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[denied]Sleepy's Command Whitelist App

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BYOND key: Sleepy Wolf

Character names:


How long have you been playing on Aurora?: A long while, since it was first made sorta?

Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: A LOT of my characters are command already, and I REALLY want to play them. Toronto, Flaming Hearts, Karnaikai, and Szu are all of my primary characters, with established narratives and items.

Why did you come to Aurora?: lol who knows, I came back because of the community, my friends here, and all of the stories I can make.

Have you read the Aurora wiki on the head roles and qualifications you plan on playing?: yes

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each.

Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: Roleplay is fabricating a story for the characters you create, and having them interact with other people in amazing ways. Your character fits into the narrative seamlessly, if you're a good roleplayer, while also still having three dimensional qualities - and likely goals.

What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: I feel it can be both antagonizing your staff below you to drive a story a bit, or pushing them to work their best. Heads of staff don't have to be amazingly charismatic people that work well with everyone and know everyones issues and how to solve social situations, sometimes they can just be there to drive a story - antagonize people with paperwork and orders, organizing them into groups but being too stubborn to change the groups when someone says 'I just don't like this guy', because they want them to 'Find a way to work together' - because that would be a better narrative! I have characters that are both ways, the 'Just work, you punks' and the 'Fuck, okay, I'll fix that with you guys by diagnosing the issue and fixing it slowly and diplomatically.'

What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: To be role models, sort of? Whitelisted players are usually the most recognizable characters since they're communicating to every member in the department, and have to communicate with other department heads as well. Whitelisted players should also keep their toxicity levels to a Minimum most of the time, uphold the standards of roleplay on the server, and realize that rules are meant to be followed, because if someone sees a whitelisted player break rules constantly they feel they can do the same.

Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions.

Character name: Toronto-88 (HEAD OF SECURITY)

Character age: fuck i don't know like 3 or something

Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs): Two years ago, Toronto-88, or The Bulldozer, was just an up and coming Bot-Boxer. He fought in Bot Fighting Pits for his boss's gain, plowing through enemy after enemy in the pits with his bulldozer-shaped hands. He was unstoppable, his agile but durable chassis allowing him to dodge slow Industrial chassis's hits, but his strong piston-powered gauntlets letting him gut carbon-fiber light chassis's. All Ring-Kings have their end though, because while Toronto was in an old factory in the outskirts of Pheonixport fighting for some easy cash against a rust-bucket, a Sol Marine shuttle landed outside - busting into the factory and taking all the bots to be scrapped or sold. After not being sold on the Sol occupied Centcomm, Toronto was shipped to the NSS Exodus to be sold there, or turned to scrap if nobody bought. Our courageous orange Bot here went above and beyond here - not only selling himself, but all of the other synthetics that came along with him to the Exodus.

Raymond Hawkins, his new owner and best friend, saw to making sure Toronto was safe during the Occupation, letting him stock himself in a cabinet in his garage. After the Occupation ended, Toronto sought to work alongside Hawkins, a Head of Security on the Exodus - He joined in as a security cadet, with no knowledge of security items, protocols, or regulations. After an arduous 5 days of Cadet training, and multiple accidents, Tau Ceti suddenly came out with a new regulation on Synthetic Command staff - allowing synthetic Heads of Security with a Nanotrasen-owned Shell. Spending a whole day bugging every single captain on the station for a Synthetic Command avowal, one relented - possibly seeking glory and respect for allowing the first ever Synthetic Head of Security in the system.

Toronto, quickly accepting thousands and thousands of credits in debt to purchase a Nanotrasen-created and approved Head of Security shell - with pre-installed regulation and protocol data - ignored the fact that he was now a slave to the Corporation, only valuing the fact that he could now follow in the footsteps of his new obsession, Raymond Hawkins - who must have surely appreciated the fact that Toronto's shell was an exact replica of him at the time.

What do you like about this character?: Fuck, he's horrible socially, but charismatically and as a leader he can delegate amazing shit. Also, ALL of his character building was made over the course of in character events that all happened on station, besides the 'Abducted by Sol' part. He WAS actually sold on the NSS Exodus in a round where I just randomly thought up the character for the event I was picked to be in. Toronto is so naive as well, and can sometimes be horribly synthetic at times.

What do you dislike about this character?: He's tiring as HELL to play, I usually only would do one round with him per day, and often he would be too accepting of shit. He's more often passive and happy to people, while also being physical and up-front, which can be really hard to pull off sometimes.

What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?: He's a side-lines leader most of the time, delegating people to different areas to patrol in groups that would work together. He usually tries to find a good pairing for people most of the time, partnering friends together. Toronto is EXTREMELY ambitious, and every round has his own little 'Remember kids, don't do drugs' moments, sometimes conducting drug-busts and stings on randomly selected individuals to drive forward a good narrative of his history, and making him seem a lot like a walking PR stunt at times, which I feel like Nanotrasen would do definitely.


Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions.

How would you rate your own roleplaying?: lol whats that

Extra notes: I am NOT good at writing, just good at storytelling. Excuse my excessive grammar mistakes and my horrible sentence structure because honestly??? I don't need that to roleplay, my sentences usually tell emotion and not Proper Etiquette.


If I am not wrong, you were just unbanned for breaking various rules consistently. Now don't get me wrong - I love you and your characters Sleepy, but perhaps just like myself, it would be good to wait a month before reapplying for your Head whitelist.


I had two warnings in 2017, one in 2018. I had one 3 day ban over a joke Diona name and then the perma over the accidental phoron grief because of mutated kois, the ban was mostly because of me doing it as staff, and the fact that I've been on the server for 4-ish years. ALSO, my ban wasn't about my command whitelist, or really about any of my command characters - all of my troublemakers are non-command.


NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO. I'VE SEEN HOW YOU'VE FUCKING PLAYED WITH BLOKE 2. YOUVE FUCKED AROUND, WITH NON COMMAND, AND HAVE DONE SOME CRAZY BULLSHIT. Sorry... Calming down now. Anyways, Based on my experience with you, I wouldn't trust you within 10 meters of getting a command whitelist. I honestly cannot TRUST you to not fuck around with all the things captain, RD, HOS, HOP, CE, and the CMO have access to. I can only -1 personally. Just... I have honestly not had the best experiences with your characters which aren't command.

As an Additional note,

How would you rate your own roleplaying?: lol whats that



If you're being serious about a head of staff whitelist, Don't do things like that


Bloke 2 was QUITE a while ago, and was an outlier in my characters. he was replaced with Tully 2 in terms of mechanics and people know Tully 2 doesn't greytide like Bloke. Also, my command characters act seriously, I DO have serious characters, Sonorous Zouzoror, my HOP Szu, almost all my command characters are serious or realistic and never break rules. I've stopped playing the bullshit characters that get me in trouble, like Bloke Two.

And with the note, I've been on the server for years so I kind of just imagined people would know a joke, since so many of my characters are high quality and fleshed out.

Another note: I have NEVER fucked around with my command characters before. I HAVE had this whitelist before and it was removed for non-whitelist related reasons. My command characters can sometimes joke around, but in a UNIQUE way, not a RULE BREAKING way.


We have decided this deny this whitelist application for now, because we believe it is too soon. Due to the fact you were just unbanned, we would rather wait a bit more to observe your behavior. I recommend you to try again in around one month, where we will have a better instance on your behavior.

Application dnied.

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