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Everything posted by veradox

  1. jokes on you i only use one baton tap for power efficiency. also if we're talking about the guy who supposedly fought hayden in the permabrig resulting in his death and/or critical injury (i wasn't paying attention), then yeah Sisko decided to order me w/ superseding authority over the brig to relocate him to a solitary cell. not much of a discussion was put up, he just wanted him in the solitary cell despite being informed it was 'self defense'. and nah, pretty sure he wasn't antag.
  2. i put on my wizard hat and robes and proceed to fast travel
  3. basically spits out multicolored smoke from vents, sometimes it has effects like blood on the ground afterwards, and radium goo out from scrubbers. it's a pretty alright minievent to have to deal with, it would probably give janitors something extra, or engineering.
  4. if warrants are easily accessible it sounds like they're just needless filler BS to make arrests take slightly longer. it's a mechanically sound idea i guess to permit people some time or ability to avoid getting rando-searched but you're not really cops and don't need a warrant to search your own employed personnel. if they're doing something funky and junky you shouldn't have to file paperwork because of the rights of someone contractually bound to you to do your job and not stir up trouble doing it happens to not be fulfilling that criteria
  5. character is more than likely being shelved to reintegrate into playing human characters, and i'll probably stick to monotonous synthetics to relax on the shitpost factor if i ever feel the need to play them. should he ever resurface it'll be played significantly more mellow and secluded as suggested. thanks for the leniency. late response because of irl junk mb
  6. please never post paragraphs on things related to me without one of those really nice and bold tl;drs and i'm sorry that i can't tl;dr this since it's a response post only just now skimmed through this and saw i was called upon but ill throw a couple things in here in the middle of the morning again -- i've already explained that in moments with an excessive amount of shitpost and excitement resulted in a forward tactical roll through the usually drawn lines of ingame restraint or were utilized at some shitty grapple with the humorous aspects of a really bad situation, i won't be going any further in depth with that. it's an ooc thing of 'keeping yourself together' that reflected into ic interactions. character actions are often more mild, but a recent continuity of memes and BS create a reciprocating attitude. a large amount of personality complaints are on the basis of how individuals believe and demand out of character design traits, even when there is not an x amount of personalities and philosophies. instances where 'overboard' apply is a dead horse topic that i've explained and accept fault for based on a steady and progressive veer based off of scenarios. this is probably where the complaint stems, and anything further is probably irrelevant to the host of the complaint. there's no better way to put it, it's a personal fault. through personal opinion and probably a shareable opinion an android or robotic unit is designed to fulfill a role in a particularly designed and set mode of operations be it personality, lack thereof, or their methods of practicing their work. this would usually be precise and without consequence. i've an android i enjoyed playing that's near silent, fulfills orders and operates on a set template of discussion and responses because i respect the idea of that. cyborg units are individuals merged with synthetic chassis and bound by lawsets to fulfill the tasks required of them in such lawsets and positions they're placed in. in the event the process of integration goes awry for any number of reasons, you're probably likely to operate under the same mannerisms and philosophy of an android or robotic unit. the character's personality is to be believed to be retained through integration, not programmed, and held with their own set of reasoning. this continues on up until the instance where law conflicts and orders overrule thought processes and beliefs. im under the impression that there is no spirit of synthetics, only slaves or units bound by their uploaded or tagged personality and how it shapes and interacts with their instances of interaction with those around them and their lawsets and how a public eye would view them which, through this wording would imply the 'spirit of synthetics' is a public opinionated belief in my eyes unless directed otherwise. it's been interesting to speak to other synthetics and AIs and it's been interesting to see anti-synthetics be incited and mildly waylaid by the discussions and interactions made. knowledge is consistent through this specific character because they were played consistently with the capacity to comprehend their department's operations. these are restricted to medicinal practices, the operation and running of research, and being versed mildly in law supported by law uploads and module precision. any instance of cadmus working outside of that role was done, as might've been witnessed with viewing prior posts, sorely out of the fact that there were orders made or other departments were so terribly lacking that there would be no point to surviving the round otherwise. character knowledge was not applied to departments outside of the deviating module, but could be found in usage by relevant modules or as what might've been mentioned, a custodial unit which was the first module ever utilized for this character for numerous rounds, because that has no ultimate specialty present in it and no trade skill. you'll almost never find me in surgical, engineering, construction. service or whathaveyou unless there was some degree of preferential temporary transitioning or a standing order. with those roles outside of what could be established as routine module uploads held limited information and applicable skills to alternative roles or with a complete disinterest in the topic of or general incapability of providing insight towards alternative department functions. in these instances you could or would presume there would be temporary uploaded information that followed under the utilized department and utility skills that could be found relevant which outsourced most of the information you had prior. in that sense the character's operations are consistent up until you're forced to adopt a role separate to your knowledge. actions portrayed in game are commonly restriction to a department and committing to some boring wit to scenarios that pass by over general communications. rarely does the character roam, and in doing so, it's usually with some degree of purpose. meddling with a department was not something to have had in mind at the time, as usually people would be grateful to have high-end equipment upgrades and the risk of consequence wasn't an active thought. whoops. this thread is far too overactive for something that could've been handled in five or six posts and probably end in a similar fashion to whatever happens after this point forward. either way the character in question was an inconsequential use of thirty minutes to define a backstory and specialty and bears no distinctive factors in the line of flavor text, so if the character is deemed too ass to continue existing it's pretty alright, it's no loss of mine. i just don't want to keep typing up these essays. information presented will just help better and refine character quirks and design, and it's appreciated for the input even if most of the non-relateds were, uh. skimmed. this post was also rushed because i have things to do today and i'd rather this complaint be sped up but i'll probably exist to post again if absolutely necessary :')
  7. From my time witnessing Ricky's responses to situations and maintaining of composure to their character, Curel Wald, it's a fascinating and well-appreciated prospect of them being able to expand their ability to develop quirks and interesting roleplay qualities on another species. A usually interesting character, I feel like with their current backstory, they'll be able to promote an invocative and entertaining character design. +1, for what it's worth.
  8. i've been excited waiting for this for a good four weeks so i'm going to lay down a blanket post to handle every, if not most of any complaint to be lodged 1. first image displayed an event that's happened so many times [the removal of patients] that it was deemed generally inconsequential seconded by him being dragged down a hallway with a lack of at the time visible harm. shrugged it off and continued doing my work. zubari was security, he picked up his boss. 2. second image displayed a short exchange of a. identifying the threat, b. and applying the self-proposed humor value found within the positioning of aforementioned threat. secondly, the player who plays 'Mini-Cadmus' is not *my bot* and they apparently found it to where they wanted to play that role. it was humored and i've yet to say i've had enough of the shenanigan, thus including it in regular banter 3. third image is fine, most medical cases are requested with a challenge to accentuate the problem which was the CE walking in half dazed and then collapsing straight onto the floor after supposedly only recently finishing off the remainders of a blob. text below it is just a falsehood, in which the individual appears to believe that the request for help would be directed solely at them. rarely do i review the manifest, and instead seek direct conversation with parties i'm of interest in. a broad statement was utilized to hail any medical, so i'm not necessarily seeing the targeting here, especially when it's using a plural form. additionally, shifts worked in close cooperation (phrasing for when i'm asked to make chems[such as in this round of question itself], have to move to medical for delivery of injured/assist due to lack of staffing, or there for whatever miscellaneous BS that happens) of the character Nicholas Nelond have exhibited utilization of a last name basis, the term 'Doctor', and on occasion whereas disappointment or aggression are evident, some brand of mild profanity before returning to whatever task is at hand. 4. fourth image is a display of poor moral standards and the mixing of IC and OOC tension making an abrupt and unwarranted interjection into a visibly socially awkward and uncertain revelation to a clone. with the extent of shit that the round was entering into such as the numerous people killing each other and then forgetting it ever happened while security desperately tried to contain them and handle civillian cases, an IC response was made, but from a spectating position it was a really shit response. this is easily acceptable 5. in regards to the preparation of chemistry, 9/10 times the only time i'll ever bother to do it at this present time and recent past is if medical is woefully understaffed (such as the 0-2 people working that's been extremely common as of late) or has been refrained to bare bones essentials due to plainly having other shit to do or to where it just ends up not making any sense to any degree to apply yourself with what ability your character possesses. 6. all interactions with characters who actively seem to visibly and discernibly dislike character conduct have been denied a majority of the usable jokes or retorts either in a following round to maintain the atmosphere of a present round or within a suitable timeframe by distancing. it's not an ever constant all-inclusive shitshow. should you have had a particular problem you should've acted upon it instead of feeding and offering content and your own choice of, while not consistently, aggressive or argumentative choice of response 7. " and if you tell him otherwise, he will just curse you out and at this point it is way beyond I believe what is an acceptable way for a synthetic to act."; easily capable of being denied due to the fact, UTTER AND TOTALLY REGARDLESS of his vulgar actions, the character has and continues to a. abide by it's lawset, b. has accepted and works with orders, questions regarding the purpose of the orders issued while performing them, c. it takes three words of 'get out cadmus' or an authority rank saying 'stop swearing' or 'exhibit respect' for the mannerisms to shift and accommodate these orders properly as can be seen through numerous instances such as (a.) an executive permission order, (b.) general commands, (c.) literally 'stop swearing'. 8. pulling back we'll review the purpose of being in medical. this goes down for a number of reasons, consisting of and including the interest in the condition of an acquaintance, the production of an additional cloning pod for testing and backup due to an intense amount of injuries/deaths and the upgrading of cloning machines to see the genuine worth. which, as a side note, doesn't require cryo or alkysine apparently. it's great. if you're ungrateful for advanced equipment in a shift with a drug-addict psychologist, a synthetic with no hands and just you doing 60% of the work, then apologies for making the rushed decision. to any public posts w/o directly interacting with any due to it being a burn of time: mixed feedback is to be expected and is heartily welcomed to the character design and interactions because it sets and draws lines with a hope to not infringing on the creation. the character does not represent myself but represents it's own self with an aggressive and uncouth personality of a morally offset individual. i've felt parts at certain points due to influencing factors of a round to go overboard or be fueled by partners in which are capable of receiving and reciprocating banter and jokes. whether it's raw memeing or not, with disapproval towards a character that doesn't promote hugs and kisses and sweet dreams there's a portion of feedback that's been at least mildly positive. i'm not aiming to appeal to everyone anyway, but i know that insensitivities and having underwhelming background knowledge of the character can lead to distaste. the whole point of that paragraph is saying i can accommodate you if you really don't like it, but you have to take the initiative to put in your say-so, otherwise i cannot care. certain people will just get the shit end of the stick. roleplay elements resolve in conversation, a non-lethal solely-verbal game threat to spike interest and discussion, and to actually have something get done. Cadmus is a character is designed to play the role of being an intelligent but brusque and anti-social element in the workplace that favors menial labor and restricted immersion into any if not all job roles, a former swindler and sociopath that started with and ascertained a range of applicable but unrefined, imprecise and slightly twisted skills, deviating from the path of general laziness and personal interest of medical and scientific fields almost sorely because of orders and complete lack of staffing creating an OOC imbalance; an individual who was cyborged by punishment and, out of the raw maintained the personality and will continue to serve that setting of psyche unless such would conflict with his mechanical laws. He was a generally unlikable person to begin with, and he's a generally unlikable person now. His personality is an acquired taste, and individuals incapable of receiving his grade of behavior can be found to be comparable to anyone else that just isn't pleasant, except that he can apply work skills, whether illegally acquired or taught and learned, to his role. further responses will be made as necessary if requested by staff, but this was intended as a blanket post to cover most items of the complaint rather than personal opinions. so inform me or have someone inform me and we can talk i guess(?)
  9. well memed
  10. I'm pretty sure some of these proposed events may be off since only a few people were actually in-the-know about what was going on, as I was the AI and was constantly in-tune with camera and radio logs and had a really good grasp on the situation despite a METRIC FUCKTON OF LAWS so I'm pretty okay at saying what actually happened. Just to clear up any misconceptions on the situation, as I personally think that was a little more ICky than OOCky since the scenario was pretty hectic and nobody bothered to address the code (I think) alongside the fact that Graves tried to make a decision to benefit the whole of the station as quickly as possible rather than permit them to eat it from any further unprecedented disruptions. I'm pretty sure the antag that was doing my laws also ended up being decked out in armor and an L6 after departure, so it seems like it was a pretty good gut choice if it got past potential threat to crew. An ERT team would easily be too distracted with the most major threat rather than the incognito engie apprentice, and may have passed over the individual with irrelevant hindsight. It just seems really IC. Most of the events make me feel that way, at least, so Loow's claim seems pretty justifiable. - I had informed both the Captain and Head of Security of the situation with numerous accounts of participating, witnessing crewmembers alongside what I had noticed and intercepted myself. Both were to be informed on the equipment and dealings of the antags that I was actually allowed to state along with their actions. The Captain was more gung-ho than the HoS and went to deal with the matter personally with an ion rifle for their AMI, and it looked like Graves kept himself more preserved on station. Two different personalities and interpretations, but both were to be made aware of the intel we had at the time. - Alex Graves assumed captaincy in the research shuttle dock due to the lack of any sane or alive Heads of Staff. The captaincy was short lived as the emergency shuttle was hailed, and he was not in possession of a spare ID or with modified access. It seems pretty legit considering this was mostly a security matter, anyway. - The AI wasn't carded, or shot to death with an emitter. Core was untouched, and I had died of the 'dirty tajaran engineer' randomly cutting power to an AI that wasn't actually able to do anything because of almost seven different conflicting laws creating indifference towards most crew, appreciation of organics and some sort of synth-pride movement that found organics as lesser beings by a more hidden antagonist played by Wer6. His actions to cut power to an AI unit that wasn't hostile nor' inhibitive despite disagreement from interested parties aboard the station makes it pretty rushed on it's own, and doesn't really amount to much in terms of a 'person to be trusted' since some of it was even witnessed by Graves or PDA messaged to him. He was in the dark solely for this matter, and even so only a portion of it. Player characters should also probably never be assumed to be well-known, as they may be important to some or able to be disregarded like any other. Other than 'Do I know you...?' I don't think he had any real reason to care. - The Captain went off and got himself killed on the asteroid in a softsuit, put into critical injury only to be SLOWLY recovered (And then to die in excavation prep) by a paramedic due to consistent delays that were halfway out of his power, halfway antagonist influence such as a laser-fight where an officer tried to fend off what I assumed to be Fermi from the shuttle dock while they were outside, creating a pretty hazardous environment. Situation was predominantly an EVA matter, nobody really seemed to be in particular danger if they were inside unless you were being a direct problem. The matter of retrieval isn't directly relevant, but it's there anyway. - Building on the second point, there was still a confirmed and active threat from other individuals that were flying slightly more under the radar than the flamboyant hit & run on the armory by acting captain Evelyn Fermi and their antics on the R&D outpost. This could be noticed with the engine sabotage (which I was made aware of but denied permission of disclosing names by the individual) and rampant explosion of AI laws. Not to mention, one antagonist had recently been captured and with assistance of a turncoat borg, breached the core only to be tased down and arrested shortly after, and were then set free, to my knowledge, for some peculiar reason only to gear in a hardsuit and fuck off indefinitely. - I don't even think Aramir was even ever promoted to CE, despite the fact he really kinda' sorta' deserved it.
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