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[Denied] Server Moderator Application - ParadoxSpace

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Server Moderator Application


Basic Information

Byond Account: ParadoxSpace

Character Name(s):

AI Name(s): None in-so-far

Preferred means of contact: Discord

Age: 18

Timezone: MST

When are you on Aurora?: From about like, 4 to about 10


How long have you played SS13?: Since August 2014

How long have you played on Aurora: Since 2015 technically, but really started mid-2016

How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: Plenty, been playing on Bay since 2014, and I'm pretty adept at the unique stuff Aurora has.

Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: Nothing significant.

Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: On here, I haven't. I have one ban that I can remember on Baystation, I believe really early 2015, for d/cing post-arrest.


Why do you play SS13?: One, because it's one of the few games that runs really well on this laptop. Two, because I've had an intense passion for it, I can't seem to shake it and I love most every round I play.

Why do you play on Aurora?: The server atmosphere appeals to me, as an HRP server it's already a plus, but somewhere where I can have some chill-ass, quality civilian action.

What do moderators do?: Moderators, in my opinion, do most of the more bureaucratic stuff for admins. While admins do most of the mechanical stuff, moderators are there for the backstage stuff; gather the information, fill in notes, etcetera.

What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: A dual-role likely consisting of mentor-level stuff like 'how do I nuke, how do I engine', and behind-the-scenes work staffside.

Why do you want to be a moderator?: I want to fuel my passion into this server in a constructive way. Devving is hard as I can neither easily fork Aurora.3 or search it (perhaps sometime later). But I consider myself a knowledgeable person, and someone who is generally patient with other people, so I believe moderation is right for me.

What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: Patience, game experience, and an overall good grasp over my emotions when in a role such as this.

How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: Pretty well, I fully believe I can easily keep my cool in this role.

Anything Else You Want to Add: Nothing I can think of right now.


Paradoxspace's interview:



Alberyk - Hoje às 01:45


In your own words; what is the goal of the aurora server? What do you think we are looking to provide with the server?

ParadoxSpace - Hoje às 01:49


imo aurora's trying to provide a more uh

indepth roleplay experience, with people acting more realistically (some of the time). like. it seems like there's far more in-universe tie-ins on aurora, like all the lore articles, the CCIAA and their effect on your character actually being in a workplace. that's pretty much what i view aurorastation's niche as, like how Polaris is trying to offer a super relaxed roleplay experience, bay with totally-not-ARMA, etc

all the rules were crafted to provide for that niche, and there's a lot of discussions on how to continue it, like the thread on ic progression of jobs

Alberyk - Hoje às 01:51

With what you said; what is heavy roleplay? And what is considered roleplay in general?

ParadoxSpace - Hoje às 01:53

heavy roleplay is more enforced is the main difference. on low RP, you can pretty much just do whatever fitting into the overall theme of 'we're sociopaths involved with something called a nanotrasen, but it doesn't really matter.'

but HRP it's enforced that you have to be a believable character with goals and interests that tie into this thing we call the lore

and on roleplay in general i always like to describe it as multi-player storytelling

whether it's furthering your own character's tale through IC events, or telling a round's story (like see rev rounds and the drama involved)

aurora offers the unique experience of having your actual characters have a hand in the lore (like i saw that Phoebe Essel is mentioned in the vaurca lore)

we're all here to have a player-crafted experience, and that's how i'd define roleplay besides the obvious of 'playing a role, being a person that's a medical doctor, etc'

Alberyk - Hoje às 01:56

Right, as you said; "people acting more realistically" and "it's enforced that you have to be a believable character", do you think there is a difference between realistically and believable, and which one should be enforced if so?

ParadoxSpace - Hoje às 02:00

well, there's sort of a difference

sure it's realistic for a doctor to stab a merc to death, it's physically possible

but believable is the doctor not stabbing the merc to death for a number of factors, least of which being a space hippocratic oath that i'm sure exists somewhere

if you wanted me to pick between enforcing the two i'd choose believable

one, because it's less arguable. as above, 'it's realistic it could happen, why ban me for doing that'

and two, because it kinda fits into the 'hrp' category better

we should be trying our best to do what's believable, to do what's in our job description and overall character (4'5 people shouldn't be trying to fight 7 foot tall unathi) outside of things like ooc conveniences (maint tech pls set up the engine so we can have a round) and emergencies (miner pls shoot the insurgent cultists with your kinetic accelerator)

believability generally just has the actual frame of the station, lore, your character, in mind as opposed to realistic

Alberyk - Hoje às 02:03

Going from the premise we are supposed to have believable characters; what are your thoughts on a rule, either written or unwritten, that a character should not be doing things that could potentially get them fired?

ParadoxSpace - Hoje às 02:08

i think that sort of thing should be handled ICly, and we have enough framework for it (re: CCIAA, sec, heads of staff)

but if the character is known for doing this a lot, some rule of that nature would be alright imo like

Alberyk - Hoje às 02:09

So, would you allow self-antagonist action if it fits within the framework of the character?

ParadoxSpace - Hoje às 02:10

not to a major degree like

say the character kills someone.

if they were being attacked with lethal force, that's okay.

if they had a shit-load of buildup into doing this to the other person and ahelped beforehand, i'd be generalyl alright with that tbh

but shit like bar fights, jaywalking, and petty theft, i don't think OOC action should be taken on that sort of thing

Alberyk - Hoje às 02:11

Alright, where exactly we should draw the line when this kind of thing can go too far?

ParadoxSpace - Hoje às 02:14

well, the rules already draws the line pretty well at

the character has to be like super motivated to do this sort of thing the more 'intense' it is. but you wouldn't just randomly gun a man down or blow up your workplace

and it has to be developed via roleplay

Alberyk - Hoje às 02:15

Alrigh, so, escalation is needed?

ParadoxSpace - Hoje às 02:15

escalation is definitely needed for more violent actions that come at the expense of someone else

i don't think petty theft and the like needs escalation

Alberyk - Hoje às 02:16


Moving into other subject; What are your thoughts on the server and community present state?

ParadoxSpace - Hoje às 02:18

i really like the server and community right now! the staffing team seems to be really stable (one of the most stable i've seen out of HRP servers) and the community is really having a lot of fun lately

it's sort of a shame that people like Lord Fowl that contributed a lot leave, but that's about the worst i've seen outside of y'know

petty forum squabbles

Alberyk - Hoje às 02:19

What do you think is the most urgent issue, community management/rules wise, that ought to be looked at?

ParadoxSpace - Hoje às 02:19

i think there should be an encouragement for players to ahelp their issues or post them somewhere like

i hear a lot of private salt about things and i wish they'd just

actually post them in complaints/to admins so that they can be taken care of

that's about as urgent as it gets for me

Alberyk - Hoje às 02:20

Why do you think people do not ahelp or bring it to the forums?

ParadoxSpace - Hoje às 02:21

mostly because they believe nothing will come out of it i'd say

i don't exactly have the broadest image of the issue but that's what i've gathered so far

Alberyk - Hoje às 02:22

How can this be changed?

ParadoxSpace - Hoje às 02:24

well take for instance my complaint against uwasv back in the day

that was mostly spurred from some weird hatred for the character and a big misunderstanding of said character

i wanted so badly for the character to be utterly destroyed by jackboot, for elohi to be forced to make a new one

but looking back on it, it was foolish. i couldn't really expect admins to give me what i wanted, because that was selfish

it wouldn't be fair to the other guy

infact me and elohi are pretty good friends now that i have an understanding

to fix it really i'd just encourage players to make complaints anyway

even if the other guy doesn't get sent to the gulag, in most cases something beneficial does come out of them, and it's mostly a misconception that complaints are totally futile

Alberyk - Hoje às 02:25

Alright, if you could change something in the staff/rules/how things works, what would it be?

ParadoxSpace - Hoje às 02:31

a radical opinion but i'd see about the occasional rotation of staff

bring in some fresh faces, cut stagnation

it seems like aside from the occasional passed mod-app or the rare promotion, a lot of people have been in the same position for awhile

and from what i've seen on other servers that doesn't lead to good stuff

Alberyk - Hoje às 02:32

Alright, I see.

Are you fine with me posting this interview in your application?

ParadoxSpace - Hoje às 02:32

oh go ahead fam

Alberyk - Hoje às 02:32

That is all then, thank you.


  • 2 months later...

Hello, it's come to our attention that you are now part of Bays staff team, and that disqualifies you from any prospective staff postings on this server. I'm going to lock and archive this.

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