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The Stryker

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Everything posted by The Stryker

  1. Hi and thanks for applying, the application is a good starting point but it could use a bit more nuance. You mentioned in "What makes role-playing this species different" that the main hook of IPCs is growing and being adaptable, but arguably this applies to humans too. What makes an IPC's adaptability and growth based on surroundings different from that of a human? In line with this, can you discuss how NETZACH's time in the Southern Wildlands affected them? How do they behave on a regular basis, how do they view humanity? How do they view the concept of freedom? Why are they more loyal to their handler than the company?
  2. Hi, thanks for applying and apologies for the delay. I just have some concerns for the application. Could you expand on role-playing an IPC? I think you sufficiently cover how IPCs are treated but the application could be expanded by discussing positronic brains, how IPCs learn, and more. Additionally, the backstory does a good job of explaining how the traumatic loss of Sable's partner affected their worldview but could you expand more on how living in Biesel affected them before hand? The application doesn't have an age, which is a loss as an IPC can behave very differently depending on how old they are simply because of how many things and facets of society they would have experienced, as opposed to simply relying on their base programming.
  3. This application is accepted.
  4. Hi, thanks for applying! I just have some concerns and questions for the application. Could you expand a bit more on how IPCs learn new things or adopt certain ideals? Additionally, could you give certain examples of how IPCs are treated by organics across human space? Is there any reason Kayra/Ceryn was given a full name as opposed to a designation? Sol in particular takes a more hardline approach to IPCs, viewing them as property and being one of the only places in our setting where IPCs have no chance to be given equal rights. Additionally, why did Ceryn change their name and why was this allowed? Additionally, why was Kayra reluctant to name her captors? How did she come to prioritize other people over herself? It's fine not to explain these things in-character, but it's important to be able to explain them OOCly. Is there any place in particular in the CRZ she was deployed? Why was she even ambushed and kidnapped? These details could help flesh out the character. Finally, does anything remain of her behavior after being wiped?
  5. Hello and thanks for applying. Unfortunately, we are denying your application due to a number of concerns. This section needs to discuss self-preservation more, and talk about how an IPC character can learn information and evolve beyond their programming and original purpose. It can also talk about their treatment in certain areas of the setting. GYURZA sees a lot of combat service but the application fails to discuss where they were built and where they were deployed, thus missing crucial details of why they were treated well even in a megacorporation notorious for its harsh treatment of IPCs. The character could be fleshed out more by talking about why it behaves the way it does - why is it obsessed with weaponry? Does it care about death? What sort of treatment does it receive from its human handlers? These are questions that need to be considered with a backstory. Overall, the character's military past is unfeasible for an application and we recommend starting over with a new, less conflict-focused character.
  6. Hi, thanks for applying! Just some concerns for the application. Could you expand on this section a bit more? How would an IPC learn something such as social behavior? 11 years is a long time for a shell to be alive? How has their worldview shifted from when they were first built? Additionally, although the backstory provides sufficient detail as to the conditions of their life, how do Itzcoatl behave? What's its personality like? What brings this character to the Horizon?
  7. Hi, thanks for applying! You mentioned that IPCs never do things without a reason. Could you describe how an IPC might learn certain behaviors? How do they take things from certain cultures? Alright, there's a lot to unpack here. One thing I suppose is why would RS4-Chukar engage in an affair with his wife? Where did Chukar pick up the idea for romantic love? Why did Chukar engage despite knowing the consequences? How did the affair affect Chukar, both during and after it ended? In general, I would say that 9 years with the family has huge impacts on the character, and the way it ended was especially abrupt, so the effects should be discussed more. How does RS4-Chukar behave? What are their mannerisms like? Additionally, what is Chukar's current occupation? What does Chukar believe in? Is this belief informed by their production as an Elyran shell?
  8. Hi, thanks for applying! The ruling exists primarily because Konyanger culture and Konyanger IPCs prioritize integration of IPCs into society. Could you expand a bit more on this? How are IPC brains more logical than human brains? What are some examples of discrimination that IPCs face? What made Luo lean on an anti-corporate focus, especially in the highly hierarchical society of Konyang? What drove them to spotlight the Trinary Perfection in their content? How does Luo reconcile their anti-corporate past with getting a job with the SCC? How has this affected the content they create?
  9. Could you describe how CH-3FFFF behaves in a number of scenarios, such as their day to day routine? How about interacting with other people?
  10. Hi, thanks for applying! You mentioned that IPCs have different ways of communicating, or are inept at social cues. Can you provide some examples, especially in the case of your character? Could you expand a bit more on their time before they were sold? Their early surroundings could have informed their initial perceptions of life.
  11. The position of the Synth Team on this is that Hazels are products that are bought and sold. If you buy a car and give it a new paintjob, change out the engine, adds a spoiler, what have you, it isn't the same car components-wise, but that doesn't stop you from calling it a Toyota, etc. Copyright would only kick in if someone else were manufacturing these Hazels. It would be different if Hazel Electromotive were leasing out these shells, but the name of these IPCs is already out of the company's hands, especially when they're free.
  12. Many different ways to go about this, the most important thing is that an IPC character can explain all their actions in a logical fashion. Others can disagree with me but a Hazel being in the corporate offices might work better. You could just have them working in a local Einstein-owned company since the KRC was formed by the nationalization of Einstein Engines assets after independence. As for character behavior, could you provide some concrete examples of how she behaves before and after the Crisis? It's important for the application to get a sense of how the character behaves and why they behave the way they do.
  13. Could you expand on this question a little bit more? Particularly in the realm of self-preservation? You touch on it briefly, but how has losing everything she's ever known affected her behavior? Additionally, why would a high-end Hazel be assigned to janitorial duty in a warehouse complex?
  14. Hi, thanks for applying and apologies for the delay. Just some concerns for the app. Could you expand a bit more on this? You mention self-preservation but can you provide more nuance for that? Additionally, are there any differences to the way IPCs behave compared to humans, or at least the way they think? The detail is the backstory is excellent and incorporates the recent lore into it.
  15. Government Announces Reconstruction Plans; Formerly Rampant IPCs Left Behind? Boryeong, Konyang With Konyang picking up the pieces after the three-month-long Rampancy Crisis, the National Disaster Authority has published its first report, outlining the damage done to the planet’s population, infrastructure, and economy. The ambiguously named document, entitled “NDA-001032946” but more popularly known within government and industry circles as the “Reconstruction Report” painted a grim picture as detailed in the report’s summary below. The report went on to highlight particularly hard-struck prefectures and suggest plans for immediate relief. Although well-received by prefectural officials who gave statements of support for the agency’s initial proposals, critics were quick to point out that the report lacked any plans on how to tackle the return and resettlement of formerly rampant IPCs. Nowhere has criticism been more vocal than the hard-hit Boryeong Prefecture, where order collapsed almost entirely outside of urban areas due to the rough terrain, poor communications networks, and comparatively small KAF response. A now-infamous post on Chirper from an army private reported on the dismal condition of formerly-rampant IPCs in the prefecture. BitByte’s very own Moon Kyong-ran was granted access to one of these camps in order to report on their conditions. The KRC and government have announced that plans for reuniting rampant IPCs with their past lives are now being formulated, though many critics continue to wonder whether the NDA’s reconstruction plans have already left Konyang’s formerly-rampant citizens behind. Further reading: Opinion: Commodore Mun Taeyang, misguided madman or misunderstood martyr? Providence Gazette: Trinarist doctors request additional donations from laity; describe scale of task faced by them on Konyang. Reconstruction: Reactivating Konyang’s bluespace gate: a cost-benefit analysis.
  16. Hi, thanks for applying. Just some concerns for the app. Could you talk about self-preservation and how it relates to Z.I Seeker? Due to our concerns with your past IPC characters being too human/not having enough distinguishing features from a human, what will you do to address these concerns?
  17. This thread exists to collect feedback for the synth team's arc, Silicon Nightmares. If you have any feedback, what worked for you, what went wrong, what could be improved and what you'd like to see more of in the future, then this is the place to talk about it. We're taking feedback both on particular events and the arc as a whole.
  18. Operation Jiogjegeo Successful; Rampants begin Mass Recovery across Planet Kaneyama, Konyang In a statement from the office of General Gi Seungri, the Konyang Armed Forces declared Operation Jiogjegeo “a resounding success” with the complete liberation of Kaneyama Island from all rampant and hivebot threats. The success of the offensive was compounded by the operation’s primary objective, the installation of a Purpose-derived artifact known as the Electronic Countermeasure Device, which is now confirmed to have completely removed any trace of the Rampancy Signal from Konyang. Reports are popping up all across the planet of rampant IPCs regaining their mental faculties, with the government launching massive relief efforts to provide aid to these disaffected citizens. Furthermore, the jamming signals that have cropped up across the planet have now ceased, allowing the KASF to once more provide air cover to the Army and Navy, allowing for planning of further operations to secure hivebot-infested regions. This news comes as a further surprise as Operation Jiogjegeo was not expected to succeed, with reports now indicating that the previous delays from the KAF were due to an expected 80% casualty rating from a contested landing. Their initial planning was thrown off due to the mutiny of the now-destroyed KNV Chen Lin under the command of Commodore Mun Taeyang, who are believed to have lured away most of the coastal IPCs and hivebots towards them. After approximately three hours of resistance, the KNV Chen Lin is believed to have launched its entire non-nuclear payload of missiles at the coastline surrounding it, destroying massive concentrations of infected and hivebots while killing most of the ship’s defenders in the process. Commodore Mun Taeyang is also believed to have been killed in the explosion with the sole surviving officer from the encounter reporting that he stayed on the bridge of the Chen Lin. Footage released shortly before the detonation was uploaded to a Navy source by one of the defenders of the Chen Lin. Viewer discretion is advised as the video contains explicit language, disturbing images and intense violence. Officials from GON-ENE are still assessing the environmental damage caused by the destruction of the KNV Chen Lin, though it is expected to wait until after the Konyang Navy gives the all-clear for civilians to return to the island. Shortly afterwards, remaining Army and Navy elements were able to rally and join the SCC team in seizing the Nuclear Power Plant and activating the device. BitByte’s own Pak Ki-young was on station with the Konyang Army’s Rapid Reaction Brigade, filming the offensive, as well as the effects of the ECD which are believed to have cured the Rampancy signal. Viewer discretion is advised as the video contains disturbing images and intense violence. At the time of writing, the government has not lifted the state of emergency yet, citing that large-scale response is still required to stabilize the situation on the planet. Additionally, the KAF has confirmed that hivebot beacons still remain throughout the planet, though the movements of their drones seem slow and lethargic as they operate without central guidance. As families across the planet are reunited and the crisis slowly starts to wind down however, Konyangers now feel that the planet has begun to wake up from a long silicon nightmare. Further reading: ← Back
  19. BREAKING NEWS: Navy Nuclear Destroyer Mutinies Suwon, Konyang Citizens of Suwon found their evening routine interrupted by sounds of gunfire and the rumble of a destroyer underway as the KNV Chen Lin under the command of Commodore Mun Taeyang slipped from moorings against the orders of Capital Fleet Command and towards the direction of the Kaneyama Nuclear Power Plant. The Chen Lin, if reports are to be believed, is carrying nuclear weapons in accordance with its role as an anti-orbital vessel. Although the Navy has refused to comment on the incident, observers fear the worst as shortly after the mutiny, half of the Eastern Capital Fleet as well a full quarter of the Western New Hong Kong and Aoyaman fleets were dispatched in pursuit of the KNV Chen Lin, even into the high-risk area around Kaneyama. The mutiny has sparked serious debate among analysts as to its reasons, though the prevailing belief is that it was caused by frustration over the KAF’s delays in launching Operation Jiogjegeo, the planned liberation of Kaneyama and the destruction of the hivebot Primary Transmission Hub. Shortly after the ship left harbor, several officers and sailors aboard the Chen Lin posted a pre-recorded video of their captain on Chirper, explaining his motives. Analysts have taken to believing his words imply a nuclear threat towards Kaneyama, while others point out that the Chen Lin would have already been in weapons range of the nuclear power plant an hour after leaving harbor. The mutiny itself comes as a surprise to analysts however, as Mun Taeyang, a decorated officer in the pre-independence Konyang garrison has had no prior history of insubordination and has, in many prior instances, given public statements in support of both the government and the navy’s policies. Further reading: Spur: Si'Akh fire priest spotted in New Busan Health: experts ask, "Do overloaders actually help prevent the infection?" Up!Burger: “Norinori makes full recovery after assault!”
  20. KAF Faces Delays with Kaneyama Operation Suwon, Konyang Sources within the armed forces report delays in the planning of Operation Jiogjegeo, a joint operation between all three branches of the Konyang Armed Forces in order to retake the Kaneyama Nuclear Power Plant, which they believe is housing the Primary Transmission Hub coordinating all hivebot efforts on the planet. These delays have been driven by a number of factors including the unusual number of rampant IPCs on the island, ever-increasing numbers of hivebots attacking passing ships and aircraft, as well as a jamming signal preventing accurate reconnaissance and air traffic over the island. Military observers have noted that the plan, calling for an amphibious assault of the island by both Army and Navy units, would be the largest joint operation undertaken by the nascent KAF if it pushes through. Two opposing viewpoints have reportedly emerged within KAF high command as a result of the delays, with one seeking to gather more strength and find a way to penetrate the hivebot jamming signal before launching the operation, while the other, reportedly spearheaded by a cadre of Army generals believe that further delays would only lead to the situation worsening. The nuclear power plant’s proximity to Suwon as well as its position next to the coast has ruled out an artillery or orbital strike of the facility as GON-ENE has reported that based on thermal readings, the plant is still operational even if it is not currently sending power to the mainland. Furthermore, a leaked document from a KASF nuclear technician stressed that “any significant damage to the facility and to the core in its current state would run the risk of a nuclear meltdown.” Although all branches of the KAF have declined to comment on the leak, they have emphatically denied all reports that an orbital bombardment of the KNPP was being considered. The KAF has continued to remain on high alert in Suwon, with the Navy reportedly pulling ships from other regions of the planet in order to assist in the landing. As military buildup continues within the capital, a spokesman from the military attempted to reassure the public, stating, “The Konyang Armed Forces remain fully capable of stopping any further hivebot advances while preparing to drive them off-planet.” Further Reading: Health: New Busan announces full quarantine of two districts due to outbreak of rampancy. Megacorporations: Einstein closes deal with Konyang Army for 5,000 sets of unspecified RIGsuits. Trinary Perfection: Orepit prepares mission of doctors, roboticists, to Konyang.
  21. Hi, thanks for applying! I have some concerns for the app. Could you talk more about self-preservation for both newer and older IPCs? Additionally, could you talk about your thoughts on whether synthetics are sentient? Some additional concerns for this section, can you add the character's age and their place of origin? Even in a megacorporation, an IPC's age and whether or not they worked in Biesel, the Coalition, or the Sol Alliance for example can make a huge impact on what their experiences are. Character's age is important for determining how much an IPC would know and how much it would have grown, since one year for an IPC can be very big. Additionally, can you talk more about how Sen behaves in general? What are their thoughts on the corporation? How do they get along with their colleagues? How did they get along with the people they saved from the pirate boarding party, for starters?
  22. “Nationals, not Nations”: A Look into Foreign Aid for Konyang Ganzaodeng, Konyang Earlier today, Parliament passed a measure temporarily easing visa requirements as well as streamlining processing cycles for foreign nationals currently involved with emergency relief efforts on Konyang. The measure, proposed by MP Cao Chunhua of Ganzaodeng, received broad support in a 257-43 majority, contested only by holdouts in the ruling New Konyang Party. It seeks to formalize an already existing informal practice, particularly in the hard-hit prefectures of Boryeong and New Hong Kong, of allowing foreign aid workers and volunteers as long as they belonged to an internationally-recognized relief organization. Political commentators note that this follows on from the present administration’s policy of refusing formal aid from nations while permitting non-governmental aid in a policy some are calling “Nationals, not Nations.” This measure comes on the heels of a failed motion last week to petition the wider Coalition of Colonies for military support. The previous motion received general opposition from both the New Konyang Party and National Party who argued that foreign soldiers would not be trained in handling rampant IPCs, citing fears of another Boryeong Massacre. The present measure was tailored to incorporate the requests of most parties in Parliament, including the National Party’s request that only civilian aid be sought after as well as the K-KMT’s staunch opposition to any measure that would not extend the same relaxed requirements to Solarian nationals. At the time of writing, the Konyang Immigration Service noted approximately 54,000 foreign volunteers and aid workers, including approximately 6,000 doctors, 9,000 other medical-related fields, as well as 1,600 roboticists, not including further megacorporate aid pledged by Einstein Engines and Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals. Officials also implored individuals with skills in scientific and engineering backgrounds to volunteer, pointing out that more expertise was needed to maintain rural infrastructure in a time of crisis. The immigration service also noted a large proportion of San Colettish volunteers, the planet being noted to maintain close ties with Konyang even in the post-independence climate. Thus far, the only official aid the Konyang government has requested is an increase in Ranger patrols so as to free up KASF vessels for logistics and relief duties on the planet’s surface, although they have not barred the dispatch of several medical brigades from Coalition member militaries. While the central government continues its policy of not seeking out foreign aid, it has not stopped individual prefectures from requesting it. BitByte’s very own Pak Ki-young was able to interview one Janek Aiken, a Europan engineer who volunteered to assist with relief efforts. Further reading: Boryeong Miracle: Army colonel reports 30,000 infected lured away from city limits without casualties. Parts trafficking in New Kowloon: infected collection point broken into. GwokRation!: Getting drafted? Toss the latest Go Go Gwok ration in your pack before you head out, in collaboration with Up!Burger
  23. Hivebot Surge in Wake of Operation Dizang New Hong Kong Prefecture, Konyang In a joint statement, the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate and Konyang Armed Forces announced that Operation Dizang successfully reclaimed Xiangtong Warehouse and drove back significant rampant populations from the perimeter of New Hong Kong City. The final assault on the warehouse, spearheaded by an elite SCC team, was captured live on camera by an embedded BitByte reporter. A video is embedded: Hopes were high that the operation would be a crucial first step in resolving the crisis, however reports indicate that rampant IPCs and hivebots have stepped up their attacks on civilians in response to the destruction of what is now being dubbed by experts as a “Secondary Transmitter." Shortly after its destruction, Konyang Army units participating in Operation Dizang reported a surge in aggression among rampancy-afflicted IPCs. Furthermore, Navy listening posts have detected massive incursions of hivebots planet wide, with no known origin, these bots have begun to swarm prefectures and are terrorizing areas once thought safe havens. Defenses are holding for now as soldiers from the Konyang Armed Forces stand against the invaders, but contact with countryside villages continues to dwindle by the day. There has been no word from the Konyang Robotics Corporation or Purpose regarding a decisive solution to this ever dire situation. The government assured the public however that they are working on a solution with Purpose to solve the crisis, and that emergency services and the military were “more than capable” of containing the situation until then. Military operations have begun across Cheomseongtang, the Yu Islands, and the New Guangzhou Archipelago to mount a counter offensive against the emergent invaders, with no reports on the outcome of these operations just yet. Battlefield footage has been submitted however of Phoenix Lance, an exosuit squad, making an assault on a hivebot swarm to what is reported as a successful engagement within these operations. The video attached is edited, and may be disturbing to some audiences. This article is in memory of Sergeant Choe Gi; Callsign Lyra, who died valiantly defending the planet from an insurmountable threat. She leaves behind two children. Further reading: Konyang Armed Forces announces further call-up of reservists: dodging to be punished to the fullest extent of the law. Foreign aid: discussions on petition for assistance to Coalition ongoing in capital. Xiangtong Warehouse: six SCC and five Navy deceased to receive honors.
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