerally being helpfull overall.

Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions.

Character name: Jack Walker

Character age: 45

Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs):

Jack Walker was born on planet Earth in England. Jack grew up in a small town in northeren England with his parrents. During his childhood, Jack allways had a healthy interest for learning, and began doing such at a Young age, often spending time reading through the library books. Jack had a rather calm childhood until he reached the age of 16. Where his parrents decided to take him on a trip into Space. However, during the shuttleride into orbit, something happened and the shuttle hull was breached. His Moth, sitting NeXT to the shuttle window, was sucked out into the empty void of Space, her body never to be recovered. Jack survived due to his fathers quick thinking, he managed to get Jack an Oxygen tank and mask, and Thus saving his life. Following the accident, Jack returned to Earth after being determined healthy and discharged from hostipal. He finnished his primary school, and decided that he wanted to study medicine and become a Medical Doctor. He then comitted meany years to studying to become a fully flegded Medical doct and Surgeon, with an aditional degree in viroligy. after finnishing his studies and education, he went on a vacation visiting different countries on Earth, before he eventally Applied for a job at NanoTreasen, where he got accepted to Work as a Medical doctor, based on his broad skillset obtained through his long education period,

What do you like about this character?:

He is an overall Calm person, with the ability to keep his cool in stresfull situations, and act accordingly. nad gennerally friendly towards his collegues.

What do you dislike about this character?:

He does have a tendency to sometimes put himself in harms way to save others.

What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?:

His broad Medical skillset from his long educaton period. his ability to keep calm in stressing situations, his overall friendly way of being, and his dedication to Medical practice.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions.

How would you rate your own roleplaying?:

I would rate my own roleplaying at about 8 out of 10. i have been trying alot harder lately to interct with others and get some RP going.

Extra notes:

I apologise for my grammar as English is not my first language.

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Hi there.

I've played with you as Ekaterina on my Lab Assistant, Zahra Karimi, and with Jack Walker on my nurse, Brianna Collins. Of the two of them, I find Ekaterina to be more memorable, but not necessarily for reasons that would suggest there will be good Head of Staff roleplay from your other characters. She's the sort of character who will make guns 'because reasons' and generally be difficult to control. That kind of play can be fun for the character, but not always for the people around her.

I have less experience with Jack, but most of it involves rote medical play (gameplay, not roleplay) for treating people who come into the medbay. Attempts to strike up a conversation with Jack mostly seem to fail, either for some medical emergency happening, or for what I perceive as disinterest on the character's part. The end result is that I have very little idea of who Jack is, or why he should be my boss.

Considering that, I'll go through this and ask what comes to mind about both you and him:


Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: i wish to move on further up the ranking system and try something new.

I don't think this is a good way to look at things. Having a Head of Staff whitelist is not some sort of mark of prestige or rank. To me, it's just the server agreeing that you can play roles that may heavily affect roleplay and fun for the people around you. There are players I know who would tell you that it's actually pretty stressful, and not really all that glorious.


Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about:

roleplay is about acting as a specific character or role in a greater game of acting with others. having fun,

and developing characters and a good story. its about having fun and enjoying your time spent together with the other players.

roleplay should be about. as i mentioned above. having fun and developing a good story.

This is an answer I'd agree with. I'd call extra attention here to 'developing characters' in the plural. Collaboration with other people around you is what makes better stories, and as a Head you're going to be in contact with your department's players (and the rest of Command's players) pretty constantly.


What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: the OOC purpose of Heads of Staf in the OOC tab should be to guide and help other players who are maybe new to the game. and act as a statue of inspiration of how to play and act.

also to act as good example of a player.

I think this is the hardest question to answer on the app, but this response seems like it's better suited to the next question about responsibilities to other players, which you answer in pretty much the same way. Do you feel you understand the things that you are expected to know and do as a head, in terms of the server rules, and the gameplay and storytelling of a round? If so, what are they? If not, why not?


Jack Walker was born on the planet sol 4 in the sol system. he grew up in England. during his childhood his father died while in the military. and he was left alone with his mother. he had to Work jobs to be able to help out.

This is a little nitpicky, but since Ekaterina and Jack have both mentioned being from Earth countries in game - 'Sol 4' would be Mars. You're looking for Sol 3, or just 'Earth' since that's what humans still call the planet. A little fact-checking and proofreading goes a long way toward people taking your writing more seriously.


her quickly learned the importance of a sustainable income and worked most of his childhood alongside his school. he started showing an interest for Medical Work early in his life and began studying at the age of 18 at Saint Jorge Medical unisversity for MD and surgeon.

when he was done with his first qualifications he moved on to study for chemistry and viroligy. at the same university. when he wa done with his studies, he enlisted in the sol army as a combat medic.

This all details Jack's education/past career, which could be technically feasible, but tells me very little about him. By the time he'd completed a residency to the point where he could be qualified as a surgeon and virologist (an unusual combination), he'd be pushing the age limit for enlistment in many armies. Why did he decide to give up practicing medicine - something that is very likely better income - for enlisting and taking a combat role in the military? If his desire to join the military due to his father was strong, why did he wait until he was probably in his thirties? Keep in mind most combat medics aren't fully qualified MDs, or even close.


he rose to the rank of Sergeant, during his time serving he sustained different injuries. at one point he lost his right arm. he was eventually dismissed from service afther a fatal engagement with pirates where he recived a fatal shot piecing his hearth. he died of the shot and was cloned aftherwards. afther some months of being unemployed he was offered a job as Medical Doctor onboard the research station NSS. Exodus by NT. he accepted the job and is now working in the Medical department onboard the station

There's a logical gap in this paragraph that I can't fill. Assuming that Jack felt strongly enough about the military to pass on a successful medical career for an army career, what's stopping him from staying enlisted after being cloned? His previous injuries wouldn't have mattered with a new body. What attracted him to working for NanoTrasen afterward, or alternatively, why did NanoTrasen go out of its way to scout him and place him in Tau Ceti?

Thank you for taking the time to go over these thoughts and offer responses to the questions. You'd also improve your application by checking your formatting, spelling, punctuation and grammar. If someone is having a hard time reading what you write, they're probably going to stop reading it.

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I don't think this is a good way to look at things. Having a Head of Staff whitelist is not some sort of mark of prestige or rank. To me, it's just the server agreeing that you can play roles that may heavily affect roleplay and fun for the people around you. There are players I know who would tell you that it's actually pretty stressful, and not really all that glorious.

Fair point. i can see what you mean. ill need to reprhase it.


This is a little nitpicky, but since Ekaterina and Jack have both mentioned being from Earth countries in game - 'Sol 4' would be Mars. You're looking for Sol 3, or just 'Earth' since that's what humans still call the planet. A little fact-checking and proofreading goes a long way toward people taking your writing more seriously.


i thought that i had read somehwere that it was sol 4. thanks for telling me the correct thing. ill try better to make sure what im typing is correct.


This all details Jack's education/past career, which could be technically feasible, but tells me very little about him. By the time he'd completed a residency to the point where he could be qualified as a surgeon and virologist (an unusual combination), he'd be pushing the age limit for enlistment in many armies. Why did he decide to give up practicing medicine - something that is very likely better income - for enlisting and taking a combat role in the military? If his desire to join the military due to his father was strong, why did he wait until he was probably in his thirties? Keep in mind most combat medics aren't fully qualified MDs, or even close

i will agree with you. that i really need to redo Jacks backstory. alot of it dosent make sense currently or is genneraly just bad. i will most likely redo him afther this. if the app fails.

Thanks for the feedback. i really appreciate it. ill try my best to improove Jack in the future.

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