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Everything posted by monkeysfist101

  1. Mulder does something that makes the others want to continue the mission.
  2. Creeping out the airlock, Mulder creeps behind a crate and spots the lone crewman working with electrical wiring in the floor. He grabs the unsuspecting crewman by the tube connecting his internals to the back of his helmet and drags him backwards over the box. Quickly brandishing his boot knife, Mulder slashes the man's oxygen tube, leaving him to asphyxiate. His next thoughts are interrupted by Matrix's voice across the team channel informing that Frank has sustained injuries to his leg.
  3. Having entered the airlock with Daxton, Mulder is flung towards the wreck. Firing a few quick bursts of propellant, he aligns himself with the ship. Activating his magboots, he slams into the ship with a silent thud that reverberates through the superstructure. Matrix's voice pings in the headset, " Alright, big guy, your main tank has a little over an hour of O2. I'll scan for refill stations along the way." Pressing a button on his throat, Mulder transmits, "Alright, Claws, let's roll."
  4. From an OOC standpoint, It would be nice to have a second uniform and the corporate security hat. It would be nice to have the uniform and the tie be separate objects in the locker as well as some nicer Head of Security and Warden hats. From an IC standpoint, the constricting dress uniform and hats that date back to the 1800's would get in the way of most security activities. For an organization that almost exclusively uses jumpsuits to clothe their workers, it's odd that the team that would need flexible clothing the most would get stuck with dress clothes.
  5. Mulder pulls out a welding striker and, after a few test strikes, ignites the pilot light on his flamethrower. He presses a series of buttons on his forearm and a light hissing noise emanates from his O2 tank, indicating that he is now running on internals.
  6. Mulder nods and says, "I'll go wit' 'em."
  7. Mulder taps the hologram near the cargo bay,indicating a T-junction with a large room to one side. He says, "Might be a medbay'r'a security depot. Likely ta be guarded. We could place charges hea' and hea' on the deck below an' pop tha lot of 'em." "That might not be a good idea, boss. If my guesswork is correct, the hydrogen lines for the ship's reactor run right below that room. You might end up taking the whole ship with you," Matrix replies. Snapping back in his seat, Mulder asks, "Any ideas then? We'll have ta pass it an' it's a damn chokepoint."
  8. Believe it or not, that's already fully possible. Granted, it's only with point-fighters at the moment and not capitol ships with docking collars, but you get the picture. Do you have an org, Valkrae?
  9. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/ For those few who do not know about Star Citizen, it is a fully pledge-backed space sim being developed. Unlike most other space sims, Star Citizen does not require you to be restricted to combat. In it's finished state, you'll be able to do just about anything (Think fps meets flight sim meets Firefly meets Star Gate meets Star Trek.) Does anyone else here have it?
  10. "Look, bru, it takes mor'ne a sneeze ta' tackle a capitol ship. I get'cha it's a wreck, but that just means there's sum'm bigga out there," Mulder shouts back.
  11. Mulder pounds a fist on the bulkhead between him and the cockpit and yells to Quaddie, "Oi! We know what popped tha' bitch? May still be in tha' area. Be a real pain to get tangled up with it."
  12. Mulder raises an eyebrow and says, "Shadow, huh? I recognize that name. That you who did tha' cyba'tack on N-Tek research? Turned the plant's fire suppression system on the worka's an' picked tha' place clean? I must say, it's an honor ta' work with ya."
  13. Mulder glances over at ShyGuy and says, "That it is. Picked up Matrix here about two years ago durin' a raid on some ol' research station. Been friends with tha' old girl eva'' since." The synthesized voice perks up once more and says, "Greetings, team. My designation is MTR-X1, but you may call me Matrix for short. "Scanning... "If you would like, I can monitor your oxygen levels and vital signs. Additionally, if your weapon has a Nanotrasen compatible uplink, I can monitor your ammunition levels.""
  14. Mulder, now strapped in, unzips his weapons case and pulls out weapon parts and begins to assemble what appears to be an 8 gauge combat shotgun. His voice somewhat muffled by his helmet, he turns to Daxton, eying his drone, and asks, "That a two-two or a two-three model? I'm more partial to the four series myself, but to each their own." He feeds in five shotgun shells and racks a shell into the chamber. Carefully sliding it into a custom built scabbard, he moves on to the next piece of equipment in the case. Pulling out a compact flamethrower, he looks around and grins. He pulls two plasma canisters out and clips one to his belt. The other, he slides into the flamethrower with a satisfying hiss. An automated voice speaks out and joyfully says, "Ammunition, oxygen, vitals, and good looks are at optimal levels." "Nobody likes a sycophant, Matrix. Keep track of the team's vitals and keep me updated on ammunition levels," he replies.
  15. Mulder, a staunch, gray haired man strides into the cargo bay, taking look of his surroundings. He's wearing most of a scorched standard issue Nanotrasen security hardsuit. The logos appear to be chiseled off. In his right hand is a oblong weapon case with a myriad of warnings stickers boldly plastered across the side. He lightly jogs towards the group and bellows in a deep, booming South African accent, "Hope ya didn't start this party without me."
  16. A message arrives at Quaddy's console. Sender: Mulder
  17. If you want it to have a different sprite, you could have the badge be a different color and make it from Chance's previous station.
  18. How about Harrison Ford's LAPD 2019 Blaster from Blade Runner?
  19. Organics: Meatbag Synthetics: Scraphead/ Scrapper/ Any variant of Scrap Tajaran: Furball/ Cat /Fuzzball/ Fuzzbrain/ Dumb Cat/ Filthy Catbeast/ Slave /Snowbrain Unathi: Lizard/ Reptile/ Geico /Ligger Human: Ape/ Baldie/ Meat Skrell: Fish Vox: Birdbrain Dionea: Weed/ Dumbass tree IPC: See syntheics Will add more as they arise.
  20. The plot was shoddy at best. The graphics were lacking in most aspects and textures would drop in and out at random. A good portion of it was QTE with maybe only an hour of gameplay. The lag was rampant due to clear lack of optimization. 10/10 Game of the Year - IGN
  21. I propose that we add a system of strength and weight to our characters. In short, the stronger they are, the faster they can drag large objects (such as people) at the trade off that they hunger faster and weigh more. As weight goes, the heavier one is, the harder they are to drag and pull, for better or for worse. Example: 1. Fats McBaldo beats Pun Pun to death with as bar stool before throwing its lifeless body at Pourus Booze. 2. Biggus Secus has an easier time dragging Fats McBaldo to the prison wing. 3. Biggus Secus gets a hatchet lodged in his chest from Planter O'Dank. 4. Doc Smalls will have a hard time dragging Biggus to medbay without a stretcher.
  22. Daniel Wahlberg: Static (Then Judge, then Sarge):
  23. I'm working on a list of changes that should be made to bluecurity's uniform that will lower the suicide rates of people who play security. 1. Bring back the black uniform (albeit with blue accents) 2. Bring back the Corporate Security Hat. 3. Change the warden's hat. It looks REALLY bad. 4. Change the borgs to security blue. 5. Change the vomit yellow accent to silver or grey. I may add later, but for now, these are the most glaring.
  24. Scarves/shemaghs for security to prevent neck chafing from wearing two kinds of vests. (Webbing and armor)
  25. He's a Hharar. Paradise station flavor text: The outdated ID picture shows a young tajaran with light gray hair styled in an afro. He is grinning ear to ear and is striking a bicep flex pose. He has the coat of arms of a notable military academy tattooed on his left bicep. This picture, however is a stark contrast to the flesh and blood. Grugg appears to be missing a good portion of his left ear and has skin graft scars on his right arm. Small black pock marks reveal shrapnel scarring on his face. He has a standard issue NanoTrasen prosthetic right hand.
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