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About Rotharia

  • Birthday 30/11/1997

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  • Byond CKey

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Warden (11/37)

  1. A little over two weeks since I've posted this so here's a BUMP.
  2. BYOND Key: Rotharia Total Ban Length: Permanent Banning staff member's Key: Alberyk Reason of Ban: Leaking staff information to a private discord with another group of players, shittalking the people that gave you a chance to be a trial in said group, and ignoring someone trying to relay information of something going on the radio in the same group. Reason for Appeal: It's been nearly a year and six months since my ban, in that time I haven't found another server that does HRP better than Aurora. I understand that in my previous appeal it was said that I would never be unbanned but I feel compelled to be persistent to show that I truly do want to be apart of this community again. I am sorry for what I did, at the time I didn't understand the gravity of my actions or what an excellent group of roleplayers I was among until I lost it. I sincerely and deeply apologize and I humbly ask that you please consider an appeal, I will accept any number of restrictions or handicaps you place on me while here, I just want to be able to play and enjoy the game again. Thank you for your consideration.
  3. BYOND Key: Rotharia Total Ban Length: Permanent Banning staff member's Key: Alberyk Reason of Ban: ( Reason for Appeal: After having significant time to think about this, I would like to appeal your previous decision. I apologize for my actions and conduct as a staff member, it was clearly wrong and I got caught up in a meta-clique. At the time, I didn't realize how detrimental it actually was because I had never met friends before through the game, you could say I was wearing rose colored glasses. After having left that group and been given the opportunity to look back, I can see that what I did was indeed wrong and undermined the staff team at the time. However, all of that being said, I at no point in time had planned to join the staff team with the intention of betraying it. I think that's a bit of a foolish notion given that I had significant time role-playing on the server prior and to think that anyone would put that kind of time into the game, interacting with the community and genuinely enjoying it just so spurn the staff is a bit of a long-shot in my opinion. With that being said, the reason for my ban almost entirely revolves around my conduct as staff and not as a player, so with that in mind I would like to propose the following. -Unban me on the understanding that I will never be able to apply for staff positions under any circumstances again, I am even willing to have some kind of permanent ooc and looc ban if that is deemed necessary. At the end of the day, I just want to create characters and roleplay with others in a meaningful way. Also willing to discuss any other solutions and have an open dialogue if you'd like. Thank you for your consideration.
  4. I allowed meta-gaming and meta-communication to occur and participated in it. I also was unfairly critical of the staff team that gave me a chance to be on trial. Finally, I leaked private staff information that should have remained private.
  5. BYOND Key: Rotharia Total Ban Length: Permanent Banning staff member's Key: Alberyk Reason of Ban: Leaking staff information with another group of players, shitalking the people that gave you a chance to be a trial in said group, and ignoring someone trying to relay information of something going on the radio in the same group. Reason for Appeal: After nearly two months since my ban I've decided to try and apply for an unban given that a large portion of the reason for my ban was due to issues with my trial. I believe that I should be given the chance to be a player again.
  6. I will fully and openly admit that this situation had a lot of moving pieces, I asked for help with this over MSay at the time because I understood it was out of my depth for a second day trial mod but no luck. Whatever the outcome of this, I would sincerely appreciate feedback on what I could have done better.
  7. First of all, the mistake of labeling you as an investigator is 100% my fault. Juggling three different tickets at a time for the antag, you, and the captain was a bit of a mess and I assumed Ana was an investigator because that's what I've seen them as most often. Moving on, the situation as I witnessed is this: The Captain is just waking up after having been parapened and implanted with an explosive. You, obviously do not know this. As they're waking up and the antagonist is in the middle of typing a sentence, you rush in and immediately start firing off stun disrupter at the antagonist without so much as a word. It's at this point that the antagonist blows the captain up because you ran in on them and I get an ahelp from the captain asking what happened. I explained what happened to the captain and then opened up a ticket with the antag asking why they immediately blew it up because their reasoning wasn't immediately apparent to me. After discussing with them for some time I turned my attention to you and started messaging you. In my opinion, the argument you make that there's no winning isn't fair. Yes, sending in the entire security department for what seemed like a minor grievance does feel like a lot, however. Not alerting them that you were responding and ALSO immediately shooting upon arrival is my real issue here. You didn't call for backup because you didn't think it was appropriate from context, but you also immediately escalated to firing shots without so much as a word. I chose to warn you because this isn't behavior that I think is conducive to good antag RP. Given that your last notes that would be related to anything like this are from quite some time ago, I decided that no major action was necessary. At the end of the day, no one won in this exchange. The captain died unnecessarily, and the antag didn't get to play out their gimmick further. As an aside, I felt you got a bit of an attitude with me in PM's but I don't hold that against you given you obviously thought the situation was unfair.
  8. He follows Ma'ta'ke, the religion traditional to the region and his people, I did intend to expand on it more in the initial backstory but never really found the right place to put it. Before any major skirmish or battle Junmir could always be found doing small prayers or blessings for himself and his fellow soldiers, Since leaving his village he's done his best to try and keep his faith alive. As far as why his service ended, Junmir was involved in a failed attack on an NKA stronghold, as apart of the Combat Miners, he was sent in first to sap their defenses and a mistake made by his team leader led to a charge going off early, severely injuring Junmir and the rest of his team, miraculously only one died later of their wounds. Jumir's leg was essentially snapped in half and this led to him being medically discharged from the ALA. After his discharge, Junmir started looking for anyway off Adhomai he could find. Searching Crevus initially for a less than legal means off, he was referred to the NT-NSIP by a NT recruiter who recognized that Junmir's desperation meant he'd be an easy target for what is essentially indentured servitude. He was accepted into the program and escorted offworld aboard an NT shuttle shortly after. I'm basing their leaving off of this wiki page (https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Non-human_Species_Integration_Program) so if this no longer exists or isn't applicable, let me know! Junmir has a distinct distaste for NKA Tajara. Considering those that support the monarchy to be actively against Adhomai's best wishes. As far as the PRA and DPRA are concerned, he feels that they're essentially two sides of the same coin separated by petty politics. As many of his fellow soldiers, he feels a sense of camaraderie with the grunts, but dislikes the "brass" of both nations. Leading to him also disliking Njarir for their holier than thou attitude. That being said, he still more closely aligns himself with the DPRA and has even sought citizenship with them since the end of the war because of their intent to leave his homeland autonomous.
  9. I ditto everything prate says here. Windows are in need of an update,
  10. It is certainly true that I tend to fill a lot of hats as Briony, but I attribute that more to the character than to the whitelist. I grow nothing of great complexity, nor serve any drinks that are not found in the soft drink dispenser. For food, I only serve steaks and fries. As far as the mining goes, I've never personally went out mining as Briony but I have instructed new miners on how to use their equipment. I don't think it's unreasonable to play a head of staff who's willing to roll up their sleeves and help out their workers when need be. It's not so much that I'm trying to be a cook, and a gardener, and a bartender, I'm just trying to portray a reasonable level of skills in the department they oversee. As I stated in my app, I believe one of the primary purposes of command staff is to serve as an introduction into the mechanics of their department. If you personally feel that this portrayal is unrealistic for my character or in general just in poor form then I would love to have a more open discussion about that. But again, I think this is more of a character issue than directly a problem with my being command. Again, if you disagree I'm open to discussion. As far as not playing QM anymore, I do see HoS's play officers or wardens, I was not aware this was really an issue. But if this isn't befitting of a member of command I can certainly change it. I DO know that Captain's aren't allowed to play normal roles other than other heads but I was aware of no such thing for normal heads.
  11. BYOND Key: Rotharia Character Names: Species you are applying to play: Tajara What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Blue-Grey Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: Aside from cat. Tajara lore is some of, if not the most well put together lore on the server, making a huge number of characters possible. In particular, I love the "hierarchy" of the different Tajara breeds. The concept of playing a Zhan is particularly interesting to me given their lower standing amongst other Tajara. I'm also interested in finally playing a religious character, something that I've avoided for some time on the server. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Mechanically, Tajara require specific clothing that accommodates their biology, this includes fingerless gloves and special Tajara specific voidsuits. In roleplay, Tajara tend to speak in the third or second person, but if they've spent enough time in human space this can be overcome. In addition, many Tajara tend to form close-knit relationships and small cliques that they are loyal to. Further, Tajara are heavily discriminatory against other Tajara, both of different ethnicities, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Character Name: Mra'Khaket Ketra-Junmir Please provide a short backstory for this character: Junmir is a Zhan-Khazan from the Din'akk Mountains. Born with complete heterochromia, Junmir was often heralded as his small mining village's "Lucky Charm". His life was simple, his people lived sustainably and aside from an occasional traveling doctor or wandering tourist, outsiders were uncommon and frankly reviled. To this end, Junmir grew up not knowing much of the world outside his small mountain life. To him, the radio broadcasts and distant trails of ships were as far away as the suns. When Junmir came of age he confided with the local priest during prayer that he intended to leave, and as word of mouth is faster than one's feet in these small mountain villages Junmir was caught by his family which resulted in a massive fight before he marched off. At the time, Junmir wanted nothing more than to chase the bright lights of the big city. But, as time has gone on, he has come to regret this fight deeply. Praying that by some miracle his family will still be there when he finally returns. His plan was to play stowaway on a cargo ship. A trick he had heard about from the stories wayward tourists would tell. Unfortunately for Junmir, the cargo ship was one of Alexeii K’marr's own. He was swiftly caught, and faced with a choice. Serve in the ALA, or face jail. Junmir chose the former and joined as a member of the Combat Miners, during this time he saw active combat in the second half of the second revolution and was directly involved in the sapping and destruction of many enemy fortifications. His time in the ALA forged him, it turned him from a curious and inquisitive youngster into a cynical and defensive man. Junmir loved his brothers in arms, but just as many grunts do. He couldn't stand the "brass" or the choices they made. This has left him with a deep distrust of leadership but a strong bond for his fellow grunts. In 2458, Junmir's service to the ALA ended and he was left without purpose. His home still war-torn and bloody, Junmir was offered an opportunity to apply for the NT-NSIP, a program offering him education and work for loyalty to the company. Having had enough war and conflict to last anyone a lifetime, Junmir applied for the program and was miraculously selected placed in education programs for security work. To Junmir, this was equally as heart-breaking as it was relieving. Having spent the last five years fighting desperately for his homeland, he was now leaving it behind. With the completion of the second revolution in 2461, Junmir applied for citizenship with the DPRA and feels as though he may finally be able to return home, but first his service to Nanotrasen must be paid. As such, the company has placed him on the Aurora. Where he will work till his contracts completion as a security officer. Junmir feels that he never really got to make the choice between the ALA and jail. If anything, he took the worst path he could, his path taking him far away from Adhomai to be "locked up" on some station to serve out his sentence. What do you like about this character?: Firstly, as mentioned earlier I like the idea of being a "dirty zhan" both for the flavor of their more muscular build and the oppression he may face. Secondly, I like the idea of playing a Taj who's chosen to "somewhat" remove himself from Adhomai and it's troubles. My hope is that his character will develop in a way that leads to him finding a new family out in the stars, either in little Adhomai or somewhere among the crew of the Aurora.. Finally, I like the concept of playing both a religious and veteran character, neither are things that I've done before and they're aspects that I'd like to explore. How would you rate your role-playing ability?: 7/10 Notes: I welcome questions about the character!
  12. I agree with Prate, in a perfect world the warning message would work as way to give the victim options, but in practice I feel it's just gonna be a disappointing ability nobody can ever get off because people just run. I think his suggestion for a prep skill with a long cooldown works, since your want was specifically for you to be able to embed knives and such. A side suggestion, either using your hand or a blunt object on a limb is a guaranteed fracture. I like the idea of an antag crippling his prisoners, either for pure torture or to ensure they have a harder time getting away.
  13. Trutfhully, I would be up for re-spriting both the advanced and normal engineering hard suits, it's always been a bit immersion breaking for me to see deadspace just walking around.
  14. Suggestion to add electrochromic windows to the Head of Personnel's meeting desk wall. As it stands, HoP's have to be at their processing desk to see anyone waiting at the door to enter,
  15. Minor request, can you add chromic windows to the HoP's meeting area? As it stands on the current map and this one, HoP's have to sit at their processing window if they want to see someone walk to their meeting door. Otherwise, I love everything about it!
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