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[Accepted] DasFox Alien Whitelist Application - Vaurca

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BYOND Key: DasFox

Character Names: Inalla Njarir, Zahra Njarir, Malika Markov, Kismet Al-Kandari, Izzat Njarir, Rebecca Hunt, Henry Ray

Species you are applying to play: Vaurca

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Red (Unbound Zo'ra)

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race: They're an interesting race. I really like RPing with the people who play them, and I'd like to play them myself.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Vaurca require phoron to breathe, they start with a tank of phoron. They must eat Kois bars in order to not go hungry. In terms of more interactive RP, they are not paid as much as regular crew and don’t have bank accounts and most live on Biesel in horrific conditions.


Character Name: Za'Akaix'Ryn Zo'ra

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Ryn has worked security for the Zo’ra hive for the majority of his life, aboard the Titan Prime. He moved to District Nine as part of a security team designed to protect and ensure that the illegal Kois pits were not discovered. His first interaction with NT came about when he was re-assigned to security for the relay tower that allowed NT to listen in on their telepathic communication.

He was set to be part of the evacuation of Titan Prime in January 2458, but instead was sent to help the security forces aboard the NSS Aurora, a decision he wasn’t too happy with, for him, working with those who have treated his species so terribly, was not something he particularly wanted to be doing. But he decided he would make the most of it, and see what this bright and loud place had to offer him.

What do you like about this character? His backstory is simple for a first Vaurca character, it allows me a lot of room to really get the full grasp on how playing and roleplaying a Vaurca works. There’s no higher goal set out for Ryn, he just wants to get things done without taking too much flak from those who tend to look down on him, especially in a security position where his job has to be taken very seriously.

How would you rate your role-playing ability? Above average, probably around 6-7/10. This character with his simple backstory allows me to expand that ability by giving me time and space to roleplay as the Vaurca.

Edited by Guest

Presumably Ta'Akaix'Vaur'skiyet'sca Zo'ra, as they were the head of the Ship Navigation on Titan Prime.

I planned to make them more of a talker, and because of the Broodmother's way of making things, I believe it more prudent to use that brood than any of the others. Not simply because the Broodmother is the Queen of the Zo'ra within the Tau Ceti space, but because it most matches the way I'd prefer to handle things (Because I'm an unrobust piece of shit.).


YAY MORE BUG FRIENDS! I haven't had much interaction with your other characters, but I know you are serious about learning more about Vaurca. We even talked a bit yesterday about their mechanics and lore. I'm super excited. Pluzz one vrom Zed and Kee.


+1 Because more buggoz iz required.

Playing Vaurca is, well, I tend to complain a lot, because I just tend to be like that, but they really are fun to play. I’ve talked with your characters and your pretty good at the arpee so i think you’d make a fine bug-man, uh, girl.

No real critique really.

Couple bits of advice. Keep checking in on the lore pages, bygone is working hard on fleshing them out.

Make your starting loadout contain a lunchbox with k’ois waffles and fried k’ois so you dont die ten minutes into your first shift.

Keep your internals on.

K’ois heals a tiny bit of brute. (Though that might be changed?) And uh, remember that vhoron iz your vriend.

(Half asleep, tl;dr = +1)


I know her surgeon chatacter. I have acted as her retainer once as a traitor and spent a round wandering around with her as Fideal. She's good at RP and can definitely do alien characters well. +1 from me.


A excellent application, upon reviewing your characters there's little doubt in your ability to roleplay and I much understand your desire to develop a character on station. In light of this, could you provide a bit more backstory for Ryn to fit with the suggested paragraph amount? Let me give you some examples.


Ryn has worked security for the Zo’ra hive for the majority of his life, aboard the Titan Prime. He was set to be part of the evacuation of Titan Prime in January 2458, but instead was sent to help the security forces aboard the NSS Aurora, a decision he wasn’t too happy with, for him, working with those who have treated his species so terribly, was not something he particularly wanted to be doing. But he decided he would make the most of it, and see what this bright and loud place had to offer him.



I like that you picked up on that Vaurca are each their own person as much as they are a hive, expressing displeasure at a decision made by another is a way to drive this. As a Za, what exactly do you think Ryn was assigned to do on Titan Prime? Does he live in District Nine? These are two examples that can give deeper insight into the core of the character.

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