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Everything posted by Myphicbowser

  1. Oh my golly I'm so sorry I forgot about the bolding! Okay but to the questions 1) They view non-dominians with a sense of something I have trouble putting into words, a thankfulness, they feel that by the sheer value of a non-dominian existing that they may be able to remain safe and away from the extremes of the Dominians 2) They would fear Dominians, but less in a shaking in their roots kinda way but a slide away to the other hall and avoid their department kinda way, they see Dominians as a loyal work force that dare not break the codes they are given, which leads to part two of this question where they would genuinely fear any Dominian that knows where they came from, they would be petrified and distant, even taking to learning about that Dominian to see if the tables could be turned, if a Dominian knows what they were destined for, they are an enemy you must find a way to out maneuver.
  2. BYOND Key: Myphicbowser Character Names: Stephane Connette, Katha Mars, Ka'Akaix'Mirz Zo'ra, Za'Akaix'Vak K'lax, Zaqix Zixquu, Rasputin, IRU-Kathy, Issa Korvitis, Makjurl Hrarvahrrhaz, XBCU, Mrrka Hrarvahrrhaz, Ta'Akaix'Itan Zo'ra, Vharisk Ssunhred, Kalchur El-Amin, Ka'Akaix'Kiihr C'thur, Mashka Saylor Species you are applying to play: Diona What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Tree Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: The possibility is on the table Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: You know, I will admit that I started this whitelist application to look at all the lil green check marks on the Web Interface page, I was even under the impression that they were as generic and bland as some other server’s usage of them but they also drink blood. But after reading through them and digging through their lore I really started to fall in love with them, they are a Truly Alien creature much like the Vaurca, and I think that makes them a fantastic thing to want to try for. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Oh heck that’s a daunting one here, Diona are incredibly different beasts all together, and I mean that wording, a single gestalt is not a single consciousness, it is a collection of consciousnesses that become one kinda, sharing their skills and information and feelings. They are so much more affected by their experiences and how they handle and heal from them, as each nymph inside of them feels it differently, it’s wacky and I am having trouble articulating it. And that difficulty is further expanded upon when you break into the whole genetic learning thing and consuming blood to learn. They can pick up information by drinking blood or eating bodies though the latter is seen as barbaric by more civilized types, but the option is still there yah know? The diona are also much more likely to be pacifistic, so as to avoid damage, but it seems like the criminal gangs and the ones that live in deep space are in a very different state of mind because they didn’t seem to develop healthily. Character Name:The Sound of the Hounds pursuing deep into the night under the guiding light of the Void’s Eyes (Shortened to The Sound of the Hounds) Please provide a short backstory for this character The Sound of the Hounds is a Dominian born Diona, raised and grown to feed the Emperor and his various important guests in an upcoming feast. The Sound of the Hounds is currently standing at around eight nymphs that were all acquired during their initial escape of the Gardens on Moroz, it was all they could reasonably take and still manage to actually escape. It was a long and arduous task, to escape, but they undertook it using guile and careful movements, even managing to escape by using a few brave nymphs causing distractions rather than causing permanent damage to any of the assigned guards and gardners. It wasn’t long until they were noticed, the single flaw in their plan was having to acquire a powerful source of light which ended up being just a massive amount of taped flashlights which had to be acquired by breaking into an outpost near the gardens. This is where the current name of the Diona comes from, they heard the hounds chasing them down and knew that being found would be made even easier with their cobbled together source of lights, they trusted in the light of the moons to keep them sustained and guide their path. They hid and ran, hounds and hunters tracking them down as they made their way to the nearest possible sign of exit. They were weak and they were nearly out of strength to continue, they climbed partway up a frozen tree and watched the moons slowly sink, preserving their energy. The day broke, the hunt seemed to be called off, and in the pale morning light they spotted a single ship descending closer to the planet, far to the west, so they followed it. After following the direction of the ship for days and avoiding anyone they may have potentially ran into, they found a city they soon learned went by the name of Jinxiang, an industrial sector that had ships at every possible docking point. The Sound of Hounds continued to sneak around slowly, moving around the outskirts of time and hoping to find an easier way into the city to hopefully secure a way out. While they were searching they found a ship on the outskirts of the town, hidden under the trees and it was hardly bigger than a medium cargo shuttle. A ragtag group of humans and Unathi seemed to be loading it, two humans in suits exchanging large wooden crates for a small briefcase. As the Sounds of the Hounds watched this transaction they were found and brought closer by an Unathi, where they were quickly discovered to be unable to speak Basic or Tradebrand, instead they were guided to a hole on the side of the shuttle and imagined they were supposed to fill it in, which was confirmed as the unathi shoved them into it, leaving them with a pat on the elected leader nymph and a thumbs up. The Sound of the Hounds continued to stay on this ship for a long while, forming an integral part of its wall and slowly picking up basic by a few blood donations from a few unwilling people the Unathi held up to them. As they slowly learned and formed a bond with the crew over the duration of around three years, it began to fall apart as one day another group of slightly bigger Unathi and Tajara with handmade weapons managed to ambush the original crew, and fully replaced them. They continued to be used in much the same way, offering up information from a nymph that burrowed inside of the shuttle and even being given more generous donations from unwilling participants, and a few of the willing Unathi. They eventually fell to the desire to fit in with the crew and gave in to their taste for blood, almost draining a captured Engineer fully during one of the donations. They processed this information slowly and upon the shuttle landing, simply slipped out of the nook they held for numerous years and patched it, before walking around the rest of the ship and upgrading and repairing it, leaving them as a cheap as free engineer on the shuttle and they wore clothes for the first time, it was a good day. The Sound of the Hounds continued to run with this gang for a while, taking in more information mostly from engineers and other less then willing participants they needed information from, and eventually simply walked away from the shuttle. No one stopped them, the crew barely even noticed the sudden lack of the engineer and never looked for them, and they imagine they continued their work of running the crates and the Tajara from system to system, it was unsure to what ends they were doing it, but they certainly were moving a lot of weapons and Tajara and that was too dangerous at this point. The Sound of the Hounds departed from their crew in the Republic of Biesel, and knowing what they did know they first headed to a TCFL enlistment center, declaring themselves as seeking asylum and that they were born in the void to pirates. It was a quick transfer of duty, they demonstrated their skills and became an engineer, repairing mechatronics and ships alike, keeping turrets working and even maintaining weapons as the proper procedures were taught to them. They continued working with the TCFL for around two and a half years, now being eligible but still requiring a sponsorship, which was given to them by a Legate with the legion, seeing that it was only fair after everything they gave that they should be a citizenship and that for a diona pirate, they were the most polite and quiet diona they ever worked with. After they gained citizenship, they began to look for employment, and seeing as they had experience with engineering but only required formal education to be documented, they started work with Nanotrasen and took a few courses in a subsidized college in District 11. After their short schooling experience, which they managed to pass pretty well with their previous “experience” they were elevated from a Cargo Technician to a full station engineer under Nanotrasen, and after their encounters with the Fanatics of the Temple of the Eternal and the Songless Gang that wanted to pull them in, they were very thankful to take even the Cargo Tech job with Nanotrasen and were more thankful they managed to secure education and survive without a single incident of splitting, they did not gain any nymphs in that time frame as they avoided contact with a large percentage of other Diona. What do you like about this character? I am a sucker for tragedy, and I was looking for a way to make an interesting ex-pirate/criminal character that wouldn’t come off as too snowflakey or annoying, I like how this character is less a criminal for the sake of being a criminal and only doing what they did at first to survive then falling into the lifestyle for a while, even becoming a Sh’shu in the process, and seeking something better for them. It’s a tragic backstory with a hint of danger if anyone finds out the truth, and a redeemed character all in one. How would you rate your role-playing ability? Never been too good at rating myself, I’d say I’m an okay roleplayer, I can keep my characters consistent and I do enjoy a few creative emotes here and there without seeming like I’m overdoing and potentially intimidating other people I RP with, but if I get the chance I will gladly RP with anyone who has the time, gotta keep the balance between RP and like, avoiding the mercs outside the medbay though. Notes: Ha ha, tree go *chirp *creak *chirp_song *woodnoises
  3. CCIA Staff Application Basic Information Byond key: Myphicbowser Character names: Katha Mars, Za'Akaix'Vak K'lax, Zaqix Zixquu, IRU-Kathy, Issa Korvitis, Makjurl Hrarvahrrhaz Age: 20 Timezone: EST What times are you most available?: I tend towards the area between Midnight EST and Eight AM, however on my days off I tend to play the vast majority of the Day after Five PM Experience How long have you played SS13? Years, I was never a date keeper when I was younger but if I had to guess I'd slap Six years on that time How long have you played on Aurora?: Off and on for a while, at least over two years but more recently in the past Three Months I believe it has been more consistent How active on the forums, discord and/or server are you? I do not know the best way to gauge this, but I would assume that many people know my profile name and at least have a basic grasp of who I am, so I would say moderately Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: Never once from Aurora Have you ever volunteered as moderation staff for any other servers, SS13 or otherwise?: I was once a Trialmoderator for Baystation but due to some personal loss I was unable to be active enough for their standards Do you have any other experience that you believe would be relevant to a position in the CCIA?: I do not Personality Why do you want to join the CCIA?: I have enjoyed being an Escort and watching a few proceedings, and if one is ever happening while I’m ghosting I love to watch it go on if I did not get the Escort Slot, I really enjoy the premise and I would love to answer Faxes and help the round progress and help things handle smoothly What do you think are the most important qualities for a CCIA Agent to possess?: Professionalism, patience, multitasking most likely, qualities that would improve your ability to understand a situation really What do you think the purpose of a CCIA Agent is in an ongoing round?: Answers faxes, keep everything handled on the Central Command part, maybe do an investigation if one is needed What do you think the purpose of a CCIA Agent is outside of the server?: Handle CCIA notes and such, check the forums for IRs that need answering, keep Space Law reasonable How do you handle stress?: Normally I eat my emotions because I’m an American and doughnuts are cheaper than a Netflix Subscription these days, but besides that I just kinda take a step and cool down if I am REALLY stressed since too much Stress gives me massive headaches How well do you work autonomously?: I’d like to say pretty well, as long as the goal is clear I can work everything between the start and the end yah know? If I am given a goal I can do what is needed and do it right in between Additional Notes: Ha ha, CCIA goes *fib *paperwork* *FederalSentance
  4. Thanks for the love and slightly bullying about RD Let me throw your questions back with some great answers 1. I would Fax Central back to ask for clarification, but I would not deny them ICly because if I caused a delay I'd probably be in trouble, but OOCly I want their gimmick to take off 2. I would discuss with other heads of staff and use our right to force them to step down, if everyone agrees to it and we have the power to actually do it 3. I would pull in other heads of staff and elect a temporary captain for the choice to be made, then whoever was elected temporary captain would hopefully give up that power once the situation was handled yah know?
  5. So as for occupation and reason for leaving, I was planning on making her either a Roboticist or an Engineering following her time of study at Institute of Orbital Research, and after the second revolution she decided to seek employment with Nanotrasen as they were a trusted supplier of jobs and she wanted to see more of the universe. So just generally a sense of wanting to see more, I think her experiences would push her to wanting to see more through a trusted medium. And as for your question: Makjurl views the DPRA with what she considers the proper level of contempt all PRA citizens should feel for them, she blames them for her husband's turn of ideals and considers to use them as a convenient scapegoat for all issues that befall Adhomai, she thinks they are dangerous rebels. The NKA however is entirely different, viewed with distrust more then outright hatred, she thinks they will not last long and will most likely be absorbed by the PRA if they know what is good for them, she was far too young to remember most of the horrible things the previous noble factions did and has no lingering hatred of them, just kinda pity and distrust. Of course she can't doo much about Tajara she considers dangerous radicals outside of PRA space, so her hatred of DPRA is admittedly just minor petty inconveniences while working, she is a professional that dare not misrepresent the PRA, so nothing that could reflect poorly on her or the Institute should be expected. I added that last bit so you knew I wouldn't Valid or abuse DPRA players too much, just enough to be rude and annoying yah know?
  6. BYOND Key: Myphicbowser Character Names: Katha Mars, Za'Akaix'Vak K'lax, Zaqix Zixquu, IRU-Kathy, Issa Korvitis Species you are applying to play: Tajaran What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Beaver Brown (RGB 159, 139, 112) Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Conceivably Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: This server has the only interesting usage of Tajaran I have ever seen, I’ve never seen another species like this in general but to see Tajaran, which are widely regarded as memes in other servers, so when I came here and saw these Tajaran, I fell in love, and who wouldn’t? Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: This species is much less xenophillic than humans, even barely able to tolerate different ethnicities of Tajaran which seems like a largely defeated issue in the humans in this setting. I would say that the Tajaran here are also different in how they believe one should represent their Nation, Character Name: Makjurl Hrarvahrrhaz Please provide a short backstory for this character Born in 2428 to a remote family of Hharar that was spared the brunt of the fighting, Makjurl saw as a young child the glory of Hadii’s army after the war and during the interwar period and what he represented for Tajara. As a staunch Hadiist, Makjurl was devastated as Hadii started acting against Nanotrasen and was outraged that they were taking steps to undue what was done, Adhomai benefited from Nanotrasen and megacorporations, they had the resources they lacked in her opinion. She went with what he had to say until the day that changed Adhomai forever, the assissination of Al'Mari, from that day forth she was right back with the People’s Republic of Adhomai, she never missed an execution and kept calendar dates of demonstrations, she was proud to be a citizen once again. The prosperity brought on by Nanotrasen far outweighed the potential and clearly falsified fears of a stratified society, those who went to the Nal’tor College of Career Excellence only wanted what was best for the PRA, and they were admirable for this. While Makjurl held those in the service and backbone industries as heroes, she was physically meek and not built for labor, her marks were excellent and her constant support of the party was well documented, she when she applied for the Hadii Institute of Orbital Research, it was not a question of if, but of when. She started her journey to true education there, studying in robotics and participating in all Party organized events and celebrations, keeping her displays of loyalty loud and numerous. During these exhilibrating times is when she met her first husband, a lovely Hharar just like her. Her times with her first love were always exciting and full of study, but as they stayed together and planned for a family, the horrible truths of the Second Revolution caught up with them more and more, hearing of the stories on the front seemed to change the love of her life, making him distant and less receptive to the demonstrations. Her fears came to a head one night, after a shift working in the factories he came home tired and weak, and he spoke of another way, citizenship with the rebels. She was appalled but didn’t say anything until the next day, she came to him in the factory with his lunch as she did between her studies and work, and with Loyal Agents of the Party nearby, she demanded he renounce his ideals, that she return to him. She tried to apprehend him after he admitted he was planning to run away from the PRA, as she grabbed him he took the power saw he was using previously and attacked her, destroying her arm and the nerves within, leaving it useless. As she recovered from her attack and the pain of having to report a loved one, she mulled over her life for a few days as she adjusted to living with a single arm. The time was short but unbearable before she was presented with a choice, after some counseling and decisive choices, she decided to be fitted with a tesla spine and receive a prosthetic. Her faith in the party was restored, as by the might of the Republic’s Technology, she was able to work once more and continue serving with distinction because of the grace she was given. What do you like about this character? I’ve always wanted to play a character that was, admittedly, a bad person from human standards but a loyal citizen of an alien faction, so I really enjoy that aspect. And I am not trying to be antagonistic as I will OOCly miss a lot of signs that Tajaran report to the Party, but I would love to be a reminder to Tajaran who are a bit open about not liking the PRA that people will report you, there will be issues with others of the same species, there should be reasonable conflict as they are on the verge of another way. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I, once again, never know how to answer this slot, I am a good Roleplayer in my opinion and I know I could be better, but when it comes down to it I know I can interact and have fun with other players, keep a story going up and keep a consistent narrative, so I think I am a fine roleplayer, but it is always hard to ask someone to judge themselves, so take that with a grain of salt. Notes: Ha ha, cat go *purr *hiss *mlem
  7. BYOND key: Myphicbowser Character names: Katha Mars, Za'Akaix'Vak K'lax, Zaqix Zixquu, IRU-Kathy How long have you been playing on Aurora?: I’m actually not sure, but consistently for the past fourish months Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: Consular and RD, I think both would be fantastic and touch on lesser touched heads of staff Why did you come to Aurora?: Heard about a good friend who migrated here, wanted to branch out anyway Have you read the Aurora wiki on the head roles and qualifications you plan on playing?: Perchance Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? None, am good boi I believe Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: Roleplay is about telling a story that makes sense, Roleplay should however be about fun as well, we all come here to have fun but we need to adhere to certain rules to make sure that everyone is having fun and no one is infringing on fun. Roleplay should be about the players just as much as the characters. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: The OOC purpose of a head of staff is twofold; to keep players interested within their own departments and to keep characters adhering to regulations and rules that all should beholden to ICly, to prevent action that is deemed irresponsible and otherwise manage these players in a reasonable way and handle issues through the IC chain of command and with central command. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: If a player is granted power above average players and chooses to employ them, they are taking it upon themselves to impact the round for the better, to be an addition to the command structure and hold themselves to a higher standard of roleplay. The best way to uphold these and the steps I would take with this whitelist are to make your characters have clear and concise goals and relations, make sure everyone is having fun and you are handling things in an IC way, not be overbearing or an annoyance, I would be there to add RP to those who were willing and have fun for . Could you give us the gist of what is currently happening in Tau ceti and how it affected your character and their career? The current climate is, and I will be answering this for my Research Director character by the way, quite an issue for them I would imagine. As a leader of a department that thrives off of usage of phoron for construction of advanced components and the debatably unneeded Phoron Research portion of the lab dedicated to exploding phoron, the biggest change in their day to day would be about conservation and maximisation. While they should have always limited certain fields of research, they are now more aware of the limits of Phoron and how expensive it is, so that would be the biggest change. They would most likely respond in kind by putting a greater effort into mining tools to locate more phoron quickly. But besides the shortage, nothing else affects them as they are a Skrell, and largely the changes would be purely altering to their research methods. What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted? Research Director and Consular. Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking.: I planned on using my incredibly old skrell, Zaqix Zixquu, and promoting them to Research Director from Xenobiologist, using them I would put more of an effort on Phoron Conservation and the usage of Xenobiology and Botany to bolster the resources of the department and make it more self sufficient, and of course I would love to use the Research Shuttle more. How would you rate your own roleplaying?: I never know how to answer this portions, as it either sounds like I’m breaking my arm patting my own back or condemning myself. I feel as if I am a good Roleplayer. I give antags a reasonable amount of doubt to allow them more freedom in their actions. I can hold discussions about character motivations and keep it interesting. I keep myself restrained in a believable manner while also creating some conflict with some differing ideals, nuance is the key to a good character as the world isn’t in black and white. Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action? I understand that if I continually make mistakes, I will rightfully have my whitelist removed. Have you familiarized yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles? I have read the pages in depth for the roles I plan to play and read the pages for the roles I do not plan to play with a quick glance, if I ever decide to play them I will read them in depth beforehand. Extra notes: Ha ha, command go *injunction *IncidentReport *stamp
  8. Krovitis embraced most ideals, the easiest to take to heart was the idea that Power does not corrupt, but that the corruption comes from the possibility of losing that power. Seeing and taking part of the Contact War firsthand made sure that they knew what the real problem with power was. The idealistic approach to the castes is one of the harder ones to break, as a Warrior they were above quite a few, and now the idea of seeing each other as equals sounds easy enough, but rarely they find their self slipping in that regard, treating others as if they are beneath them even though they are not. Another ideal that took some getting used to was actually the augmentation themselves, seeing them as dirty before but now necessary, during their early months they looked upon themselves with hatred as a no longer fully whole being in their own eyes, but they have fully embraced this now given the amount of their body that was failing. I'd say one point that is less about the Aut'akh and more about a different outlook was the idea of violence being a truly last resort, as attacking could cause many more issues, given the time I would say that now they are a pacifist, not the quiet serene type but a brstiling ball of silent hate, they force themselves to be patient with even the most vile of sapients, they will sooner hurt with words then real violence, seeing now that Violence is in a way a sick justification for the hatred towards Aut'akh, as the augments could potentially make them more dangerous, yah know? The moment was slowly building up for quite some time during their suffering due to their injuries, they were treated like an invalid even in most social situations, their lack of limbs and general now much more grim outlook on live did them no favors in staying in good graces and they were probably on the way of ending up in a horrible way. Wishing to return to a capable body was something that they talked about often, but they received only praises from the Shaman's for staying pure and disdain from the nobility as a warrior that no longer served a purpose, so when the chance to be able to even walk once again came up to them in an empty market in a cloak, the thought of it did drive them to accept that initial invitation and I would say that was the turning point, when they gave up suffering and disdain and pity for a chance at a life that wasn't horrible. A life that was in their hands. They feel no strong feelings towards Unathi in the Empire of Dominia, as to them those who worship the Goddess are simply the Izweski Nation with a human Clan Leader and extra steps in the caste system, so they view them with very little respect or real care, as they dislike Augments only a little bit more then the common Unathi at this point, they get no special consideration. The Grim Compact however is something entirely different, seeing them as probably the single biggest issue that face the Unathi as they brave the stars, vile scum that hurts all near the Izweski Nation and bolsters the nation to stay in business, little more then Pirates that happen to pay up. Issa will never understand how such a thing came to be or why it was tolerated, but the damage they do to both the Unathi Image and the possible use as a powerful wartime asset is worrying to say the least. If they are to create a society that thrives, they should not benefit from Pirates.
  9. BYOND Key: Myphicbowser Character Names: Katha Mars, Za'Akaix'Vak K'lax, Zaqix Zixquu, IRU-Kathy Species you are applying to play: Unathi What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Dark Blue, I’ll need to tinker with the Color Settings since I do not know how it handles the scales Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Quite Possibly Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: Unathi are an interesting species to me, the first species I ever played on SS13 was Lizardman on a TG server so I’ve always been found of them, but what drew me here was a round as a Kataphract Knight, seeing that so much lore was just there for an ERT, it got me interested in reading the rest of the lore for them. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Seems like the biggest thing here is that Unathi hold their ideals more to them than humans do, you could conceivably talk to someone with a different ideological view then you but to an Unathi it would be much harder if not impossible. It seems that Unathi do have a much more an eye for discrimination as well, being more of a traditioanalist then most species barring Tajaran of course. I think the only other things that would really set them apart in their mindset is their emotional displays, with a lot of them being something they are more akin to the way lizards socialize on earth, and oftentimes are incredibly hard to hold back for the Unathi, so they are very expressive where humans can more easily hold a stoic face. Oh and something I am reading back and forgot to mention is the Honor that most unathi live by, for the males in their highly stratified society they are expected to abide by the Honor Code, and the females are supposed to follow the Woman’s Code, which is just something that sets up different gender expectations and such. Character Name: Issa Korvitis Please provide a short backstory for this character The story of Issa Korvitis starts with the story of Issa Ssunhred, the one they used to be. During their younger years, Issa was a warrior, as proud and powerful as any, fighting for the Ssunhred Kingdom, one of the many splinters that came to be shortly before the Contact War. As a warrior they were always jumping into situations they never needed to put themselves into, many of them could have even been avoided, but he was a hotheaded fool who was ready to prove himself. As these situations came to be, it was one rogue missile that ended everything, while rushing from one safe location to another they were caught in the blast of a great weapon, leaving the vast majority of their body burned and ruined, they survived the conflict by sheer force of will and some minor cunning, they used their one remaining arm to pull themselves to safety in a pile of those they once fought with. The dawn broke, the war was over for their kingdom that no longer existed, and despite the failure they were spared simply because they pretended to be someone else, stealing a name at every city they suffered through using a wheelchair. They were a wretch, in pain and looked upon with pity, until one cold morning they awoke to another sitting above them and offering the damaged warrior something that any sane Unathi would call heresy, but after all they have felt, they were willing to take any amount of hate to live a normal life once again. Before the physical changes and before even being given their first prosthetic, the hardest change was the mindset, going from an honor bound warrior of the coalition to what they once saw as a criminal was hard, they were looked down upon and looked down upon others, seeing those who were branded as guwans and those who gave up their flesh with such ease almost made them scared to sleep at night. As time went on Issa found themselves constantly falling to their previous ideals, assuming a defensive stance around lower castes even though they were already on the bottom, checking to make sure they still had their few credits and other belongings on them when they passed another Aut’akh, avoiding looking at guwans while passing them. This behavior earned them no friends, they often found themselves sleeping in the open and alone as they had made a few enemies that night. It was only a while before they realized that if they did not change they would die. The first time they thanked a guwan for something small was like fighting against every fiber of their body but it was a step in the right direction. Offering help to an Aut’akh who only recently had to live in the communes, only to be spit upon by them was common for the days, being treated as they once treated others. Seeing the sorrows and pain of every Unathi in the communes was enough to put things into perspective, the reason they did not have leaders was because they were not capable of unlearning so much in so little time, the Aut’akh need to learn tolerance before they can lead themselves, this path will be a hard one, and it was at this point that Issa believed fully in the Aut’akh, a cult for sure, but the most likely to bring about unity not by force, but maybe by compassion and tolerance. Despite having demons yet to slay, Issa believes that it is not your first impression of others that matters, but the second, they will prevail in this new environment and do all they can for the others who find themselves there. For the next few years, Issa Ssunhred suffered and toiled, working for themselves with barely functioning limbs and living off of the kindness of the Undercity Communes.The first limb in order was another functioning arm, a direct downgrade and a constant source of disappointment for them until they had the means and skills to craft a superior limb. The time and work was taxing, but Issa struggled under the tutelage of Shamans from every Commune they visited, eventually they forsook the stares and hatred from the cities above and primarily lived in the communes, offering up their newly learned skills of creation to act as a craftsman to those who needed it, earning a name among few communes as a skilled robotocist. As they slowly gained more and more materials, salvaged credits and made necessary deals, they started acting as a ture shaman once their newly synthetic limbs were grafted to them, repairing and saving others as they once saved them. More and more of their tissue was declared unusable in the coming years and they were augmented and cut more and more, the amount of suffering they knew was great and it was seen fit that they should be reborn, to shed their souls previous misfortune. It was a long fight endeavour, but with enough cloth and avoiding eye contact they managed to acquire transport to Ouerea, to the Aut’akh valley, for the Ritual of Rebirth in the heart of this new found lifestyle and religion, thus they were reborn as Issa Korvitis, the last name of their choosing a combination of the words Kor and Vitis, together meaning Sundered Spirit, to signify the damage they felt in their hope and their strength, to signify that despite it all they still remain. What do you like about this character? I don’t have enough characters that are outright hated, my Dominian gets some flak for hating synthetics but overall I do not have anyone with the nuance of this character, that ICly will receive a level of hate reserved for the scum of the earth but has reasons for it, this character did what they needed to to survive and that can create a difference in ideology with other Unathi characters which I think could be just nifty How would you rate your role-playing ability? I’d like to say I’m good at it, I interact with people when I can and can make non-critical situations more fun with some RP, I can hold a conversation and keep people interested I hope, I think I do RP pretty well so I am going to say a solid 7/10 Notes: Ha ha, lizard go *hiss *bellow *mlem
  10. So I was sent this after I got my ass robusted as an Antag, and I was initially VERY against the idea of removing ERTs, but I can very much agree on one part of your post here, NT ERTs should be either Admin Only for when the Antags are being horrible little gremlins that are killing the entire station like a fat kid at a candy store. I think the only other issue with the ERTs is also mentioned by you, the time it takes them to get here and their silent connection, let's say the Antags do not have a radio for whatever reason, SuperLing gone in maint after Monkey Mode or something or a disparate Merc term that got Ion'd and didn't turn on their headsets again, I think that ERTs should take a little bit more time to get there and also have an announcement you can always see on station.
  11. The main thing I was going for here, and sorry for my inability to type it well, is that at the time of conception Rasputin was designed to be a general thug type with multiple personalities for different situations and different processes running that loaded information for efficient responses, so while the combat databases were planned to be put in, it became more effective to just have them be a "Big Bruiser" type, as the time investment wasn't really needed as a good G1 Heph model is sturdy enough and strong enough to be a deadly combatant, so upon second gaze I would say that some combat databases were included, but due to how difficult it would be to code in the other personality the most likely case is that information was used for improvised combat mostly with general tools and some light bare knuckle combat, but the idea is he was an ambitious project that the creator didn't really abandon but didn't put in as much effort was needed to fully utilize all planned features, so they were left with random clusters of information that could amount to something more That is where I am happy to hear your input, because I have absolutely no idea how synthetic ownership really does come around, so I am partial to your idea of his more backroom dealings providing enough benefit along with the final pay of the easily hidden cache of trade goods and oddities, so I think that it does make more sense to be that way, so thank you for the clarification and the idea, it gives me some shady breathing room while still holding to the idea of striving for freedom safely, since they would have the information to be safe in those dealings due to their creator Sorry if I over explained points that didn't need to be overexplained in this response, and thank you for responding!
  12. BYOND Key: Myphicbowser Character Names: Katha Mars, Za'Akaix'Vak K'lax, Zaqix Zixquu Species you are applying to play: IPC What color do you plan on making your first alien character: N/A Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Quite possibly Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: Robots are neat, I’ve always been a fan of dubiously sentient machines of worrying origin, and the variety of IPCs also pulls my interest. Besides my general enjoyment of Sci-Fi synthetics, I also find their style in Aurora incredibly fun, and also I want to beep. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Looking for words for this isn’t as easy as I hoped, but here is what I think I can put down safely and still make sense; IPCs do not have emotions, not in the slightest, if they wanted to they could simulate them and appear more human, but the one thing resembling an emotion for them is an overwhelming drive of self preservation, which even that meaning can very from individual IPC to IPC. Which also brings us to the point of differences between IPCs to IPCs, IPCs don’t really have cultures and are very much so primarily a “species” of workers, so each idea of what one should do is different for different frames and depending on if the IPC in question is owned or free as well, adding more variability to those differences. IPCs tend to be a hotly contested issue, with places like the Jargon Federation reasonably destroying them out of the possible danger that they experienced and with places like Dominia destroying them because they see them as soulless, but the issue only comes around because IPCs are usually not lawed and instead are bound by their programming and shell, meaning they could be incredibly dangerous and this presents paranoia and fear in a lot of people. So their main differences are the emotions thing and legal status that changes from location to location. Character Name: Shangti - M.C.S. 227 - Rasputin Please provide a short backstory for this character: Rasputin, as they currently stand, was created in the Underworld of Oran in the year 2429 by an Extra that went by the callsign “Bot Master” for fairly obvious reasons. Rasputin was coded using the rarely used language OB1, as that was the Extra’s preferred language during their activity period. Given the name Shangti, as the full intent was to use this reclaimed G1 Industrial Frame for combat with a dubiously sourced Posibrain. The use of OB1 was also by design for another reason, as Shangti was supposed to be loaded with other personalities to assist in dealings with Suits, Dregs, and Deep Space traders, however those augmentations were never implemented. As time went on, Shangti proved itself useful enough with heavy lifting and was adequate with use of tools as improvised weapons if a deal was ever going to fall apart, however their creator eventually realized that using this machine was unsustainable in the long run due to the ever increasing concern of it running low on power and the costs connected with maintenance, so with a spitshine and a smile Shangti was sold to a Suit that happened to be in the cargo business, and once the transfer was complete Shangti was now Modified Cargo Synthetic Two-Two-Seven. The years working under a strange starter corporation named Golden Prawn were good to M.C.S. as it consistently had access to replacement parts and the power it required, it was a solid addition to the Cargo team of Synthetics and with it being coded differently then the others it often found itself outthinking them and being more effective. This outthinking did lead it to the realization that after multiple deep space trips with power losses, pirate encounters, merchant traps and incredibly dangerous environments that almost claimed it time and time again, that working for Golden Prawn was sure to claim it eventually, so it began inquiring into its freedom. Suffice to say with all that M.C.S. 227 managed to survive, Golden Prawn was not doing well financially, so when a synthetic offers up up two million credits and various items from the locations and events it survived, you are incline to take the loss and save your company or yourself at the expensive of one machine. And wanting to further remove itself from the work at Golden Prawn, it took the name that the most recent pilot gave it after hearing about the stories of what it had experienced, Rasputin. Rasputin, now a free and incredibly poor machine, made its first move of finding a way to acquire currency and a method of survival, seeing as it was a Hephaestus Make it had the genius plan to return to Hephaestus which happily ended up working pretty well. Rasputin was allowed to work with owned variants of the others as long as it did not plan to assist them with gaining freedom in anyway, which wasn’t an issue as the wages it was receiving were minimal and more often than not it was forced to take charity when the chance presented itself, but it didn’t give in to the tempting offer of selling itself over, for fear of them running some maintenance on it and seeing it’s non standard coding and potentially going as far as wiping it. So Rasputin suffered through the poor conditions and took whatever contracts were available, it’s latest contract landing it on the Aurora as a Cargo Technician, low paying as usual but relatively safe comparatively for an older frame such as it is now. What do you like about this character?: I really like robots with a story, a grungy story is a good story, something it can talk about and enjoy, could use it to go on tangents about space travel and tell stories about surviving pirate attacks only to endear itself to the crew, which obviously it doesn’t do for its own ego as it really doesn’t have emotions, but being friends with people is advantageous, and it has lived an eventful “life” that it could use to tell stories and make friends. How would you rate your role-playing ability?: I’d say I’m okay at it, I can hold a conversation and I do emotes to make my characters seem more organic and less robotic, ironic then to mention on an IPC whitelist but still, I do prefer the suspense and action of Secret as many know, but I can enjoy Extended greatly if I am in the mood for it, RP is why we are all here after all. Notes: Ha ha, robot go *ping *buzz *beep
  13. BYOND Key: Myphicbowser Character Names: Katha Mars, Ka'Akaix'Mirz Zo'ra Species you are applying to play: Skrell What color do you plan on making your first alien character: A darker Blue color, I’d need access to the Skrell Character Setup to get you an exact shade and RGB value Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Perhaps Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: It’s hard to put into words why I wish to play any species on this server, as they are all incredible, but I will try to word this one well. Psychic Dream Police sounded incredibly neat and as I delved further into their lore from my friend’s buzzword of, once again, psychic dream police, I started to really appreciate the Skrell lore here and I thought it was nifty, which is really the only thing I need from a species to want to try and be them. I really like them and I am horribly at explaining why I think things are good. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: The Skrell are long term planners, in every possible way, they live for an incredibly long time and develop great memories from their mental growth spurts that allow them to do these things, they act slowly and consider a time of a year to be nothing at all. They tend to just be ancient beings that hold grudges for a long time, which I think is fun. Other smaller things to note would be the inability to eat harder foods as they have gums to munch unless they have this really messed up deformity that gives them a wicked beak. Oh I also forgot to mention the Psionics, they are Psionic which doesn’t seem like a big part of playing them and is more of an addition and while I am sure it has neat mechanics and abilities, I feel like it doesn’t really affect them acting differently to humans unless we want to talk about the Dreamscape thing or how their thoughts form a thought field deal, but I feel like that is less important for how a character acts as it sounds like it moves glacially and on a space station with less than a continents worth of Skrell on it, I feel like it wouldn’t come into play often. Character Name: Zaqix Zixquu Please provide a short backstory for this character Zaqix was born in the year 2153 CE, during the buildup period of Glorsh-Omega, and as a Listener in that time they never found themselves entirely living comfortably but not really able to complain. Being born on Qerrbalak was also a minor detriment to their health as they advanced in age, quietly but surely speaking ill of Glorsh-Omega, these secret backroom discussions usually ended up in the air because no one could really be trusted, and as such whenever more genetic treatments were released and Zaqix was “convinced” to go to them, they ended up sterile among the vast majority of Skrell. Despite the ailments from the genetic treatments, Zaqix continued to speak out against Glorsh and was usually treated poorly from the Receivers and those who supported Glorsh but as they never acted too dangerously to the public eye, even the most staunch supporters of Glorsh left them be. Despite all the challenges that were faced during that time, Zaqix did pursue education for the entire duration of Glorsh's reign, going through a few different colleges and studying the various sciences that were present at the time of their education. During class one day while studying at the prestigious Aliose University of Medical Sciences, in the fateful year of 2200 CE is when it all fell apart, while still being rebellious to Glorsh they were still young, and the sudden loss of an empire can leave one slightly worried about their future, and so the young Zaqix fought to maintain the sciences they once loved, trying to maintain digital archives in the University and transcribe what could be remembered from others while the system was trying to get itself back together, the parting words of Glorsh-Omega would forever be branded in their mind. The years piled on, waiting for anything from outside this planet's atmosphere, and it took a long time for good news to finally arrive, so Zaqix made the best of it, still studying and learning, never bragging about how they were right about Glorsh, one shouldn’t take pride in their species falling apart. They pushed through more studies of what information they could get, which was still substantial, and was a survivor on the planet just like the rest, trying to make the best of this situation. It took some time, but once the Second Federation was established and interstellar travel was finally going around again, Zaqix returned to the homeworld and continued studying, teaching in some fields after his century of experience, due to the mixed teachings of theoretical xenostudies and his later heavy emphasis on medical technologies, Zaqix became a formidable Xenobiologist and continues to practice whenever applicable, and he continues to advocate for the destruction of most “sentient” machines near Federation Space, while the AI itself wasn’t the problem free thinking anything with no morals or qualms about doing what is objectively the most effective is an abomination in and of itself, so Zaqix would commonly use the term Synthetic as an insult for those who are heartless or willing to throw away large portions of morals and ethics for efficiency. What do you like about this character? It allows me to play as a Synth hater with more variability then a Dominion, of which I also have a character, the situation of the Skrell is very different with AI as it has been tampered with by people, a situation where it wasn’t a full AI takeover or an immediately “Machines are evil because no soul” deal, like objectively some of the issues can be explained, their hatred of AI is nuanced and I can really get behind that in IC discussions about AI, yah know? How would you rate your role-playing ability? I can RP well, I have trouble sometimes finding topics of conversation but I also have that in real life to, but I can hold an IC conversation and have fun discussing events with people and responding to situations well, I don’t have any complaints about how I go about things so I assume my RP ability is acceptable. Notes: Ha ha, frog boy go *warble *chirrup *croak
  14. BYOND Key: Myphicbowser Character Names: Katha Mars Species you are applying to play: Vaurca What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Unbound color for Lesser Queen Scay (RGB 71, 0, 31) Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Perhaps Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: The Vaurca is… well really interesting to me, I love chitin based creatures and I love VR, put 'em together and you get these bugs specifically. Something about them is alluring to me, I really have trouble articulating my interests but I do really love these little fellers and I’m pretty sure I could play them well. Another interest I do have is how alien they are which is incredible, they are very different and it presents an interesting mind set to do properly which is something I personally enjoy over most human characters. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: The differences between roleplaying a human and a Vaurca is many but some of the biggest ones that need reflection is mostly how they handle group thinking, where a human is likely to disagree and have personal ideas and desires, Vaurca are entirely loyal, a mixture of pheromones, implants, and indoctrination in the Unbound and basic subservience only in the Bound, they don’t really have as many head on conflicts within their own hive as they tend to go towards the same goal, but if fighting is needed they are ready to defend themselves and verbal arguments can still take place though individual Ka would avoid coming to physical blows if possible. Another defining factor is this idea of pacifism, they aren’t really combative because of their usual attitude of general progress in their hive and the only caste that tends to be combative is the Za which is the warrior cast but that combative attitude is mostly towards beings not in the hive, so they tend to mask their anger or annoyance, really just wanting to work. The Unbound do have a higher degree of autonomy but tend to still align their beliefs and morals with their hive, but that doesn’t mean they are entirely subservient to the hive and can make their own independent choices and actions. I think the biggest difference is also how they react to life, as Bound are incapable of seeking pleasure and only live to serve and Unbound are used to massive time in VR so a world with so many issues is very different and potentially jarring for them at first I would imagine. Character Name: Ka'Akaix'Mirz Zo'ra Please provide a short backstory for this character: Ka’Akaiz’Mirz Zo’ra has only recently achieved a comfortable level of acceptance aboard human stations and space, they spent around thirty years in the VR world of the Hidden Queen, enjoying the endless simulations and adaptations of the simulated creature in the entirely safe and sustainable world of the immaterial. After having so much time to study and learn they left, ready to apply their knowledge to the material realm and gather DNA and information to enter into the immaterial and exact their study and perfect later generations from their own hive. While not exactly the most creative with their simulations they did tend to pull in good results, many cross-species simulations for both combat and general survival were run with them dutifully watching, and they are excited for the chance to apply this. During their first real year in the material world, they found the constants presented in the simulations being very real, but the occasional blip of anomalous behavior from humans was a constant source of concern and confusion, and along with the unregulated violence and need of personal maintenance in the way of food and sleep and other issues, despite the annoyances presented they still continued to apply themselves as fully as possible and they managed to work around the lack of control of the real world they had. After another three years of working with various species they finally found themselves in a position of desiring more, the various creatures they interacted with on a singular basis provided invaluable data but they found themselves lacking and couldn’t think of anything too valuable to make up for the gaps of cross-species interaction, at least until they were sent to the NSS Aurora. The amount of species collaborating and interacting would be a massive boon to research and incredibly valuable for understanding how they interact, so this decision was quite a gift for Mirz, and they are incredibly excited to get to learn and interact with the ship and discover that valuable data and codify it for the simulations. What do you like about this character?: I really like the desire to learn while not being exactly posh but also not being down to earth, sometimes they question why things don’t go a certain way and other times they rush to secure a notepad and document incredibly accurately, the fact that things can either go just as expected or off the walls crazy for them in their own view of things is fun to me. They would question the most asinine things all to improve the simulations that they will eventually spend eternity in, they just seek to learn and I find that a very admirable trait and one that can make some situations interesting depending on the gaps in their knowledge. How would you rate your role-playing ability?: A solid Seven out of Ten, because any higher and I’ll sound like some meanie butt that wants the whitelist too much, and any less and I’d sound like a low effort RPer who shouldn’t be trusted with a whitelist, I try to engage with people and I do emote often enough when I wouldn’t consider it excessive or when it would like, delay something, I wouldn’t let someone die in triage to Emote but I would emote on a slow research day Notes: Haha! Bug go *chitter *chitter *chitter
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