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Everything posted by BadLemonsXI

  1. I, I need new clothes. **Stop singing.** Ah fuckwit kicked me. **Gets up. Looks out the hole.** "Tress. . . ." Who, Who are these's people around me?
  2. Whats the most Non-talkative Antage type? Because, You know. I'm slow. Also. If asked can maint drone's become, Say "malfunctioning maint drone's" it would be interesting.
  3. Oh yer >_> oop's Also: Colour:
  4. Well I don't see any problem with it. Sound like a nice little idea.
  5. Who, Who are these's people around me? This song? "You're out of touch." "I'm out of time" "But I'm" na na na na la la la Wait no. Got to focus. . . . I, I need new clothes.
  6. I, I need new clothes. What was I doing? Hey, Whats this in my pocket? Wait. Who, Who are these's people around me?
  7. I ahhh I can't see them my screen cut's them off. Does the tag's have W and H modifier tag's?
  8. ((Ok ok >_>)) My arm's feel heavy and I can't seem to keep my head up. I see my t shirt and long pants are stained with. . .motor oil?
  9. I wonder why I have a chicken mask over my head.
  10. I've never had any problem while working with Vittorio as HoP, He seem'd reasonable about most thing's. But there was this one time he got in to this racist argument with someone. IC I was ready to knock him out by the end of it. OOC It was funny.
  11. At first I was really uncertain about this idea, but then I thought "How cool would it be to have numerical representation of how well you did?" Maybe we could try an EOR report ourselves? I would like to have something like that. It would probably also course a bit of competitiveness between departments to see who did the most that shift.
  12. ((Oh yer. I forgot to point that out ))
  13. A reply appears in your inbox. To: Hazeri Saakhat From: Alice Bell. Subject: Lab Partner/Assistant Wanted. //This message was made with Voice to Text.// Greetings Haz my name is Alice Bell. I'm a recently employed worker with Nanotrasen, In the citizen department for a verity of job's. I would like to apply for a position as your Assistant for a chance to learn new skills and meet some co-workers so to have, as you put it "A mutual system where keep each other company in this lonely, wide void of depressing nothingness we call 'space'." I look forward to hearing form you. Also on a note,when I said learn new skills I don't mean as in teach me how to do chemistry hahah ah. . . . because that'd be silly. Because you know. . .yer. Yer no I'll edit that out before I Send-- //"Send"---Send message?// Wha-- //Sending message// Wait NO! //Message sent.// Ahhhhhh
  14. Yes I would indeed like this. Both for Mining and Xenoarchaeology.
  15. I still do that.
  16. Drawings and stuff.
  17. Now you got to beat this guy.
  18. I'm with 1138. I've seen many project's get thrown out because of the reason's they just stated. Don't worry there are tho's of us in the community who's ok with waiting.
  19. Don't forget I was with you. Yer Kiwi's character was trying to save my,Blacked out, dying, Harmless, Character before they where shot down. I was killed before the Op even checked if I was alive. It was not fun.
  20. Your speed: 26 wpm Time: 2:10 Accuracy: 93.4% I'm even getting better at it. Your speed: 28 wpm Time: 1:22 Accuracy: 98.5%
  21. It's funny playing IAA make me want to make little comic things about the stuff I've seen and heard so far.
  22. If option 3 win's please keep in mind one think when moving everything. Keep the IAA office size and window's. I just played a round as IAA and had rearranged the office so I was working face's that big window and I think it helped people interact with me and remember I was there. So I could help them.
  23. For most of us(Me) this will just show how bad we are(I am). I May try it.
  24. So this is how I read it. Line's 1-9:Ah hu ok Line's 10-15: Tis a furry right? Line's 16-19: Ahh ok? Line's The rest: WHAT THE FUCK!
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