Kazkin Posted January 21, 2017 Posted January 21, 2017 CKey: Kazkin Banning Moderator: House of Synth Reason for ban: Repeated poor antag play as well as multiple counts of ganks and lack of involvement of crew. Ban Length: One week Round ID: bME-bmWy (Round after) That specific round House of Synth took an active issue with my method of dealing with the AI specifically. Through out the beginning of my round as wizard I took all teleport spells and spent most of the early game teleporting around and annoying security/crew. I slowly escalated what I was doing to annoy people starting with just trespassing and then moving to stealing items, flashing people, and at what point using help intent baton taser. The crew started actively helping hunt me down with security, calling out my location over the radio. I then proceeded to give myself all access and help myself to the captains equipment. At which point despite taking no lethal actions yet security unloaded the armory and decided I had to die. At which point I played evasion and kept hidden, making pills and causing problems. Later into the round a new AI joined, Katana Alpha, who immediately ignored my orders as fake captain (which is fair as I didn't make myself captain by title) and then started bolting doors and reporting my position. In addition she opened doors to let security get to me. Knowing that Katana would force me to entirely rely on teleporting and that security resorted to lethals I decided to deal with her. I stole an AI law board and built a rogue access point. I uploaded laws to ensure she did nothing except what I explicitly told her to do, thus rendering her completely useless to everyone. In addition I ordered her turrets set to lethal and her core to be bolted down and to kill anyone that attempts to change her laws or enter her core. With that obstacle delt with I moved to start making my demands but was winded by Synth who had kept asking if I had time to talk, which I replied no to every time. He claimed that rendering Katana useless was ganking despite the fact that I did not murder her, something that would have been more decisive. Security was informed I compromised her and opted to not deal with her in their current hunting for me. I evaded them at every turn before making my demands for a million credits, however before they could tell me no crew transfer happened. I admin helped to sabotaged the engines as I viewed this as them refusing my demands and Garnacus told me no. I sabotaged the escape doors (which did literally nothing) then Synth decided I deserved a ban because I failed to kill absolutely no one and rendered a particular troublesome AI useless. His reasoning of "multiple counts of ganks" is completely mute, I didn't kill anyone, the only person I did anything serious too was Katana, who actively was getting in my way. As for lack of involvement of crew I had the /entire/ crew searching and calling out my location. I also have the logs to prove this. Synth also stated he handed this ban out for my past accusations of ganks, which considering is entirely unrelated to the current situation is ad hominem.. He has no idea what happened from my previous disciplinary actions and assumed guilt because of it. I also feel his personal friendship with Sierrakomodo, the player who played Katana, affected his decision as no other staff voiced issue with my choices.
Muncorn Posted January 21, 2017 Posted January 21, 2017 So, I wasn't in the round, nor am I going to bother going through logs. But from what I can see here this is just a case of some fairly bad antag play that didn't take into account others enjoyment. You should've had the AI do something for you rather than be forced to sit uselessly, and teleporting around annoying people doesn't do anything to incite RP. However, how any of that's worthy of a gank is anyones guess. I'll have to wait for Synthy to put his reply in here, but for now my verdict stands on an unban.
Chada1 Posted January 21, 2017 Posted January 21, 2017 I was in the round as my Android, NT-A 486, and witnessed the entire event. I wasn't exactly having fun with it, either. I will agree, it doesn't make sense to be a charge of gank, but there might be something House of Synth can allude to, that we don't know about. Continuing on, let me give my point of view and opinions. First, you need to recognise and remember, you did NOT do this immediately. Quote I uploaded laws to ensure she did nothing except what I explicitly told her to do, you added the 'Follow my orders' laws at about 1 hour and 30 minutes in, after subverting Sierra at like 50 minutes in. The lawset you had uploaded previously to Katana prevented them from doing Anything but observe. You specifically made sure that was IN the lawset. This complaint wouldn't even be semi-valid if you had just subverted them instead of removing them from the round in every way, shape, and form. The entire lawset was overly designed just to prevent them from taking ANY action whatsoever, even if that action is in your favor. Like you just didn't want them to play at all. Quote Everyones just assuming i'm AFK now, I can't do anything. ^As Sierra literally said in OOC.^ I'm convinced the 'Real' reason people figured out that Katana was subverted was just the accidental breach of character while trying to use binary, there's no other way for people to learn with the lawset you used. It's not that you took an action against them, that's 100% acceptable. The problem was that you went out of your way to prevent them from even playing. If you don't see the problem with that, well, I can't really explain it anymore past this. If you hadn't gone back and changed the laws after Sierra accidentally typo'd 'I can't do anything' in different words over common, you would have done the equivalent of murdering an Engineer for blocking a door after they yelled for Security, and then chopping off their head so they can't be cloned, but for an AI instead of a Crewmember. Being DEAD is more inclusive than what you did. Hell, being a disabled 'borg with an empty battery in Malf is more inclusive than that. At least then you can PDA people. Take it as you may, up until that point, I didn't see anything 'Wrong' with your gameplay, the gimmick was silly, but it was alright and inclusive. TLDR: Dude, what were you thinking with that initial Lawset? It got better after you edited it to allow orders and PDA messaging to you, but MY GOD.
SierraKomodo Posted January 21, 2017 Posted January 21, 2017 Right, as the AI, I'm going to say a few things here regarding the round. The only doors I bolted were my AI core, because I was ordered to by command staff. I specifically told security I would not bother making any attempts to hinder movements by bolting doors because you could teleport, so I wouldn't have bolted anything on you anyway. Yes, I did open doors to let security in to you /while you were in the captain's office and teleporter/ because you were in a high security area, stealing things, you had the captain's sidearm and spare ID. Because I late joined, I didn't know security had you at shoot with lethals on sight, and I had even specifically told them several times you appeared non hostile as I observed you running past crew without any incident many times. ' I uploaded laws to ensure she did nothing except what I explicitly told her to do, thus rendering her completely useless to everyone.' <-- This is a lie. Your original law, that lasted for nearly 45 minutes, stated this: 'Under no circumstances are you to speak, act, order, or modify anything. You are to remain completely silent and observe only. No radio, no communication attempts in any form.'. Even if you gave me an order with that law, I wouldn't be able to do anything. You /finally/ added another law saying I can communicate with you via PDA and to obey you after being spoken to by modmins. Crew transfer got called, and you immediately ordered me to make the engine explode. I OOCly told you to get an admins permission or I couldn't do it, you ignored that and /continued/ to demand I sabotage the engine. That's the point where I just wipe-core'd because the round was ending anyway. Whether you murdered me or not is relevant. You forcibly removed me from the round with that law. I technically shouldn't have even communicated with NT-A over binary with that law because of how it's worded, but fuck if I'm going to be 100% uselessly silent while I wait for the law issue to get sorted by you and the mods. I honestly would have just wipe-core'd then and there if not for NT-A. Also what makes you think I have a personal friendship with house_of_synth? I know him about as well as I know you, aside from the fact we're both staff in different areas.
Kazkin Posted January 21, 2017 Author Posted January 21, 2017 What I did as admittedly a shitty action but was still by no means gank. In the future I'll make sure to word the law differently, a better course of action would have been to add a law stating you are not to ever mention my location or bolt any doors in rooms I'm in. That would have removed you as a obstacle without rendering you useless by lawset or outright murder. I didn't subvert you in the usual way because having the AI on my side would have literally done nothing for me. I was delayed in added susequent laws because House of Synth teleported me once and winded me another time while I was editing the laws, I have the logs to prove this as well. Lastly I asked admin permission to blow the engine, which was denied, I made no other request after your initial ooc question for admin approval, I can *also* prove this with the logs.
Chada1 Posted January 22, 2017 Posted January 22, 2017 Kazkin said: What I did as admittedly a shitty action but was still by no means gank. In the future I'll make sure to word the law differently, a better course of action would have been to add a law stating you are not to ever mention my location or bolt any doors in rooms I'm in. ^ This puts me at ease completely and was my only real complaint, so i'm in support of an unban since you see why this was a terrible thing to do, now. I will say it was less that Sierra was useless and more that they arguably couldn't even play the game, though. "Take no direct actions to aid the Exodus Crew or against Exodus intruders. Do not state Laws beyond 1-4." would have been fine, too, and got the same result, since then they can at least tamper around, talk, etc. You could then argue it wouldn't override the first 3 laws, it wouldn't, but the default reply to a conflict is inaction, so it gets the same result.
Alberyk Posted February 5, 2017 Posted February 5, 2017 This ban has already expired, the appeal will be marked as resolved due to such.
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