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Everything posted by monkeysfist101

  1. (Frank and I are in the TS, I'll be here all night[-ish])
  2. I want to move towards ballisicurity because it make sense when you think about it. Who would be more likely to have laser rifles: underpaid corporate security guards or the space commandos hell-bent on ruining their day? This has my vote.
  3. ((Would October 10th work? Really any time that day is good for me.))
  4. ((The first session will have to wait for my first bout of tests to finish, unfortunately))
  5. I'm down for it. Just tell me what needs to be done. I primarily use GIMP with a bit of side shenanigans to get them to fit right before converting them back to DMI.
  6. We kidnap their beards and ransom them off.
  7. AyyLMAO. Bump.
  8. AyyLMAO. Bump.
  9. I believe it means that those events happened, but at a different facility.
  10. I believe it means that those events happened, but at a different facility.
  11. Sitting in the pilot's chair of his small craft with a wide grin on his face, Mulder thought aloud, "Well there's four right there." Typing in a date and time into a data file to be sent, Mulder looked over the team once more, pondering heir strengths and weaknesses. A synthesized voice chimed in, "Diagnostics complete. All pods are fueled, stocked, and ready to be deployed." "Good. Relay this packet t'all operators. An' fo gods'akes make sure it's encrypted, Matrix," he replied. "I'll do my best, boss. No promises though." Almost an hour later, the selected operators received a message on their private channels that read: What day/ time would be good for y'all to play? I'm good most days except for Tuesdays and Fridays.
  12. Sitting in the pilot's chair of his small craft with a wide grin on his face, Mulder thought aloud, "Well there's four right there." Typing in a date and time into a data file to be sent, Mulder looked over the team once more, pondering heir strengths and weaknesses. A synthesized voice chimed in, "Diagnostics complete. All pods are fueled, stocked, and ready to be deployed." "Good. Relay this packet t'all operators. An' fo gods'akes make sure it's encrypted, Matrix," he replied. "I'll do my best, boss. No promises though." Almost an hour later, the selected operators received a message on their private channels that read: What day/ time would be good for y'all to play? I'm good most days except for Tuesdays and Fridays.
  15. I don't understand why everyone is so concerned with projects that are still in the works. Just because an unfinished project /might/ exist in the near future, doesn't mean that we can't play something els until it comes out. And while I personally would like to se a few test rounds with an Isolation style Xeno, I'd rather have CM xenos than what we have.
  16. A new message flashes in your inbox, catching your eye. Given the recent string of messages, you roll your eyes, expecting yet another "shadow organization" that has walked through the massive hole in the Syndicate's online protection. You're pleasantly surprised when you see that it's a job being offered through the organization. You open the message and a video file starts to play. It's blurry and distorted, but you can make out a man with graying hair leaning back in the pilot's chair of a small craft. He speaks in a low South African accent. END TRANSMITION. This is going to be a few sessions long tabletop game using a slightly modified Shadowrun 5e for the mechanics.
  17. Daniel "Danny" Wahlberg - Security The Big Guy - Danny is usually this to the rest of the security team. Farm Boy - Grew up on a cattle ranch on the edge of the Martian habitable zone. Badass Baritone - Kinetic Weapons Are Just Better - Prefers the recoil of ballistic weaponry to the feel of recoiless laser technology.
  18. Scopes, if we take what we know from the movies and games, it's shown that conventional weapons and ammunition do jack shit against xenos. Low velocity rounds (or in our case, low power laser weaponry) don't even slow down a hunter as seen in Isolation. The marines sent to LV-426 were using 9mm, 10mm, and .45 caliber hyper velocity explosive caseless ammunition. Flamethrowers have only been shown to be effective against eggs, facehuggers, and chestbursters (AVP is non-canon and A:CM does not exist). Flamethrowers have been effective at wounding or forcing a retreat from drones. While it would be interesting to have a chance for hive xeno eggs at random on the other z-levels, I feel that the lone hunter would be more effective at creating a sense of horror.
  19. As in all of them except for one lone ultimate badass xeno. Until the end of Alien: Isolation, every time we've seen aliens on a space ship/station (Aliens 4: Resurection Boogaloo didn't exist) there has been but one. If we go with the Isolation route where he Alien is immune to small arms, disable ERT and extend the shuttle arrival time, it would add a feel that, in space, no one can hear you scream.
  20. While I feel that having one nigh unstoppable xeno with no option for ERT would make more sense given the setting, I'd rather have CM's hive xenos over the DerpFest 2457 that we currently have.
  21. I give ye a lemon of my own creation. Bask in it! Hive, you boast of unoriginality, yet you don not bring forth your own champion lemon? I say nay! Brandish your lemon, rapscallion!
  22. Glancing at the message on his terminal, Operative Mulder wondered aloud, "How tha 'ell do these organizations keep gettin' moy contact info? Foh that mattah, when's the last time any /real/ work's come through from tha baas? Marix, pull up wha'cha go on his 'ATLAS' group." A synthesized voiced replied, "I got nothin' in my databases on these guys, boss. Guess the Labbies didn't think they'd be a threat. Not sure why they're gunnin' for NT." "Well that's fuck-all for help, huh," Mulder replied. Pondering for a moment, he keyed in a message. Mulder sat back in his chair and chuckled to his synthetic companion, "Seemed professional enough, huh? Now we wait."
  23. I'm no programmer and I'm trying my hardest to not make his come off as sarcastic, but couldn't you just make it holo-fire that disappears as soon as it leaves the holodeck.
  24. Cut off their hands. That'll learn 'en.
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