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Everything posted by BadLemonsXI

  1. I know how you feel I to only have Skyrim on console.
  2. NOT THE JUICER(At least I think its holding a juicer)
  3. New mining drill? I haven't played in a while I think I'll go look at the change logs. Thanks. Edit: Can't find them on the forums. Are they on here?
  4. There is nothing wrong with stickmen. See.
  5. This is going to sound random but whats that thing on the left with the cables running to it? Also is there something Diona like about uranium? I don't know much about then.
  6. And she's probably a fat lesbian too. I could still go there. Erp with the fat lesbay EMT Mmm has a nice ring to it. But anyway will it be hard to add them in? In my whole time playing on this server I can't recall seeing any new roles added (One may have been and I just didn't notice but who knows.) And also I'm all for what Thundy said about division between all the roles in medbay.
  7. I don't find it hard to believe this kind of group would show up in a world where other species co-existed with humans. And that back story shouldn't be to hard to explain to people who don't what to read a wall of text.
  8. So you could order one from cargo and any available ghost who applied can take over it. How's that sound?
  9. I like the idea and it would help with the problem of doc's running out to play Paramedic while someone show's up in the lobby dying a few seconds later begging to be let in. And it should also hopefully help with people having the SHITS (Suddenly Having Imaginary Technology Skill's) on mech's. Because saying that before, during or after you got your Medical degree you learnt to drive one kills me a little on the inside. (That last bit was just me having a little rant sorry.)
  10. I think the current sounds ok'ish in that it dose work (I'm going off the fact I'm normally watching a YouTube video before a round starts) It just needs to be toned down a bit.
  11. Eava got a 19. So the safe zone that's nice. But can't people with low scores be a "Mary Sue" anyway because there community statue can come into effect?
  12. This thread. . . Is amazing.
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