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  1. Can I have a copy of all logs when I have been connected under the user names Joe Kane, Kane7269, and SpaceCritter? Please.
  2. Kane DeWitt's character was based on the emotional expression of a Human being and has almost certainly been the inspiration for the old guy from "The Outer Worlds" - after Kane returns with his own dropship and personally hired crew, he returns to the foreign badlands to find himself and his past as a Human being, while providing aid to others, but personally seeking to find his own past as a person, to begin to unrepressed a dark and sinister backstory in which a person had their own life stolen from them in circumstances beyond their control. Kane is in essence a person who doesn't speak about a depth of his own personality and is desperately trying to stop the insanity of the world around him, while holding himself to a higher standard; avoiding the pitfalls of his own misery, to intercept the suffering of the world around him, unable to stop it, resentfully neglecting his own Id at times in pursuit of a greater good of the whole, his superego superseding his own needs and desire for the truth. EchoTango23 had a bit of an inkling with the backstory, but also possibly as part of the development team; I actually have suspicion that Kane was used as the inspiration for the storyline, (and though I haven't played The Outer Worlds, myself) am aware of several commonalities, though I never gave any form of consent. Some of the themes of Kane and his story, his expression are deeply personal, and I believe this usage was the result of fraud and negligence, but also stolen signatures by members of a community I am ostracized by, profiteering of the woes of another's. I have zero tangible proof, and have been disallowed by certain persons in close real-world proximity to myself to get help. I never gave consent for the use of Kane DeWitt or his character or themes to anyone, nor does anyone except myself have consent to portray him, and I have been unofficially made aware of this case of plagiarism, alas without proof, again. -See you, Space Cowboy.
  3. So, I had played SS13 here on and off again, over the period of a few years, popping up briefly, and then returning to lurk in the voids of spess. However, I had noticed a change in the player base(which I care to admit I disliked, but it's not like the server revolves around me.), and joined through another account, multi-keying, and generally acting like an ass. I was banned for being unimmersive/disruptive/Greytiding (Not actually in the ban text, but honestly.) and also for 'having no intent to actually roleplay' or something to the effect. All of these are true. However, I also understand that that wasn't the only reasons I (should) have been banned. I recall making a comment of a sexual nature, (I believe in was in IC, 'send nudes') it was supposed to have been a joke on a dare(Bait - which I fell to take.). I think the character's name was Melody, I don't have any idea who the player was. Anyways, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable, it was immature and inappropriate. I'm not asking for an unban, this isn't an appeal; but an apology. I just posted it here in the hall of shame, where I feel it belongs.
  4. BYOND Key: Mad_Max_97 Character name: Kane DeWitt Item name: hard-worn suit (if the photo is to be a separate item, I'd like it to be named something along the lines of 'faded photograph') Why is your character carrying said item to work? Kane is, by profession, a private detective. He tries to maintain a somewhat professional appearance, while still staying casual. He's worked hard to start his own agency and believes that he may as well wear something half-decent, whether he's an assistant or a detective. Item function(s):Just a plain old uniform item, it has no special features what-so-ever, except roll-able sleeves? Perhaps make the photograph a separate item that can be removed from or replaced onto the outfit? Item description: A classic hard-worn suit, worn with a snazzy red vest. A laminated photograph of a young, dark-haired woman has been stitched into the breast pocket of the vest. Item appearance: I have the icons prepared, it's just the detective's outfit, with a red vest. How will you use this to better interact with crew and/or stimulate RP? A unique outfit helps distinguish a character, yes, but the really important part is the photograph sewn into the pocket, hidden away. (Assuming I can remove and replace the photograph, it'd be great to pull out and reminisce about, or I could even /me out him peeking into a pocket, and scowling like a miserable bastard ) Most people don't know Kane's backstory, I assume, but I plan on making it (at least somewhat) more widely-known, and this item should* help. I could flesh out his backstory here, but I'd prefer to leave it to discovery. (Not saying I won't be happy to answer any appropriate questions related to this!) Though, I would like to state that Kane's history has been rewritten a bit. Additional comments: I'd like to get back into playing Kane more often, but I think I'd like to have something that helps distinguish him, and reinforce the presence of his actually-existent backstory, separating him from your typical assistant, and even make him a more interesting detective. The photograph is of Kane's late wife. Feedback on my app (Even on Kane DeWitt) would be great.
  5. Would it be an alright thing for off-duty time, like assistant work?
  6. BYOND Key:Joe Kane Character name:Kane Gibson Item name:Road Leathers Why is your character carrying said item to work? Kane Gibson once served as an officer of the law on a remote rimworld, ravaged by roving gangs. This was his uniform. Officer survival rates were typically quite low, and the planet has since become a lawless haven for pirates, so Kane wears his uniform as a symbol of his fallen comrades and his own survival. Item function(s):Just a piece of clothing, occupies the uniform slot. Item description:A set of tough black leather pants and a jacket, worn over a t-shirt. They seem rather worn, and even damaged in some places. Crude repairs have been made to areas, and the jacket has an ID tag embedded on the torso of the jacket, it reads 'MP-1701 Kane Gibson'. Item appearance:I have the mob and object icons prepared by myself. Preview: https://gyazo.com/c75827f70a05a0c5f9d5d0f5b82b9925 Download: https://mega.nz/#!91wT3JqB!kQtIgp-MI-h1M46Gn4J2lp6dwczoLnfDUvBKui5cYzg Additional comments:I feel this item would be a great way to show Gibson's past as a law enforcement officer in a collapsing society, and start conversation between the crew, as it's a nonstandard uniform.
  7. Kane

    More prosthetics

    Allow organic characters to have full prosthetic bodies(Torso and Groin, along with the other internal organs), with the exception of the brain. This add potential for interesting roleplay situations and setups, as you can create characters that are trapped within a mechanical body, victims of a terrible accident, or other such fun things.
  8. Also bump, with update.
  9. BYOND Key:Joe Kane Character name:Kane DeWitt Item name:Worn Coat Why is your character carrying said item to work? Kane's been wearing this coat for years, and brings it to work as part of his personal work uniform, as he is a self-employed private detective, he feels the need to maintain a professional look, now. Item function(s):A coat, with two pockets and maybe slight melee armor? (10) Item description:A faded brown trenchcoat, with the name 'Kane' scrawled inside on the tag. Item appearance:No need to make new art, the brown detective's coat already in-game is fine. Additional comments:
  10. Unarmored versions of the hardworn suits detectives and forensics get, please.
  11. Kane

    Two Detectives

    Personally, though somewhat unrelated to this thread, I'm a fan of keeping the revolver, even adding another for a second detective, though I wouldn't feel much lack should the revolver be issued with less than lethal rounds, and even going so far as to remove the ability to mod it/chamber lethal ammo. It doesn't make much sense to me, with the upcoming(?) ballisticurity, that detectives would have lethal weapons while the offers get rubber bullets. Detectives aren't supposed to be hunting antags and gunning them down, right? The revolver is supposed to be for self-defense, where rubber rounds allow time to disable, call in, and hopefully get back-up from the officers, lethals kill off a potential lead.
  12. Kane

    Two Detectives

    Post edited to reflect the map change.
  13. Kane

    Two Detectives

    Add another detective slot. It creates possibility for roleplay, by adding more variety, another character to a round that may not be there otherwise - some characters are exclusively detectives, and only enjoy that role. Another detective allows for faster processing, may prevent people from dropping out of a round because the detective is unable to get to them, can create a unique and fun 'good cop, bad cop' dynamic (among others?), and allows another player to have fun with a slot that is currently limited, and can introduce alike characters who may otherwise never interact. Here is a map I threw together: http://gyazo.com/65c3b53702b09d8548a3ffdb93321653 Please give feedback on this idea, and tell me why you love/hate or feel apathy for my suggestion. EDIT: Updated for new mapping/bluesec
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