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[Accepted] DeadLantern's Vaurca Application

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Posted (edited)



Character Names:

Millhouse Ford, Clayton Wilhelm, Seaumus Skinner, Lazlo Vesely

Species you are applying to play:


What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt):

RGB: 51, 81, 21

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?:


Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race:

Most Alien species in any Sci-Fi medium tend to be... Unoriginal. They're typically an extension of some Earthen creature representing some old moral or political viewpoint. Most species on Aurora, and especially the Vaurca, are so very interesting. The appearance and gameplay may be similar to a terran insect, but their behavior is so interesting. Transcendence and VR, to questions of slavery and what it means to think. Simply being a Vaurca can cause so many interesting situations, and I can't sit here and not experience that.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

Playing as an unbound Vaurca, they will have a very different viewpoint on the world. They will have a slanted point of the world, and they will be new to this world. They can either be fresh out of VR or been in reality for a long time, but this work place will always be a strange experience to a 'normal' life they might expect in VR. Vaurca can have so many opinions on the outside world and their own world, it's hard to say how exactly they would be different. When roleplaying, however, you must know that this place is not normal and they will have a slanted view of the world.

Playing Bound is a different experience. Simply RPing them as synthetics is not completely correct, and it's very hard to understand how the bound might think because, simply, they don't think. They learn, but they don't understand. They obviously won't be well at communication but they will be good at doing their job. They are meant for one purpose and they are usually trained to do it that way. However, they won't acknowledge they know it. They probably won't speak to you, as well. They don't understand this knowledge, yet they can do it. That is what separates them from synthetic workers. You could have a semi-normal conversation with a bound machine, but not with a bound Vaurca worker. They will never be able to understand things that require sentience.

Character Name:

Ka'Viax'Likx Klax

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs


Unbound Warrior.

Repair electricity at building. K'dath. In. Warrior. Unbound. Greet.

APC. Screwdriver. Crowbar. Power cell. Screwdriver.






Queen Ta'Akaix'Zkaii'xay'yil K'lax.



Contract. Must be fulfilled. Me.


Not me.

Good worker.
















Nanotrasen walk.

Eyes look at Vaurca.

Hand them wrench.

Hand them wrench.

Hand me wrench.

Hand them wrench.

Point at Shield Capacitor.

Take apart.

Other steps up.

Throws wrench.

Other steps up.

Strikes Capacitor.

Shunned away by Nanotrasen.

Me. No.

Worker steps up.

Disassembles Capacitor.

Nanotrasen says to Assemble.

Worker must assemble.

Worker assembles.

Nanotrasen nods.

Last steps up.


Other steps up.

Drops wrench.

Looks at capacitor.

Does not know.



Nanotrasen shakes head.

Nanotrasen looks at worker, smile.


Nanotrasen looks at worker. Fix it.

Worker assembles Capacitor.

Nanotrasen shakes head.

Points at floor.

Worker looks at floor.




Nanotrasen. Fix floor.



Nanotrasen shakes his head,

Nanotrasen shrugs.

Nanotrasen looks at Worker.

Nanotrasen stands up.
















Hand Crowbar.

Refits metal.




Nanotrasen hands worker contract.


What do you like about this character?

There are traces of something intelligent. Something more than a worker built for one thing. Yet something is... Blocking him.

How would you rate your role-playing ability?



Edited by Guest
Posted (edited)

Since you did dare me to find a reason to -1...

The way you describe bound seems very off to me. They aren't 100% mindless machines, they're lobotomized and conditioned tools. It's possible to still have conversations with them, they still have certain quirks, and they might even have their own 'preferences', though usually for utilitarian or conditioned reasons. That understanding of the bound is odd.

Also that name triggers me, Vaurca only have one, reeeeeeeeeeee.

And I don't really know any of your characters that well...

so -1

or +1 that works too is a good roleplayer as far as i know

Edited by Guest

The backstory has nothing of sustenance. It's just the character's view on day to day activities- and Unbounds are not that simple. You write it as if they are bound. Unbound have feelings, conplex thoughts. They are a person. This more than likely will not do. What a backstory is, is sort of like a biography. You're supposed to talk about where they come from, what their old life was like, what made them decide to come to NanoTrasen and why, how they got their position, and what their hopes and dreams are.

I highly suggest you take a look through the accepted applications in the archives and see what got the others accepted- to see what the maintainers want to see in an applicant. After, you're more or less going to have to do an overhaul of the background story. So please take the time to do just a little more research and fix up your application for better consideration.

Edit: Your understanding of Bound is also pretty harsh like the user before me stated. Although they act cold and robotic, they aren't 100% that unnatural acting. Additionally, Vaurca exposed to reality, especially after having lived in it for so long, don't always have such a slanted veiw at first or after a while. Views change. But both of those topics are just personal opinion from how I know them. And it might do you good to look at the way they name individuals. Your naming goes against their lore.


The backstory has nothing of sustenance. It's just the character's view on day to day activities- and Unbounds are not that simple. You write it as if they are bound. Unbound have feelings, conplex thoughts. They are a person. This more than likely will not do. What a backstory is, is sort of like a biography. You're supposed to talk about where they come from, what their old life was like, what made them decide to come to NanoTrasen and why, how they got their position, and what their hopes and dreams are.

I highly suggest you take a look through the accepted applications in the archives and see what got the others accepted- to see what the maintainers want to see in an applicant. After, you're more or less going to have to do an overhaul of the background story. So please take the time to do just a little more research and fix up your application for better consideration.

Edit: Your understanding of Bound is also pretty harsh like the user before me stated. Although they act cold and robotic, they aren't 100% that unnatural acting. Additionally, Vaurca exposed to reality, especially after having lived in it for so long, don't always have such a slanted veiw at first or after a while. Views change. But both of those topics are just personal opinion from how I know them. And it might do you good to look at the way they name individuals. Your naming goes against their lore.


The character I am writing about is Bound. This is why, in his name, it is Viax and nto Axaix. I do know that the bound are not 100% unnatural. I put in natural things into the background. And on the point that the backstory is just a view on the day's activites--I wrote it like that to highlight how the Bound think. That they are more complex. To show that I understand that the Bound are more than synthetics but bugs.


I don't see the issue with this. It's a bound. They don't....usually....have the biggest of backstories. Though all the sam, I'm gonna refrain from a +1 for now.


Perhaps choosing a Bound to be your application character was a poor choice, as there isn't much to tell us what you do and don't know from this character's backstory. In honesty, it looks to me like you've tried to dodge the two paragraph rule by using this unique style. Not all backstories have to be fancy, you know?

I feel as though you could do a lot better by making an Unbound, as they're more directly integrated within the vaurca lore, and it'd allow a much richer backstory to a much more complex character. Unbounds are more like people; they can and more than likely do have passions for certain things, which can be incredibly specific or general. My longest running vaurca character, Mezi, is obsessed with pipes. How weird, right? I integrated this with the lore, tying them to Ta'Akaix'Xakt'yagz'isk Zo'ra's brood, whose VR is engineering and physics focused, where Unbound design technologies, buildings and mechanical systems.

Please don't get the wrong idea - you have potential, and turning away potential vaurca players is the last thing I'd want, but there is so much more you could do with this.

I don't think I've really seen or at least interacted with any of your characters, so I can't judge that, unfortunately.

I'll refrain from saying anything more, but if you have any questions, retorts or concerns, don't be shy of sending me a message through discord(@jamofboy) or the forums.

Simply put, show me more, and I'll +1 this, but for now, I'm holding off.


Edit to my first post: it was clarified that the player is whitelisting for a Drone and not an Unbound. The Backstory got me confused and sounded like it was otherwise, and was clarified via the main Discord server. Whoops!

Edit: Additionally, Jam is right. As you told me, you're aiming for a Bound. These applications are meant to display your knowledge and capabilities of following more complex species lore- asking for a Bound right off the bat cuts that out of the proccess. Be prepared for the Vaurca maintaner or the Head Loredev to ask you to chose an Unbound as a character to apply as, and have a backup story on standby. It shouldn't be too difficult as an endeavour- and after you get the whitelist, you can make your Bound and play as them! The whitelist gives you freedom to play as many different characters of the species as you want.


The whitelist application simply exists to see if you can roleplay a species to an acceptable level. Bound or Unbound, each is simply a different way to play the species. From what I have been able to gather, you have encapsulated the bound mindset fairly well, this is good because it is hard to really describe. This is why my predecessors and I discourage people from applying as bound, it is difficult to understand the nuances between them and mindless robots. Using your feedback, character history, backstory as well as your reasoning for wanting to play Vaurca, I have to ask myself at the end of this application, can DeadLantern roleplay Vaurca to an acceptable level? The answer is yes, yes they can, all other considerations are irrelevant. Application Accepted!

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