Coalf Posted January 6, 2017 Posted January 6, 2017 Ah, there you are, sorry didn't notice you through all this cash I have around. Oh you want another great guide from me? Well maybe I could help. Got problems with cloning? Alright, listen carefully mai boy. Cloning is a very serious thing and an issue in the anno domini 2459 and a lot of people just don't know how to handle that, so this guide is here to help you with that. LESSON UNO: Types of cloning and what to remember. THE PATIENT There are currently two types of cloning, direct cloning from the fresh neural scan. OR Cloning from a database which was previously established. They may seem similar but they're EXTREMELY different. First of you know that as a clone you aren't supposed to remember anything after dying or immediatly prior to your death, of course the amnesia you have can be RP'd out to your choosing but remember, remembering who killed you and how is generally a dick move. The difference in database scan is that you don't remember ANYTHING AFTER THE SCAN, so if you were scanned at the beginning of the round you'll only remember what you did at the start of that round, you will not know that station went to red alert, that someone called you a pimplehead or that you ERPd in maint. This is the danger of the database cloning you will know nothing after you've been put into said database. THE DOCTOR Now for you doctor y- WHAT ARE YOU DOING? No don't clone that man, he's flagged as hostile to crew by security and without their permission you aren't allowed to clone them. No leave the suicide patient alone too, those people are wasted biomass a- NO THAT'S A DNC, DID YOU NOT CHECK THE RECORDS? Go put them in morgue right now. Now you're cloning a good patient, he got exploded by a weldertank, what he isn't responding? Well just keep smashing that scan button, I always live by the rule of 5 presses with a 5 second break between each of them. But remember, always check that a CMO or Psychiatrist/Psychologist is present during cloning, or you'll be occupied with a walking potato full of drama and won't be able to heal other patients, remember PCD(Post Cloning Disorder) is a real and dangerous thing. LESSON TWO: What am I supposed to do? THE PATIENT Now here comes the fun part acting out your PTSD, now you don't know how to do it? Oh don't worry that's why I'm here you sexy beast. Now first you'll need two dice, a d6 and a d12. Got them? Good. No Larry that's a D20 put that down you idiot. That's a d12 good. Now let's get rooooooooooooooooooooooooooight into the roooooooooooolls. First d6 for severity and thenthe d12 You'll throw for all of these Depression "I was useless anyways." Now there are many reasons a cloning patient might become depressed, the loss of the original self, realizing how fragile life is or the fact that they were gone everyone was perfectly fine without them. 1- No long-term effect 2 - Minor- Character seems a bit bummed, might be making darker jokes than usual or just generally thinking bad thoughts, not very vocal. 3- Moderate – Character often berates himself for minor mistakes, often asks question and his dark humor turns into basically gallows humor often becoming quite uncomfortable. 4- Major - Character turns his victories into failures, bums himself out and often berates himself for the smallest of mistakes while burying his victories in the ground, accepts pain and punishments with a simple nod. 5- Severe - Character is clinically depressed, everything they do they take as a failure and often sulk alone, try to avoid contact with others, might lead to alcoholism or suicide. 6- Psychotic- Character is obviously suicidal and disgusted by himself, they berate themselves and punish themselves wherever they can and for the smallest of reasons. Aggression "IT'S EVERYONES FAULT!" Being angry is a great coping mechanism, a character could be frustarted that they had no choice, that they were torn out of a paradise they saw or perhaps that they were unable to kill whoever killed them. 1- No long-term effect 2- Minor - Character seems to get frustreated easily, might have a dampened sense of humor, will most likely try and enact revenge if they know who killed them or harmed them. 3-Moderate – Character gets very easily frustrated, respond to hostillity with increased hostillity and often disregard words of wisdom, might seek out and purposfully harm people they dislike. 4-Major –Character gets frustarted over the smallest of things, character likes to assume what others think of him and dislikes when people try to help him, might seek out strangers to channel his anger. 5-Severe- Character gets irrationally angry over the smallest of things, takes jokes as insults and any kind of bump in the hallway is escalated into a situation, thinks people who want to help him are making fun of him, will not hesitate to harm strangers and might attack even his closests friends. 6-Psychotic- Character is angry at the world and everything around him, it’s everyones fault he died and they should pay for it, damages property, harms and insults everyone on sight, thinks people who want to help him are bellitling him. Apathy „It don’t matter, none of this matters.“ Apathy can often be a sign of depression but the two can be completely seperate issue, people might be apathetic because they don’t see a point in trying to live, of they think they won’t get into theafterlife or perhaps they think they can’t resist death. 1-No long-term effect 2-Minor-Character is messy and unkept, buttons are undone and shoe laces are not tied. 3-Moderate – Character often forgets things, doesn’t really care about pain or their own hobbies, character might just walk out of converstations that are not exciting enough. 4-Major- Character doesn’t care about his looks, leaves things laying around even dangerous and hazardous things, doesn’t care about pain or people around him getting hurt, will just walk out of conversations, extremely short attention span. 5-Severe- Character doesn’t care about their own friends, will often disregard horrible injuries or the pain of other people, doesn’t partake in almost any activities, will walk out of important conversations,. 6-Psychotic- Character no longer cares about anyone or anything, they completely disregard pain or death, might wave off deadly injuries or just stop eating and drinking alltogether, will just drop things if they seem heavy or uncomfortable, will walk out on conversations with best friends. Immortality Syndrome "I cannot die, I will come back stronger" 1- Psychotic – Character no longer believes himself mortal as he can be cloned as many times as he wants, disregards all orders as beneath him, mistakes are for others, disregards his own death and pain and makes fun of others for aknowledging it. 2- Severe – Character believes himself to be better than others, will refuse to talk to superiors if they’re no important enough for him, he cannot make mistakes, disregards serious wounds. 3 – Major – Character feels perfectly fine, will refuse to talk to anyone he doesn’t consider important, even his colleges, will never admit mistakes, disregards moderate pain and bellittles others. 4 – Moderate – Character feels much better, will refuse to talk to people he does not consider important, disregards minor pain, cannot admit their faults 5 – Minor- Character starts to feel better, will joke about others mistakes, will ignore their own minor faults. 6 – No long-term effect Kübler-Ross model „No I couldn’t have died, IT HAD TO BE YOUR FAULT, please tell me I wasn’t dead, I-I really died, You know what, it’s fine“ Now this isn’t actually one you have to throw for, Kubler-Ross model is what you might know as 5 stages of grief, 1-Denial, 2-Anger, 3-Barganing, 4-Sadness, 5-Acceptance Denial „It isn’t true, I know it isn’t true“ Although I previously introduced the five stages of grief denial can often be seen as being stuck with the longest, people just outright not aknowleding something happened. 1- No long-term effect 2- Character denies death at first but will crack under a proffesional opinion, move onto the Kubler model. 3- Character denies death at first but will crack under peer pressure or a friend,Kubler ross 4- Character denies death will crack at solid proof,kubler ross 5- Character denies death will only accept death when his corpse is shown, Kulber-Ross 6- Character denies death completely, nothing can make him think he died, he’s completely irrational at this point Fearful „Better safe than sorry, better safe than sorry, better safe than sorry ...“ All somewhat intelligent beings show fear that includes your character and dying once doesn’t mean it couldn’t happen again or to someone they like. 1 – No long-term effect 2- Minor – Character jumps easily, is agitated by mentions of death and tries to break up conversations about it, might be worried for his friends 3- Moderate – Character is scared easily, they’re agitated by the mention of pain or death and will try to break up conversations about it immediatly, will be very carefull around friends. 4- Major – Character might develop a fear related to his death, extremely agitated at the mention of death, pain or hostillity, overprotective of their friends and loved ones. 5 – Severe – Character will develop a phobia related to his death, agitated at the mention of any hostillity or anything that resulted in their death, might abandond their friends to save themselves in situations which are clearly not dangerous or only minorly, might also become overprotective to the point of harming their friends. 6 – Psychotic – Character will develop an irrational fear of anything dangerous, become paranoid and might try to harm everyone around them, will abandon friends for their own well being or will try to „save“ their friends from non threatening situations. Optimistic „I’M ALIVE“ Being cloned againt isn’t only depressing, it can also revitalize a person, perhaps they save a decased faily member who gave them wisdom, perhaps they know they will go to paradise or they’re simply happy they live again, of course this can lead to bad things too. 1-No long-term effect 2-Minor – Character seems all around jollier, cracks jokes and smells the flowers. 3-Moderate- Character seems very happy, often cracks jokes even in weird situations and will socialize with complete strangers, loves animals and flowers enjoying the simple things in life, dislikes violence. 4- Major – Character is extremely happy, very often cracks jokes even in uncomfortable situations will love to get touchy with people he doesn’t know or who he previously disliked, often stops for food, drink and games, hates violence. 5- Severe – Charater is happy, so much so it starts to become unhealthy, cracks jokes even in serious situations, gets touchy with people that are outright hostile and tries to talk when it would be better to run, adhores violence. 6- Psychotic – Character becomes so happy they no longer accept any negative feedback, crack jokes in horrible situations, love to get touchy with deadly creatures or armed hostile and try to talk where guns are being pulled and bullets are flying, might become a complete pacifist refusing any violence. Obsessive compulsive „One, two, three, four, two, two, three, four“ Cloning might lead to this, a character simply believeing that they MUST do something, an itch in the back of their head that just tells them they HAVE to do it, perhaps because it has something to do with how they died and they believe it might help or it's just an unshaking compulsion. 1-No long-term effect 2- Minor - Character touches his buttons twice every time he dresses, character dressed more neatly, character points out mistakes other make. 3- Moderate - Character likes to keep things around himself neat and tidy, will often touch things in a certain pattern or walk a certain pattern. 4- Major - Character likes to keep other people neat and tidy, might get annoyed if things don't go as planned or are messy, might stop to do things in a certain pattern such as avoiding cracks in the tile pattern or opening and closing doors multiple times. 5- Severe - Character likes to keep everything neat and tidy even intruding into other peoples personal things, might get mad or confused when things don't go as planned or get messy, might stop to do things in a certain pattern, even if there is not time for it. 6- Psychotic - Character needs to keep everything neat and tidy, will get enraged when things don't go as planned or don't follow patterns, will stop and perform certain pattern actions even if the situation is dangerous. Second man syndrome „This isn’t my skin“ A clone, a different body than you already have, someone else, many people don’t take cloning as simply being revived but as being born someone new, and what if this new person wants to be himself? 1- No long-term effect 2- Minor – Character feels uncomfortable, might not like things they liked before, tastes might change a bit. 3- Moderate – Character might feel very uncomfortable in their body, might not like their hobbies, tastes could change drastically. 4- Major – Character might hate their own body, might hate things they considered fun, might completely hate what they loved before. 5- Severe – Character might despise their new body, they might hate their personallity, will despise what the previous character loved and might abandon friends because they don’t like them. 6- Psychotic – Character will try to get out of their own body, might completely change names and try to assume different identities, distances himself from their old self on purpose and hates their friends, family and even loved ones. Amnesia „Who are you people?“ Scanning a brain might not be as easy as you think and a lot of things can get lost, now what if your character lost everything he knew about himself? 1- Normal post clone amnesia 2- Minor – Might have lost track of several minutes before that. 3- Moderate- Character might not remember things that happened an hour ago and people they met. 4- Major – Character might not remember the shift and people they know. 5- Severe – Character might forget their whole shift and people they consider friends. 6- Psychotic- Character might not remember who they are or how to speak a certain language. Confident. „I’ve got one more shot and I’m going to make it count“ People who were cloned might think they’ve become immortal or perhaps simply wish to make the best of this new life they were given, often risking where risk is not needed. 1- No long-term effect 2- Minor – Character isn’t afraid to gamble small amounts of money, likes to eat and drink, might pull some pranks on people they dislike 3- Moderate – Character isn’t afraid to gamble moderate amounts of money, loves to eat and drink and will stop just to do that, will do things that might be regarded as risky in a workplace such as drinking on duty. 4- Major- Character isn’t afraid to gamble large sums of money, loves to eat and drink and will often stop bye, will do things that are regarded as risky such as pulsing cables without gloves or not wearing proper equipment 5- Severe – Character isn’t afraid to gamble away all his savings, drinks just because, will spend huge sums on useless things, will do things that are regarded as stupid such as cutting cables without gloves. 6- Psychotic – Character isn’t afraid to gamble his life away, descend into alcoholism, will spend everything he has just to buy a packet of cigs, will disregard all safety features such as walking around the SM without a suit or operating when they know nothing about surgery. Now remember, all these are SUGGESTIONS, YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO ANY OF THESE AT ALL. It's just these tend to be most common in PTSD patients. THE DOCTOR Oh no your patient is going insane what now? GET THE PSYCH IDIOT OR THE CMO, IF YOU AREN'T SCHOOLED IN HANDLING MENTALLY UNSTABLE PATIENTS, DON'T! If they're being dangerous sedate them, if they're being dangerous to themselves sedate them, don't just stand around looking at them while they beat themselves, you're a doctor for gods sakes help! FINISHING NOTES And that's a burrito wrap kids, remember this isn't something you HAVE to follow, it's here just to spice things up if you ran out of things to do after being cloned. Also consider this a WIP, if you want to add something say so in the comments bellow, don't forget to like, favorite, subscribe, follow me on facebook,retweet on twitter, heart me on tumblr, circle me on google+, find my cragslist app and have fun. ALSO props to Aboshehab for giving me the idea of expanding this D6 system. Quote
SierraKomodo Posted January 6, 2017 Posted January 6, 2017 No don't clone that man, he's flagged as hostile to crew by security and without their permission you aren't allowed to clone them. Fun fact: Technically, only the CMO or captain can order a DNC. Security doesn't have the authority, not even the HoS. Quote
Coalf Posted January 6, 2017 Author Posted January 6, 2017 No don't clone that man, he's flagged as hostile to crew by security and without their permission you aren't allowed to clone them. Fun fact: Technically, only the CMO or captain can order a DNC. Security doesn't have the authority, not even the HoS. True, but from a logical perspective cloning someone who went full postal in bar is really dumb. Quote
Fire and Glory Posted January 6, 2017 Posted January 6, 2017 GET THE PSYCH IDIOT OR THE CMO, IF YOU AREN'T SCHOOLED IN HANDLING MENTALLY UNSTABLE PATIENTS, DON'T! pls no my cmo isn't actually qualified for that just get the psych Quote
SierraKomodo Posted January 6, 2017 Posted January 6, 2017 No don't clone that man, he's flagged as hostile to crew by security and without their permission you aren't allowed to clone them. Fun fact: Technically, only the CMO or captain can order a DNC. Security doesn't have the authority, not even the HoS. True, but from a logical perspective cloning someone who went full postal in bar is really dumb. Perhaps, but then you get into the fun area of 'Well refusing to clone someone is condemning them to death. Thats an execution'. It also just isn't an IC thing. Security validing you because you're an antag, then demanding you be permanently removed (I.e., not cloned) afterwards is on par with an antag killing someone and throwing their body into space so they can't be cloned, It's a dick move. Quote
Fire and Glory Posted January 6, 2017 Posted January 6, 2017 It's a dick move. I'd argue cloning the antag just to put them into perma is even more of a dick move, and it'd be fairly likely for security to hit them with that before they can get their shit and get out. The antagonist analogue being the antag putting you into a cell they made while their antag buddies stand guard forever, not really paying attention to you. Quote
Guest Marlon Phoenix Posted January 7, 2017 Posted January 7, 2017 If the antagonist didn't commit a crime worthy of capital punishment then it is good form to clone them. Being executed wipes your crimes clean and post-cloning if you're an asshole again then you can be dealt with. I've had nuclear operatives just sort of give up and meander around without causing that much trouble after being cloned. Another time a wizard was being wizzy, ended up dying from an infection, and after being cloned they ran around doing the same thing again and was finally left in the morgue slab. A lot of times an antagonist is not cloned because people think they were annoying, but it usually creates a better roleplay if the antagonist is cloned if they did not commit a crime that really is worthy of being killed over. Quote
Dreviore Posted January 14, 2017 Posted January 14, 2017 See I've always had a character that undergoes a lot of aggression after cloning and was added on a DNC, occasionally someone will slip up and get to deal with me throwing shit at them. Another character I'm working on will get scanned, die and come back from a database scan, then proceed to thank the doctor for scanning him. Cloning for this character isn't traumatic, it's just a fresh start from exactly where he was when he was scanned. Going so far as to doing exactly what he did after getting scanned. Quote
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