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About CatsinHD

  • Birthday 19/12/2003

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  • Occupation
    University Student

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  • Byond CKey

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Head of Security

Head of Security (25/37)

  1. I will clarify this minor point. This is not entirely true. Per Chain of Command, if a Head of Staff is missing, other command members are permitted (sometimes expected in cases of emergencies) to take on leadership of the missing department regardless of an emergency or not. Signing an injunction for security when an HoS is missing is perfectly fine. The Chain of Command permits this. To what extent a command staff does this is subject to discretion and all that. With that being said, the rounds I've played with Wezzy's XO have been fine. They've done their job during the chaos, didn't step into my bounds (as investigator), and was helpful when their assistance was requested. Most of the issues I've seen discussed so far are the things many command trials fall into the trap of and learn out of. +1 from me.
  2. Ckey/BYOND Username: CatsinHD Position Being Applied For: (Wiki Maintainer, Lore Developer, Deputy Lore developer): Tajara Lore Deputy Have you read the Lore Team Rules and Regulations wiki page? Yes Past Experiences/Knowledge: My writing experience is mostly dominated by various projects I have written for university, Aurora, and TTRPGs. My university writings are very much a mixed bag between technical and creative writing. Within Aurora, I write quite extensively for both CCIA and the Wiki team. I've been in both teams for nearly 2 years and over 2 years respectively (CCIA in June, wiki team in January). My development experience is very slim at the moment. I have made miscellaneous PRs and sprites, such as the telescopic cane, notepads, and other such things. While I don't claim to be a spriter or a coder, I am familiar with the process for both. As for Tajara lore, I have been playing Tajara since pre-NBT times. It continues to be my favorite section of Aurora lore, and something I keep coming back to when I brainstorm new characters. I have read over the Tajaran wiki pages more times than I like to admit (more some than others...) and have kept up with lore updates and previous news updates. Examples of Past Work: Most of my more recent work has been with CCIA, both in cooperation with LTA and otherwise, namely the SCC bulletins. The most notable wiki pages I have worked on are the SCCIA page, the Chain of Command rewrite, and the Guide to the Turbine Engine. Otherwise, I have some documents I could probably pull from my uni drive if needed. Tajara Lore Deputy Questions: -A new proposal for an addition, rewrite or expansion related to the Tajara lore My proposal is for an expansion of the Free Tajaran Council. The primary focus would be on the government, culture, and any aspect that a member of the Free Council would interact with on a day-to-day basis. The full expansion document is here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AiFJTbq0uyCaYxPREQf_g6gfFp14SM5LSNs7dNxIces/edit?usp=sharing The proposed expansion may retread some ground already in lore, but only to contextualize new additions. -What would you like to see in the future of Tajara lore? As a whole, I envision Tajaran lore showing the further divides within each nation, and the cost of progress. The PRA would be on a timer for when Hadii dies, leaving a power vacuum in his place. The scramble from each potential successor would cause a rift in the party and cause instability amongst the populace. The instability may give certain actors, especially those looking to see freedoms expanded in the PRA at all costs, take advantage of the fractured party. Chaos in a power scramble leaving it crippled. Despite this, the standard of living in the PRA would only rise as it achieves its ideals of industrialization and progress. However, with this comes education, and with education comes the same calls for freedom as before, furthering the unrest as the oppressive policies of the war become challenged by an expanding demographic of “Young Hadiists”. The DPRA, in some years' time, would be facing a crisis of control. After years of back and forth during a tentative peace, the civilian government grows tired of junta control amongst the nation and becomes aggressive in their attempts to take over. The juntas fight back, some even threatening a coup on the grounds of ‘treasonous behavior” by the government as a whole. Meanwhile, the home front continues to stagnate in all but Crevus. Without outside help, little progress is made in a struggling post-war reconstruction reality. The NKA furthers itself into a position between a rock and a hard place. With a stagnating economy and still the weaker military power, industrialization becomes an ever more appealing option. However, it would lead to unrest. The inequality between the commoners and nobles would grow with continued industrialization. Unrest would sometimes be met with violent response by local lords leading to more unrest, the new nobles retreading the mistakes of the past. Meanwhile, Queen Shumaila and Parliament grow more at odds as the monarch begins to increasingly utilize her powers in response to world and domestic affairs. While arguably the most stable, it is by far the furthest behind, with more strife building within its borders by the day. The FTC remains in the face of inevitable change. They are running out of space, both economically and physically. The cultures of the newer humanized generation clash with those of the older traditional generation. Meanwhile, the Adhomian powers are all tugging at the council to align. Tensions are at an all-time high between the interest groups within. After Kar’etrink’s untimely death, the Council is in upheaval. The Adhomian powers take further interest, inviting visits from the Council into their lands. Meanwhile, the Council stagnates, no vote able to pass as each side struggles to find common ground. Additional Comments:
  3. Sorry about the delay! Busy month. Accepted
  4. For any paperwork needs, I recommend using the information present on the Guide to Paperwork. This provides all pencode needed to make forms. Ever since the great passing of the Example Paperwork page, may it rest in peace, there has been a criminally low amount of paperwork forms available for people to tinker around with for their own purposes. While I have not created a ton of paperwork, there are some general trends I have picked up on. And also I was told that making a post for people to share their forms on and discuss their tips on paperwork creation would be liked. While I would like to claim to be a paperwork genius, at the end of the day I tend to stick to a single format, the CCIA format. I won't waffle on about technical writing and such. Both because it isn't the most applicable here (see the wiki for that) and I won't act like my singular course in the matter makes me an expert. In honesty, I make things up as I go, or re-use the CCIA format which remains a venerable format. It is pretty plug and play, not requiring too much effort to bend it to your uses. However, other forms will be discussed later on. When it comes to paperwork forms, CCIA uses a pretty consistent format. The key details are: A border around the form Use of horizontal line [hr] to break up sections An organization logo/flag (in CCIA's case, the SCC logo) A form name and number Index (for internal logging) Date Commonly, Employee and Signature lines Bolded prompts So, what we get at a basic level is this: This is the most basic CCIA-style form. It has a border, separates sections with horizontal lines, and is concise and to the point. This is perfectly fine for SCC-based organizations and is quite flexible to your needs. Want to make it a fax? At a To, From, Subject, and Signature lines. In fact, a basic faxing form is on the Guide to Faxes (which you should read before sending faxes)! Want a medical waiver? Add some legal jargon and add some signatures and name fields. Some tips when writing information prewritten on the form (I.E. printing automatically and not filled in by an individual such as signature or name). Be dry. Don't worry about sounding dull or overly corporate. Forms are meant to be this way! Embrace the corporate style of writing. What if CCIA-style forms aren't your style, or don't make sense for your organization? Well, don't worry. There is a wonderful website I use to create new forms found here: https://ps.ss13.net/#instructions This shows you how the paper will format when made, and is amazing for messing around with pencode to find the right style. So what about some tips and examples? Use the table border. This will add a definite end to your forms and make them look a little tidier than text slapped onto a blank white paper. Use bold to your advantage. Bold words call attention to themselves and, additionally, add separation for mundane text. Don't overuse small. While small can make a form look very crisp and clerical, overuse can mean that you lose the ability to add small text to a document. This is especially problematic in legal documentation. Keep colorful imagery and organizational information at the top. Flags, logos, names, etc. should remain at the top. This keeps a clean look and also avoids some of the messiness adding flags/logos can force into the format. Separate out sections. This is to avoid a long never-ending wall of text. Find sections of related information and cut them apart from the rest. This can be done with either headers (bold, large text. [h1] and [h2] also work) or horizonal lines [hr]. When in doubt, find an IRL example to take inspiration from. For instance, TCAF forms may be loosely based on IRL American documents. Here are some exmaples: Konyang Arrest Form (Authored by Ben10083, posted by Greenjoe within this same forum topic) This form is very nice on many levels. First of all, it follows technical writing expectations. Namely, a hierarchy of headers (Bold and large for primary, smaller bold for secondary, underlined for alternative secondary). The horizontal lines break up the flow of the paper into chunks of related information and avoids the dread of one long mega paper. The header is simple but also fancy with side-by-side logo and organizational information. Small, indented text is utilized for notations that are otherwise not vital to the form. SCC Surgery Release Form (Authored and posted by 20nypercent within this same forum topic) This form is a different take on the CCIA-style format. It borrows the general layout of organizational information at the top, date and index, disclaimers, subject, and signatures/stamps. However, the main changes are the boxed organizational header at the top. Much like the Konyang form, it is clean and professional. To end off, I should note that this isn't the end all be all for forms. In most situations, re-using a format from others, such as the ones above, and replacing certain elements to fit your needs is a common and acceptable trend. I would encourage anyone who has formats they would like to share to post them in this thread. I will expand this post as I can (and as I remember to). Also, if anyone has any questions or anything that I should add, just lmk on Discord (CatsinHD#4202) or here. I know some people want all of the CCIA forms posted here as well and... that is a little unwieldy with how many forms there are. I may post sanitized version for medical, engineering, etc. later on. Until then, here you are.
  5. Sadly I could not screencap this in time. I shall describe the scene. A Ta has chosen to defend her hive. Thermal Lance in hand, she faces down security. The final words are said: "I have chosen to defend my hive... so I must use this." The lance is aimed at the security IPC. Then, with one final action, a deafening click rings across the medical lobby. The lance was on safe.
  6. I've experience most of Frank's characters to varying degrees, most recently Nikita. His characters are enjoyable to RP with, especially when dragging in lore elements to give that extra bit of immersion and depth. I have confidence he can play an IPC, and thus I give a +1
  7. After some delay... Application Accepted Somone will reach out to you soon (or already has) to provide proper roles and access.
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