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[Denied] Application for Head of Staff - Someone1989

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BYOND key:Someone1989

Character names:Abel West; Cid Cahir

How long have you been playing on Aurora?: Not long at all. I believe two sessions give, or take.

Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: I wish to not have any barriers for when I feel comfortable playing a higher role in a given department.

Why did you come to Aurora?: I used to play on Purlek, and later Sshado's, server which at first took place on the NSS Exodus, and later the NSS Phoenix. I started playing again just recently, and I wanted to join a server that encouraged RP so I went with Aurora.

Have you read the BS12 wiki on the head roles you plan on playing?: I have read them before, and I recently went back over the wiki for security.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each.

Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: Roleplaying should be about taking on the guise of another person just as the name implies. Whenever I am asked to explain roleplaying to someone I explain it like this: Roleplaying is acting. Roleplaying is specifically improv acting in that you do not have a set script. Imagine a story that someone else has prepared, and that you do not know. They tell you a few details so that you make a character for the story, and then you act out that character's interactions with the world within that story. Roleplay should be about telling a story from all perspectives of everyone involved: How they feel about one another, how they feel about the world's politics, their lives up until the point of the story, and what defines them as a person.

What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: Out of character the head of staff should understand that their purpose is to make sure that their department does not disrupt the flow of the game by teaching the members of their department how to properly "do their job" IC. A head of staff needs to be prepared to reprimand someone whose character has broken regulations within the station, and also to teach that person the proper method of doing their work. Heads of staff should actively encourage RP, and teach the newer players within their departments what NOT to do when it comes to RP. I would say that they should also teach newer members how to RP, but only in a very broad sense. There is no real way to RP incorrectly so long as you understand the concept of acting as a different character with separate feelings, thoughts, and memories. For this reason I am hesitant to tell anyone they should "teach" someone else "how to RP".

What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?:A whitellisted player should understand that they are setting the bar for other players on how to behave within their departments, and within the lore of the game. They are also there to help with the mechanics of the game which honestly have a bit of a learning curve. Someone may come in with years of roleplaying experience, and not understand how to use their department headset, or speak ooc, etc. White listed players should be prepared to help new players with this, and to set an example of what is expected IC if even just by having decent flavour text.

Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions.

Character name: Abel West

Character age:19

Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs):

Abel was born on New Gibson to Adell, and Marc West. From a young age Abel was always known for being adventurous, and having a penchant for sarcasm, and wordplay; a "smart mouth" as his father would call it. While his sometimes abrasive, aloof personality never won him any favors he was noted first by his teachers, and later his supervisors when he was old enough to work as being a reliable worker who showed creativity when dealing with his work. Unfortunately his restlessness also frequently had him skipping around between jobs, and Abel boast a history of manufacturing, retail, and security on his resume. Unofficially he can also boast some light gang activity; although when asked he tends to shrug it off as just "kids trying to be tougher than they are." He understands the basics of tinkering with less complex machinery as well as how to maneuver during hand-to-hand, but never really went on record for anything. He enjoys wearing a ragged pirate bandanna to remind him of those late nights running out, and feeling truly free from the reality of his situation.

Abel will tell most people that he trusts Nanotrasen if directly questioned, but in truth he hates corporations, and he hates that he has to be a part of one. Abel is also more likely to ignore minor violations of basic ethics such as employees slacking off, or stealing petty objects since he feels that Nanotrasen is such a large entity that it doesn't affect them, and for him it's the closest he'll ever get to actually harming them in anyway.

What do you like about this character?: I play Abel whenever I feel like having light responsibility, and being a bit crude. His independent personality really appeals to me, and I actually loosely based him off of a rogue I played during a pathfinder campaign. Although besides being a reliable smart ass Abel is a different person altogether. I feel like Abel is someone who understands how to "play the game", and has much more potential than he allows himself to use, but is too young to really have any interest in doing anything other than sating his curiosity of the world.

What do you dislike about this character?: Abel is very creative, and reliable, but he's also very aloof. Whenever there is need of someone to step up he's more likely to quietly smoke in the background, and I try to stay true to that. OOC sometimes it's kind of painful to see someone else cause problems though, and know that your character would rather just stay out of things.

What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?: Cid Cahir is the player I would use as a warden. When I made him for Purlek's server he was an ex-military man who worked in supply among the outskirts of Sol helping to make sure that everyone received a fair ration of basic necessities while also trying to keep dissent down. Instead he ended up inadvertently causing a riot by providing an extra ration to a family of 3, and went on to to join the NSS Exodus. There he was known for being one of the more reasonable security officers (honestly that server saw its fair share of bad security, and I was known OOC for being one of the better ones) by always attempting to talk through a situation as opposed to immediately going for the stun baton(though I won't deny making mistakes initially). His experience in conflict resolution, combat, and his good-nature earned him trust among the crew. He has been cited for heroic action in successfully evacuating the station amidst a bomb threat including prisoners, and for once foiling an attack on the head of security by hurling a flash bang through a window.


Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions.

How would you rate your own roleplaying?: Like I tend to tell anyone who asks me this for tabletop sessions: The quality of character I make is affected by how much of your setting you give me. I think that I am able to make characters that feel "real", and experience emotions well; however, this is a bit harder to do through text so I sometimes feel a bit limited on SS13. Overall I'd call myself a decent roleplayer in that I can be reasonably relied on not to purposely be antagonistic, and to remain consistent to a character, and the setting that they're playing in.

Extra notes:


As I said - I read the baystation wiki when I played on Purlek's server, and I briefly glanced over the list of how to play sec to get a feel for the game. If there's something I missed then I apologize, and thank you for your time.

As I said - I read the baystation wiki when I played on Purlek's server, and I briefly glanced over the list of how to play sec to get a feel for the game. If there's something I missed then I apologize, and thank you for your time.

The minimum age for heads of staff positions is 30 (with captain being 35), your character is way too young.

What specific head of staff is your character planned to be? Your paragraph about them is very general and nonspecific.

I would also strongly recommend playing a lot more as well as becoming more well-known to the community before applying.


I understand that you're saying this specific character isn't qualified. I agree, but I was actually just asking for clearance for future characters, and never intended to use Abel as a head of staff in any capacity. Thank you for your advice, and your time.

I understand that you're saying this specific character isn't qualified. I agree, but I was actually just asking for clearance for future characters, and never intended to use Abel as a head of staff in any capacity. Thank you for your advice, and your time.

As far as I'm aware, the character you talk about in your app should be one that is intended to be a head of staff.

You don't actually have to play the character, but you have to show understanding in what makes a realistic head of staff.

Would it be possible for you to write up a heads character, if only to use for this app?


Head of Staff whitelists require community support to be approved. That is, being known in the community so people leave their opinions on this app. Play for a couple months, apply then.

Also, as you were already told, your character doesn't meet the requirements for a head position. Go to OUR wiki, not Bay's, and have a read at our lore. You are expected to know about NT's lore, and specially employment qualifications, which you haven't read, it seems.

My personal advise is that you withdraw the application, play for a bit, get known for your RP abilities, and then apply again with a well developed character, that meets the requirements, and that you intend to use as a Head of Staff.

Head of Staff whitelists require community support to be approved. That is, being known in the community so people leave their opinions on this app. Play for a couple months, apply then.

Also, as you were already told, your character doesn't meet the requirements for a head position. Go to OUR wiki, not Bay's, and have a read at our lore. You are expected to know about NT's lore, and specially employment qualifications, which you haven't read, it seems.

My personal advise is that you withdraw the application, play for a bit, get known for your RP abilities, and then apply again with a well developed character, that meets the requirements, and that you intend to use as a Head of Staff.


Will do. Thank you for the advice.

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