I want to preface this post with two points:
I have not know Burger for longer than a period of around 6-8 days.
In terms of my return to the server, I am a relatively new player, my last period play ending sometime around 2016.
However, in the short time that I have known Burger and seen his actions on the server, discord, and the Forums; I have consistently got a feeling of general toxicity from him. The vast majority of times I see Burger's posts it seems to be either a complaint, whether that be toward Staff, IC actions, or the current state of the server itself. I'm not saying that complaints are bad things, however, and I do acknowledge that Burger has provided input to the server in how he believes it can be improved; but I think there comes the point where if you believe everything is wrong, maybe the issue isn't the server, but yourself.
The fact remains that almost every time I see a suggestion or complaint made by Burger, he seems to choose to attack other people who criticise his suggestions, rather than defending his suggestions themselves. I'll be sincere and say I don't have any evidence to support this; this is just the feeling I have gotten from my limited time playing with Burger. I understand that the time I have spent most likely isn't enough to get a full view of his character and who he is, but first impressions are essential, and I have not received a good impression from Burger.