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Staff Meeting - 10/29/2017 - Minutes/Public Discussion


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We had a meeting on this date to discuss a few issues. Below is a list of staff that attended, the issues we discussed, and our resolution for these issues.

Staff that attended

















The issues we discussed

Our resolutions.

1. It was foretold in the scrolls of old that once upon a time we as a staff team agreed that a thirty minute respawn timer was too long. Due to quantum fluctuations and one of our previous headmins turning out to be a changeling the knowledge of this agreement was.... obfuscated! We have thus agreed to abide by the agreement and lower the respawn timer to 20 minutes and see how that affects things!

2. Antagonist tokens where discussed. We are keen on adding them as another tool in our toolbox. They will be given to antags who lose their antag status due to a server crash. Likely only one per person and the selection of antagonists they will be able to become will also be limited. Finer specifics need to be worked out by the rest of the admin team.

3. We are pretty much all in agreement here. Non-civillian departments are not permitted any disabilities that could seriously affect their job. No crippled EMTs, no mute security officers and no blind engineers. You can always ask for specifics or ask a staff member if X would be ok but please keep in mind nanotrasen is really not going to give a fuck about whatever ethical issues you might have over getting a prosthetic limb or organ. This goes doubly so if you are a head of staff.

4. This is a large issue and its a conversation we will constantly be having. We feel we have two issues here. One is that mixed secret is resulting in too many rounds with too much shit hitting the fan. This makes it very difficult to get meaningful character progression or much roleplay at all beyond "omg everything is broken". The second issue is one we have always had. We as a staff team tend to be very ban-light. We are incredibly unwilling to drop heavy bans or even permanent plans on players that quite frankly do deserve it. Lately we have gotten incredibly lax on this with more than a few examples cropping up in msay and the staff discord of "why did you note this guy when he has 7 notes on things like this and 2 temp bans". Names are not going to be named and this is not being said to start a witch hunt. Understand that we are recognizing this as an issue and we need to be more willing to remove players that cannot follow the rules.

5. On paper mixed secret has been a huge success. It is voted in almost exclusively during prime time. The large amount of antags in these modes gives a lot more players the chance to play as an antagonist. These modes however almost always end in a code red situation in which the station is filled with holes and the walls are plastered with the crews blood. This is all well and good but when these rounds become the norm we feel it shifts the server too far to the action side of things. We are a heavy roleplay server and during these rounds it is incredibly difficult to get any kind of meaningful character progression beyond " i died horribly ". Therefore we are merging mixed secret into the old secret game mode and adjusting the round weights accordingly. Tweaks will be made if they are needed during this test phase with the ultimate goal being a balance between the more chill "secret" game modes and the action filled "mixed secret" game modes.

6. The suggestion made here https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=9188 was given serious consideration during the meeting. After much deliberation we mostly have to echo a large portion of the criticisms in that thread. While the idea has merit we do not feel comfortable giving heads of staff unlimited ability to add notes to other players. Even if the note is given in error it puts the player at an immediate disadvantage. We would IC trust the word and judgement of a head of staff over other crew. Compromises to this would mostly defeat the intent of the suggestion in its original form. Allowing players to remove notes themselves would defeat the point of this entirely. We already have a problem with players removing security records that should remain canon. According to the server rules all conflict remains canon unless ALL parties agree to de-canonize it. We cannot effectively moderate what we do not know about however. The one compromise most of us where able to see merit in is giving this power to IAA only. Heads of staff would have to go through IAA to add a note to an employee. IAA are trained to be neutral and unbiased and perform fair investigations. I personally think it is more trouble than its worth. I do not personally support any incarnation of the idea.

7. This last one is just something we need to be aware of collectively as staff. Going afk for extended periods of time or going SSD as a limited or single slot roles is not permitted. We have had to crack down on this of late. Allowances are definitely made for players that have internet issues or power issues but if it becomes a consistent problem then you need to start considering that before you join. We can and will take administrative action to players that consistently afk/ssd without cryoing.


3. We are pretty much all in agreement here. Non-civillian departments are not permitted any disabilities that could seriously affect their job. No crippled EMTs, no mute security officers and no blind engineers. You can always ask for specifics or ask a staff member if X would be ok but please keep in mind nanotrasen is really not going to give a fuck about whatever ethical issues you might have over getting a prosthetic limb or organ. This goes doubly so if you are a head of staff.


Does this also include alien races not suited for certain jobs, i.e. a Dionaea Security Officer or EMT? Being a Dionaea is, essentially, crippling, but where is the line drawn for this one? Would be okay for a Dionaea to be a Warden or Forensic Tech or Detective, a less run-to-the-scene job? And what about security cadet in order to reach Detective status or train under a Warden?

What about an Emergency Technician? Technically a medical doctor, that job requires speed as well to stabilize a severely hurt patient and even if, mechanically, a Dionaea could do it, roleplay-wise they probably shouldn't.


4. This is a large issue and its a conversation we will constantly be having. We feel we have two issues here. One is that mixed secret is resulting in too many rounds with too much shit hitting the fan. This makes it very difficult to get meaningful character progression or much roleplay at all beyond "omg everything is broken". The second issue is one we have always had. We as a staff team tend to be very ban-light. We are incredibly unwilling to drop heavy bans or even permanent plans on players that quite frankly do deserve it. Lately we have gotten incredibly lax on this with more than a few examples cropping up in msay and the staff discord of "why did you note this guy when he has 7 notes on things like this and 2 temp bans". Names are not going to be named and this is not being said to start a witch hunt. Understand that we are recognizing this as an issue and we need to be more willing to remove players that cannot follow the rules.


What do you plan on doing to address the issue of being 'ban-light', exactly? What constitutes as a particular situation that staff should be more lax with enforcing and what situations you should be cracking down harder on?

It's already difficult to pinpoint what a particular player or person 'deserves' as part of their consequences for their own actions because no one person is the sole arbitrator of good and bad behavior, especially considering the dodgy nature of an RP-focused server and individuals of various backgrounds and methods of communicating with one another in their fashions. What's going to change to ensure making these calls are easier for staff to make? Would you like community members to participate in some manner to help stave off toxicity, perhaps with some added benefit for said players to be proactive in reporting problematic behavior? This is spitballing one idea and I'm aware of the potential consequences with that but it's not worth clogging up the thread, the major idea just being that if ideas are still needed to bring to the table to make this easier for staff to handle issues.


4. This is a large issue and its a conversation we will constantly be having. We feel we have two issues here. One is that mixed secret is resulting in too many rounds with too much shit hitting the fan. This makes it very difficult to get meaningful character progression or much roleplay at all beyond "omg everything is broken". The second issue is one we have always had. We as a staff team tend to be very ban-light. We are incredibly unwilling to drop heavy bans or even permanent plans on players that quite frankly do deserve it. Lately we have gotten incredibly lax on this with more than a few examples cropping up in msay and the staff discord of "why did you note this guy when he has 7 notes on things like this and 2 temp bans". Names are not going to be named and this is not being said to start a witch hunt. Understand that we are recognizing this as an issue and we need to be more willing to remove players that cannot follow the rules.


What do you plan on doing to address the issue of being 'ban-light', exactly? What constitutes as a particular situation that staff should be more lax with enforcing and what situations you should be cracking down harder on?

It's already difficult to pinpoint what a particular player or person 'deserves' as part of their consequences for their own actions because no one person is the sole arbitrator of good and bad behavior, especially considering the dodgy nature of an RP-focused server and individuals of various backgrounds and methods of communicating with one another in their fashions. What's going to change to ensure making these calls are easier for staff to make? Would you like community members to participate in some manner to help stave off toxicity, perhaps with some added benefit for said players to be proactive in reporting problematic behavior? This is spitballing one idea and I'm aware of the potential consequences with that but it's not worth clogging up the thread, the major idea just being that if ideas are still needed to bring to the table to make this easier for staff to handle issues.


We are talking about players who receive warning after warning for the same type of behavior again and again. We need to be more willing to ban them. Recognizing the problem exists and being more aware of a players history is all we need to do.


3. We are pretty much all in agreement here. Non-civillian departments are not permitted any disabilities that could seriously affect their job. No crippled EMTs, no mute security officers and no blind engineers. You can always ask for specifics or ask a staff member if X would be ok but please keep in mind nanotrasen is really not going to give a fuck about whatever ethical issues you might have over getting a prosthetic limb or organ. This goes doubly so if you are a head of staff.


Does this also include alien races not suited for certain jobs, i.e. a Dionaea Security Officer or EMT? Being a Dionaea is, essentially, crippling, but where is the line drawn for this one? Would be okay for a Dionaea to be a Warden or Forensic Tech or Detective, a less run-to-the-scene job? And what about security cadet in order to reach Detective status or train under a Warden?

What about an Emergency Technician? Technically a medical doctor, that job requires speed as well to stabilize a severely hurt patient and even if, mechanically, a Dionaea could do it, roleplay-wise they probably shouldn't.


We only ban races from jobs if the relevant lore developer wants them banned.

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