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Beyond the Pillars of Hercules
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Byond CKey
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Botanist (5/37)
Service manager is just weird. Also cut down the chef slots to 1 plz ty
I appreciate everything you've done for the community, you've been nothing but a boon, and I hope life takes you to far better places than this one.
Honestly, it started because the wiki was out of date. I was going to choose Lich and be a spooky dispenser of forbidden knowledge, having gone through the wiki to choose what type of wizard I could be. When I found out that was no longer an option, I wracked my brain to figure out how else I could play necro. (I would like to remind you all that wizard has no PDA and thus no access to crew manifest, so I could not possibly plan around that,) I decided to try and do some magic tricks with the overwhelmingly offensive abilities I had access to. I also had no idea what happened when a non-wizard looks into a scrying orb. I decided that it wouldn't make sense for a powerful wizard to allow themselves to be arrested on a strange station where they are illegally trespassing, so after the cadet melted his eyes (after an LOOC exchange where we both expressed we had no idea that would happen) I went horrid form and ran away, after being flashed and cuffed. I resisted out of cuffs the old fashioned way. I honestly don't remember anything up until finding the investigator dragging the body bag containing Takano, where I shooed them off to make Takano my minion, but I do remember being genuinely surprised I had killed three people. From that point on, I decided the objective was to take over the station, having still not taken a PDA, I had no idea just how barren the station was. I thought up until a few minutes ago that there was SOME civilian presence on the station, so I decided to go and try to take the spare from the CE. I gave them the option to surrender it and live, but they chose not to. As I had taken the spare from the now very much burning to death CE, I declared my intention to call the shuttle on comms, and that anyone who wished to live should head to Escape, but the Legion beat me to it. I was then firmly robusted by an m'rsai tajaran legionary. Seriously. Full health to dead. Two horrid forms, maybe 3 hits. It was spectacular.
Remove security, remove lockboxes, let anarchy rain. Every round a Cataclysm round, every man valid.
Stop trying to necro your lame old threads.
Basic Information Byond Account: huivn Character Name(s): Jack Thomas, Jason Upton AI Name(s): N/A Discord username + tag: Huivn#4048 Age: 25 Timezone: EST When are you on Aurora?: Whenever. Usually afternoons. Experience How long have you played SS13?: Like 6 years How long have you played on Aurora: As long as I've been playing SS13, on and off. If anyone remembers the greaser gang, I came in with those guys How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: There's little I don't know. Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: I was a full admin on Trashcanjohnson's Fallout 13 server before Godsring came along. Though I'm not sure that counts. Have you read through the criteria thread; https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=4198 - and believe that you mark off all the criteria?: Yes. Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: No. Pretty sure I haven't. Personality Why do you play SS13?: It's a game. I enjoy it. It's fun. Why do you play on Aurora?: It's the least shitty high roleplay server around. What do moderators do?: Make sure everyone's having a good time. What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: It means preserving the HRP atmosphere, while not going too over the top and killing all the fun. Why do you want to be a moderator?: You guys need more mods who know how to have fun, being blunt. What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: I think I have good judgement, and I know how to check VARs and logs and all the basic investigation stuff already. I can also stay level headed in the face of someone who is both salty and in the wrong screaming at me because they got killed. How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: Just remain calm. Is just a game. Why you heff tu be med? Anything Else You Want to Add: I promise not to varedit the blood out of griefers.
Exotic ingredients. Yeah, like potatoes, or corn.
Character Feedback: Fernando Gonzales
Huivn replied to Resilynn's topic in Character and Concept Feedback
He took over medbay while I was CMO, not-so-subtly undermining Richard's authority while remaining the grumpiest man on station. Overall an amusing experience. -
BYOND Key: huivn Total Ban Length: Permanent Banning staff member's Key: Don't know. Reason of Ban: According to my notes, I gibbed someone in evac. I'm pretty sure they were a monkey person, though it has been over a year. Reason for Appeal: Well, the character I was using is dead, and I mostly try to play more seriously than Jack Thomas' personality allowed. He was a zany, insane, though mostly harmless blood cultist. I've replaced him with a more mild-mannered man which suits my current playstyle better. Really, my main concern is the chemist job for now. It's one of my favorite jobs, and one I am very good at, traitor or no. But if it were decided that I could be allowed CMO as well, all the better. Medical is my favorite department, and soloing it is an interesting challenge best experienced by a CMO.
You forgot to put an excessive amount of salt warning on the copy/paste of the logs. Seriously though. I was Jack Thomas. Or Pumpkin/Nicholas King. And we actually were trying to use non-lethal force against most people. Security was, I admit, mostly an exception. We did, however manage to capture one or two alive, as per the original plan. I, personally forgot that people actually respond to target instead of just running and taking the bullet on this server, and had no idea Meowness wasn't a full security officer coming to taser and cuff me for being a hostile intruder or something (I am pretty sure he saw my fellow op dragging a stunned person to Escape. And was trying to follow us). So I did what I thought was necessary, being out of charge for my E-Gun, which had been on stun the whole round. As for the relaying demands bit, by the time we were done trying to sneak around (Yes, despite bombing the AI, we were trying to be hidden on-station. And indeed, carding the AI was part of that plan) we were under siege by officers wielding incredibly lethal weapons. Indeed, I sacrificed myself to make sure 1138 was dead, as without a HoS the people would (hopefully) cave more easily.
Huivn's Head Whitelist Application
Huivn replied to Huivn's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I'd rather not jump the gun here, but...Oh yes, there will be !!FUN!! -
Huivn's Head Whitelist Application
Huivn replied to Huivn's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I'm both surprised and glad. Thank you so much. -
Jaden Kent's Head Application [Revised]
Huivn replied to Code2200's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I've only really played one round with this person, but their character seemed interesting, and they were clearly quite competent, even picking up the abbreviated names of all the chemicals in my "High Pop, Medbay's Empty" cryo mix instantly. I'll give them my +1, especially since our characters are all but doomed to clash if he becomes CMO -
Huivn's Head Whitelist Application
Huivn replied to Huivn's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
See, that's not my way though. I don't freak the fuck out at everyone who doesn't have a clockwork routine set into their head as to what they should do in every role, and how it should be done. Because that's dumb as hell. Because that's the opposite of fun. And I do realize that I should be training people who actually want to learn. I see your point now. That's very true, Jack's involvement could escalate it higher, rather than simply neutralizing the threat. And all it would take to set him off would be to threaten medbay, or someone who worked there. Again, that's not my way. I could give you a full, comprehensive list on what he can and cannot do, skill-wise. I know my character's limits, and I stick to them. I'm just terrible at writing backstories. I see that you are trying to be helpful, and I'm sorry for being unnecessarily aggressive. You are right, there are plenty of bad things that could happen, and have happened with, or even because Jack was the CMO. But do you know what? Overall, I have had few complaints. People enjoyed my shenanigans, including the people who were the 'butt of the joke' so to speak. -
Huivn's Head Whitelist Application
Huivn replied to Huivn's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Y'know, this is what I like to see. Offering suggestions on how to improve my application, instead of just tearing it down. As for the suggestion itself, it's a good idea. Matter of fact, your post is filled with good ideas for him that I'd like to try implementing, regardless of whether this gets accepted or not. Honestly that mix was just my way of shaking off the cobwebs. I usually don't make it unless it's a higher pop round with few people in medbay. As a matter of fact, it was invented because medbay was often a one man show on Unbound.