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Equairio's Achievements

Cargo Technician

Cargo Technician (4/37)

  1. This will definitely lead to some cool conversations ICly, and the way you've written this is very believable. +1
  2. I've had nothing but positive experiences with Dekser. He's very experienced when it comes to engineering, so I'm sure he'll make a good CE and should definitely be given a shot at Command. +1
  3. BYOND Key: Equairio Character Names: - Nadia Rana, Chief Medical Officer - Lorelei Latel, Head of Personnel - Ka'Akaix'Kiiix C'thur, Pharmacist - Melannie-Celeste Risette, Pharmacist - Ada Kimura, Pharmacist - Sylvia Oswald, First Responder - Zhisra Kha'alzri, Security Officer - Cradling a Dwindling Light Amidst Whispering Shadows, Chef - Curiosities Buried Beneath Blood-soaked Sands, Anomalist - Lone Lights Singing a Faint Requiem, Station Engineer Species you are applying to play: Skrell What color do you plan on making your first alien character: A dark shade of green Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: My friends have had a lot of fun playing Skrell characters lately, and after I read up a bit more on Skrell-lore it seemed really interesting to me as well. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: There are a lot of differences, and in my opinion the biggest one is their culture and upbringing. Everything in Federation society revolves around the social credit score, your wage, your living conditions, etc. Skrell put a lot of focus on education as well, seeing as you only really graduate at around the age of fifty. Additionally religion is quite a big part of their lives, as a skrell you're encouraged by the Federation to study the main two religions (Qeblak and Weiishi) and failure to do so or studying (Suur'ka and Kir'gul) can lead to a deduction of your social credit score. Their language is also quite unique, some syllables even having to be sent psionically and others inaudible to other species. Character Name: Kes Qileliu Please provide a short backstory for this character: Kes Qileliu, was raised and hatched by their Qrri’Myaq in the year 2318, the Supernova era, in the underwater settlement of Eriuyushi. They were born into a low-class family who made their living by fishing the local aquatic life. They learned the majority of their basic skills through the Ukutanii and were enrolled into supplementary development courses. Over the duration of their first ten years they were prepared for the Untuk’mak, learning the basic motor and communication skills as well as reading and writing. Following the Odurserr ceremony, which they easily passed, Kes started to attend Untuk’mak. They studied hard and were taught many subjects, like math, history, Nral’Malic and even learning about religion. Their social credit score is now sitting at a comfortable 6.5, and only rising. Eventually gaining additional subjects, like electronics and computer science. At age 30, Kes felt ready to advance into the Depth College. They moved to the capital of Qerrbalak, Kal’lio, in order to attend a prestigious Depth College, although they still frequently travelled back home to their home in Eriuyushi in order to visit their family. In the next two decades of their life, they earned a degree in Integrated Systems & Circuitry Design, as well as in Research and Development, while working aboard a research facility as a lab assistant. Their social credit score now at 7.0 For three decades they worked aboard a research facility orbiting around the planet of Qerrbalak, while getting their final degree in Weapons Engineering. Now a hardworking citizen and supporter of the Jargon Federation, Kes was granted additional privileges, their social credit score now at 7.7. They moved to the city of Qwklip where they acquired a new job as a scientist specializing in the development of new devices such as weaponry as well as medical equipment. With their newly acquired job and stability in life, Kes adapted a new addition to their name: now, Kes’Xari Qileliu. They still visited their Qrri’Myaq, Qraa’Myaq and Myaq’Lak in the settlement of Eriuyushi on at least a monthly-basis even when their social credit scores were much lower than Kes’Xari’s. Outside of work, they frequently studied their religion, Qeblak, as well as visit the local Observatory Dome on a biweekly basis. Four decades passed when Kes’Xari, sitting at the social credit score of around 8.1, was offered a position aboard a prestigious research vessel, investigating anomalies in the region between the Badlands and Light’s Edge. Kes’Xari would be in charge of the Research and Development department of the vessel, producing custom equipment for the anomalists and archeologists. When the vessel performed a short-range scan in order to find any anomalies, it triggered and activated an anomaly causing it to emit an ion pulse which heavily damaged and deactivated the ship. Even the emergency lighting ceased to function, which proved fatal for one of the dionae engineers stationed aboard the vessel. The anomaly seemed to act as a sort of tractorbeam, pulling the vessel into the star system it was located in. It emitted psychoaffective energies, affecting each of the crewmembers. The deceased gestalt, a firm believer of the Weiishi, was taken to the onboard chapel where a small ceremony was held to draw out their various spirits, and finally they were cremated. A month had passed, the crew running on the remaining emergency rations which often caused disputes and more often outright fights. The only remaining engineer on board had already gotten some of the vessel's functions back online, but there wasn't enough power in the thrusters in order to break free of the anomaly's tractorbeam. Kes'Xari was heavily affected by all that was going on, trapped in the middle of no-where, surviving on the limited rations, one of the crewmembers already being dead and the frequency of disputes only increasing. Three more weeks passed before the engineer managed to bring communications back online and they were able to hail a nearby vessel who agreed to assist in repairs and offer supplies and the research vessel eventually returned to Federation space. Kes'Xari, now back in the city of Qwklip, experienced a severe drop in their life's stability. The traumatising experience aboard the vessel affected their social credit score, over the course of months it decreased from 8.1 all the way down to 6.3, they no longer fit the criteria to be a part of their Research team and were forced to relocate from Qwklip. Additionally their rights were stripped, no longer having as much freedom in their research. Kes'Xari had decided to revoke their name addition, no longer feeling it was appropriate. Now, Kes Qileliu, was reassigned to Tau Ceti space and employed by NanoTrasen to work aboard the NSS Aurora as a Scientist, their job interview today. What do you like about this character? I believe I'll really enjoy playing this character because of all the hardships they went through, pretty much going from one of the more prestigious scientists to the bottom. I look forward to being able to develop them further. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I think I'm alright at roleplay, definitely improved a lot over the years and I do my best to create interesting characters. Notes: Additional information: What ethnicity is Kes? Axiori Are they a receiver or listener? Receiver What do they think about the C'thur? It kind of depends on the brood, I'd imagine they see most as valuable members of the Federation with perhaps the exception of unbound Xetl, who are just kind of odd. What do they think about the Dionae living in the Federation? Pretty much the same as the way they feel about C'thur, valuable members of the Federation. How would Kes feel about working alongside other species? I don't think they'd see much of a difference, as long as they're hardworking. Probably still have a slight preference for other Federation citizens though. Where does Kes currently live? On the Odin, once they've been here a bit longer they might move into one of the cities in Biesel. What's their favorite food? Aqoliz filet with some rice and a fresh herb sauce.
  4. Server Moderator Application Basic Information Byond Account: Equairio Character Name(s): - Nadia Rana, Chief Medical Officer - Lorelei Latel, Head of Personnel - Ka'Akaix'Kiiix C'thur, Pharmacist - Melannie-Celeste Risette, Pharmacist - Ada Kimura, Pharmacist - Sylvia Oswald, First Responder - Zhisra Kha'alzri, Security Officer - Cradling a Dwindling Light Amidst Whispering Shadows, Chef - Curiosities Buried Beneath Blood-soaked Sands, Anomalist - Lone Lights Singing a Faint Requiem, Station Engineer AI Name(s): - Discord username + tag: Shio#4802 Age: 17 Timezone: GMT+1 When are you on Aurora?: I'm online every day from around 16:00 until 22:00 and most days during the morning as well, but it depends on my schedule. Experience How long have you played SS13?: Since November 2017 How long have you played on Aurora: Not sure exactly, but I think I started playing since December 2017 - January 2018 How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: I've mained medical ever since I started playing on the server, so it is the department I am the most knowledgeable in, as well as feel the most confident in. I've mostly played the roles of pharmacist and more recently CMO, but I have experience in every role in medical. I've played engineering for quite some time in the past as well, so I do understand most of the mechanics except for some more niche things. I recently got my command whitelist, and I've been playing CMO a lot and HoP somewhat frequently, although I don't have a lot of experience in the command department I still believe I understand it well. As for supply, service and security, I have had characters in each of those departments, and played them all for a long enough time to have a good grasp of the mechanics. In science I'm the least knowledgeable, I have a well-enough grasp on the mechanics of xenoarchaeologist, scientist and roboticist however I've never done xenobotany or xenobiology. As for antagonist roles, I believe I know all the mechanics for that since I have tested it on a private server. However, I honestly never play any antagonist roles. The high-pop rounds I do play are in the evening, and I usually have to AFK or leave the rounds during that time. Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server? No experience. Have you read through the criteria thread; https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=4198 - and believe that you mark off all the criteria?: Yes. Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: I've never been banned or received warnings, I only have four notes. Personality Why do you play SS13?: I started playing SS13 on the server Colonial Marines, it took a while but I eventually found out I actually enjoy the game and I decided to stick around, although at first only to muck about on Colonial Marines. I wanted to find some more servers to play on, so I tried out a couple rounds of Aurorastation, and I liked it. So I stuck around, and discovered that I really enjoy the mix of HRP and cool mechanics. Why do you play on Aurora?: I really enjoy creating characters based around Aurora’s lore, and having them interact with other characters. The lore arcs make for really good discussions both IC and OOC, it definitely helps to drive the story forward and it keeps me interested as well. I really like the community as well, and I often interact with people OOC as well as lurk on the forums. What do moderators do? I believe the most important job of a moderator is to guide new players and ensure they understand the rules. As well as make sure the round goes smoothly, by enforcing rules and resolving any issues that become apparent. It's important that no one is negatively affecting other people's experiences, for example taking someone out of the round with no escalation or not giving antagonists the chance to do anything. What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: As a moderator you're a knowledgeable member of the community given the means to ensure players are following rules and the quality and standards of the server and community are maintained. Whether it is through helping a new player, or resolving a player's issue. Why do you want to be a moderator?: I've been a part of the community for quite a while now, and made a couple good friends. I'd really like to contribute to the server by becoming a moderator. I also feel like I'd really enjoy the work, and it'd give me some more things to do, since I can only really play the low-pop rounds. What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator? I think my best qualities are that I am communicative and have a low temper. I tend to take a step back, try to understand the full problem, then make my decision and try to keep the discussion friendly and fair. I also have no problem admitting any mistakes I may have made in my decision-making process, or receiving criticism. How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: I'm quite calm and patient most of the time, so I don't think stress will be much of an issue. Regarding anger and insults, at most I will get irritated but I don't think this will impact any decisions I make. Anything Else You Want to Add: I've gone over everything I wanted to say. Edit: Spelling mistake
  5. Hello, thank you for your response. She definitely wants to return to her clan once she has build up honour and prestige. After serving as an officer, she may eventually push to be promoted to Head of Security which is a more prestigious role. After being a HoS for a while, she may then return to her clan. OOC-wise, I plan on playing her as officer for quite a while, then as a HoS and after being a HoS for some time she will return to her clan and I'll find a new character to play. She recognises that she'd be the odd one out, but that doesn't mean she won't defend her values. If someone's deliberately trying to start a fight, then, given she's an officer, she'd be in a position to stop that. If another Unathi officer is trying to start a fight, then she may defend herself verbally but not physically (unless they physically attack her, of course) The founder of her clan died in a battle hundreds of years ago, and the son was granted land, which is how they became nobles. The founder, due to his great performance in the battle, was said to have become a zo'zyola. Given this ancestor dates back to so long ago, their identity is unknown. Now that the clan lies in the queendom, some of the clan have become re-telling the story as the warrior being a female warrior in an army of male Unathi. The clan ritually offer gifts and call upon this zo'zyola to aid them in current time. The founder's sword shattered, and the fragments were recovered. Each fragment now makes up a pendant, with significant members of the clan owning one. Zhisra owns one as well, which she wears.
  6. BYOND Key: Equairio Character Names: -Ada Kimura, Pharmacist -Melannie-Celeste Risette, Pharmacist -Ka'Akaix'Kiiix C'thur, Pharmacist -Sylvia Oswald, First Responder -Nadia Rana, Chief Medical Officer -Lorelei Latel, Head of Personnel -Cradling A Dwindling Light Amidst Whispering Shadows, Chef -Curiosities Buried Beneath Blood-soaked Sands, Anomalist -Lone Lights In The Path Of An Eternal Quest, Engineering apprentice Species you are applying to play: Unathi What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Dark Greyish colour. Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: I recently made a dionae wastelander, and therefore read up on unathi lore, and it is much more interesting than I initially thought. I'd like to expand on my options and I think playing an Unathi would be really enjoyable. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: The Unathi are way more spiritual, having two primary religions, the Th’akh and Sk’akh. They also still have the traditional gender roles, with the women and the men each having their own Matriarch/Warrior codes. And of course honour plays a big part, as well. The environment the Unathi live in is, of course, really different. After the contact war, a large portion of Moghes turned into a wasteland with only a few areas (the untouched lands and oasis) remaining unharmed. Making survival for the Unathi in the wasteland much more difficult. Character Name: Zhisra Kha’alzri Please provide a short backstory for this character: Zhisra Kha’alzri was born in the year of 2435, to a noble warrior clan. When the Contact War broke out in 2437, many of the men never returned from the war to their homes, and the Queendom established itself as the dominant entity in this region of the wasteland, reversing the gender roles. The Kha’alzri clan, especially the men, strongly disagreed with the queen’s decision, as they are highly traditional and believe women unable to occupy the roles of men. Because they openly disobeyed the queen’s wishes, a portion of the clan, including Zhisra’s parents, were exiled as Guwans. Zhirsra was given to the care of her aunt, the new face of the Kha’alzri clan, who began attempts to rekindle the honour of the Kha’alzri as a noble warrior clan. At the age of 6, Zhisra began education. She directly studied under a queendom shaman, who taught her about the Th’akh religion. Her own clan taught her accent training as well as calligraphy. Then later at the age of 10, she began martial training under the wing of her aunt. She was taught to fight with various weapons, such as spears, maces and swords. As well as several motor skills, such as swimming and running long distances. Among the other children she was often teased and heard remarks about her dishonourable parents. She would often get into fights with the other younger members of her clan. Her aunt often lectured her about her parent’s actions, and how Zhisra would have to make up for it by being extra honourable. She made sure to keep her away from the public eye as much as possible, as she wanted to erase the dishonourable past of the clan, and Zhisra’s parent’s disobedience. All of this upset Zhisra who felt left out of her clan and punished for the actions she had no part in. At age 16, her aunt decided she didn’t want Zhisra to further remind the clan of its dishonourable past, and sent her to Biesel, where she would collect income for the clan. At first this disappointed Zhistra, but she understood that her aunt is working in the clan’s best interests and is trying to return the clan’s honour. Although she wouldn’t openly express that she is disappointed and upset about the change. In order to gain her Biesel citizenship, Zhisra joined the Tau Ceti Foreign Legion, where she decided to stay for an additional four years. Becoming tired of working in the Foreign Legion and the inactivity of it, she would instead join the Mendell City Police Department for 5 years, until she received a better offer from NanoTrasen to work aboard the NSS Aurora’s security department as a security officer. What do you like about this character? I look forward to developing and role playing this character, as I find it really cool that she is trying to bring back honour to her clan after her family was disloyal to the queen. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I believe most of my characters have been well-made, and while my roleplay could use improvement I’d still like to give myself a 7/10. Notes: -
  7. Hello, thanks for your questions. I've done my best to answer them. I feel like this depends on how aggressive the antagonists are and how staffed medical is. If I am playing my CMO with loads of medical staff, I can focus my attention more on the antagonists. Although if medical isn't fully staffed, I have to focus on medical and really only chip in for command votes, big decisions, etc. If the antagonists aren't being violent I'll focus on medical and leave the HoS and security to handle talks and negotiations, and only chip in if needed. If the antagonists are being more violent I will actively with command, assuming medical is well-staffed. (if CMO) If multiple crew, especially civilian, are dying left, right and centre and the antagonists are refusing to stop, then I feel like an evacuation is in order. (Assuming its REALLY dire/Past the 2 hour mark) If security is low-staffed or have multiple dead, then a distress beacon. I feel like this is a difficult question, as it entirely depends on how willing other people are to go along with any plans too. If I'm playing my CMO, I would do a blood drive if medical is up for it. For playing HoP, I'd open up the bar/kitchen and invite everyone along or do something like a cook-off. Entirely depends on the round, again. If a 2nd swiper is needed, then qualities aren't that important. Just a surface glance at them to make sure they're a responsible player (species whitelist, well-written flavourtext) But if I'm looking at an interim position for the entire round, then records, surface glance (species whitelist/flavour text), maybe a few questions asking why they're looking to become interim. (if not offered to them) Good roleplay skills at a glance is obviously great as well, and a character's charisma over radio. I'm obviously not going to interim someone, regardless of situation, if their name is 'Bob Johnson' and their flavour text is '6'4 chad officer with a moustache' and their RP consists of *snap snap and *nod
  8. Hello, thank you for replying! I really enjoy teaching interns, and I think its important as well. Usually I ask how much they know, and if they'd like me to teach them anything. Then go over anything they don't know, like any medications they aren't aware of, what load-out I recommend, how things are generally setup or even the layout of medical. Overall, I'd let them treat non-critical patients, while of course being there to supervise them and help them.
  9. BYOND Key: Equairio Character Names: -Ada Kimura, Pharmacist -Melannie-Celeste Risette, Pharmacist -Ka’Akaix’Kiiix C’thur, Pharmacist -Sylvia Oswald, First Responder -Nadia Rana, Physician --> CMO -Lone Lights in the Path of An Eternal Quest, Engineering Apprentice -Cradling A Dwindling Light Amidst Whispering Shadows, Chef -Curiosities Buried Beneath Blood-soaked Sands, Anomalist How long have you been playing on Aurora?: Around three and a half years, although with some long breaks, I think I’ve played consistently for roughly 1 to 2 years. Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? I’ve received three notes from 2018: job hopping, leaving gear in maintenance instead of a locker and attacking an SSD with little escalation. These were all when I was still new from the game. I also have another note in 2020 for attacking a cultist without much escalation. I don’t believe this is a serious issue, as these were mostly accidents/lack of knowledge of how to play and I realise I should’ve handled those situations differently. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: One purpose of a Head of Staff in game is to steer a round in the correct direction. This is done by going along with antagonists to a degree, keeping everyone updated, and working alongside other members of Command to respond to antagonists. It is important to know when to escalate and what measures to take, such as when to call for an ERT or evacuation. Coordinating your department is also important, being able to make sure your department is working properly and fulfilling their function on the station. While most departments do this on their own, a Head of Staff can improve coordination a fair bit, and also acts as a liaison between Command and that department. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: The only responsibility I can think of that whitelisted players have is that they’re expected to be knowledgeable in their department, and able to teach what they know to newer members of the department they play command in. When whitelisted, I would make sure to take any new players under my wing and show them the ropes of the department I’m knowledgeable in. Could you give us the gist of what is currently happening in Tau ceti and how it affected your character and their career? Phoron supplies in the Orion Spur are running dry, and everyone is bracing for the impact the short supply will have. Meanwhile Einstein Engines develops a new warp drive which utilises no phoron, and defeats NanoTrasen in a legal battle to certify this is entirely EE technology. These incidents have hit NanoTrasen hard. and stocks looked uncertain, falling severely while EE’s only rose. Following the Clandestine incident and the last hope of phoron in the Romanovich cloud, Mars goes dark. It turns out that a failed and desperate Solarian phoron experiment to duplicate phoron failed, resulting in a containment breach which then caught fire, engulfing Mars’ surface and turning it into an uninhabitable environment. Rogue fleets from the Sol Alliance move towards the Republic of Biesel, beginning the Second Invasion. The Stellar Corporate Conglomerate reveal itself and, alongside Elyra and the Coalition, defeat the rogue fleet. The SGC is now posed as the most powerful entity in the Orion Spur. Lorelei, being from an affluent background and always seeking the best career for herself with room to move upwards, has observed these events. Though the rivalry between Einstein Engine and NanoTrasen persists and neither party is a clear victor yet, Lorelai has sided with NanoTrasen and, by extension, the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate, seeing them as the most likely side to triumph over the other, and therefore the most stable position to be in. What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted? Head of personnel and eventually Chief Medical Officer Have you familiarized yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles? Yes. Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking: -Lorelei Latel, Head of Personnel -Nadia Rana, Chief Medical Officer Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action? Yes. Extra notes: Edit: Added a character
  10. BYOND Key: Equairio Character Names: Ada Kimura (Chemist) Kathryn-Remi Nadina (Paramedic) Cradling a Dwindling Light Amidst Whispering Shadows (Chef) Lone Lights in the Path of An Eternal Quest (Engineering Apprentice) Hasumi Tala (Station Engineer) Mei Xing Li (Security Cadet) Species you are applying to play: Vaurca What color do you plan on making your first alien character: (Color of your character; Dionaea & IPCs exempt) RGB 55, 0, 120 Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes, all of it. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: (One paragraph minimum) While I was researching the vaurcae for my dionae application, I gained an interest in vaurca. I feel it is one of the more “alien” species in terms of roleplay and lore. I feel like there is a lot of potential for interesting characters. The different hives will be an interesting thing to explore. It honestly feels like the options are endless. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: (One Paragraph minimum) A major thing is their upbringing, the bounds will even be born missing parts of their brain and their organs undeveloped causing the bound to be extremely simple-minded, and trained to obey orders. The bound are expected to follow the station’s protocol, only able to deviate from their job if a head of staff or an unbound of their hives tells them to. The bound do not have morals or interests beyond doing what is best for the hive. They do not seek entertainment. While the unbound, having fully developed their brain, has human-like emotion (except the ambition and competitiveness), and are perfectly capable of making rational decisions. They seek entertainment in the VR and socializing with other unbound, along with other aliens. The way vaurcae act with each other would probably be the biggest difference. The bound are often exploited by the unbound. It is typical for the unbound to leave any menial labour to the bound and of course, the bound being extremely simple-minded will not begrudge this exploitation. As for the relationships between hives, the bound of K’iax will serve the Zo’ra vaurcae, but only if instructed by one of the Zo’ra’s unbound and it is rare for the unbound to do this. The unbound vaurcae of their own hives will have warm relationships with each other, often socialising with each other. Character Name: Ka'Akaix'Killix C'thur Please provide a short backstory for this character (Aproxomately two paragraphs) The room is comfortably lit, just bright enough for her to see clearly, but not enough to be an annoyance to her eyes. She works diligently on one of her own chemical mixtures, carefully reacting the reagents with precise measurements. It took her an hour before the concoction was ready. She stared at the vial in her hands, finally seeing what had been there all along, only now clearer. The scent of it filled her, peacefulness overcame her. The feeling lingered for a while. It was ready. She focused on her senses. She felt the liquid, it was warm, but not too hot. The fragrance and beauty of the vial’s contents seemed to suddenly invade her spirits. The chemical mixture glistened slightly under the light. The mixture took effect on herself, the same peacefulness overcame her. She felt.. satisfied? Yes, satisfied. She was matured, her time in the VR had finished. She did not feel like herself, her mind beginning to wander and, not long after, she was lost in thought Life was different for her now, she wasn't in the VR anymore. Kiilix is an unbound of Xetl's Brood and, like her sisters, is obsessed with sensation. Kiilix cultivated a desire to find out more about the world around her, she wanted to know why things were as they are and how everything worked. She knew she could understand them, learn from them. It is only recently that she realized something was missing.. something that would allow her to experience the pleasures of life. It was only then she had taken her first steps on the path towards seeking true pleasure. Kiilix decided to find a place to work, a place she could put her knowledge to work and most importantly.. experience pleasure. She knew what was best: NanoTrasen. The door opened and she walked inside. She saw a large table covered with bottles, each labelled with their contents. She walked over to one of the dispensers and placed the vial in the slot. She looked at the vial as she pressed several buttons, carefully measuring each reagent as it went into the beaker. The mixture dripped into the beaker - it felt warm in the vial. The scent of the vial's contents overwhelmed her again, just like in the VR. She poured the contents of the vial into the beaker and mixed it thoroughly. She stared as the mixture slowly dripped down the side of the beaker. She walked over to the monkey. She drew the chemical into the syringe, then restrained the monkey as she injected the compound into it's blood stream. The various cuts and bruises on the monkey began to heal slowly, it's burnt chest and stomach healing. Eventually, the scanner reported the monkey as being fully healthy - it had worked, she did it. What do you like about this character? (Describe what you like about this character) I enjoy this character because of how “obsessed” it is with pleasurable experiences, she will go to any lengths to experience them. I’ve enjoyed exploring her backstory. How would you rate your role-playing ability? It depends on the day, I do feel like my recent characters are well thought through and I believe I’ve been improving in terms of in-game roleplay, specifically emoting more. But I would go with 7/10. Notes:
  11. +1 Had a very enjoyable, calm round interacting with their CMO. Handled command situations well, and their RP was on point. Unfortunately couldn’t see them much in action, as the round was quiet. Good luck on your trial : )
  12. Thank you, this clears up my concerns. Good luck : )
  13. This doesn't really clear up my concerns. Above all, a character needs to be believable, someone who has training in literally EVERY field of Medical might fail to tick that checkbox (though that's not entirely for me to say). While Medical is often poorly staffed, I think it is important that your character's skills are rigid regardless of how many people are staffing the department. Filling in for missing roles is fine to a degree but, ultimately, the believability of your character is paramount on a roleplay server and I would still find it off for a psychiatrist-now-CMO to know surgery, basic and advanced chemistry, response, resuscitation in the ICU, virology as you mentioned (though virology has been removed), regular work in the GTR and all of that on top of being extremely proficient in psychiatry. That list is quite long, and while there are no numbers on how many sub-departments, per se, you can and can't work in, generally medical staff only work 2 to 3 of those in line with their roles. Either way, I'm looking forward to your trial.
  14. What fields will your CMO be proficient and specialised in? I know your character is a psychiatrist, however during the period when you did a spree of interim CMO shifts, you would also frequently work in the GTR, ICU, maybe response, and in chemistry producing both chemicals listed as basic and advanced. I just found it a bit confusing when observing this, as psychiatrists and CMOs tend not to be proficient in everything and, as far as I know from people who play CMO, tend to place restrictions on what they can and can't do to keep their characters believable.
  15. Heya, thank you for replying. 1) Following the traumatic expierences, this character has been through. I will roleplay Dwindling to have a strong dislike for Vaurca, especially those of the Zo’ra hive (as they inhabitated the Titan Prime) Due to its environmental experiences, it’ll display paranoid behaviour and will try to avoid any vaurca. It’ll feel as if other people (not only vaurca) are threatening it, or may behave suspicious or aggressive. 2) After Dwindling was approached by the dionae after it left the Hiveship, it was given refuge by the Choir. The Biesellian Choir funded its education in culinary arts. So a chef. 3) The gestalt decided to name itself Cradling A Dwindling Light Amidst Shadows after it had time to reflect on its expierences, being disconnected from the original gestalt, all the danger it was in, and their lack of hope of it getting better. “Cradling A Dwindling Light” reflects the gestalt holding the experience closely to itself, the dwindling light would be the slowly decreasing hope of everything getting better. “Amidst Shadows” reflects the danger surrounding the gestalt as it keeps a tiny bit of hope.
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