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[Declined] AWPen Vaurca loredev application

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Ckey/BYOND Username: AWPenheimer

Position Being Applied For Vaurca loredev

Past Experiences/Knowledge: Have managed races on the past on previous servers, done a lot of fantasy writing.

Do you play Vaurca extensively? Why? As per the last application I don't but perhaps my appointment may make them a lot nicer and enjoyable to play.

If you were chosen for Lore Developer, what would your plans be for Vaurca?

As I said before, the Vaurca are new and considered very low and basic forms of life. I want to maintain that outlook to any exterior races but a lot more is going on underneath.

I want to have a massive event based on the disease I have mentioned before, that takes over mental functions and delinks them from the hivemind, turning them into zombie like forms.


At some point I also want a minor war to start between Humans and Vaurca, arising from the tensions on the Biesal slums and the attempted Human involvement to get them to obey Human laws. it results in skirmishes inside the slums and strikebacks from the Vaurca. Eventually when the disease ramps up the Vaurca are forced to flee in massive numbers which the Humans mistake for an attack, slaughtering many innocent bound and unbound workers etc. Protests begin to happen not only by Humans but other races (if appointed I'd have to talk to other loredevs)

Would you embark on major or minor rewrites of Vaurca lore? If yes, why is your rewrite worth it?

As stated above there is some major rewrites I'd like to do, it doesn't so much change a bunch but it does add on to existing lore. I'd also go through and find out what people want to remain from Chevs lore. If needed I'll trim it down or fix it to the players liking from here. Overall I want the tone of Vaurac to be depression and struggle but because majority are mindless bound they don't actually know their own blight which causes other races to fight for them. I want more interesting interaction from the races to come in from this part.

I'll expand heavily on soldier types, I'll do some short stories and such about the life of a soldier, why they are formed in certain ways etc. Perhaps getting a defined military in (of sorts) if people want it.

Overall I want more species interaction even for the mindless bound. I'll fix/add/remove any of Chevs stuff that people don't want. I also want to expand heavily on the existing lore to create more backstory to base interesting characters off. Overall I want the mood of Vaurca to be a struggling people that may change depending on how the players want it to go. I want to emphasise that the Vaurca players will have a heavy say in how the story advances.

I hope I get chosen, I do want the best for this race, I want to make it interesting and a more played and playable race.


My plan to create max tension between the races and Vaurca, to the point that the Vaurca call for a 'Warfleet' that begins to terrorise the outer rim.


So, going to start by saying activity, your activity on the server is a bit lacking and I'm generally not fond of staff that pump out content without seeing how things are in the game where people use it. Second, while not a deal breaker, you don't have a Vaurca whitelist.

Onto the application itself. For me, I find the best lore to me is written in a way which leaves the reader to be able to think of theories and process the lore, finding neat hidden stuff and assuming others. Based on your language in your post, you seem to want the readers to think in a certain ways, and I'm not very fond of this.

An example.

to the point that the Vaurca call for a 'Warfleet' that begins to terrorise the outer rim.


While this feels like one of the weakest examples, but from what I know the Lii'dra weren't there to just terrorize the Frontier, with Vaurca being pragmatic and practical with what they do. It's like you're trying to force people to think in a certain way of their actions.

I'm also not entirely fond with this idea of a Warfleet either, or the concept of a "minor war". Going on the trope of conflict in everything is something I heavily feel would saturate the lore. While not everything has to be utopian, not everything have to be so grim and dystopian as well. A lot of this screams war, war and WAR.


I'll start of with activity, I know I haven't been active on the server but when given nothing to do it becomes boring and stale. I've played thousands of hours of SS13 and it normally becomes the same old same old.

While I also do not have a whitelist for Vaurca, Killhurtz did not have a Diona whitelist when he was appointed, so I do not see the problem.

These are just ideas I'm throwing out there, the players of Vaurca have a choice of what they want to see and if needed I will leave some open ended things that will allow players to question and make up interesting characters and ideas from this.

Also, the theme of 'War' I want to purposely be the forefront of everyone's mind. The Vaurca are extremely unknown and no one truly knows what their home planets are like or how many they actually number. They left their home planet because of the cataclysmic event that left it uninhabitable and its entirely feasible that they want to claim lands through war to live on, considering the way they've been treated by all species alike.

I am aware you may be concerned about activity, I can't see how Vaurca players are playing, but knowing how they currently play is pointless when I plan to remove almost all of Chevs lore completely changing the play style anyway. Then I can become active and observe how players play.

Guest Marlon Phoenix

If you show a solid understanding of the race and a clear creative vision you do not explicitly need a whitelist - but you still have to apply for one either way.

I'm going to echo Sharp and my past questions on your application:

Why do you feel zombie Vaurca benefit the players? Why does all of the violence create a stronger narrative for them and the server?


Hey there,Diggey here!

I've applied for a Vaurca whitelist on day one I was playing on the Server and I have been playing mostly Vaurca ever since,I love the buggos and it is really a struggle to find fellow Vaurca to play with,the race isn't entirely saturated in my timezone and the most i have had was 3 Vaurca at the same time

As such I am of course slightly afraid about any lore changes that might make Vaurca less desirable to apply for

such as a glaxyspanning war where half the station will kick you when you are down

I already rely on charity because they don't actually pay me enough to afford a k'oisbar and I truly fear what impacts this rough lore could have on the community outlook on bugboys

I do however look on expanding the lore on the Bound,as I prefer bound,do with warriors as you please they do not interest me

The bound are always just a mere footnote in the lore wikipage and I really don't know how to behave at times,this has even lead to a CCIA interview (which luckily went well)

So yeah

this is a players 2 cents on the issue


I understand your concerns! The whole idea of this is to create pity for the Vaurca on station. Yes some will hate them because of what happens and if it comes to the entire station hating them I can adjust lore accordingly. Overall I want people to feel sorry for them, like they are going through a lot I want people to feel sympathy, especially IPCs and Tajara who have had similar struggles.


It's all down to personal opinion and everyone back storys! If someone has had family killed perhaps then they may be a lot more racist towards them, I'm open to incorporate every Vaurcas ideas and play styles.

Guest Marlon Phoenix

Thank your for your application, I do appreciate it. I retained my concern for how... Dark these proposals were, and I was not able to get over my reservations. I appreciate your interest but another applicant was chosen.

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