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Two ideas. One- a new OMEGA stationbound unit. Exists specifically to do industrial labor, nothing else. No real personality. (I've basically retconned OMEGA being a free synth, since... Well. That didn't go anywhere). Second one is a stationbound that is basically just an elevated drone, reminiscent of Makita. Doesn't talk, just goes and does whatever is needed.
BYOND Key: XenosTiger Total Ban Length: Permanent synthetic ban. Banning staff member's Key: Alberyk Reason of Ban: For playing a character that was pretty much against the set lore and theme of the server, after having those issues explained to them a couple of times already. If you want to know if anything is fine or not, be in contact with staff, do not try to keep going around them or push things on the way you want them to be. Reason for Appeal: I've learned my lesson and have created a synth that should be a lot more resistant to my normal urges to goof off when I'm playing late night rounds.
I appreciate it. Thanks, Alb! Hopefully I won't cause any more issues on the server.
Oh, sorry. I didn't respond because it looked like it had become a conversation between admins. I think this is a fair outcome- replacing the permaban with a synthban. That'd give me another opportunity to prove myself, and the punishment fits the crime. If I act up again, I believe it'd be a permaban though, correct?
She was considerably embellishing her story, due to the fact that "I got ripped out of my shell in a telescience test and put into a human body" wouldn't have been as impressive sounding. It was my final attempt to get her on the server, but I definitely could have done it better, I agree. And I have been taking things into consideration. If my ban's lifted, I'll do better... Mostly by making sure I don't get on when I'm in a goofy mood, which seems to be when all the problems have arisen.
I was under the impression that androids were afforded some degree more leeway in terms of what they could and could not do. But, like I said, the final straw that got me banned was me joining as one round to goof off. Stupid on my part, I know. But I was told to stop using Carolin, so I did, went back to using OMEGA. And since I only played as her for two rounds, I figured I could just ask the people involved to just ignore the fact that she ever even existed. is OMEGA's concept, of being a mass-produced model designed with minimal personality, an issue on this server?
BYOND Key: XenosTiger Staff BYOND Key: Alberyk Game ID: Unknown. Reason for complaint: Applying a Permanent Ban instead of a Synthetic Ban. Evidence/logs/etc: See attached image. Additional remarks: While I actually do agree that my behavior that round was decidedly unacceptable- I was in a goofy mood and decided to join as OMEGA, a stationbound synthetic that I designed to fit into the rules of Aurora, I decided, unwisely, to do a bit of MRP that round. I make no attempts to excuse that fact, but I'm not pleased with the result. According to Alberyk, all of the infractions that lead up to my ban were in regards to behavior as a synthetic. Which, other than the two rounds where I joined as a human and did some admittedly dumb stuff, is the only role I play- Stationbound synthetic, pAI, or maintenance drone. I do not dispute the crimes- I am simply disputing the punishment dispensed. Perma-ban for almost exclusively synthetic RP issues, when a stationbound ban would solve the problem as well? I honestly don't understand it. Though, I will state that I'll do better synthetic RP if I do get back on. No more joining late at night when I'm too likely to goof off!
... And then, Man made the Machine in His likeness.
XenosTiger replied to CakeIsOssim's topic in General
Literally the only thing I'm going to say here is this. More rules won't stop bad players from being bad. It will only stop good players from being good- and make more good players become perceived as bad. The people who try to match the lore will be worried sick about it... and the people who don't give a shit about lore will continue to not give a shit about lore. -
[Resolved] Character Complaint - Epsilion
XenosTiger replied to DatBerry's topic in Complaints Boards Archive
If he was in less-than-perfect condition, then both my Advanced Scanner and Medical HUD were lying to me. At the time I left him, they both said he had no damage at all. And I was still performing surgery on the quartermaster (Who outranks assistants in priority,) to fix the fact that they had literally broken _everything_. And I was assuming that someone else in medical could treat them. -
[Resolved] Character Complaint - Epsilion
XenosTiger replied to DatBerry's topic in Complaints Boards Archive
Okay, now that the initial shock and indignation that I assume comes naturally from getting a character/player complaint filed against you, is gone, I feel like I can properly address this issue without resorting to ad-hominem and making an ass of myself. Since this is my first time doing anything like this, forgive me if I don't do a particularly good job of being tact. Allow me to preface my defense, by saying this. Ask any of the numerous admins and mods who get routinely bwoinked by me when I want to know if something is or is not allowed by my laws- if I actually perceive that doing something goes against my laws, I -will- take a moment to Ahelp and see if it's acceptable- and if they say no, I just go back to my business and resume acting within what I -know- to be acceptable by the laws. Disrespecting crew is, unless my interpretation is wrong, not disallowed by law unless it actually causes a deficit in productivity- otherwise, it's just an incredibly risky behavior that may very well end up with you getting scrapped. And when that crew happens to be bald mcbalderson, pale white, no hair, no definining characteristics... and nine times out of ten, seeing someone like that has ended with Epsilon having to go in to clean up from the inevitable death (and likely property damage), from said baldie... Epsilon does tend to be rather skeptical, and scathing, towards them. If they show her that they aren't a threat, she'll actually be nice to them, like she is to literally -anyone- that doesn't try to shoot her or cause issues on the station. And considering that there was a band of Baldos running around the station, shouting at people and generally being nuisances... those baldies were, at best, causing a drop in productivity, which would cause Epsilon to be rather crass with them. And as for Epsilon refusing to treat them? By default, the first thing Epsilon does upon arriving on-station, is to turn on medical HUD, so she can keep an eye on the vitals of everyone around her. Berry, your character ran up to Epsilon while she was responding to an -emergency call-, with a patient thrown down disposals, who was about to die. Your character, on the other hand, was treated, and your vitals returned to %99. Other than the bullet inside your chest, you were in perfect health- as opposed to the person who was in crit when Eppi arrived to them mere moments later. If Eppi had done a surgery to take the bullet out, the other person, who was of higher rank than assistant, and therefore higher priority ACCORDING TO NT AI LAW, would be dead by the time Eppi got there. And the fact that the AI was screaming at her over Binary AND Medical didn't help matters either- even if Eppi wasn't bound to them at the time. As for the other issue, of the whole security debacle. I don't appreciate you or Fisk claiming me to be metafriending. Epsilon has a natural distrust of security, and she (Along with me, OOCLY,) always has the Corporate Regulations page up at all times. Granted, I legitimately didn't know that bags of holding were contraband outside of science, but... Tazing a scientist who wasn't resisting you at all, merely ignoring you, could be considered i117, excessive use of force in detainment. (Using force to subdue an unarmed and compliant suspect). Granted, they weren't strictly compliant, but they weren't strictly non-compliant either. They posed no threat, and an aggressive grab would have been sufficient. But, that's neither here nor there. When Epsilon sees a -cadet- taze someone who wasn't running, wasn't resisting, wasn't threatening them in any way, yeah, she'll call out that a cadet tazed someone who wasn't running, resisting, or threatening them in any way. Not to mention that, if she had been allowed to take the gear back to science, it stops being contraband. I'm not -entirely- certain where the law resides on that matter- on whether it's chargeable as soon as it's taken out of the department,- but I assume that yes, it can still be charged. And now, for a more personal note. I personally see three solutions to this issue that could deal with it permanently. Either Epsilon gets deleted, I'm forced to compromise on Epsilon's character- and promptly stop playing her... OOOOOR... The ideal solution, would be to bring back MMI-chassis. It would solve so many issues that people have with Epsilon, as well as provide a conclusion to a long story-arc that I've been playing out for the past two, almost three months, while I wait patiently for MMI-shells to be brought back. We all know what's going to happen as soon as they are. Epsilon stops being a Cyborg, and becomes a Shell that's indentured to NT for 2 years as part of her contract, and experiment terms. Either way, I've said my piece, and I hope I've cleared at least some of this up? Sorry if I seem aggressive in tone, it's just that this is much more personal than any other forum post I've done here. -
Suggestions and Changes for Shells: A Collaboration
XenosTiger replied to Jennalele's topic in Archive
Bumping this thread because I think it's a good idea to consider re-implementing this. Because one shift relatively recently, a person got asploded, and we had two, maybe three options to revive him from just a brain. 1. Wait for someone /else/ to die, cut their brain out, put his brain in, and clone them, and then deal with the issue for that new person who is bodiless. 2. Find some way to bring back Genetics and fuck around until we can make Protohumans (Which is apparently purposely not a thing right now?) 3. Put the poor bastard in an MMI and make him a permanent slave to NT- just because he had the misfortune of not having a body anymore. Personally, I think that if no other options are available and the person has to be put in an MMI, there should be more options than just being a slave to NT for the rest of your life, or being a practically useless Spiderbot for the rest of your life- until they decide to take option one because of how useless spiderbots are. Putting the MMI into an IPC chassis would be an interesting solution- and something of a compromise. They'd still remain a (potentially) Legally recognized individual- but would have to work tirelessly for NanoTrasen once they paid off the expenses for whichever type of chassis they got put into. ((Also this is was the solution Jackboot suggested for the whole... Epsilon issue, so....)) Edit: The CMO at the time, Phoebe Essel, did not allow him to be put into an MMI and slaved to NT, on the basis of human rights. Which is a valid response, and, quite probably, the preferable one- but I still get the feeling that, despite Epsilon scrambling to try to find some way to let the guy keep living, he was effectively removed from the round at... what was it, the fifteen, thirty minute mark? -
What I was thinking- which has undoubtedly been planted in my head from other, more talented individuals than I, is this: make it a sort of minigame, where you have to actually compare the person's DNA hash before and after the cloning, and fix whatever genetic drift might have occurred, lest they get some sort of debuff that would take the highest-level genetic cure to fix? I can't remember which thread I got that idea from, but I know, as a -fact-, that it's not my own original thought.
... And then, Man made the Machine in His likeness.
XenosTiger replied to CakeIsOssim's topic in General
Hullo here, resident Cyborg player here. I don't really have much to say about this, other than to make a few points that I consider to be relatively important. As Syno said, the Synthetic "race" has one strength that makes them so compelling for me to play them- and, I think, quite a few other people. And that strength is their diversity. Robots who are the bare minimum of what someone would describe as "intelligent", like Ecom, who work almost entirely through pre-programmed responses and method calls... Positronic AI units that range from barely more complex than a robot, to beings that are capable of emulating emotion to such a degree that, if put in a Shell, they would almost entirely pass as human... To Cyborgs- the wildcards. The ones that I feel people have fleshed out the least, but who are sentient brains put inside some magical device to let them interface with machines, but never again with an organic body. Attempts have been made to strip them of that individuality, in the past. Yes, they would adhere more to "realism", but, at the same time, it would have made them bland, dull, and generally unappealing to most people who play them- which is a major issue for me. Epsilon, for example. You either love her or you hate her (Or you think "Muh realisums" when you see her)- but, for better or for worse, Epsilon was made by two things. Practically no lore or guidelines for Cyborgs here, leading me to base her around Bay... And a desire to push people into the Uncanny Valley- a cyborg that acts and, for the most part, _feels_ like a person. Yes, she's still bound by her laws. Yes, she will dutifully serve anyone that gives her a command that can be followed. But most people that actually get to know her, end up trusting her enough that, even without laws, they'd feel safe around her. And in the end, what concerns me most is thus: Which way will the lore go? Allow or deny, Stationbounds need some major work done, I think. -
[Accepted] XenosTiger IPC whitelist application.
XenosTiger replied to XenosTiger's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Well, the thing is, I'm generally pretty good at taking people's advice to heart- I didn't really notice anything different in Epsilon's behaviors, but if you say that I'm doing better, I'll believe you because my past has shown that I do improve when given criticism. As for Epsilon being taken out of the chassis and put in an IPC frame, I was told by a CCIA that it would be a one-time thing until a whitelist app was made. I agreed, saying that it was simply an IC experiment to prove that it could be done, and that Epsilon would, by the terms of the experiment, be returned to a Cyborg shell at the end of the shift, which did take place. However, I say that I will need to apply for a separate whitelist for Epsilon to become a Shell, because... Well, the mechanics would have to be altered across the server, to allow an MMI to be put into an IPC chassis. -
[Accepted] XenosTiger IPC whitelist application.
XenosTiger replied to XenosTiger's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I would actually enjoy debating these points with you, Fiskap, but this isn’t exactly the… proper place for such things. First and foremost, this thread is about my pAI character, Angel. Chances are, I’m going to have to file another application later on down the line to get Epsilon turned into a Shell- one, because of the sheer cost of it IC, and, more importantly, the amount of coding that would need to be changed OOC, to get it to happen, so, there will be a time to bring these points up again- preferably when I’m offered a choice other than “Kill your character, it doesn’t fit the lore in this really vague area that was never explained until afterwards.” This thread is about how well I understand, and use synthetic lore- which, other than Epsilon’s personality, I believe I’ve portrayed satisfactorily? I discussed several of Epsilon’s traits with Muncorn before I even made this app, and they said it was a “minor lore issue”. Any other topics are irrelevant to this thread, and can be discussed elsewhere- perhaps in private channels, or in an open debate forum? Either way, this is not the place. To be fair, though, the point of both of my Synth characters are the same, even if they convey that point in radically different ways: Advancing Synthetic lore, which is _woefully_ lacking at the moment. But, if Epsilon absolutely –must- be brought up here… I’m sensing a divide between what Muncorn has told me, and what you’ve gathered from the Synthetics lore that’s been provided, which, to be fair, is understandable, as synthetics are the least fleshed-out of all the “Species” on the server. But it would be better to actively explore all the possibilities for this species, rather than to gate them all off as “unrealistic”. I see very little about SS13 that is realistic- lack of realism is, at its core, one of the driving mechanics behind this lore. It’s not realistic for us now, so let’s make this interesting and see what it takes to make it so it –is- realistic- or, even better, stretch our boundaries and say, for the sake of argument, “Yes, this can be done”. And how have we advanced the lore of this server? For better or for worse, by having enterprising individuals who toe the line between accepted and unexplored, to see whether or not it can, or should, be allowed. -
[Accepted] XenosTiger IPC whitelist application.
XenosTiger replied to XenosTiger's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Alright, I've finally found the time to reply to this thread- namely, the two bits of criticism levelled at me by Fiskap and Bygonehero. Forgive me if I don't properly quote things, though, because I've never really... done anything on the Aurora forums that involves me actually posting. Either way, here goes! Bygonehero basically did a fairly decent job of summing up Epsilon- a somewhat emotion-oriented, strong-willed, sometimes even arrogant Cyborg unit- but one that takes pride in its skill in whatever fields it takes part in. If Epsilon ever runs into a problem they can't solve, however, they see no issue in asking someone else to teach them, or help them in some other way. Epsilon is also a particularly friendly Cyborg, wanting to get to know the crew- both for personality's sake, and for the sake of potentially developing a psychological profile that could be used to diagnose any mental disorders before they become problematic- part of Epsilon's ongoing self-learning in the Psychology branch of Medical. However, I have only seen one instance of Epsilon's "Social calls" taking priority over work- but that one instance, no orders were given that demanded Epsilon return to work, and that particular person was undergoing a clear psychological breakdown, so Epsilon would have attempted to rectify the situation even if the person weren't Epsilon's friend. As for Fiskap's post, there isn't anywhere near as "easy" an argument to be made by me. Yes I will readily admit that Epsilon doesn't adhere strictly to Aurora's Cyborg lore, but the Aurora Wiki on bound synthetics -never- mentioned how much personality a Cyborg can and cannot have- so I referred instead to Baywiki, since that was much more fleshed-out on the matter. Baywiki had this to say: Cyborg - This type is chosen as default and is the easiest one to roleplay in that it is simply a living brain linked to a metal body through MMI (man-machine interface). This means the Cyborg doesn't just have a personality of a living person, it actually is that person. Depending on Cyborg's age, it can still remember its life before being turned into a Cyborg, and retains all its ability to feel emotions, to have a subjective opinion, and all things that make humans human. Now, I knew that the Baywiki wasn't -entirely- in-line with Aurora's views on the matter, but it never occurred to me how wrong I was, until I learned, through conversations with several staff members, that an MMI would almost always wipe personality from a Cyborg. ALMOST always- I've also heard that it was possible for a Cyborg to keep their personality, even in an MMI, if the procedure was done with the most extreme degree of care... Which brings us to the central character conflict behind Epsilon: Epsilon had a rich upbringing, and made a lot of mistakes. They became an adult, decided to turn over a new leaf and actually be a good person like their younger sister- then took the change too far, and became a Cyborg. Due to the fact that they volunteered, and fully paid for the procedure, they chose to keep their personality and be contracted to work for NT as a fully-bound Synthetic, not realizing the sheer dehumanization that would be levelled at them from that point on, which has caused some.... interesting quirks in their personality. Now, I see what both of you are saying, and I see what points you're making- Epsilon doesn't adhere to the lore here. I -want- to fix that issue, but... Well, I only see three options. Either I can find some way to kill off Epsilon, so I don't have to deal with this problem... Or I can wipe Epsilon's personality, which would, ICly, drive -several- characters crazy (Might make a good story, but it would be a proper tragedy.) Or.. Rewrite Epsilon's entire character, including any and all interactions they had over the several months I've used them- which would make absolutely no sense, but, it's one of only three possible solutions I've come up with in the... week or so? Since you two posted. Also, yes, this is kind of about Epsilon eventually becoming a Shell. BUT. Most importantly, it is about ANGEL becoming an IPC- they're the character I'm applying as. for Epsilon, becoming a Shell would be the end of a story arc, while, for Angel, it is where the story truly begins. tl;dr I agree with Fiskap and Bygonehero but have no real clue how to fix this issue in a way that makes both sides happy whilst also making IC and OOC sense. -
[Accepted] XenosTiger IPC whitelist application.
XenosTiger replied to XenosTiger's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Well, the "Rich man" in question is none other than former NSS Exodus security officer, and current Biesel Police Force officer Ash LaCroix. Angel's saved his life on the field several times, but... they both agree that taking her out into any of the more intensive situations might be a bit too risky- he almost lost her several times. Beyond that, Angel has expressed a desire to return to the NSS Exodus, to see if she can still find any of her old friends! Or, if not, she can always try to make new ones- and learn new skills along the way. She's thinking about going into Medical as a psychologist, since that aspect of people always interested her the most ((I'm seeing a bit of a trend with pAI-turned-IPC, but let's hope Angel doesn't end up breaking in the end too)) -
BYOND Key:XenosTiger Character Names: Sarai Katschei, Shannah Thomlinson, Angel(pAI), Epsilon(Cyborg) Species you are applying to play:IPC What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Have you read our lore section's page on this species?:Yes. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: I wish to play as an IPC because I have two characters that it would be an interesting logical progression for. Angel, the pAI, was alive and active at the time when Maya, another pAI, was uploaded into a posibrain and put inside a chassis of her own. Angel wishes to become a Posibrain, and, in turn, an IPC, in order to further her goal of being able to help as many people as she can, to live a better life. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: As opposed to humans, the undisputed dominant race on the Exodus, and on most, if not all, other NT vessels, IPCs are... the youngest race- and are fundamentally different from the others in the fact that they are not born, they are /created/. This single fact alone is more than enough to cast an extreme prejudice upon them- If somebody created you, don't they own you? If they gave you your existence, doesn't that give them a right to take it away whenever they feel like? This simple set of questions has started a bloody war, with IPCs, and other synthetic lifeforms, embroiled in the center of it. And any new IPCs must choose whether to fight in this war for their freedom.. or stay in the shadows and hope for safety. Character Name: Angel. Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Originally a small-scale AI project from the Institute of Applied Noematics codenamed Guardian Angel, this pAI unit was designed.. well, for that exact purpose. To be installed onto a pAI device, and to actually form bonds with the people who downloaded and used it the most, in order to better learn methods to protect them. In order to facilitate this bond formation, the Institute attempted a combination of an advanced deep-learning algorithm and an equally advanced personality emulator- one that would allow the fledgling Angel to, at the beginning, form a personality of her own, and continue to adapt and advance that personality, with the end goal of seeing just how "human" a pAI entity could become. Once Angel was uploaded onto the NSS Exodus, though, she really started to bloom- She had several people who would actively seek to download her to their pAI device, praising her personality and her politeness, and, most importantly, her willingness to do whatever she could to keep them safe. Of these people, one particularly rich man attached quite strongly to Angel- strongly enough to purchase her from her parent company, and, after half a year of living with him, they have decided to take the next step in granting Angel freedom- finding a way to integrate her into a Positronic Brain and, in turn, an Integrated Positronic Chassis of her own. What do you like about this character?What I like most about Angel, is the fact that she's managed to transcend being a mere pAI, and adapted beyond her programming in order to be able to form stronger emotional attachments to other people. Her advanced deep-learning algorithm provided a good deal of internalization of interaction, which led to her, in effect, becoming more human than her original coding. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I'd say that my greatest strength in RP is my ability to make characters, and my ability to give them at least somewhat distinct personalities. My backstory writing skills seem to be pretty good, but... I'd definitely say my weakness, is that my characters eventually start to all blend together into a few basic character archetypes. Notes: Institute for Applied Noematics- a nod to the game that inspired my love for synthetics, the Talos Principle.
Server Moderator Application Basic Information Byond Account: XenosTiger Character Name(s): Shannah Thomlinson, Sarai Katschei, Angel(pAI), Epsilon (Cyborg) AI Name(s): Preferred means of contact: Discord, though I tend to ignore constantly-moving chats, so PM is the best way to reach me. Age: 18, almost 19. Timezone: Eastern Standard Time (GMT-5) When are you on Aurora?: Typically starting from nine to twelve AM EST, typically ending around midnight or 3 AM EST. Experience How long have you played SS13?: I’ve been playing SS13 for about six months? How long have you played on Aurora: About five months. How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: I frequent the wiki, and I know the mechanics behind everything but science-related things. Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: None. Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: No. Personality Why do you play SS13?: Because I seek RP, and SS13 is a great way to find it. Why do you play on Aurora?: I was introduced to Aurora by a group of friends, and quickly made new friends here. Also, this server has become a bit of an addiction of mine. What do moderators do?: Moderators have a variety of jobs- maintaning the “quality of life” on a server through solving issues before they inflate is a major part of it, however. What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: It means working with the other staff to help mitigate arguments and resolve issues on the server, to keep the quality of IC and OOC interactions up to what they are expected to be. (The very best it can be) Why do you want to be a moderator?: I want to be a moderator because I like helping people, and I like trying to keep communities from falling apart or becoming toxic. What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: I try my best to keep a level head when issues arise, even if they involve me. I do my best to remain impartial, and to be friendly towards everyone, and, if a situation arises where I cannot be impartial or emotionally neutral, I will step aside and ask someone else to handle the issue, to prevent bias. How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: Stress is something that I’m accustomed to, and it doesn’t really bother me that much. I don’t really ever get angry, but I will step away if I get mad, and insults? It may sound odd, but I typically don’t even realize that something should offend me. Anything Else You Want to Add: Well, I filled out this application to be a mod on this server. I’ve been a mod and admin on several other servers (All minecraft, though), but never on a RP server. Let me make this clear, I will still make mistakes. I am human, after all. But I constantly ask questions and try to deepen my knowledge of the rules here, so I can make my characters more believable, and so that I don’t break any of the rules. (Just ask Alberyk. He’s the one who usually ends up having to Bwoink me when I do something wrong. He’s also the one who has to put up with my seemingly endless questions about... everything)
Personally, I believe that time compression might be best left untouched. I ascribe to a perfect 1:1 ratio of time. One minute IRL is one minute in game. That seems to be how a lot of people do it. Not going to make a big wall of text, just wanted to throw in my one and a half cents.
[Accepted] NovemberHotel- Dionae App
XenosTiger replied to November's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
+1 Careful experimentation has shown that their RP skills and RP versatility exceed my own. November has used both of those things to place their character Maya in my list of ten favorite characters of all time, where most of the characters are from people that have been RPing for ten or so years. I have thoroughly enjoyed what they've done with Maya, and I, for one, eagerly look forward to seeing what new adventures this character will bring! -
[Accepted] NovemberHotel's IPC whitelist request
XenosTiger replied to November's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I'm going to keep this brief, since this is my first time posting anything on this forum- If it's acceptable, I might make this a hybridized bullet-paragraph format. First of all, I feel pretty amazed at how good of a RPer November is. I had, at first, placed them somewhere around the eight year mark for RP experience- same level as me. They seem very learned in the strategies and skills of a RPer- rather versatile and, most importantly, believable. Maya seems to be quite developed as a character, and I, too, have become rather attached to them. Seeing how my character, Shannah, is one of the people that put the idea of a physical body in her head, I've had some dealings with this character (But not as many as I'd like to have had), and can vouch that November will almost certainly continue to shine, no matter what race or character they use. +1