Let us cut to the chase, gents; I get that this thread might be ill-timed, but I believe I am fully serious when I say that the Secret gamemode is absolutely and crucially detrimental to the health of the server.
Since I was but a young child (I'm actually fifteen now), I always wondered why people got so outraged at the Secret gamemode. More than one-a-day, I oftentimes saw people arguing, fighting, angrily yelling at each other over the hypothetical and supposed designated purpose of this particular (and peculiar) mode of play. And today, after much deliberation and wonder, I propose this singular and particular suggestion to finally solve the perplexing conundrum that has plagued this community since times immemorial: instead of removing Extended from Secret, why not remove Secret from Extended?
The matter is simple, and the facts speak true. Servers that have removed Secret and switched to an Extended-only rotation (Hypatia, Yogstation) report a marked 35% decrease in player hostility, and an impressive reduction of up to 60% in banrates. Secret has for long been a breeding ground for disputes and battles, and rather than follow in the muddy and inept footsteps of our treacherous forefathers, I propose we solve this conflict in the true and tried American way: by getting rid of something we don't like.
It is clear that the Secret gamemode is not a gamemode any one individual might enjoy; its dismerits are consistently decried, while praise of it remains unspoken. Thusly, it is safe to conclude that it remains unneeded and superfluous, and should be slated for removal without delay, and as soon as possible.
To the community, I say: let antags be antags, and roleplayers be roleplayers.