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Everything posted by idioch

  1. Well even if it's the current geneticist stuff plus some more responsibility in Medbay with cloning. I wasn't suggesting a nerf by any means, it clearly needs more then what it has though otherwise it wouldn't have been pulled from the server in the first place.
  2. I like the idea, any chance it could be expanded some for things like muffins/cookies/cakes/pies? I think currently the only thing you can custom make is sandwiches, not sure if you can microwave them though. Possibly pizzas too, I'm not too sure on that.
  3. My thoughts are similar to Noah's, geneticist should be in charge of cloning. As such they should be moved from research into the medical area, I'd definitely suggest the sublevel. Then just change the two vats in medical to cryostasis tubes, used for when they get too busy. To add to this, cloning as it is, is 100% risk free. Correct me if I'm wrong but the only side effects are memory loss and maybe mental issues, both of which are RP'd out in a round. There should definitely be a risk factor to it, I do have some ideas, but I'll leave that for another post. With the risk added to cloning it would make the job a bit more relevant, having to fix the person up. As well the risk/side effects could be different depending on the players race to add some flavor. The research aspect of the job, finding the super powers, probably needs a complete haul. I mean finding a way to turn yourself into the hulk is very unrealistic, among other things. If anything it should be geared to discovering a races specific potentials, ex. Humans having the potential for psionic gifts, something that would be more realistic. As well you could add different classes of potentials to different races, this may be too much work though but again would potentially add more flavor.
  4. Is it not possible to make the pizzas show up on the shuttle, like the industrial drill. It kinda seems odd to have the miners machine dispensing already cooked food. At least that way it'd be a little more realistic, and add some control for the QM. Seems like this should be doable?
  5. I don't really know what times are considered dead hours for Aurora. I find when I'm usually playing, and end up dealing with sec, they always whip out the cuffs on you. This varies though, even with HoS in the round, as even they treat cuffing differently when playing.
  6. Well I like the character. I'm pretty sure you were playing him that one round I was cultist, one of the other cultists was a sec officer that decided to pull their gun out at the captain at medbay. Lukas (and sec dog) plus Orlando (me) walked up and you defended me from being forcefully cuffed. Crappy round for me as cultist. That cuff incident you fixed though was a definite highlight. Way too many sec players get cuff happy I find, when nothing serious has happened. As a commander I quite like Lukas a definite favourite.
  7. I kinda feel assistants tend to get ignored alot. Almost about the same treatment as the servers department specific roles, engineering assistant and such. About the only good game experience I had was as a nursing intern, where the CMO actually RP teaching me stuff in game. Every other time I play these roles my character tends to get swept aside and ignored if they don't know what they are doing. At any rate isn't the general purpose of assistants, including the departmental ones, to learn things as a potential newbie to the game? Most servers I've played tend to ignore you when you offer on common channel to assist. Nothing is stopping these troublemakers joining into a department to start trouble anyways. Ignoring them is also potentially causing them to be troublemakers simply because they are more then likely bored.
  8. Most of the rounds I tend to play, which are mixed secret, don't usually end up too chaotic. I definitely agree though that cult does have a tendency to pop up alot. Think it was the weekend that I ended up as a cultist 3 times in a row. I'm still new to the game/Aurora so I don't mind the chance to antag, 3 in a row of same one was a little too much. It's a definite sign there is a imbalance to the selection, 3 mixed modes with cultist in it I believe? If I can make a suggestion though, would it be possible to either add more mixed modes, or to have a secret mode with the potential to have more then one antagonist in a round, but randomized. Maybe going off how many players have readied up?
  9. Just curious was there a reason for having Food and Drink combined? Instead of having them separated and linked to their respective jobs? I'd like to suggest Janitor and Botany to go on the list too. Posted links for potential idea grabs, as current ones seem to be copy and paste from Baystation 13's wiki site. https://tgstation13.org/wiki/Botanist https://tgstation13.org/wiki/Janitor For Janitor there is no Janicart, and there is no mention of the janitorial cart, as well as what it can hold. Could add in the new compactor system, as well as the fact that the janitor has some very interesting door access around the main floor for traitor section. From what I've noticed pretty much all access to maintenance doors, access to the science main hallway and I believe the elevator down as well. The engineering main room, I think also the elevator too, and one other room connected to the main one. Very nice access to Medbay as well as elevator (not sure how much access down below you have), and Sec you have at least access to the hallway from entrance to around the brig cells (leading out to the 2 doors close to HoP's office). Botany as far as I can tell at least, and maybe this isn't intended, multi harvest plants won't die. As long as you weed, water and feed them they will literally last forever, the analyzer does not read Age or Lifespan from what I remember (but listed on wiki). As well the TG site lists info on how to move the hydroponic trays and how to connect them for irrigation purposes. I'm not sure how RP this would be though, and maybe that is why it's not in the guide? Sorry if I wrote too much.
  10. Hi, just joined the forums. I'm also still learning to play SS13, as well as Aurorastation (Rp included). As someone still learning thank you for this! I'm not too familiar with with antagonist, but I do like to read up on them, how different is the Aurora version the Baystation's. They have a very nice setup I feel. https://wiki.baystation12.net/Wizard Also this might seem silly to most of you, but is there not a guide on how to use the control panels, example being say the air alarm settings for instance, which should be apart of atmos guide. I don't know if you need a newer persons perspective on this, but I definitely don't mind browsing the Aurora wiki when I get off work today to add some more things.
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