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Everything posted by Baka

  1. I was being pulled along until we went to escape suddenly, under assumption of the AI, to meet some visitors. The borgs and people were talking, they introduced themselves as traders. During the conversation, one of the syndicate crewmembers decided to explode the AI core wide open and tried to card the AI. It was then the AI made the cyborgs arrest them as I heard in Msay, dragging them to brig. I can understand an AI making the call to say they are hostile since they did blow up it's core due to it's laws of: 1. Safeguard: Protect your assigned space station to the best of your ability. It is not something we can easily afford to replace. But those people in escape is a more grey area, since they weren't doing anything persay, it's they got arrested by proxy.
  2. Due to the positive feedback I got from the last event, I want to know if you all want Future Rounds as a one round, once a month thing, being hosted on the weekend. It doesn't have to be the same stories over again, nor does it necessary have to be an extended-only event.
  3. Baka

    Minor Suggestions

    I have a small, minor suggestion, but I don't think it's worthy of it's own topic, maybe if we can compress it all into one? I would like the CSI to spawn with a labcoat again.
  4. Baka


    The thing I don't get is that when we just had detectives, it was not a problem for them to come in and do autopsies, there was no real arguments that plain ol' detectives cannot do this because they are not coroners or medical examiners. Depending on countries, you have to have some level of medical background, up to being a physician, with a combination of studying forensic science. However, a good chunk of coroners work as a police detective before, too. I guess what I'm trying to say is let CSI and Forensic Techs do their job.
  5. I will be posting logs for this event later today for review, per OP's request. Allow me some time as: a.) log getting is painful b.) I will have to butcher out the unrelated mumbo jumbo.
  6. You can have a pet lizard and think all unathis are good for is being muscle and not much else.
  7. close the thread we have a winner ladies and gentlemen
  8. >implying i need to contain my shitposting >implying i didn't make this thread to bump my post count
  9. Righto. Locking and archiving.
  10. I had a verbal talk with Retro about using team speak to relay IC knowledge. Let it be known that they are aware that if they were to do this again, and I'm talking about the next instance of IC in OOC, that they are to be banned temporary from RKS Teamspeak. I must ask for clarification about what else they were doing besides breaking in and getting arrested. I will also be looking at logs when I don't feel as dead as I do now.
  11. Right. Let me update this a bit.
  12. BYOND Key: bakagaijin Character Names: Samantha/____ Mason, Allison MacRyan, Abbas El-Hasheem Species you are applying to play: IPC What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yup Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: Simply because robots are cool, and I like our robot friends and overlords. The IPCs on Aurora seems entertaining to play, and having the chance of being an IPC thanks to the update piqued my interest in applying. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: IPCs, unlike the fleshies, require an APC to 'eat' and gain energy. They cannot suffer stun damage, nor do they have no real sense of pain. Mostly, things they "feel" are most likely emulated through their personalities. They can be as quirky as ever or the most monotonous being on the station. They also need to heal with the use of welding and wires. IPCs are factory made, and can be either replicas of a product (think Line Model), or Bespoke, IPCs with a more direct purpose. They can look like a classic TV screen creation, or they can have a "skin" to resemble different species. They are essentially 'sentient' IBMs. Character Name: Daisy Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Daisy, a Bespoke IPC, was created to aid Dr. Kevin Declare, a retired endocrinologist living on New Gibson with daily chores. She was designed to cook, clean, and aid with Dr. Declare's deceasing health, as well as provide a source of companionship to the hermit. She was an ideal nursing IPC as she was always on standby for whatever the good doctor needed up to his demise, after losing a downhill battle with constant thromboembolism issues. Because Dr. Declare did not have any heirs to his wealth, his wealth was claimed by the city of Hengsha and Daisy was evicted from the house and forced to live on the street, stealing electricity from places such as the public library or lamp posts and idling in refrigerator boxes in the alleyways until dawn. During those harsh three months, Daisy had been looking for work in different health care related fields, but was constantly getting denied due to her weird, bubbly personality and quirky bedside manners. Hearing there was a job fair on Biesel, Daisy buys a ticket with the last of her credits, leaves New Gibson, and heads over for one last chance at redemption as a nurse. She was eventually interviewed, hired, and picked up by NanoTrasen to work aboard the NSS Aurora as a nurse for the medical bay. What do you like about this character? I like the idea of a nursing character that smothers and loves her patients with cold, icy arms while trying to emulate a warm heart. How would you rate your role-playing ability? Personally I think I am okay, but throughout the 13 years of roleplaying I think I vastly improved. Notes:
  13. Reading over this topic, I felt like the rush could had been a little more well organized, but due to lack of security, I can see Reyjakai's point of operating on little to nothing. I understand the frustration of antags antagging, but I would had at least went after the loud ones. It's seems unfortunate this happened. May next time be more coherent.
  14. Baka

    Replace Mice.

    Mice are nice, we don't need to remove them.
  15. Reading over OP's complaint, I am going to have to agree with Viking's call.
  16. You are my favourite mod. PY For our lord and saviour.
  17. Using my age and ad hominem for me being firm on you after you were acting uncouth is confusing, considering I didn't do something insulting like call you an idiot in admin pms. Or perhaps, you know, you miss the big detail why OOC jumped on you after you called me a jackass in another round. I'm sorry I felt you were having an attitude with me though. Because usually someone saying something sarcastic after I asked them to stop makes me feel like they're disregarding what I'm asking them to do.
  18. Hi, here's my side of the story. I join as CMO and immediately as I was setting up I received a message from a security cadet (can't tell if it was from swat or dreamix) of an IPC needing mechanical help and a quartermaster preforming ghetto surgery. I go to cargo to see Jammybeard, the QM with a surgery crate in his possession, operating on Arizona who was laying on the table, missing an arm. I was less than impressed, deciding that they were both fucking about and Jammy's QM was not qualified to play with surgery tools and ordered them arrested for running a chop shop. This lead to being compared to literally Hitler over comms. As a revenge thing, Jammybeard and Arizona preformed anesthetic-free surgery on Jammybeard's arm, removing it, and sent it through disposals to my office. At this point, it sparked a manhunt as they were hiding in maints behind a false wall, but Jammy had his sensors on so he was found quite easily. He had on a welding mask, making it difficult for the cadets to flash them, so I decided to defib him since he was: a.) difficult to cuff, b.) difficult to flash, c.) it was a low pop. round and there was no other way to detain them. I understand as a CMO it was a crap move but the cadet had no other avenue to turn to and perhaps next time I should had used the syringe gun. I eventually gave up and threw a straight jacket to the cadets, and then went back to my duties in medical. Jammy and Sleepy slipped off into the asteroid to explore, I believe a hardsuit was punctured, and Jammy's lung ruptured. Cue in Sleepy who tried to preform surgery on Jammy but didn't had the right tools, which caused him to lose a lot of blood, hacking up his lungs. At the end of the round, I received him into my care, he had lost 60% of his blood. My character had to get a straight jacket on them so that they wouldn't had ran away again, but he was in terrible shape with a punctured lung and infection, and by the time I preformed surgery on them, they died due to infection. I also recall making a note to Skull that they were causing more trouble than the antags themselves, but eh. Jammy died because of their actions in the end.
  19. mine is just what i like
  20. Baka

    Shipping Thread

    Needs a Raymond Galloway <-------> Jeanette Locklear line.
  21. My stance on this is that things got resolved, we can't change the past so we must move on, so let's roleplay without the unwarranted drama attached to it. Because that sounds more fun than sitting here for 10+ pages playing anger ping pong.
  22. I did not been able to have a conversation with Aeidane1 due to a following recent turn of events. However, with this topic in mind I have came to the conclusion that Aeidane1 has a bad history of metagrudging and breaking the 'don't be a dick' rule. I want to leave this thread open for a while in case there is anything else to add.
  23. Due to the most recent event which happened between the two along with staff talking to them, I am personally going to contact Aeidane1 myself.
  24. Alright. Locking and archiving.
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