Superiorform Posted February 12, 2017 Posted February 12, 2017 Server Moderator Application Basic Information Byond Account: Superiorform Character Name(s): Jake Lawrenson, Alex Walker, Jack Humblin, Daniel Tilton. Pacificatron (secborg), Needles (medborg) AI Name(s): Auntie Marian Preferred means of contact: Discord, Forum PMs if needed. Age: 15 (I sound like I’m 10 here but… 16 in 3 months.) Timezone: GMT+0 When are you on Aurora?: At least four hours on weekends, weekdays, after 5PM, up to 2AM, normally 1-4 hours. Experience How long have you played SS13?: 7 months… I think? Maybe 8. How long have you played on Aurora: See above. How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: I am very knowledgeable on science, combat, medical, and cargo, the like. I have absolutely zero experience in engineering, but aside from that, I am quite competent. Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: None at all. Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: No bans. Two warning; one very minor, one quite severe. Personality Why do you play SS13?: Hum. This is a hard one. At first, I wasn't really sure why, but upon more thought, I think that it offers a really good platform for role-playing. The radio and top down view, coupled with the complex mechanics really allow you to get a view of what is going on, and to chat to other characters, as someone who is working on a space station. It almost feels like day-to-day life for the characters. Why do you play on Aurora?: It offers the best role-play of any server. It does not restrict antagonists, which I believe to provide the bulk of the fun, and has a good staff team that resolves disputes quickly, and in the vast majority of cases, soundly. What do moderators do?: They resolve more minor problems, and communicate with the players to get to the bottom of any problem. They communicate with the administrators for advice and judgement on anything that could have a large effect, and hand out punishments with their permission. What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: To take up the responsibility that comes with their powers, and to assist in making the server run smoothly. Why do you want to be a moderator?: Simply, I just want to help out. From what I have seen, the staff team on Aurora does a great job, and I want to contribute in this. I play a lot on this server, and I wish to give something back. EDIT: Upon further thought, TheGreatJorge helped me think on why I really want to be a mod. Yes, I do want to give back, but I also think that it would be fun. I want to be part of the team, I think I would enjoy solving disputes, it's what I do a lot in my daily life. I think I would be really proud to be part of the team, and to have this heightened status. What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: I actually think I possess many of the qualities needed. For starters, I will show why I believe myself to possess two of the qualities Skull mentions in the thread “Trial Moderator Criteria”: Communication: I am part of a debating team, and reached the national semi finals in a public speaking competition. I pride myself on my eloquence and ability to communicate, and actually enjoy debating. Following on from that, I can remain courteous, and I believe I have demonstrated this well in OOC. There was an instance where I was accused of being a bad antag, and some horrible words and names were thrown my way. I did not respond in kind, rather, I called them out on their rudeness, and asked them why they believed I was terrible. I calmly gave my counterpoints and explanations, and not once did I insult anyone. Good Judgement: I always err on the side of caution when taking strong actions, and I believe I have demonstrated this in my play as an antagonist and as security. I try to make sure I don’t shut down the round or role-play to fast. I believe this would translate well to me being a moderator. I would not be handing out bans for minor things, or without contacting and informing an administrator. When dealing with someone else’s fun, I would always make sure I do the right thing, and this involves me asking for help. Also, I always try not to get too attached to things in a 2d spessman game. I would definitely stand back and immediately inform someone else if I am part of an issue. How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: As I outlined above, very well. Seriously, a stranger calling me names in 2d spessman is more likely to amuse me than hurt me. Again, as I outlined above, not once have I got angry or responded to personal insults in kind. I would, however, admit to this: while I don’t get angry in response to insults, I can get a bit invested, and make sure I argue my case, and I can get a tad frustrated when I feel as if I am not getting my point across, if that makes sense. I suppose this stems from my love of debating. Anything Else You Want to Add: As Skull said, I was originally going to show off all of my achievements and stuff here, but it seems I already covered them. Instead, I shall say that I believe I am quite well known on Aurora, and I have been getting compliments. Chada1 has said some lovely things about me, and I have received a ton of compliments on my antag play. Oh, and to end on a negative, but I should definitely mention it: There has been an isolated instance of me getting a tad salty when I was an antag, and I believed myself to have been killed without fun. I tried to role-play it out, wasn’t being very hostile, and I get batoned to death by Jester Stamos. I still think that was very, very wrong, and shut down all the good RP. EDIT: I remembered another instance where I was a bit salty. I was a traitor, and was teamed up with two other traitors. We had the AI and borgs subverted. The traitors and security borgs were holed up at departures, tactical armour, advances energy guns, and experimental SMGs. ERT attacked us without role-play, resulting in all hostages dead, and all traitors dead. I ahelped, and complained in OOC saying why I thought it was wrong, no action was taken. I still believe the ERT to have been in the wrong.
UnknownMurder Posted February 13, 2017 Posted February 13, 2017 No one responded? OH WELL, I shall respond. Superiorform is that kind of a person who will help you on the OOC side but keeps his character maintained on the IC side. I do remember the malfunction round that Superiorform reminded me to not just kill him off once he had found me in Research Outpost once I had trapped him by LOOCing me to "Please RP". I knew I was killing him slightly without RP, this one was on me, because he had found me, so I had roleplayed being tired of him and allowing him to leave and eventually die while trying to escape my rampant AI. This tells me that Superiorform values roleplay as much as I do when it comes to cases like this. I believe he has the capability to consider roleplay as a valued treasure as a moderator while keeping the OOC rules enforced.
TrickingTrapster Posted February 15, 2017 Posted February 15, 2017 Here is superiorform's interview. Superiorform - Today at 12:15 AM Heyo! Tricking Trapster - Today at 12:15 AM Test. Ah, there we go. Now, I will be holding an interview with you, about being a moderator. Superiorform - Today at 12:16 AM So, does that mean my application was approved, and this is the next stage? Tricking Trapster - Today at 12:17 AM How this works is, I will ask questions, which describe situations with you as a moderator, and what you would do in those situations. Superiorform - Today at 12:17 AM Got it. Tricking Trapster - Today at 12:17 AM Not entirely approved, but definitely considered. Superiorform - Today at 12:17 AM I'm glad to hear. Ready whenever. Tricking Trapster - Today at 12:18 AM Should you have any questions, be it regarding things a mod can't or can't do, or more details regarding the situation described, feel free to ask. Superiorform - Today at 12:18 AM Got it. Can I just have something noted, please? I am normally the type to ask questions whenevr I feel out of my depth, so, whilst I obviously can't do that here, I would be asking a ton of questions if I was made trial, or a mod in full. Tricking Trapster - Today at 12:19 AM Alright then, first question. A bald, 30 year old assistant with the name "Gabe Newell" joins on the server. The records show their account is a day old. What do you do? Oh, you can ask questions regarding the interview too. Superiorform - Today at 12:20 AM I would send them a PM, greeting them, saying that I notice they are new, and ask them whether they have read the rules in full, especially regarding the character naming rules. I would then ghost after them a bit, becuase I think it is safe to assume that those that come in with a reference name are probably new, or used to low RP. Tricking Trapster - Today at 12:22 AM Alright so, they ignore your PMs, grab a welder, and walk to a welding tank. What do you do? Superiorform - Today at 12:23 AM I would hastily PM them again, asking why they are going for a welder and tank. If they appear to begin to set up a welderbomb, or anything of he sort I would wind them, and wait for an answer. Should none be given, I would ask for advice from an admin. Tricking Trapster - Today at 12:24 AM Very well. Next question. A player ahelps saying they have been brigged for no reason. What do you do? Superiorform - Today at 12:24 AM I would ask them for further information on the problem, and take a check through the logs to verify what they have said. Information such as officer involved. And if they have any inkling whatsoever as t why they were brigged. Tricking Trapster - Today at 12:25 AM What you find is, an officer arrested them on valid grounds, for a medium offense. The warden, however, did not print any time and stuck them in the brig instead. What do you do? Superiorform - Today at 12:28 AM I would tell the player that I am handling the issue, and to wait for an IC solution, it won't be long. I would PM the warden, greeting him, infornming him of his mistake, and tell him tht such actions can have negative effects on other people's rounds. I would then ask him to ICly go to the brigged player, and set his timer, adjusted for time spent already, and perhaps RP a justification for his mistake. Question: Are notes and warnings the same thing? Notes are things that only staf can see, right, whereas warnings are official things that the player can see? Tricking Trapster - Today at 12:29 AM Yes, warnings are things players will see when they log in, notes are for staff only. Superiorform - Today at 12:30 AM Alright, I would put a note on the warden's profile mentioning that he forgot to set a timer, so that action can be taken if this becomes a recurring issue. Tricking Trapster - Today at 12:32 AM Alright then. Next question. You are minding your own business, working on things in the title screen. Suddenly, a whole bunch of attack logs appear, of the same two players attacking eachother. They seem to be fighting in an empty holodeck, with lethal weapons. What do you do? Superiorform - Today at 12:33 AM I would work to see if there is a legitimate reason for two people to be fighting with lethals. Are any of the players antagonists? Tricking Trapster - Today at 12:33 AM Neither of them are. The round is extended. Superiorform - Today at 12:35 AM Then this could be a serious problem. Rarely should two non-antags be killing each other. Because none of them are antags, I need to make sure this was properly played out before anything too bad happens, so I would wind and PM them both, apologising for interrupting their games, and explaining that I just need to know why they are trying to kill each other, and what actions were taken leading up to it. Tricking Trapster - Today at 12:37 AM When messaging with them you learn that their characters had an IC grudge, RPed out over several rounds and culminating in a deadly duel this round. Their reasoning seems sound and they are both fine with it. What do you do? Superiorform - Today at 12:37 AM Am I able to check logs? Tricking Trapster - Today at 12:38 AM You can see attack logs. Not previous round logs though, that is admin territory. Superiorform - Today at 12:41 AM I request help from an admin, asking them to check logs, and make a judgement on whether the RP was appropriate, or if they were just itching for a fight. If most of the staff believes the RP was appropriate, I would inform the players that these actions are canon, and serious bussiness, before unwinding them. If the RP was deemed insuffecient for a fight to the death, then I would probably inform them as such, and that it would only be acceptable for lethal duels to take place with more RP in the current round. Again, I would ask for judgement from the rest of the staff, because I am not 100% sure, but I can see that situation ending with warnings for both players. Tricking Trapster - Today at 12:44 AM Alright then. Next question. A player ahelps about a player, a friend of yours, that you know well, but never had to deal with as a moderator, is powergaming. When you jump to them you see that they, as a quartermaster, have gotten the most lethal weapons they could order and is fighting the merc team, 6v1 and winning. 4 of the team are dead, one is dying and the last one sent the ahelp. What do you do? Superiorform - Today at 12:47 AM Well, if it was a friend of mine, I would probably ask for someone else to handle it. I do, however, suspect that for interview purposes, this is not the answer you'd want. First of all, to stop ay further damages before I find out if the conflict is valid, I would wind all involved. (I feel as if I' using that tool a lot.). I would ask all of the mercs for any information they have on the matter, and check this against any logs I have. I would greet the PM, explain the problem, and ask him why he has ordered all of the lethal weapons and engaged the mercs. Oh, and I would inform the ahelping player that I am handling it. Tricking Trapster - Today at 12:49 AM Right. When messaging with him, you find he assumed he could fight the mercs using the rule that says they can take any chance to overthrow the antags. Even though they were fighting in the escape hallway. What do you do? Superiorform - Today at 12:52 AM I would say that I understand his reasoning, but that he may have misinterpreted the rule slightly. I would direct him to the "Mary Sue" and "Avoid Pain" rules. Would his quartermaster really engage 6 highly trained mercenaries, especially those who are on the other side of the station from cargo? I would ask if he has a good reason for this. All while this is going on, I have three players winded, so I need to move fast. If the quartermaster does not respond quickly, I would assume he ha weak reasons, and reset the 6 mercs and the quartermaster to how it was. Oh, and apologise to everyone involved. Tricking Trapster - Today at 12:53 AM Alright. Heads up, mods cannot rejuve, only admins can. Superiorform - Today at 12:54 AM Oh, of course. I would ping an admin for help then. As this is quite a complex case, more opinions on the matter couldn't hurt either. Really, for all issues that are complicated, I would be asking for outside input. Tricking Trapster - Today at 12:54 AM You are always able to consult other staff via msay or discord. Anyway, next question. You see an ahelp that gets claimed by an admin, which handles it in a way you think is wrong. What do you do? Superiorform - Today at 12:56 AM I wouldn't interfere with what he is doing while it is happening, but I would PM the admin via discord, I suppose there is no need for the rest of the staff to see one of us getting embarassed. I would explain why I thought his actions to be wrong, and ask for further reasoning. If we are unable to come to a conclusion, I would then bring it to msay, and ask for the opinions of the whole team. Tricking Trapster - Today at 12:57 AM Alright then. One final question. If you could change one thing about the server, what would it be? Superiorform - Today at 12:58 AM Communitywise, mechanics wise? Like is this me having infinite power, even able to influence how the community reacts to things? Or is it just stuff that I can realistically change? Tricking Trapster - Today at 12:58 AM No, anything. From the admin team to the playerbase to the mechanics to the lore. Superiorform - Today at 1:02 AM I think, and this is probably quite controversial, but I reckon this community should be more forgiving to antags , in multiple ways. First of all, the way i see it, sometimes it needs to be recognised that fun > winning and valids. A few times, antags have been really shut down, and subseqently, the fun shut down by people just wanting to win, even if the combat or kill was valid. Some of the best rounds I've seen, security officers, after seeing that they sorta ended the round by getting the antag early, deliberately blundered, and often, the antag responds in kind and doesn't go about murdering wehn there isn't a real need. I have a good example of this between me and UnknownMurder. Secondly, there is the Goddamnit Tricking Trapster - Today at 1:03 AM Haha, that answer works as well. Superiorform - Today at 1:03 AM I have two more paragraphs on the topic Lol Tricking Trapster - Today at 1:04 AM But, the question was, one thing. That first paragraph is enough of an answer. Do you mind this being posted on your app? Superiorform - Today at 1:05 AM Oh, I meant multiple ways in which we should be more forgiving, I was gonna talk about OOC flaming and insults. And, no, I wouldn't mind at all for this to be posted.
ariever Posted February 16, 2017 Posted February 16, 2017 This guy's pretty good, very mature. Explained how to play Xenobio in an easy-to-follow way and was helpful and friendly. He's got my vote c:
Shadow Posted February 19, 2017 Posted February 19, 2017 Denied due to the fact that we have enough mods and trials at the moment. Applicant is free to apply again once recruitment is open again.
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