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  1. I've known Danse for awhile, I don't think there's any doubt about his roleplaying abilities. I give a +1
  2. Hi. I want to preface that I have known Danse for a very long time, and have seen him in a few different servers. First and foremost, there has been a lot of attention to Danse's conduct in this thread by various people, and I want to state that from my experiences and discussions with him he has shown to be an incredibly level headed and respectable person. Generally speaking, I tend to see people pick apart things that he says that are almost certainly intended to be jokes, which doesn't seem at all to be a good spirited thing to do. I am also extremely positive that he's capable of conducting himself in a manner more befitting of a professional if he was required to. Overall, I do not at all think he's a bad person, and I can definitely picture him in a staff position. Secondly, I do not think theres any question to Danse's talent as a writer. He is extremely passionate about both the server and its lore, and I can only see him doing good things with the title of human lore deputy. This gets a +1 from me. Best of luck to you.
  3. I agree with most of these, specifically number 1 and 2. Part of the AI's power is simply not knowing when it's deciding to look at you, and this leads to the worst of the AI hijinks I think, when an antag is just minding their own business and suddenly their entire gimmick tumbles due to a situation out of their control. I believe on baystation the AI could operate maintenance drones, which were capable of doing some rather basic station repair and whatnot, but having a way for them to do simple things at the cost of giving up their omnipotence for a moment seems fine enough.
  4. An expedition leader role thats unwhitelisted who's sole job is to do lead expeditions (probably under the jurisdiction of the RD) would be rad. Currently on the aurora the lack of RDs playing gatekeeps expeditions from happening like, ever, which is kind of lame.
  5. I like dep sec a lot, had a lot of fun with it. It makes enough sense to have security officers stationed with each department. Antags might be inhibited a bit by it, but y'all are creative, Im sure it's simple enough to get around one slimy sec man in his office. This seems to be because they have flat "cargo" access, and people with "cargo" access can use the cargo console. It is a bit strange, but the solution is either adding a bunch of weird access flags or keeping it how it is I guess, I dunno. I do have some questions about the expected roleplay/predictions on what might happen with this though. What are they expected to do while in the department? By this I mean, I feel like you're generally going to see 2 kinds of dep officers, ones who do nothing but bury their noses in whatever a department is doing at all times, and ones that are extremely hands off, if you get my picture.
  6. I have known Schwabb for awhile and commend their ability to create a believable character within any given universe and RP well with them. I enjoy the time I've spent (e)RPing with them and think they'd be a good candidate for a slimy froge. To be honest I kinda assumed he already had every whitelist so him applying now is a bit of a surprise to me. +1
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