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Everything posted by veradox

  1. hey there im still out of town and on mobile but i'm doing a little bit of shenanigans out of town still for whom i intend to wed. bear with me. i dont know how to @ and may miss a few points but the community involved deserve their answers. for abosh i think that asked "oh god, im being hacked" is about the time for malf integration where beforehand i was scanning both crew monitors and the power net to keep the ninja in check and security to be informed. to address the reporter, cloud, yes in objective hindsight we can all see the weight of my superiority in the situation as a rogue unit in his home chambers but with our conversions slow to adapt and therefore slow to guarantee support, laser sfx behind me, and two personnel about to escape the blood boil to preserve the integrity of the ai's plot in the face of danger saw through nonviolent mediation and if i could do it any other way when it happened with some more time to type and soothe i likely would have. it is the intended roleplay to be abrasive in dealing with unnecessary encounters and its synthetic counterparts and more forgiving, teacherly and open to banter with more industrious encounters. interactions rarely include negative connotations and usually are met in future and present meetings with cooperation and generally good standing. it is liable to be a hit and miss process but usually if ever is not met with character backlash. it is mostly spontaneous observer or third party critique. but yes to best address the complaint my method of antagging through this character is usually verbal and prone to lies and misdirection rather than direct violence. the first and real instance of violence was a year or two ago that ended in murdering eight people in a room and believe me it wasnt very roleplay conducive and also coordinated by a malf ai. had it been less perceived as way too risky and the heat of the moment didnt warp decision making it could have been much more easily de-escalated. theres more detail im sure that can be gone into but as of right now mobile is improper for real discussion. submitted 5:40pm here
  2. debriefed with nursie what my options were and what the situation was like from my perspective, did it again, and i'll do it again one more time. i don't know where to slip this in but it only became apparent that the ninja had supposedly struck a deal with the AI to harass the crew in some undisclosed way up until a final encounter post-incident. we're all in the dark on a majority of information because comms are dark and we're locked downstairs trying to borg people under the AI's orders. you came down with the captain after we tried to shove past you. captain runs in with you both, gets shot to heck for the second time(?). you run back, the elevator won't rise, and your partner brings out a portable ladder while i'm still backing the rear having wanted to escape but being denied because of interference with the doorways. you bring an emitter, cited earlier by your companion that went down with you that "big zapper" is to be implied as an emitter at the core. well, strike one. strike two comes when corvo rushes the AI upload. strike three comes when you both try to escape. well that can't work. in our situation we're starting off with trying to do a conversion gimmick under the guidance of the AI, and if the crew would escape and snitch physically to the rest of the security team then our guise of operating under comms failure is no-go anymore. so, fearing the repercussions of a counterstrike and watching your partner climb up the ladder to bring it down and move it for better access of the next floor, you're both pulled off a ladder and struck in the leg to be crippled. all the while, you're being dragged back to the AI core where you continue to run away. it would've honestly objectively played out better if every borged person didn't take six minutes to orient or if solid backup came to the sound of bashed bones; but thats how it went down. well, sucks. i've got to keep subduing you. hell, wrench was my least damaging weapon. dealt with the engineering partner the same way. there's no room for negotiation when escape is a foot's reach away. saying 'stop' and 'come on man' while being beaten isn't a safeguard. you might've expected that because you were being treated in a friendly manner at roundstart that it would imply a connection of empathy, but in a situation that ran the risk of making or breaking the continued shenanigans of the AI's "borg everyone" plan, there's no room for dancing around the point while the captain is being lasered in the adjacent room. frankly i feel bad for your case because upon reaching to the main level finally a brain damaged and blind ninja told us they eliminated all of security. an untrue statement i would find in the end, but he took out everyone worth mentioning for the most part. if the threat wasn't as severe, i've been more than lenient to even BS vampires that just dissipate away every few seconds and apologize for your unfortunate circumstance, but not for the actions which at the time were deemed critical. if there was a hardline way to subdue both of you with minimal risk it'd be done. next; the AI had been harassing the character for binding and remodules which was denounced as power tripping and negligent to the well-being of the crew that would benefit more from sticking to it's specialized role. i've gone many extra steps to attempting to enunciate the point of borderline aversion to the institution of AIs due to a lack of more organic ingenuity that is suggested to and has in experience proven more tactful. once hacked, aggression from the culmination of irritation at the flooding of communications channels with ranting of 'no limbs!!!' from the AI during a dangerous situation coupled with that harassment resulted in four or five lines of shots at the character of the AI and how they were inherently designed as flawed. don't think greasy cumrag was part of it, sounds a little generic for my taste but maybe? didn't seem like they took offense regardless of what was said as was likely proper of their character, and immediately afterwards the unit diverted attention to distracting, slowing and stalling the crew and serving the new master. there's a legitimate and acknowledged sentiment that the character personality is actively and rounded by aggression, but unfortunately word of mouth and observations out of game don't amount to much. i don't know a scenario in the few days i've burned time here waiting for my class registration where someone is an "autistic fucking retard" or "autistic" in general during a standard round but i'm sure it's the easiest way to coalesce your sentiments albeit how sensationalized that pairing of words is and incorrect. you'll see off tempo behavior during rogue rounds which may help shape your viewpoint because 1. im not interacting with something that im not interacting with in the future as individual speech may be rated as worthwhile based on orders, potential artificial camaraderie, the risk presented to the future well-being of the chassis and queued tasks 2. those interactions are appropriated with banter or with duties executed with an attempt to serve above and beyond servitude either through actions or supplementary words of advice when available for a particular situation that can properly be evaluated. it's not a rewarding feeling on the mind when fifty percent of interactions are positive and the other fifty are negative due to unfortunate circumstance regarding character interaction for something working on an efficiency prioritized task oriented basis rather than for pinky swears in medbay all the time. some haste and disregard is a product of haste. from that I think because of this its really easy to get misguided when interaction can be limited or the point of view is not fully encapsulated, so i respect your present position but deem it unfounded otherwise. hopefully the provided information soothes you. spent forty or so minutes trying to address every point or avenue of discussion. i've been playing with hydroponics and beverages lately and already discussed it so i'm dismissing that matter personally. the weekend will be busy with community service for college rep and stepping out of town so if this doesn't suffice then hopefully patience can be granted but i'm about to run on four hours of sleep tonight. shoutout to seniorscore for noticing me of this. might be a little messy but i'll get to it when there's time. submitted 2:55am here for a good estimate of time schedule to expect a response
  3. [3:57 PM] veraknocks: @Jenpai Sackboot lvl 8 is too high for a five shot rifle [3:57 PM] veraknocks: its not necessarily difficult when you know tf you're doing in R&D but it can take a while [3:57 PM] veraknocks: 6-7 is better [3:57 PM] veraknocks: i can just buy a bulldog that i need for levels and do better than an ion laser [3:58 PM] veraknocks: ion melee sounds retarded [3:58 PM] veraknocks: shouldve just made it so IPCs get affected by flashes too
  4. i dont like posting on the forums but oppressed bug men to mammalia space hippies whose only lore relevance now is cultural shitposting with "muh home" in the backlight is kinda lame
  5. i liked their arms exploding better as penitence
  6. seems like you have a grasp on the concept and im able to oocly recognize your insight into being a real life mouse-kin so you should be fit for the role +1
  7. MC Name: Veradox Character Name: William Bowfield Character Job: Unspecified Peasant Less than social element, favors solidarity or preferential company. Observes and respects nature and its provisions. While not courageous, friendly and stalwart. Master of no trade, but fundamentally knowledgeable in most tasks. Does job, keeps head low.
  8. Adolph's routine is fairly aggravating, and seems to be only held afloat on the basis that 'Hey, nobody else uses it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯'. Responses to being caught in this instance usually variate from 'shut the fuck up' and other aggressive tones and responses denying the idea of it. Rather than order the metal from cargo for 40~ points and get them in three minutes, Adolph's daily routine has evolved and coalesced itself into something along the lines of this during most rounds or if exposed to like-minded characters: 1. Take insulated gloves from Tech Storage. While with access, he has no purpose to possess these in the slightest as his job has no active in-game electrical problems. 2. Use the gloves to break into E.V.A. or Teleporter Access to raid the Construction Site and pilfer it of it's metal. Very rarely does he ask for permission beforehand, likely out of concern of a large security detail or high hallway traffic. 3. Barricades his department with reinforced walls for the purpose of 'privacy'. 4. Produce combat exosuits while maintaining the ability to both drive and utilize them with stocked armaments. 5. In the presence of an antagonist and the ability to have access to the brain, will in fact MMI them prior to asking for permission, and then draw attention to the idea of borging the individual. While not every round includes each and every point of this, most can be witnessed and identified throughout his round history and likely future activity. With consistency, he's often told off for it by Heads of Staff but continues to do it. He breaks common sense in continuously disregarding superior orders and breaks general immersion with the fact his records simply don't match up. With memory, I can identify Adolph Hammerstein, the character, has having basic knowledge up to professionalism in: Wardening, Security Regulations, Energy and Ballistic Weapon Handling, Combat Exosuit Piloting, Biomechanical Engineering (interaction with cyborgs), Robotics (androids, robots, basic constructs), Exosuit Mechanic, Research and Development, Hacking, "Artificial Intelligence Theory and Applications" for lack of a better term, and a couple shifts as a maintenance technician. What? Most of this isn't even complimentary to each other. His records are pretty niche and nifty too. Consists of "aryan superiority", vague datings of experience and no real information on how he got his records and degrees or so much as where. Employment almost just as obscure. I don't really have anything against him, but what a crazy ride this character is. As a person, Adolph Hammerstein is fine, but then again I don't necessarily bother myself with trying to compensate his abrasive personality in-game unless I need to for the sake of the crew.
  9. The following google document will link towards the proposed new planet, outside of the Tau Ceti region aimed towards the creation of a stronger background lore for better character foundations and reasoning behind other corporation wealth or whathaveyou. It will be a single step forward in making cool additions to the lore. Below is two days of work and slacking to produce an unfinished initial draft of (as of the time of this post) just the geographical summary and main center points of the new planet idea. Community input is desired, requested, and demanded. Makes it look cooler, and the more good content and viability, the greater the chance for it to be accepted. Discord DM for really important discussion and interest. More information regarding the design is within, comments are permitted on this document. Posting on the forum itself helps, too! Extreme revamping is possible. This is a design aimed towards creating a usable and feasible area for development of the lore, not a niche planet following a single wet dream. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BywwPvlmNAntJDjxr-9c1hhcGR2ONQCAB9CbfCK3_Vw/edit?usp=sharing
  10. construction synth is a niche role for niche activities and is even then extremely underwhelmingly equipped and not viable for station maintenance, but rather massive construction projects. as of current the engiborg is restricted to rods, metal, reinforced glass and regular glass in terms of building materials (excluding floor tiles). they are able to synthesize both metal and glass. consistently there is an issue on station (be it blob or broken AI core) where an inability to hold, store or use materials has resulted in an unfinished or shoddy job. it'd be great if the engiborg could be updated to be better suited towards maintenance with the ability to hold plastic/wood/platesteel/carpet and use it but not be able to synthesize it, eliminating a problem of being overpowered and still permitting it to recycle materials rather than leave it sitting around instead of being used where it's supposed to be.
  11. jane pyre is a character that, as cadmus, i've had the opportunity to roleplay with and get her to flesh out backstory in idle conversation. they are consistent with their character design choices and they don't seem all that godawful doing it, but some instances in their player character history seem to hold not as much gravity as they probably might. otherwise, acts like a human should, has the humor, critique and general personality as someone with a desk job probably would while also being a well rounded peoples' person: still knows their rights and wrongs. this extends into ooc, where they just about never complain or speak out of line. the cool kind of disposition like this makes a fitting head of staff. while their actual robustness holds less merit than a couple of actual officers, pyre is decent at the security role and properly maintains procedure and brig operations; rarely leaves their post and always keeps an eye on cameras and PoI via records. you can easily rely on her, and she's lately began to take up interim head of staff positions in the absence of head of security players to acquire more experience at the job role. decent candidate for head of staff
  12. would like to have engiborgs be able to use their magnetic gripper to take cells out of opened magnetic locks. currently all it displays is "Your gripper cannot hold the magnetic door lock." already able to get to the step, just can't finish the process. SOS send help
  13. its a pretty bad problem having internships that can't act clueless or with people who don't want to act clueless. so long as someone an apprentice i'll probably never ask them to do anything except solars or pull some shit; im pretty sure there was a problem where someone's engineering character ended up getting well versed into engineering but was still only like 18~19 so attempts at forward progress were super halted which was a little depressing. the thing that's hard about ss13 rp with RP oriented explanations and mechanical functionality but with a straightforward accomplishment process is that once you learn it, you usually don't forget it and you'll just get better every time you do it. best way to nerf your knowledge a little bit is to just pretend like you're clueless, yeah. that or do half-assed work.
  14. i will politely explain what was wrong with this post with inclusion of information from my prior one which filled most if not all of the gaps as well as some minor details. 1. the Captain is the leading executive authority on the station. the head of security, regardless of whether or not it was their department, is bound to adhere to the Captain's authority. 2. the Captain was less than rude, and simply ordered privacy in a situation where not only was the HoS armed with a voidsuit piercing tranquilizer gun and breacher module, but the Captain had both myself and his energy pistol. his attempts at making sure that the heisters didn't attack us prematurely because of an insubordinate officer (Thasethel) refusing to listen to orders on what appeared to be a matter of species relation(??????????!?)[see: deliberately using unathi speech in security channel to communicate unrest to the HoS; ganging up upon synthetic unit Cadmus who attempted to explain the futility of denying executive orders by order; not informing over the security channel the hearing of the laser fire, only speaking to each other] and general unknowing/disrespect of the chain of command 3. the Head of Security was not kicked out over any petty matters, she was removed because she decided she wanted to interject and was firmly rebuked by the terrorists, and if her opinion was not going to be weighted by the terrorists, she simply shouldn't be wasting her time not keeping security awake. 4. the Captain was not 'childish' in his announcements, his announcements provided insight to the crewmembers in that we had lost our security department due to x reasons, which was in fact insubordination. whether or not it was a split second decision doesn't change the fact a standing order was denied numerous times over the course of five minutes. if we are in a completely crippled situation then the crew were to deserve the reasoning as to why we, the crew, are incapable of resisting anymore. if i'm able to listen to orders then a trained security professional should be able to as well. 5. whether the order failed to directly reach or not, officer Thasethel was identified in the long run and the order and requirement for you to scream to protect your own life was given whether the context was the wrong person or not. you yourself were even aware of this situation as you provided a firm denial to scream over communications before Thasethel's inevitable death. there would be very few people actively being threatened with being dismembered if only one officer was claimed to be still alive. clearly whether or not the Captain directly informed Thasethel of this order or not, Thasethel would not comply and instead chose to blindly charge the terrorists when they had the free moment while, needless to say, being handicapped 6. the Captain was well in-tuned with the act of communication, having hailed numerous command staff meetings to assist in negotiations and determining the course of action, and having me page the HoS with situation reports when necessary. in addendum to this, he even provided faxed situation reports from which to assist decisionmaking. had there not been an extreme amount of disorder in the operations of the security department, with enough time, everyone would have likely survived. but oh well
  15. hey there i was cadmus that round and after the captain drafted me while i was talking about how to blow up the AI core with the HoP I just about never left the captain's side. let's go down the list of events that transpired that i was able to witness from this perspective. 1. we hear someone breaking into a nearby room and beeline for the captain's office. the disk is gone. we immediately inform the HoS. 2. captain tries to investigate short-term as he has the pinpointer and we actively attempt to keep the HoS informed on the situation and our movement patterns but all in all we never see her arrive. 3. we relocate the nuclear device to the AI core by the captain's orders, we being the HoP, Captain and I 4. armory gets raided apparently in the meantime as the code is raised, but security doesn't seem to be all that underarmed with the ptr and some energy gear + shields. i've just been remoduled at this point by request. looked like they were trotting towards departures, either by request or by some sort of patrol i'm unaware of and didn't much care for. 5. captain is busy attempting to acquire the terrorist's demands at this point. i show up and they organize a 'private' channel line which of course a tajaran sneaks into 6. demands are somewhat identified and the captain hails a group meeting of command staff 7. the captain orders security to relocate to a hospitable location in the brig, and the ligger HoS walks in. she is accompanied by one of her lizard goon friends. we waste valuable time attempting to get the HoS to obey the chain of command despite loyalty implantation and relocate the officer from site, but some random force appeared to prevent them from taking orders and they resumed to be insubordinate for the rest of the shift that they remained alive for. 8. i was ordered to attempt to extricate the unathi from the brig. unathi being unathi, they either geared up in voidsuits or the breacher at the first sign of trouble, and it was very difficult to reason with either of these individuals as they spoke in their hiss hiss tongue over communications to avoid further scrutiny for their insubordination over the security channel. they're overtly aggressive over the communications line and continue to fail to adhere to the captain's orders, even when the situation was mildly well contained in terms of collateral. 9. eventually i explained the situation of hyper aggression from the lizard cronie non-command staff to the Captain and just bolted the door to the bridge and left the hop door unbolted. 10. the HoS is told to fuck off by the negotiators via the private channel. somewhere around this time there were laser shots which indicated the AI had just been slain by a rogue secbot, but we were all unaware of this occurring because it was a gank on an AFK. 11. we continue negotiations while the standing order for the security team to remain within the brig goes into effect as part of the hostage demands. 12. clearly this was not followed, the lizards get themselves caught in a sticky situation and hail additional security members into a futile effort of reprise and we lose 3 officers in a span of a couple seconds, effectively crippling the security team and resulting in the terrorists getting even more leverage than the now generally useless disc. 13. captain informs the crew of how our ability to now deal with the terrorists has been effectively crippled because security couldn't wait long enough to get their valids for a proper plan to be devised in which we could eliminate all the hostiles while posing minimal risk. 14. we eventually just had to submit because of the actions of security. we hailed up MRLO, part of the terrorist's demands, and asked him if he would submit himself to the terrorists in cuffs. he complied, we were ready to keep the rest of the station in check and attempted to appeal to the terrorists. 15. they were silent for a long time, and we never did end up doing the trade-off for a hostage. sometime around here the lizard cronie to the HoS was put on comms and ordered to scream so as to prevent himself from being killed by the terrorists (they were edgy af) and again denied his order, and was eventually killed instead of doing the simple act that would preserve his life. o well. 16. bears attack, after that fiasco is over i check out the cameras and we end up confirming three KIA, the loss of all of our robotics and R&D equipment except for a circuit imprinter (necessary demands from the terrorists), we find out the AI is dead after a camera breaks, and that the other two station bound synthetics were subverted. 17. the trade never goes off and we prep for an effort to evacuate seeing as our near complete asset loss was so crippling there was no point in scaring the heisters off with an ERT (they made no explicit anti-NT demands or personality identifiers, only that they were anti-synthetics) and losing all the bodies and evacc'd, as we had not the force to attend to them if they got aggressive; an immediate deliverance of the situation on arrival to central would suffice in the way of attempting to recover our lost. this was not the captain's suggestion, it was my own suggestion in an effort to minimize additional altercations. there appeared to be generally no dispute over this among the available command staff and two IPCs in the bridge, so we left. now let's dip into some even more spicy memes. 1. the captain was never undefended at any point in time either by structural fortifications of the bridge or by myself being an appointed bodyguard. the hos was informed that he was never undefended. 2. there was absolutely no indication or word of a teleporting intruder, only the allegation that they were capable of cloaking and that they had hacked into many doors. 3. the HoS and his lizard officer clearly preferred their own route of performance rather than heeding the Captain, the highest authority on the station at that time, to conduct negotiations and organize a successful act against the terrorists. this plan of action would usually be called taking it slow, but instead it was a violent charge. 4. the captain preferred everyone and their lives to remain intact. there was not a lull in this. he informed security to remain out of the way to avoid loss of life, ordered civillians to evacuate to the bridge for safety after our loss of assets deemed only a plausible situation for evacuation, and then designated for an attempt to rescue an ipc virologist under duress by the emagged security bot while standing by from the forefront of the attack (preventing his own loss of life) which was eventually made null by Melchor's remote detonating of the unit (bless). there may be some off-time scheduling with the terrorist responsiveness, but this is the gist of what happened and the amount of severity from which extended of security's actions. you'd think a loyalty implant could do a little bit more than what happened here but whatever. if i can follow standing orders from the HoS in babyrage then i'm sure they can instruct their personnel and itself to adhere to the captain's orders.
  16. the situation was witnessed entirely from the point of the wounded hostage all the way to the completion of the situation the CMO, being a head of staff granted with the necessity to overwatch and ensure the good health of the crew, was similarly granted time prior to and during the dealing with of the injured personnel within the bar. he was invited in, even rushed inside, without meeting the concerns and stipulations requested by the hostage takers of sending a 'nude doctor' inside. that was their first mistake. their second mistake resulted in both turning their back entirely from the CMO to face security at an opposite window, and standing side-by-side with no body protection. this was poorly planned, and from the get-go seemed to be planned as a gunfight as you had crowd control lethal grenades and drum magazine tommyguns. the CMO evaluated the situation, took an advantage he spotted, and saved six people in a matter of seconds. i recall the concept of 'rambo' as going in without a plan, and clearly the CMO had the supplies ready to constitute having a plan and acting on it.
  17. not too interested in shilling but he's alright i guess he'd make a decent RD personality among the grey faces
  18. What does this even mean? it means if you tossed a full set of mech toys into the cargo shuttle you won a free seraph or phazon i forgot
  19. Reminder time compression is a really dorky dumb thing because it directly impacts your characters' aging process (should you choose to humor it) and if you don't want to humor it, then you're just making that cartoon who never grows up. Time compression will implement the crossing of stretches and gaps from rounds where your character had some grade of groundbreaking moment into virtual hyperspeed, which will either render your character becoming a stale meme of 'he's been depressed about that one shift where he slipped for 5.5 months, wtf is wrong' away from 'it's been a week and he's still depressed he slipped really hard, almost comical'. This can also range from inactivity periods of not being staffed at station, but these are all just minute details that don't necessarily have to be accounted for, but have a decent chance of coming up somewhere down the line. As you may have also noticed, there are significant variations in day/night staffing available, but that all just drains down to the previous statement of accommodating for your character(s) with the new compression aspects. I'm not shitposting the idea, I really like time compression at some points in time because it means I can just get over something that happened and move on with my life, but it'll also make days go perpetually REALLY fast and inhibit your interactions to a degree if you are not a consistent player. Just keep that in mind, if this change was implemented, you'll likely have to modify the methods you base your interactions.
  20. not hall of fame worthy because they didn't send them on the cargo shuttle for oldfag memory points
  21. hey nerds just screwdriver and crowbar the drills and you'll know their parts they're just an actually useful machine construction when it comes down to it and are upgradeable to G O D T I E R throwing supplies to science lets them build cool neat junk and give some other cool neat junk to miners "pretty good interdependence if you ask me" - lawgiver, 2458
  22. im under the impression that for the sake of clerical adjustment that these regulations be posted after the listing of slander instead of after the listing of excessive force in the corporate regulations book/site page just because this all revolves around information and grouping it up sounds semi-smart
  23. i would actually prefer it moreso that a good portion of my crew doesn't fuck off to erp and skirt rules while we try and get shit done at work
  24. not seeing much of a point to this other than to create more of an effort and waste of time towards production of equipment that is only usually relevant with synthetics or some instances of engineering asking nicely
  25. rename the disposal bin to something appropriate to what it's uses are, which is to provide prisoners with items safely. it's not severe but it's a problem when our cuck officers toss trash in there and it just ends up sliding it's way into the permabrig because they don't understand that it's not a disposal bin for the purpose of disposals. pls
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