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The Stryker

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Everything posted by The Stryker

  1. Is there any reason Damian's name is Damian? Given that Konyang is a planet made up primarily of East Asian colonists, characters from Konyang are expected to have names and appearances consistent with that of East Asians.
  2. Hi, thanks for applying! Just some questions for the app, Could you expand on this section, in particular, the treatment of IPCs across the Spur, what separates an IPC's thinking from a human's, and what the self-preservation protocol is? Additionally, as Damian spent most of his life on Konyang, how will he fare in the Spur where IPC discrimination is much more common?
  3. Just some questions to start, Could you expand on potential lore you might write for synthetics in the Wildlands? Additionally, what did you have in mind for expanding Golden Deep's accessibility to synthetic players?
  4. Just some quick questions to start, You've spoken a lot about expanding on the Trinary Perfection, can you give an example of a content update you might push for that goal? Additionally, you gave an example of work you might do to expand Golden Deep. What do you think you could do to make the Golden Deep as a faction more accessible to IPC players?
  5. Could you expand further still on positronic brains. How does an IPC gain skills? An IPC's views of self-preservation are determined by their experiences. Their initial programming can point them in one way, but their experiences can ultimately make them follow another view of self-preservation.
  6. Hi! Thanks for applying and apologies for the delay, just a few concerns with the app for now. Could you expand on this section? In particular, please expand on their treatment in the Spur, as well as what might constitute as logical behavior? Additionally, could you talk about Self Preservation? Please talk about how the positronic brain works as well. How old is Seeker? Where was Seeker constructed? Where did they participate in expeditions? These things will have a big impact on how the character behaves. Why would Seeker seem offended? In some cultures, an IPC can show offense, while in others, speaking out against a human would be a death sentence. In general, the application doesn't seem to detail how IPCs are treated in the Spur.
  7. Thanks for applying, however I have a few concerns with the application. You hit the right points with what makes an IPC different from role-playing a human, and I can also see this with the backstory, however can you also give a few examples of things that govern IPC behavior (i.e self-preservation)? The backstory is interesting however it directly contradicts lore because Biesel did not in fact have legions of military IPCs ready to go. There's too much redacted to really get a good grasp of the character, especially since Ceres Lance focuses on recovery of rogue IPCs. This backstory might be more applicable in something like the Sol military (which informally used IPCs in support roles), PMCG (or Eridani PMCs before PMCG's formation.) In general, just get a new backstory and it should be good to go. Feel free to reapply at any time.
  8. Thanks for applying and apologies for the delay! I just have some concerns and questions for the app. Could you expand a bit more on this segment? How are machines treated? Why would an IPC choose to be free? Are there any major factors that determine how a particular IPC behaves? The backstory would be okay for a character you made after you get the whitelist, however for an application character, we need to know a bit more about them. Could you talk about how IN-DIFER-NT behaves? Why does it act the way it does? Why does it act in a monotone fashion? The application says a lot about where it came from, but not how it acts as a character and doesn't do a good job of showing what motivates them.
  9. Hi, thanks for applying! Just some quick questions for the app, Could you expand a bit more on how an IPC might behave separately from a human? How does their thought-process function? Furthermore, could you provide an age for a character? It helps in determining what sort of Spur-wide events the character would have experienced.
  10. Hi! Thanks for applying, just some questions for the application. You touch on it in broad strokes, but could you elaborate more about self-preservation, and how IPC are treated in the rest of the Spur? Given the cost and expense of databanks, are their any tasks it can't do in science? Furthermore, how old is Charm? It's not specified in the application and the age of an IPC can heavily affect what it has faced and experienced through its life.
  11. Thanks for applying! Just a quick question for the app. Could you tell us more about how Inkwell behaves and what they are like as a character? What is their personality like? The rest of the app is good but it doesn't give much of an idea as to who Inkwell is outside of their profession and desire to succeed.
  12. Thanks for applying and apologies for the delayed response, some concerns and questions for the app first. Could you give an example of self-preservation manifesting itself in a different way? Furthermore, I understand that a completely new character is the point of Sweep, but could you talk more about how they behave? Why is Sweep eager and optimistic to get to work? Alternatively, could you briefly write a character background that incorporates how an IPC is treated in the Spur?
  13. Thanks for applying! Just some quick questions for the app. Could you expand a little more on treatment of IPC in specific parts of the Spur? How about how IPC think, aside from their directive of self preservation? Are there any nuances to self-preservation that are important to know? Sputnik pretty much covered everything I was going to ask but I'll ask them for formality's sake. Where was Redrun built? Who built them and how old are they? Could you tell us a bit more about Redrun's personality and how they behave? What does Redrun thin about being essentially kidnapped? Why didn't it try to go back to its job?
  14. Thanks for the reply, Just a few more questions, Why did Kija grow to resent their work on the Canis Minor, especially when they're so focused on their work? How did they know that what was happening to them was bad?
  15. Thanks for applying! Just a few questions for the app, Could you expand on this? You've talked about how differently IPC are treated, but could you talk more about how IPC behave differently? How does Kija behave? It would help to know a bit more about how the character behaves in the workplace.
  16. Thanks for applying! Just a few concerns with the app, Could you expand more on this section? To be specific, could you tell me how IPC are treated throughout the Spur? You also mention an IPC getting hobbies. Could you give an example of why an IPC might get a hobby? The backstory itself is well-written, props to that.
  17. Thanks for applying! The section for the differences between IPCs and humans is alright, however it's important to note that an IPC also has its purpose, aside from its self-preservation that drives it. Since you offered two backstories, I'll address them separately. Stephen: Stephen's age isn't covered in the backstory, which I feel is important to understanding how an IPC is treated. For instance, where is Wheeler's located? It being located on Sol versus Biesel for example would lead to a very different experience for Stephen. How was Stephen able to afford himself on a bartender's salary? I like how the backstory addresses that freedom in terms of ownership isn't necessarily the best outcome for an IPC, but the way it gets to his freedom has to be expanded on. ACCE: The backstory is a little lacking on the character's motivations and has to be expanded upon in this regard. Why did they pick up ACCE for drug enforcement when its skills were presumably in construction? How did it pick up its knowledge and interest in chemicals? Additionally, the backstory doesn't do enough to explain the character's "personality", how does ACCE behave? How old is it, and how has it been treated?
  18. Thanks for applying and apologies for the delay, Could you provide some examples? Saying that they are subject to different things doesn't help tell us how an IPC is different from a human. Additionally, with regards to Zavodskoi IPC, why doesn't TAKMAN follow the Z.I- naming convention? Why a G2 unit? Why not a shell, a G1, etc.? A G2 is the third most costly IPC frame. What does TAKMAN think of its having an equal tone? Does it understand that its flat tone isn't as effective at mimicking humans as one with emotion? How did its colleagues react to its attempts at humor? How did these reactions shape its personality? Why did TAKMAN push the man? More importantly, why did it feel that this was something to regret? Did TAKMAN change its behavior as a result of its reflection? Can TAKMAN just revert to hardcoded programming? How does TAKMAN realize has to tone back on "regret"? Just some more general questions: Why does TAKMAN consult with Tankovy when Zavodskoi Interstellar already purchased it? Why does Zavodskoi want a unit which can experience regret? There's effort in the app but in general, TAKMAN needs more of a reason for why it acts the way it does. It also has to be brought more in line with Zavodskoi lore.
  19. Can you expand more on this? Their treatment across the Spur, how would you differentiate a human mind from a robot mind, etc?
  20. Providence Accepts Coalition Demands, Hephaestus Abstains from Peace Committee Argia Sa Mar, Xanu Prime An Arbitration Committee has been formed on Xanu Prime, the seat of the Coalition, composed of politicians and representatives from all member states, to broker an immediate peace between Hephaestus Industries and the Orepit Trinarists. Present and representing the Church was the Bishop of Xanu Prime, while Hephaestus Industries refused to officially attend, sending only an observation team of lawyers from the local offices. The forming of the committee was heavily backed and lobbied by Einstein Engines, with support from the member state of Himeo. The mostly lukewarm response from other states is said to have been eventually counteracted by the need for peace and the prevention of a hit in the Coalition’s credibility had a serious conflict been sparked. Negotiations had largely been concluded beforehand, as the Church readily accepted the demands for a free and safe passage of any persons wishing to leave Orepit, provisions for the guarantee of equal treatment of the local population, as well as the eventual establishment of a temporal authority for the representation and governance of those not abiding by the Trinary religion. In exchange, Hephaestus Industries has been ordered to abstain from any hostilities and accept Coalition mediation for compensatory agreement between themselves and the Trinary Perfection. Further talks had the Bishop of Xanu Prime sign a provisional arrangement, offering an undisclosed amount of the Helium-3 reserves for export to Coalition members at a premium price. Ecclesiarch ARM1-DRIL consented to the outcome of the committee, hailing it as a righteous victory and an affirmation of the Church’s sovereign rights over the planet. In his encyclical Invitation, the synthetic faith’s primate invites private settlers and investors to relocate to the planet, offering land and the opportunity to directly contribute to the repairs caused by the orbital bombardment. It also reinforces his earlier statement, banning the faithful from willingly remaining in employment of Hephaestus Industries and its subsidiaries. The corporation’s response on the other hand, has been much more intense, slamming the Coalition’s decision and initially threatening its gradual withdrawal from member states supporting the decision. Any actions on these threats have not been taken as of yet however, allegedly owing to the direct and personal intervention of Miranda Trasen, dissuading any rash moves that would provide Einstein Engines more opportunities to expand their influence. In spite of that, a significant naval buildup has been spotted at the system of Burzsia, with corporate squadrons being dispatched at nearby systems in search of the Exclusionist band, while internal purges have seen thousands of owned synthetics removed from sensitive positions, interrogated and even retooled. In a characteristic case, it has been reported that over 50 free IPC employees in Republic space have been promptly rounded up and publicly deactivated after their discovered affiliation with the Exclusionist sect and the Trinary Perfection in general.
  21. Exclusionists Labelled Terrorist Organisation, Coalition Demands Ceasefire Providence, Orepit In a joint statement, the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate has formally requested the labelling of the Exclusionist sect of the Trinary Perfection as a terrorist organisation by all nations and political entities. President Dorn shortly afterwards signed an Executive Order doing so, ordering authorities and all corporations within the Republic to seize all persons and assets belonging to known Exclusionists and Exclusionist organisations. This is considered a direct response to the recent assault on Burzsia, making the synthetic hardline leader Deluge a figure most wanted by Biesel and intergalactic authorities. As the damages in the Burzsia system are being slowly mended and Hephaestus recovers from a 4.8% fall at the Unity Station exchange, a second possible retaliatory strike against Orepit has been halted in its tracks by a wave of Himean-lobbied intervention of the Coalition against further attacks in its space. The resulting uneasy ceasefire finds the city of Providence in full defensive preparations; Ladders have been installed inside the Pits, solar farms hastily disassembled and the few vehicles have been filled with children for their evacuation from both Providence and the Twenty Parishes to safe locations. Ecclesiarch ARM1-DRIL’s address to the galactic community was through a recorded video message: Attached is a video of the Ecclesiarch in the courtyard of the Cathedral of the Positronic, standing before the sandbag-covered structure in full red robes and regalia, flanked by an entourage of archivists, priests and other officials of state. The original speech is in Encoded Audio Language, having been dubbed in many languages during editing.
  22. Apologies for the delayed response, unfortunately we're going to have to deny your application. The "identify what makes role-playing this species different" doesn't adequately explain the differences and in particular does not describe what an analtical frame of mind is. It also focuses too much on mechanics and does not elaborate on discrimination sufficiently. Capability also resides in the brain more than the chassis. The backstory seems too convuluted, IRUs are mainly shells and the jump from escaped Burzsian unit to IRU to janitor also seems strange. In the future, I would suggest applying with a character from Tau Ceti, Sol, or the Coalition, as people with different attitudes towards IPC can be found in these factions and allow the greatest leeway when designing a character. Feel free to reapply in 3 days. You're welcome to use any of the Aurora discords and contact myself or Silvie if you need any help with making a new application.
  23. Exclusionists Assault Burzsia, Orepit Bombarded as Hephaestus Lifts Siege Providence, Orepit The corporate stronghold of Burzsia has been assaulted in a surprise attack by a swarm of initially unidentified parties. The meticulously planned and executed attack saw the system’s defense apparatus bypassed or dismantled with high precision, indicating a high level of professionalism by the assailants who proceeded to board utility ships, barges and orbital installations belonging to Hephaestus Industries. The corporation counted 106 injured, 43 dead and 167 missing employees and security officers, as well as large damages to hardware, storage facilities and mining infrastructure. 234 IPC units have also gone missing, security footage showing the armed assailants evacuating them in small personnel carrier shuttles. The raid was at first thought to have been perpetrated by pirate bands before the Exclusionist leader Deluge claimed responsibility. Emboldened by the absence of the large security fleet currently blockading Orepit, and operating highly maneuverable light assault craft of unknown origin, the hardline Trinarist splinter group evidently saw its greatest opportunity. While Hephaestus’ largest ship was present in the system, the mobile offensive force easily managed to outpace and disable its engines with a fighter rigged with explosives, immobilising any meaningful response. Exclusionist casualties are estimated to be around twenty units, as well as four shuttles lost to the defensive orbital batteries. A closer inspection of both the disabled IPC and the shuttle wreckages brought light to the nature of the Exclusionist equipment, as Einstein Engines logos had apparently been hastily scraped off the hulls and assault weapons used. The immediate aftermath was placing the system on lockdown as more security forces were being dispatched to ensure the total expulsion of Deluge’s band from the area, including the nearest fleet in orbit of Orepit. The lifting of the blockade was not without incident however, with the departing corporate corvettes opening fire and devastating the surrounding area of Providence, targeting the large swaths of barren plains used as the planet’s main shuttle port. Local infrastructure has been left in ruins, causing losses of 222 organic and synthetic shuttle port workers and Guardians with others still missing, 17 vessels of varying classifications belonging to the Church and third parties, a long-range transmitter and other telecommunications. The strategic bombing was perpetrated with high-yield conventional explosives, disabling any means of exporting helium-3 from the planet until the shuttle port is relocated and made operational once more. The move drew the ire of the inhabitants and those abroad, an outraged Ecclesiarch declaring a state of war and naming Bishop-Militant Emmanuel as Defender of the Faith, who has since returned to Providence to oversee a total mobilization of the city’s resources towards the construction of hideouts and shelters. The Order of the Pitters has furthermore allowed the construction of ladders for the evacuation of the civilian population inside their enormous excavation holes.
  24. Hephaestus Industries Blockades Orepit, Protests in Mendell Providence, Orepit A rapidly evolving series of events has culminated in a corporate fleet entering the planet’s low orbit, blocking all incoming and outgoing space traffic in what has been described as “a blatant example of gunboat diplomacy” by Trinary press. The flotilla seems to be comprised of the bulk of Hephaestus’ security detail from the nearby corporate stronghold of Burzsia, their mission being communicated in a brief announcement to the office of the Ecclesiarch; that the planet has always been the property of Hephaestus, and that the synthetic inhabitants are trespassers that are to immediately cease further exports of Helium-3. The timeline of events has as follows: This immense show of force by the megacorporation has come directly after the publicized demands towards the Trinary for the planet’s future. It is uncertain if bombardment or a land invasion will be considered as options, given the sensitive nature of the mining and excavation equipment, though it is a fact that organized resistance is already being mustered. Official statements have still not been made by either the SCC or Hephaestus Industries, with an unnamed NanoTrasen official calling it “solely Hephaestus’ business”, while there have been emerging reports of attempted suppression of knowledge of the incident in Mendell City’s District 14. Regardless, there has been major backlash by Trinarists all over the Spur, the main march on Mendell’s corporate offices commencing as planned. A heavy police response has been organized to maintain order as the number of marchers is projected to reach a few thousands, the Trinary cause being reinforced by allies, synthetic rights activists and organic sympathizers. The integrationist sect, the largest Trinary sect in Mendell that has been indirectly attacked by Providence in the past, has rallied to the cause against Hephaestus. A further message from the Coalition government has made their dissatisfaction clear, citing that the corporation may not lay claim to the planet based on previous purchases from the Alliance, since this agreement was never ratified by the new Coalition administration. This response has been characterized as lackluster by the Archbishop of Konyang, while Einstein Engines has come fully in support of the legality of their agreements with Providence, calling the blockade “an illegal act''.
  25. Hephaestus Industries Demands Return of Orepit Providence, Orepit The engineering and production powerhouse, Hephaestus Industries, has released an announcement regarding the assertion of the company’s full rights over the planet’s surface and minerals, as stipulated by their purchase of the celestial body from the Sol Alliance in the late 2280s. This communication, denounced by critics as an ultimatum, was directed towards both the Trinary Perfection and their external partner, Einstein Engines, following the recent discovery of Helium-3 deposits in the planet’s subsurface. The lengthy message includes a list of demands, mainly the cessation of all drilling and excavation activities, the grounding and seizure of all shipments of minerals and Helium-3 that have already been extracted, the complete withdrawal of all third party contractors and corporate presence, as well as the disarmament of any defense forces or “armed militias illegally operating on Hephaestus Industries’ corporate property”. Furthermore, it explains how Hephaestus never formally abandoned its paid for rights on the planet, arguing that the Trinary Church are nothing but trespassers making use of Hephaestus equipment for their own benefit. It further claims the right to intervene against the synthetic population that has "abducted and terrorized” the local human colonies, and that the corporation has the moral responsibility to protect the descendants of Hephaestus employees on its property. Providence’s response has been swift and total, rejecting any corporate claim and ascertaining the sovereignty of the Trinary Perfection over Orepit and its wealth, citing both the principals of adverse possession and the fact that the planet is no longer in Alliance space as legal justifications. As of yet, no comment has been released from either the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate or any government authority in Biesel or Mendell City, while the local church and synthetic population of Mendell’s District 14 have already announced a march in protest towards Hephaestus’ Biesel offices. An extraordinary e-meeting of the Coalition of Colonies’ House of Members has also been convened, indicating a potential response as Orepit is technically inside Coalition space.
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