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Everything posted by BadLemonsXI

  1. **Fall to my knees and stare in awe at GOD!**
  2. Ah yes don't worry at least 3 times I spammed the resist button to get way from people once I heard the station was damaged in some way. I think of it as idle mode the drone acts all passive until something needs its attention. And I said no when someone ask'ed me for some metal as it was not involving the integrity of the station. Also on this matter about not doing things for people would helping an engineers get to a damaged place on the map be ok or bad? (Or they could be smart and not ask me but just follow me as I go to the damaged area.)
  3. Ah ok. That's good to know. I'd stopped trying to drag things after the first 10 items I try'ed just said. "That item is to big." I just guessed you couldn't drag anything. Maybe its got to do with the weight tags.
  4. Am I dead? Fucking idiot killed me. . .wow. I didn't even find out what was written on me. **Check to see if writing is still there.**
  5. I think the main reason for those law's are to stop the chucklefuckery when someone dose something they really shouldn't have, So the staff have a leg to stand on when confronting these people. For the whole time I played as a drone (In which I acted like a puppy when someone payed attention to me. And actually had rp with them.) I wasn't messaged by the staff saying that I was doing it wrong, Mind you had I hurt someone as the drone they probably whole have dog piled me with warnings and/or bans. I think its got to do with how you play it. If it make's someone happy and give them rp then at least it should be ok. If you fuck up someones day and your not emaged (Or what ever its called.) with a law involving what your doing then thats bad. Maybe change the law's at allow basic rp? I'll add it to the list.
  6. ((Don't want to play anymore?))
  7. This sounds like a good idea because it can lead to some rp, as a drone can't talk and will have to emote to the Roboticist what it whats done. As well as giving longer life to the drone. Now code wise: For the cell here's the drones code for it. line 42://They are unable to be upgraded, so let's give them a bit of a better battery. line 43:cell.maxcharge = 10000 line 43:cell.charge = 10000 And here's what happens when you try and use a crowbar on then. line 103:else if (istype(W, /obj/item/weapon/crowbar)) line 104: user << "The machine is hermetically sealed. You can't open the case." line 105: return So drones will have to be made open-able and I don't know how much work that would involve. Code found in: Aurora/code/modules/mob/living/silicon/robot/drone/drone.dm Link: https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora/blob/master/code/modules/mob/living/silicon/robot/drone/drone.dm Ah now this is a question of is it giving to much to the drone because as Jamini said they shouldn't replace engineers. But on the other hand its a massive time sink having to go back inside to get other cable coil or all the way back to a charger if you used all of your's first. Can drones drag cable? I'll have to test it. I know they can't pick then up. As always thanks everyone for replying and helping build on the suggestion.
  8. *Smacked full in the face by the wooden board!* "Ugh!" *Collapses* "Your going to get us all killed."
  9. Well now I just feel silly that I didn't see it. But the topic still stands. Dose anyone have anything they'd like to input? Also can any coder's tell me if this: Is actually how you'd add it?
  10. Right but you can never have reinforced glass selected as it is not in the module panel. Thanks Right Im going to agree with you here. But it would be nice to try and include drone's as they are player's looking for something to do and be helpful (most of the time.) Yer your right but I did have a lot of fun. I don't know why but some people really take to drone's they like to pick them up and play with them and I meet some engineer's who like'd to carry me and have me help out. And I like them because I didn't have to talk and could emote most things. Right I'm not following you here? So I can be holding reinforced glass? Can you please tell me? As I said I can make it but it spawns on the ground with no way for a drone to interact with it as far as I can tell. Also if anyone whats to add something I'll add it to the list. Thanks for the replys!
  11. Haha. . .wait is it really happening?
  12. So I've been playing maintenance drone to for the last 5hr's and I've come up with something that I'm going to post here for every one to look at. Edit: The first bit is now redundant because I'm a blind fooktard. 1. Add reinforced glass (You can make it as a drone but its placed on the ground and there for unusable for the drone.) and reinforced metal to the list of things the magnetic gripper can pick up. because last round I went to fix the chemistry lab and I had to use glass instead of reinforced glass so a Station Engineer had to come alone and fix it to reinforced glass, kind of making what I did redundant. And add reinforced metal so that if the drone go's into a badly damaged area and there is reinforced metal there the drone can use it. The magnetic gripper code is in : Aurora/code/modules/mob/living/silicon/robot/drone/drone_items.dm Githublink: https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora/blob/548d5abbf8ff7221f3a7d097fdcb755f5bde7f66/code/modules/mob/living/silicon/robot/drone/drone_items.dm 2. Allowing the drone to listen to the Engineer comms so to better know when it can be of help. Edit: Im no longer counting this one because I partly agree with what Jamini had to say about it. 3. swat43: The ability to have it's power cell changed. 4. Change the law's to officially allow basic rp as a drone. Thanks for reading. Please post what you think of this and anything you can think of for it.
  13. *stands up.* "stop what are you doing."
  14. Its got a Dwarf fortress feel to it. I LIKE!
  15. Left4Zed : Left4Dead.
  16. **Cower in fear.**
  17. You guys. . .Should tell me. . .Where to find this.
  18. How much money NT spent on wages. And if you's can find a way: How much money NT make. If the first is higher them the second. We Fucked Up!
  19. Yes. Also. Most Xenoarchaeology things you find have a Dwarf fortress style descriptions on them. Even went to check if it was still in the code.
  20. Fuck! "Fuck." **Hide**
  21. This is from the same round as the above images. But anyway. The only thing I could think of when I saw this was that the red box that says "FIX THIS SHIT" p.s I have posted a bug report thing.
  22. Got to get out. Got to get out. **Trys opening the door.**
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