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Everything posted by Myphicbowser

  1. I'm going to go ahead and apologize for that, since I was trying to make a joke about people who are trying to be play victim when valid criticism comes their way, I was making fun of the incidents where someone would apply for a position anywhere within staff and everyone would have a story of how they did something awful or said something awful. The entire point of what I was trying to line up as a joke is, ironically, exactly what I did next. Where I tried to explain it was a joke, and my only defense for that is that I've never taken criticism that badly, and after Command and/or Antag rounds I always ask for feedback to try and better myself. I genuinely thought my joke about controversy was clearly a joke, not an exceptionally good one but still an attempt. And I've never acted out this way before and I certainly meant no insult to Ping or the CCIA team, I respect them so much and I even tried to get back into the CCIA, so I've never held any ill will towards them and at this point I'm mostly sad that people can see what I said as something that I would conceivably say and mean in all seriousness, it was absolutely disgusting and over the top, which is why I thought it was clear it was a joke. I was really thankful for Ping's comment, and even on the drive home from work I was planning a reply, with that line in the discord just a little interaction as my shift closed. So I'm sorry Ping, I would never say something like that towards you and mean it.
  2. Ckey/BYOND Username: Myphicbowser Position Being Applied For: Deputy Lore Developer Have you read the Lore Team Rules and Regulations wiki page?: I have. Past Experiences/Knowledge: N/A Examples of Past Work: N/A Special Requirement: For this I've elected to go for the Lore Arc option. It isn't the best idea and could use refinement, but to it would be a three part, ideally, News article/Event Combination, or it would become Akin to a few News Articles and an Antag contest. To start off, the entire event would kick off with a New's article popping up to discuss an attack on the Grim Compact's Malefaction, only reported because half way through the Doom-Sails and the Steel-Spirts started fighting each other before the Malefaction could bluespace drive away to an as of yet unknown location, and due to the relative peace of recent times it it assumed that this is the start of "Great Spat" between the Rulers of the Grim Compact and all merchants and border patrols should be on higher alert near Hegmony space. The second segment, preferably after an event and/or Canon antag round that took place on another nearby location or what have you, would be detailing that the Station has resurfaced near the edge of Hegemony space and is undergoing repairs, and a few of the Compact's fleets are massively over extending and assaulting the Human Wildlands and possibly moving closer to Republic of Biesel, with smaller vessels maybe even starting to attack high value locations. (Ideally this is where the Antag Contest/More events would come in, with the Steel-Spirts and Doom-Sails attacking the station or other targets to generate notoriety and pull up Phoron supplies.) The Final news piece would be the threat of further action by the Hegemony due to the Compact causing much more problems, forcing the Rulers of the Compact to simmer down and go back to their gross relationship stuff, their ships full of goods that have portions taken for Tribute to the Hegemony, which they return to the Republic of Biesel as reparations. The Malefaction would also return to Orbit back over Ha'zana and Overlord-Tributary Tizma would be revoked of his title (Given that the original idea didn't work with it) as punishment for allowing his people to do some of the damage they did. The aftermath of the event would leave the Hegemony in a slightly worse light since they leave Pirates to do whatever, and the Grim Compact itself may be under greater inspection by other empires. The main characters in this would, of course, be Dread-Lord Tizma and Dread-Lady Yizilna, who possibly could take quotes on each News piece to show their disdain, then anger, then love in each piece respectfully. A Lesser player would be Hegemon Not'zar, who would be making a comment at the end of this to admonish the Dread-Lord for his traditional ways of not believing a woman can achieve as much as a man (which causes most Great Spats) and rebuke the Dread-Lady for practically leading the charge into Republic territory. Additional Comments: I really do want to help with this Server, and I believe I could help with Unathi, I know of them comfortably enough and I do love giant lizards, so it's like a natural feeling yah see?
  3. People just hate content for Vaurca, and having an actually playable subspecies is too much for some. Personally playing a Bulwark right now is agonizing, you can't defend like you can lore wise. You can't lift like you can lorewise. You can't survive like you can lorewise. Playing a Bulwark is just agony, and if I had some mechanical incentives to offset the fact that I am slower then a Breacher Suit, yeah I might consider playing more as my Ra.
  4. If it was implanted, it could be disrupted with the Augment Disrupter injector Faye, the rarely needed super handy injections
  5. These options would make Technomancer bearable and capable of being interesting, the stupid fucking packs just make the entire mode less serious, and it makes the fucking Bulwark caste of Vaurca on par to your mob sprite. The only Technomancer changes I'd approve of, as a player.
  6. This entire conversation happened without me while I was playing Banjo Kazooie nuts and bolts, so I have nothing to add except an idea for a possible fix here. The ideas presented above were great, the Biofuel thing or the Solars thing, but I had another idea for an "Emergency Power" button, can only be used once per round (obviously) and it just jams a load of energy into the main area of your department, maybe accessible near your head's office A small contained burst of power would be enough to 1. Keep a low pop round entertained since they'd at least have lights even if they couldn't use machines or charge a lot of things 2. Have a way for late joining engineers to easily jam juice into the SM machines so they can set up the engine easily Just something to sustain low pop rounds more, please That negative feedback loop mentioned by Marlon is very true, I sometimes just see a shift that started off with like eight people roll secret extended and an hour in everyone cryos since there are just no lights and meteors are coming in or gremorians popped up, the round stands no chance after that
  7. Honestly, I'm biased here, so I'm starting by disclosing that. Give us enough charge in APCs for rounds without engineers I think it's removal was a bad decision, and I really think that the few lazy engineers is better then people spending rounds in darkness Maybe have the Solar panels be in an all access location already wired up, something to just give us power without requiring someone to bite the bullet so we have power Also, I don't believe "It takes away from the engineers" is a good defense since that is a single department and the rest of the station is powerless without them, which is a bit more then one department Anyway this is more me looking for what others think and seeing if maybe needing the engine setup is good
  8. What if we added another job that was only enabled if you had citizenship set to Golden Deep and it was named something like "Unlawed GD Consular" and that is also how you could select Android or Robot?
  9. I tried to keep the title simple and holding all it needs to, but that is pretty much my idea. Now lemme defend it. Reading the Golden Deep Wiki tells us that non-IPCs do pop up in and around Golden Deep, even first contact was a Robot Clerical Drone. And to show this, I believe that using basically just goldified versions of many of the current models of Cyborgs, we could get ourselves an interesting Consular from a very interesting and underutilized faction. The suggestion isn't much, but I see that a few Golden Deep models exist (at least on the Wiki) and using those could be nice to show off more exotic robotic forms. The next bit that I think needs to be discussed would be the module, obviously a custom module would need to be shoved on this thing, and I was thinking that could be done kinda like how the old playing as a Ta was, make a Baseline character, set citizenship, another toggle in there somewhere so Baselines can still be Consulars, and then it slaps you into a special unlawed cyborg and you get to choose your Sprite. I was thinking the Module itself could have everything the clerical module has, along with a Multi-Purpose Gripper and a Gun, maybe some nanopaste as well for self sustainability and POSSIBLY a shield if the powers that be would allow it. I guess at the end of the day, I think some heckin' cooler representation of the Faction would convince more people to be interested in the faction and may get it more players! Also, I excluded Cyborgs strictly because of FBP talks, and the fact that there would probably be Trauma and Violence if they were unshackled and worked on getting memory back. I also believe Cyborgs to be the most sub-par of Robotics due to the fact you have a mutilated brain sitting in the pilot's seat. Anyway beep boop give me criticism I run on sad
  10. Placement. If you angle the human skull right its thicker in some places, and a lot of armor on the Bulwark is above its head, so if it angled it right its entire body would be a support system for its thicccc armor which is why it's immobile.
  11. BYOND key: Myphicbowser Discord name/id: Myphicbowser #7684 Borg / AI names: Still workshopping an AI name, but I have a Robot named Hexoid Have you read the Aurora wiki page about the AI?: The possibility of such a development within my time perusing the wiki is high (yes) Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: I've recently fallen in love with the idea of AI, and I've seen some plays recently that got me more interested in the job slot. I think AI is exceptionally interesting and if played correctly could help people stay interested by helping with simple stuff. I just really wanna be an AI now. I didn't do it often before but it looks like the expected quality of AI players has gone up with the whitelist, and that excites me. Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they?: I've received a few notes, really nothing too serious and I've always learned from them. Never been banned, never had a warning, never even muted in the discord. Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action?: Yes, I understand.
  12. This man? Love this man. He knows his shit, he knows his community, he focuses on reasonable fun first, dude is just the best. +1 from the local bug addict Also, I want to throat punch his Skrell HoP, no real reason, I just like his character and think Skrell are funny
  13. The idea isn't bad, I think the proper utilization of Scay is nice to see. Overall I think that it's a very well done character concept! Phoenix is also a great roleplayer and always has stunning character concepts and executions of said concepts. It's a +1 from me boss
  14. Type: Nerd shit background filler Short Description: Various additions to District 9 (Flagsdale) to make them have more interesting things besides just having some pretty cool crimes, now more cooler crimes! How will this be reflected on-station?: Various talking points, more discrimination probably, more chittering on station Does this addition do anything not achieved by what already exists?: Yes (?) This question confuses me Do you understand that the project may change over time in ways that you may not foresee once it is handed over to the Lore Team?: No, clearly I want this exactly as is, shitty writing and all (Yes I understand) Long Description: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13rPpceRO60swyS7Jc0b8qStz-9AnYiC1wGfKTwkn558/edit (Sorry nerds, I don't believe in typing shit by hand and Google Docs are handy)
  15. You've done it. You've made research fun again with this one, make it mean something and have better in-game representation.
  16. As someone who used to just sit in the Anomalist lab with nothing but whispering random items and old bowls of never ending cyanide for some reason I'd very much find this appreciated, the better ideas have already been outlined above so I'm not adding anything else except how much I'd appreciate something like this. All your ideas have been pretty stellar so far and would probably fit into the NBT really well!
  17. I can agree with this but I firmly believe instead of focusing on Antag organs, at first, we should focus on alien organs. The idea of harvesting organs from other creatures and implanting them into test subjects is a good idea, most species could probably be given a fluff organ or organs based off of existing ones, such as insulated lungs for species from Adhomai. I'd also say most xenofauna would need some level of work as well to not only add organs but more things worth making them interesting, the easiest would be gremoirians, with organs that can add some of their abilities but implantation is incredibly risky and likely impossible without constant anti-toxin meds. I'd also say that we couldn't extract the most insane powers like space proofing or internal respiratory for space carp, but just SOMETHING to study with them, maybe the Cargo idea for these organs or just more biological research with them. I love your ideas for antagonist organs, but those would be incredibly powerful and potentially even abused
  18. CCIA Staff Application Basic Information Byond key:Myphicbowser Character names: Age: 21 Timezone: EST What times are you most available?: Variable, but usually 12-5AM or 5-10PM, depends on work schedule Experience How long have you played SS13?: Not a clue *Fingergun* How long have you played on Aurora?: Three? Two? A certain amount of years, I am not good at time keeping How active on the forums, discord and/or server are you?: I’m consistent on the Discords, I’m pretty active on the actual server, I have almost no presence on the forums except when I’m needed, it just isn’t my favorite way to shout about Vaurca supremacy Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: Not from Aurora Have you ever volunteered as moderation staff for any other servers, SS13 or otherwise?: None that are reputable enough to mean anything, was a Trial mod for Baystation but I didn’t get enough activity in my trial week Do you have any other experience that you believe would be relevant to a position in the CCIA?: I’ve been CCIA before Personality Why do you want to join the CCIA?: Paperwork cool! Also the entire branch is just kinda super sick? It’s IC moderation basically, it’s interaction with Central Command and all sorts of other Fax based associates you can reach via Fax, it’s REALLY cool What do you think are the most important qualities for a CCIA Agent to possess?: I’d say the ability to sit back and understand, patience is a virtue as trying to organize meetings is hard, real life happens and we need to be tolerant of that, the ability to keep calm is also super handy as sometimes emotions are high or the game is overwhelming if it’s a round issue What do you think the purpose of a CCIA Agent is in an ongoing round?: To add to the round and be the voice of Central Command, really just respond to Faxes and don’t shut down antags if they are faxxed about. You are also responsible for Consular and Liasions and all that I believe What do you think the purpose of a CCIA Agent is outside of the server?: To kinda promote taking in-server actions, you know Faxes and stuff, really just kinda be a good presence outside the server to try and get people to do more INSIDE the server How do you handle stress?: Better recently, I keep a cool head and know when to step back if that head gets blown, gotta take the L on this one since sometimes my temper DOES fly but I know how to stop myself before making mistakes due to my temper AND keep working at the same time so nothing slows down, just shunt those emotions to the back How well do you work autonomously?: I have been getting better at working independently, however I will admit at first I will not be the best since it’s been a while and making mistakes is always a bad look, also I need to re-look into the rules of what CCIA can and can’t do, so I’ll be testing the waters for a hot minute until I am comfortable to make informed decisions Additional Notes: I was given the opportunity before and I was thankful, I’d love to do it again as I had a genuine blast and also I feel like I wasn’t that bad. I really hope to be able to support the server again!
  19. Reporting Personnel: Ra'Akaix'Kel K'lax Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Roboticist Game ID: ceO-c0CT Personnel Involved: - Head of Security Sophia Hawkins, Witness - Chief Medical Officer Andrea Illazso, Witness - Warden Rrhuyala Rrhakaslav'Karimi, Witness - Investigator Kathira El-Hashem, Witness - Robotcist Ka'Akaix'Ghoz Zo'ra, Offender - Engineering Apprentice Ra'Viax'Uulz Zo'ra, "Victim" Real Time: 1800 EST, 11/2/21 Location of Incident: Robotics/Holodeck/Security Entry Nature of Incident: [ ] - Workplace Hazard [ ] - Accident/Injury [x] - Destruction of Property [x] - Neglect of Duty [ ] - Harassment [ ] - Assault [x] - Misconduct [ ] - Other _____ Overview of the Incident: Robotocist Ka'Akaix'Ghoz Zo'ra installed an untested, unregulated, and unknown modifcation into Engineering Apprentice Ra'Viax'Uulz Zo'ra, which supposedly gave the Viax the ability to understand Synthetic EAL, which the Viax then proved by using Hivenet to communicate what two Stationbound Machines were discussing. They are not involved aside from this. This is the entirety of the Incident, and the Head of Security and Chief Medical Officer both advised I make an IR as they were unable to solve this in a satisfactory manner on station due to ignorance of the legality of Vaurca. Submitted Evidence: Here is a medical Scan showcasing the unknown body that Ghoz put into the Viax, it is all we had time for. Would you like to be personally interviewed?: [x] - Yes [ ] - No Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why?: Sophia Hawkins, Head of Security Actions taken: Issued a formal complaint and told my side of the story which showcased the negligence and illicit behavior of my Co-worker. Additional Notes: I did try to resolve this with station ISD, but the Commander simply believed they couldn't be the one to solve this.
  20. This guy? This guy! He's played Captain, he's played Chief engineer, both were thought out and reasonable characters and by god knew how to react logically, he has a firm grasp on Station Procedures, Corporate regulations, and knows the proper responses to ridiculous situations. Honestly this guy is great, I wasn't even a member of Security and was watching from Dchat and I felt that he knew so much, he held them to reasonable standards (they failed to meet) and punished them correctly, I think he makes a wonderful addition to Command Staff
  21. Due to some new information about the reported player, we have to close this IR, but thank you for taking the time to write the report!
  22. 1) Having never had the rigid lifestyle or the "song" of other Diona, Hounds sees a lot of them as oddly subservient but also admirable in a way, hounds was developed very differently and is aware of that disconnect with other Diona, which is why it never finds itself falling into purely Diona groups, it just feels detached and is, on some level, afraid to integrate fully with them, maybe feeling as if their collective would change fundamentally on a level they would not perceive. But despite being afraid of losing the drive that kept them all alive during their escape, they did fall into some of the more comfortable things that they noticed, the Blood Buddy Organization as a benefit to their knowledge and meditation that helps them relax and think. That was a really roundabout and poorly worded way of saying: They don't have a relationship with other Diona too much, they would most likely bond with the Pests of Titan Prime but overall they are afraid of integration having them be found as an outcast or a violent criminal. I hope this made sense.
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