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About CoolfoolFTW

  • Birthday 31/10/1998

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  • Byond CKey

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Warden (11/37)

  1. Vore station confirmed?
  2. https://youtu.be/zmI-hGthrwA
  3. The invisible walls dont block airflow.
  4. nazi admins
  5. http://www.realitymod.com/
  6. Paradise has a fox race made for one guy they also look like shit.
  7. OpenSpades
  8. CoolfoolFTW


    People see a borer and stomp on it harder than Issac stomps necromorphs. Doctors find out about them instantly because of the medhud icon and use surgery to remove it. Then most people will scream over the radio to get it out.
  9. CoolfoolFTW


    Needs more people
  10. I think they skip a tile to simulate diagonal movement.
  11. I think VG code has the diagonal thing down.
  12. Would it run off a powercell or something or would it just take up the glove slot?
  13. The officer was a new guy and I had to explain to him how my ID didn't have a icon on the sec hud because of the title, as far as I remember he didn't try to arrest me.
  14. Sounds like prototype.
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