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[Accepted]Sleepy's Moderator Application

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Posted (edited)

Server Moderator Application


Basic Information

Byond Account: Sleepy Wolf

Preferred means of contact: Discord, Steam,

Age: 18

Character Name(s): Imps Cackling In A Bottle (Cargo) - R.E.R. (Surgeon) - Xilonen (Gardener) - Castille ISE (Cargo) - Reverie (Detective) - 01 (Miner) - Ka'Akaix'Ghoz Zo'ra (Roboticist) - Ka'Akaix'Airl K'lax (Chemist) - Ka'Viax'Vag Zo'ra (Engineer) - Tucker Alps (Hillbilly) - Magnolia Greene (Barkeep) - Caleb Quinn (HoS) - Ka'Akaix'Zah Zo'ra (Station Engineer) - Flaming Hearts Love Stars (Atmos/Phoron researcher) - N-KED (Sec Officer) - Chicomecoatl Y Dos Flores (Gardener mom) - KILLROY (EMT) - Ka'Akaix'Tik Zo'ra (Scientist) - Jose Kaldar (Engineer) - Elephant (Sec Officer) - Forgotten Glimpse of a Starless Night Gone Forever In The Void (????) Ka'Akaix'Aaaa K'lax (Xenobotanist) -

AI Name(s): Akino, Asimo, Burke, CHAP!,

Timezone: EST

When are you on Aurora?: Mostly afternoons-nights-mornings. Sparatically.


How long have you played SS13?: Four years

How long have you played on Aurora: Three years

How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: All of it :sunglasses: :ok_hand:

Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: Yes, previous trial time here - viewtopic.php?f=31&t=4238

Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: Two end of round grief's in 2015, one antag ban when I didn't know atmospherics well at the end of 2016, and without ahelping


Why do you play SS13?: To play a dumb game with a ton of great people.

Why do you play on Aurora?: To play with the dumb people in this great game

What do moderators do?: Help players, solve problems, defuse situations, and be tools for admins.

What does it mean to be a moderator for our community?: Be a Role Model, and help guide people into the community.

Why do you want to be a moderator?: I'd love to help out!

What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: Socialism. Seize the work force.

How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: I'm very chill about everything, and only really get blow-up-y if everyone knows it's something funny.

Anything Else You Want to Add:

I often try and leave things IC, unless I get ahelped by someone or I feel like it doesn't have any benefits in the round.

Also Jenn told me to do this.

Edited by Guest

Moderator interview, posted with Sleepy's permission: http://pastebin.com/dc4HtUKh


House_Of_Synth - Today at 1:00 AM

Okay! Shall we begin?

sleepy wolf - Today at 1:00 AM


House_Of_Synth - Today at 1:05 AM

Alright, so the questions are in a "What would you do in this scenario" format. You're able to ask for any information you want about the situation. You may also 'use' any powers you would have as a moderator in these scenarios. Feel free to ask if you're unsure of what powers you have and such. Remember, we do these interviews to test and observe how you work in various situations that are likely to happen on the server if you were to actually be moderating, so it's best to give it your all! So with all that said.. Let us move onto the first question then shall we?

sleepy wolf - Today at 1:05 AM

You got it

House_Of_Synth - Today at 1:06 AM

A new player joins with the character name "Vladimir Putin", a bald 30 year old assistant. You do a quick age check and find out that their account is 2 days old. What do you do?

sleepy wolf - Today at 1:08 AM

PM them, tell them about the rule regarding names, and encourage them to find a new name and read the rules page completely,

then I'd ask an admin to change their name


House_Of_Synth - Today at 1:10 AM

And what would you do if they ignored your PMs, and continued to just walk around.

sleepy wolf - Today at 1:11 AM

Personally, I'd kick them and then see if they log back on - unless they have something in their warnings. I doubt they would if they're a two day old account

If they have warnings I'd ban them for three days

House_Of_Synth - Today at 1:12 AM

Alright, next question.

You receive an adminhelp from a player. The adminhelp is not very clear, and just states that they were permabrigged for no reason. How would you respond?

sleepy wolf - Today at 1:14 AM

Is anyone in security an antag?

House_Of_Synth - Today at 1:14 AM


sleepy wolf - Today at 1:17 AM

I ask them if they've done anything that could put them there, and who put them in the brig - also, it would be super situational, if there were blobs and such and the warden tossed them in quickly to get guns to others

I'd also ask them to take it up IC'ly with someone in command

House_Of_Synth - Today at 1:19 AM

There were no events around the time of the Ahelp. You ask what they did and they state they were just walking to their apartment when the officer came up to them and made the arrest.

sleepy wolf - Today at 1:19 AM

I PM the officer and ask them why they permabrigged the person

House_Of_Synth - Today at 1:20 AM

The officer states the HoS ordered them to permabrig the crewmember. The HoS didn't give much information to accompany the arrest.

sleepy wolf - Today at 1:21 AM

I say thank you and PM the HoS, asking why they ordered it

House_Of_Synth - Today at 1:23 AM

You can't seem to find the HoS, another moderator chips in and states they went to cryo a few minutes before the Ahelp was recieved. However, a captain is on-shift.

sleepy wolf - Today at 1:27 AM

I'd ask for help from other staff now

if there's been metagrudges between the two, and on what to do

House_Of_Synth - Today at 1:28 AM

Another staff member recommends asking the captain if they heard the order the HoS gave. There are no known metagrudges between the officer and the brigged player.

sleepy wolf - Today at 1:30 AM

I PM the captain and ask if they heard any orders from the HoS

and reasonings

House_Of_Synth - Today at 1:32 AM

It turns out the HoS ordered the brigged player be arrested due to trespassing across the bar, and to be sentanced accordingly. This fact is true. Another conversation was also going on in the security channel about permabrigging, but was not related to the brigged player.

sleepy wolf - Today at 1:34 AM

I PM the officer that put them in the brig to remember their mistake, because it would put someone not involved out of the round completely

House_Of_Synth - Today at 1:35 AM

Alright, next question.

You and another staffmember are frequently online at the same time on deadhour. Nobody else is usually online on this time. You start to notice they have a habit of spawning weapons for themselves at round start, antagonist and not, as well as frequently reviving themselves and even winding people during combat to gain an advantage. What would you do?

sleepy wolf - Today at 1:40 AM

that's horrible. I'd PM Skull, or Garn. I'd probably also put together a staff complaint and include logs

House_Of_Synth - Today at 1:40 AM

Okay, good. Next question. It's a round of mercenary. You suddenly recieve an ahelp from one of the mercs. Upon jumping over to them you notice that the Quartermaster (A regular on the server that you consider a friend) has armed themselves as best they can through ordered crates and materials. 2 of the mercs are dead, one is in crit bleeding out and the other (the one that sent the Ahelp) is still in combat, but is pretty close to going down. What do you do?

sleepy wolf - Today at 1:45 AM

I look at the QM's warnings and see if this has happened before

House_Of_Synth - Today at 1:46 AM

You check their warnings. There's nothing there apart from a note stating that they had showed minor powergaming behaviour a year ago.

sleepy wolf - Today at 1:47 AM

How far into the round are we, is there security, and have the mercs blown up the armoury or made themselves known as a death-machine?

House_Of_Synth - Today at 1:49 AM

There had been reports of them shooting a scientist non-lethally and stealing a few items from science. Namely the research levels. The round is just over an hour in.

sleepy wolf - Today at 1:51 AM

How did the QM get weapons to kill the mercs?


wait, I read it wrong

I got it

House_Of_Synth - Today at 1:51 AM

No problem.

sleepy wolf - Today at 1:52 AM

Did the quartermaster take the mercs on all by himself, with no help or a trap or anything elaborate?

House_Of_Synth - Today at 1:54 AM

By himself yes. They entered cargo through the mainenance. He had already armed himself before they entered. Upon seeing them he engaged in combat.

sleepy wolf - Today at 1:55 AM

I PM the QM, question why he did that

House_Of_Synth - Today at 1:57 AM

He responds saying he armed up when he heard about them just incase they came to cargo, which he said he needed to defend due to it's ability to order crates.

sleepy wolf - Today at 2:03 AM

The mercs haven't killed anyone at all, so I'd probably reprimand them like a mom, 'Killing all the mercs ruins the round for the mercs, and for the people they'd roleplay with later. As a civilian, you shouldn't seek out murder.'

I'd add a warning on as well, to the QM

'Killed four mercs as a QM, ordered weapons on something that hadn't escalated to that level yet'

House_Of_Synth - Today at 2:05 AM

Right, anything else you want to add regarding that scenario or are you ready to move on to the next question?

sleepy wolf - Today at 2:06 AM

moving on is alright with me

House_Of_Synth - Today at 2:06 AM

Aye aye, next question

You're in the lobby working on a new character, it's deadhour and no other staff are on the server. Suddenly you get a burst of attack logs from two people. From what you can tell from the attack logs they were firing at eachother with lethals. Both are security.. You know one of them as a regular security player but do not recognise the Ckey/character name of the second one. What would you do?

sleepy wolf - Today at 2:10 AM

is it an antag round?

House_Of_Synth - Today at 2:10 AM

Neither of the officers are an antag, the gamemode is extended.

sleepy wolf - Today at 2:11 AM

I observe and look at where they are, and what's around them

I also look at how old the Ckey I don't know is

House_Of_Synth - Today at 2:13 AM

They're fighting in the starboard primary hallways. The player you don't know's account is a few months old.

sleepy wolf - Today at 2:16 AM

I let them fight and then PM them both asking what was going on

after the fighting stops, or they run away from each other

House_Of_Synth - Today at 2:20 AM

The regular-playing officer states they had shot the other officer with a taser, to arrest them for excessive force. They explain that the officer (The one you don't recognise) had beaten down a scientist with his baton on harm intent earlier in the shift.(edited)

sleepy wolf - Today at 2:31 AM

I PM both players and see if they see this as an acceptable escalation

House_Of_Synth - Today at 2:37 AM

The regular says they find it to be poor, stating they had only fired taser shots at the other officer, before the other officer fired back with taser shots initially, but pulled out their Mk58 and started firing back with that. The officer whose ckey you do not recognise believes the escalation to be satisfactory.

sleepy wolf - Today at 2:40 AM

I PM the second Ckey and say that it wasn't proper escalation, and warn him to take slower steps with more roleplay

House_Of_Synth - Today at 2:40 AM

Anything else you want to add?

sleepy wolf - Today at 2:40 AM

I add a warning about improper escalation

House_Of_Synth - Today at 2:42 AM

Alright. How do you think people perceive you as a player at the present time?

sleepy wolf - Today at 2:43 AM

like a mom that wants to be cool and tries very hard, and as a good roleplayer

House_Of_Synth - Today at 2:43 AM

Anything else?

sleepy wolf - Today at 2:43 AM

the Perfect Mod Canidate

House_Of_Synth - Today at 2:45 AM

Right-o, if you were to be accepted and pass your trial, would you be interested in any forum duties? Such as player complaints, character complaints etc.

sleepy wolf - Today at 2:46 AM

not exactly


House_Of_Synth - Today at 2:47 AM

Aye aye. Well..That's everything! Would you like your interview posted on your moderator app or would you like it only to be shown to the staff who will decide whether you receive a trial or not.

sleepy wolf - Today at 2:48 AM

I'm okay with it being on my application

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