Well this is just wrong. Have any of you ever been arrested IRL? Even when everything is cool, you're compliant, and there's no violent crime they STILL CUFF YOU. And I'm sure if you said "no thanks, I don't want to be cuffed, just arrest me as I am" and then moved away when they tried to cuff you anyway, that WOULD be resisting arrest, though I don't know this from experience as I never was that stupid.
Why? Because it's procedure. To the point where in some places if a cop gives you a ride in the back of his car he has to cuff you because he's not allowed to have non-cuffed people back there for bureaucratic safety reasons.
Now cops on aurora don't have cars to put people in the back of, but they do turn their back on prisoners and lead them through the hallways, which is even less secure. And just because an arrest is peaceful and for something minor and nonviolent doesn't mean that a subsequent search isn't going to reveal them to be a corporate spy, syndicate sleeper agent, or some other form of dangerous criminal who was just pretending to cooperate until they saw their chance to escape.
Seeing as there's no profit in taking a chance, and aside from being a little rude there's no harm in cuffing someone, the logical policy would be to always cuff anyone being arrested. This isn't badsec, this is realsec.