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About CourierBravo

  • Birthday 21/03/2001

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  • Occupation
    I'm a data center technician

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  • Byond CKey

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Plasma Researcher

Plasma Researcher (22/37)

  1. Hazel has consistently shown quality mapping and code skills, the ability to learn and utilize new skills, teach others what they've learned, and worked collaboratively with others. She'd be a great addition to our team.
  2. I'd deeply enjoy this change if implemented
  3. If I can figure it out, yes. I'd like to implement two different selections. One generic selection for everyone to take, and the flag stickers for consulars to take. I think I'm gonna divide them up by what group makes the most sense to have them. For example, fisanduh and the free tajaran alliance flag stickers will go in with the coalition stickers. Since we don't have any solarian consulars for lore reasons, I think I'll leave those as ones to be found. This is not set in stone, just the vague next step after I work through all of this.
  4. Trade offer: I get: sticker sprites You get: my eternal gratitude and a mention in the changelog Hi, so I've made a realization that we have stickers, but we don't have any stickers except for gold stars and googly eyes. So, I wanna get more sticker sprites. This thread exists so i can get y'all's coordination to sprite up a bunch of stickers and submit them here. At which point, I'll add them to the game! You don't need any fancy art program, all you need is an image editor of any kind, a 32x32 canvas with transparency for unused pixels, and an idea. If you don't have any art programs and want a starting place, try using photopea, a browser based photoshop. Its what I use to make almost all of my edits. Rules: No reference stickers. This is is more for blatant references or such. Also, stickers that are character specific. If you want a custom item for your character that is a sticker, though? We can talk. No NSFW. Don't make a dick sticker or something. No stickers bigger than 11x11 pixels. Make them as small as possible if you can, 3x4 is probably the smallest you can get away with but go nuts. Opaque pixels only, don't reduce transparency. No stickers from different servers, i dont wanna track down every source. So be original. Submissions can be in the form of PNGs or GIFs, i can work it out from there. No neeed to make it a .dmi If you want some starting inspiration, this idea started with the concept of 'corporate stickers.' A sticker thats each chainlink members logo plus the SCC itself, and then an antag/emag sticker that's Einstein Engine's logo.
  5. There's plenty of basic items in the protolathe already, its fine. The autolathe already has plenty of things it can make, it doesn't need that much more.
  6. could you be a little more specific, please? Do you mean the IPC Antennae?
  7. I dont think that's true. I don't have the stats for how much the job is played, but I very, very rarely see any hydroponics players. Hence, this thread.
  8. Hey folks, I'm working on a project to bring back some life to our more neglected roles, and I'm starting with hydroponics. In this thread, I'd like to hear what previous hydro players liked about the job, what they dislike, and any change you think would be good. Though, please try to keep the changes you'd like to see in a small scope, such as adding already existing objects/items for example. Unless you think its really important to think up a far broader addition or change, then some ideas like that would be welcome. (There will be repercussions for derailing the discussion too far beyond its intended task, I'm trying to hear out ways to improve things. Please keep it in the scope of hydroponics.)
  9. I dont think it will, depends on the list we go with. A lot of what the cargo shuttle provides is things I dont think I would see a protolathe making. Not much in the way in instruments, a lot more in the way of raw supplies or larger objects. The shuttle also provides nearly instant access to things for the cost of credits. The lathe will require materials and a machinist. Both hanger techs and machinists are fairly reliable to exist, but machinists lest so, so you still have hanger techs having the edge of "I'm always available."
  10. Testroprino's got a good head on his shoulders and cares about creating good and reliable back and forth between characters. Those are the two incredibly important traits for a command WL holder, so a very firm +1 from me.
  11. +1 ill fated has been a fantastic player and roleplayer for the whole time I've known her. This player regularly brings a level of RP flavor that I wish i could match half of.
  12. I'm green now.

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