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Everything posted by Baka

  1. BYOND Key: Bakagaijin Accused Players Byond Key: Bakagaijin Time of Act: n/a Reason for Ban: I think I should be banned for playing cultist because I always seem to get it even when its checked off, and even then I don't really contribute to the cultist's goal all that much. I rather others who are more willing get chosen to be starting cultist instead of me. Evidence: Straight from the horse's mouth.
  2. It's getting ridiculous how bad the tunnel vision is though. Not every request to stop doing (blank) is because "fucking catbeasts".
  3. I've already said what I wanted: I asked to cease the cat pack mentality against people every time someone tried to be polite and stop spamming comms. I have nothing else to add but to a previous comment: If I have to be told "I am lucky that I didn't get clawed by tajarans for asking them to stop cordially and all I got is a 'fuck you' in return", then we have a problem with the state of tajaran characters, don't we?
  4. I would like to see less language communication spam from both characters and the entire "you utter something negative about tajarans I will rip and tear at your throat" toned the hell down. I wanted to point this out to them what I feel to be the biggest problems on the server that tajara players seem to be having the most problems with: They don't like it when you're just doing your job and you're constantly spit out by the cat clique because you have to tell them to knock it off. They take it on a personal level that I was being insensitive towards their species where in reality even if a human spoke Sol Common or Tradeband or whatever on science I would had told them to stop it.
  5. I'd have to admit, I laugh at both of their shit because it's like the far extreme of what I've been reading lately concerning Tajarans. It's great satire. Bravo.
  6. This was way before the murders and when shit totally hit the fan, though. You did this all round, you and Firstact disobey orders to shut the fuck up with the Siik'mas, and you two got indignant as fuck because you were told to stop. You were even told to stop by other people in your department and you didn't because you wanted to keep up cat chat.
  7. The reason I did not add you was because you did not raise a huge hissy fit as those two for being told to speak Basic. To assume that there's "enemies" on station, for all anyone can know, these 'multiple enemies' could had spoken a language that my character couldn't understand. It could been code Delta for all I care, when your boss tells you not to speak Siik'mas on their radio, don't do it. I brought this up solely for the reason to discuss their character, to bring them under limelight, in order to show them that they are the cancer that's killing Tajaran players.
  8. I am going off this: http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=3585 Because I feel that it's been a long time coming for both players, which far extends over multiple rounds, with many, many different red flags, including but not limited to: -Clawing people for racism -Having on medical records of "sleeping around with friends" -Confrontational attitudes -Insulting Head of Staff So on and so forth.
  9. BYOND Key: BakaGaijin, Michael Greene Player Byond Key: Firstact, Rasul Mo'Taki, Safiya Isra, xxthefurryxx Staff involved: N/A Reason for complaint: I had notice as both a ghost and a Research Director that Mo'Taki and Isra kept spamming the science intercoms to constantly speak Siik'mas. My roboticist, Karnaikai, before I boarded asked them to please stop and they scoffed him off saying that they're allowed to do whatever they wanted to do. I came on board the station and was given disregard to them, after I asked them three times in a professional tone to quit it, only stopping when I had to blurt out "STOP MEOWING OVER THE FUCKING CHANNEL." This was met with disgruntle responses of "HOW FUCKING DARE YOU". An example of them playing as an edgy cat can be found below. Azeazekal Karnaikai [science] says, "The RD isss not happy with you not ssspeaking basssic on commsss." Rasul Mo'Taki [science] says, "Too fucking bad." I did not copy everything down because at the time I was bloody tired (but there are more instances of this shit in the logs), but this is not the first rodeo where they disregard or act indignant to someone because they were act to speak Tau Ceti Basic on radio, and the "He/She can do whateverrr they want to do." attitude is really annoying and not condoned to the lore. I am reporting this because I feel like this is the tip of the iceberg due to recent events, and shows a total disregard and a mockery to tajaran players holding high positions by behaving like they should be in kindergarten. Approximate Date/Time: 10~11 pm, EST, Thurs. Sept 17th
  10. So. I played as a RD today, and I asked three times for a group of Tajaran to quit speaking cat over science radio. They refused to, so it caused me to yell to get them to shut up. And then this happened: Azeazekal Karnaikai [science] says, "The RD isss not happy with you not ssspeaking basssic on commsss." Rasul Mo'Taki [science] says, "Too fucking bad." This is the sort of shit that people fucking hate from tajarans. A boss asked you nicely to stop talking a different language, and usually at any job if a boss asks more than once you're usually sent home for the rest of the day without pay (or worse) and yet you're acting like this is some sort of fursecution that YOU CAN'T USE SPECIAL :j LANGUAGE OMG THAT BASTARD. You know why other species don't get yelled at as much for using their language on comms as much as Tajarans? You want to know why Tajarans get a lot of shit than a Skrell or a Dionea? Let me tell you why: Because other species aren't not notoriously known for comms abuse of spamming asterisks (in this case now its mrrrowls but i digress) as they host a goddamn extended conversation on fucking comms, He said She said bullshit. It's fucking annoying when they think the "no speaking other language" is in rule just for them, when it's for /everyone/. How would you feel if humans were allowed to Sol Common all day on comms? Also, great show, Rasul, thanks for proving that you only read the lore for 10 seconds to make an app just so you can disregard the lore to play your sassy submissive cat. Thanks for also proving that this is why tajarans in general needs to be knocked down a few pegs since essentially they're no longer second class citizens according to the players, lore be damned.
  11. Just because someone was being what you perceive as unreasonable towards you, it's just as unreasonable to mock and ridicule them in your signature, Techno. It doesn't make you look like the bigger person.
  12. Just because someone was being what you perceive as unreasonable towards you, it's just as unreasonable to mock and ridicule them in your signature, Techno. It doesn't make you look like the bigger person.
  13. The thing that I never understood was that Covert was banned for what happened to Hive as one of the reasons a month prior, and was made known, and nothing was done about until around the time I was a trial mod. It always felt like his ban, for that reason, was retroactive.
  14. The thing that I never understood was that Covert was banned for what happened to Hive as one of the reasons a month prior, and was made known, and nothing was done about until around the time I was a trial mod. It always felt like his ban, for that reason, was retroactive.
  15. I want to remind people: RNG or events will never always pan out to your favour 100% of the time. People are not going to 'god mod' for you because you feel like that your supermilitary, marine-trained sec officer should always defeat any bad, rotten, no good traitor that dares oppose him. People are not going to feel bad for you if you cried gank, despite killed three people and managed to get killed by security for being proven to be absolutely armed and dangerous. And the most important thing, that this is a game, and at the end of the day you have to ask yourself: Was it really that bad that it was breaking rules or am I just upset right now over how things panned out?
  16. I want to remind people: RNG or events will never always pan out to your favour 100% of the time. People are not going to 'god mod' for you because you feel like that your supermilitary, marine-trained sec officer should always defeat any bad, rotten, no good traitor that dares oppose him. People are not going to feel bad for you if you cried gank, despite killed three people and managed to get killed by security for being proven to be absolutely armed and dangerous. And the most important thing, that this is a game, and at the end of the day you have to ask yourself: Was it really that bad that it was breaking rules or am I just upset right now over how things panned out?
  17. No baka, because tajara (unless they are whitelisted) can’t shut down an entire persons round by calling them an ape. This became an ooc issue when the player abused his whitelist to shut down a players game under the guise of racism. The racism is not the actual issue here. Anyone is capable of fucking over someone's day, Furry. Species knows no bounds to this.
  18. No baka, because tajara (unless they are whitelisted) can’t shut down an entire persons round by calling them an ape. This became an ooc issue when the player abused his whitelist to shut down a players game under the guise of racism. The racism is not the actual issue here. Anyone is capable of fucking over someone's day, Furry. Species knows no bounds to this.
  19. From what I have seen of the complaint, this is an IC issue. The act of their racism, while not agreeable with some player, is one not exactly unheard of. With this line of logic, we should be punishing Tajaran players for calling humans stupid apes and dumb hairless monkeys, and doing things against humans that can hinder one's work. This is something that should be dealt with ICly, with the use of duty officers, not something deserving of OOC intervention.
  20. From what I have seen of the complaint, this is an IC issue. The act of their racism, while not agreeable with some player, is one not exactly unheard of. With this line of logic, we should be punishing Tajaran players for calling humans stupid apes and dumb hairless monkeys, and doing things against humans that can hinder one's work. This is something that should be dealt with ICly, with the use of duty officers, not something deserving of OOC intervention.
  21. I want to actually see how DOs will handle this. Seems like a chance for them to get work.
  22. I want to actually see how DOs will handle this. Seems like a chance for them to get work.
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