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Everything posted by ThatGuyGW

  1. Ruben's a character that I think has made a noticeable positive impact on the quality of RP in recent round, as well as providing ample opportunities for others to integrate into the RP they create. +1
  2. BYOND Key: thatguygw Staff BYOND Key: tbear13 Reason for complaint: Grand Theft Peanut Evidence/logs/etc:https://i.imgur.com/lZonio7.png Additional remarks: Please bring swift justice.
  3. Been here a few weeks, looking for some feedback on my characters. All feedback welcome. AI: N-SYNC
  4. @Valwyn this thread is regarding Frost the cyborg, not Frost the Antag Ninja.
  5. Have no RP issues with either of them, always fun to RP with. However, it triggers me very much so that veronica is in lowercase, not upper case.
  6. The safe temp of boro is ~5000. The fact you went a full 2000 over that shows, in my opinion, gross negligence ICly. In terms of how it should be, the melting (destruction) temp of reinforced walls is (I believe) close to 7500, while for borosilicate glass, I don't think it will (instantly) melt at any temperature, which is more to make phoron research possible than to be logically sound. I'd say that right now, phoron research is perfectly fine as it is, as long as you stay in the safe temperature ranges. If you wanted to go as far above as you did, I'd say you'd need to ICly get authorisation from the RD, as well as possibly petition engineering for a station modification to completely encase the testing chamber with boro.
  7. Have had multiple great experiences, the way She's is playing made me quite surprised to find out that she's wasn't on the whitelist for a long time already, they play with an incredible amount of depth and experience in their actions. I've personally been extremely happy to RP with Thea, I find the character to have a nice amount of depth and realism, and the way they actually conduct their HoP duties is done incredibly well, both mechanically and thematically. I'd definitely like to see this application get past trial successfully.
  8. I want to preface this post with two points: I have not know Burger for longer than a period of around 6-8 days. In terms of my return to the server, I am a relatively new player, my last period play ending sometime around 2016. However, in the short time that I have known Burger and seen his actions on the server, discord, and the Forums; I have consistently got a feeling of general toxicity from him. The vast majority of times I see Burger's posts it seems to be either a complaint, whether that be toward Staff, IC actions, or the current state of the server itself. I'm not saying that complaints are bad things, however, and I do acknowledge that Burger has provided input to the server in how he believes it can be improved; but I think there comes the point where if you believe everything is wrong, maybe the issue isn't the server, but yourself. The fact remains that almost every time I see a suggestion or complaint made by Burger, he seems to choose to attack other people who criticise his suggestions, rather than defending his suggestions themselves. I'll be sincere and say I don't have any evidence to support this; this is just the feeling I have gotten from my limited time playing with Burger. I understand that the time I have spent most likely isn't enough to get a full view of his character and who he is, but first impressions are essential, and I have not received a good impression from Burger.
  9. I also give myself permission to use a VPN.
  10. I'd be fine with this, but not behind the head of staff whitelist. They're entirely different roles in the station, the AI should never be part of the command staff, and roleplaying them as such, is in my opinion, a bad idea and leads to massive issues. A specific AI whitelist would be fine in my opinion, although I will admit my viewpoint is skewed, as I play AI a lot, while I'm never intending to apply for Head of Staff as that just isn't my thing, and as such as head of staff whitelist would essentially mean I never play AI again.
  11. BYOND key: ThatGuyGW Character names of all involved: Josh Cashman - Drunk Man Elayne - pAI Documentation of the event, Link to post/Screenshot in game. If multiple screenshots please compose an album: Have you read the application rules??: Yes Have you made sure this incident didn't result in administrative action? Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Why does this moment deserve a spot in the Hall Of Fame?: It was certainly a completely unexpected result of some RP that was meant to be cookie cutter "Man fails to understand machines". Turns out the man understood the machine better than the machine itself. Are you certain we are all laughing together are not shaming someone?: Yes, no one to laugh at. Final thoughts/anything you want to add?: Maybe a bug report from this?
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