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Everything posted by Frances

  1. These fields are more cohesive; they're all biology/medicine-related, and chemistry has some very strong tie-ins with biology. Atmos, engineering, biology and telescience have very little relation, in comparison. Anyway, I'm also assuming your character acts more... dignified? People are generally more willing to accept characters with above-average intelligence/skills if they act their part, while Travis combines the qualities of being really unserious and overcompetent. (I'm not saying skilled characters can't be eccentric, but they probably shouldn't be the caricature of a Brony.)
  2. It's not really poweremoting if there's an actual gameplay system supporting it. The emote there might have been courtesy to quickly explain the deliberate intent of the action, because there's such a kneejerk reaction to "attacking/killing a person without a warning". Poweremoting would be, for example, "Archibald knocks the officer unconscious and takes off!", where you'd be forcing a character to give you an advantage through your emoting (though they could just say no). It's not really power-anything when you just, say you're gonna shot a guy a few times and then shoot him a few times. Anyway, here's the part I don't get. What are you people expecting? (and by "you people", I mean everybody posting on this complain with gripes against this specific incident.) Like, how does one kidnap a target with an escort? Since when has the "don't kill people without a reason" rule evolved into a "don't kill people, ever, unless you monologue to them during three different rounds or they make the rule-breaking mistake of trying to kill you first"? I mean, I hope people see where I'm coming from. I might be wrong. But I feel like shooting down a DO's escort to try to kidnap the DO (when the DO had no chance at accomplishing their own objective) really shouldn't be seen as an attack on roleplay, but rather an attempt at creating an interesting antag narrative. On this part, specifically, because I see a lot of people get mad at things like this happening, and I think they're misdirected: -The official definition of ganking is randomly killing people without a precise aim. It's never been expanded beyond that. -Not giving people a chance to fight back doesn't equate ganking. You could stun, cuff, kidnap and execute a person all without giving them a single chance to fight back, yet for some reason people would consider it "fair". Forcing belligerents to purposely "leave their opponents a chance" ends in silly and forced situations. Security is also under no obligation to let antags escape; it's left to their judgement to pursue the most interesting course of action. -It's going to be impossible to provide everyone with meaningful deaths. If you're going to punish people on the sole basis that they killed someone without interacting with them beforehand, you might as well start antag-banning any nuke ops who use bombs, as the explosion and venting could kill someone in the same "cheap" way. Edit: This was actually changed, so Techno did break the rules. Huh. I don't really agree with the new stance, but anyhow, not my place to speak anymore.
  3. Does the amount of rounds fired matter? You don't really fire a lethal weapon at someone with the goal of "harming" or "scaring" them when they are themselves armed.
  4. as a person with aids i am terribly offended by this how dare you, meow. aids is a serious topic not to be taken lightly and i cannot fathom you would dare to accuse a fellow aids victim of engaging in such vile actions as "shit posting"
  5. Well, revolvers are really strong and can two-shot you (it's a gun, though, what do you expect?) As for the brute reduction, I'd personally prefer to not see it come back because it created some really nasty interactions in hand-to-hand combat (you just couldn't outrobust IPCs and it was cheap). if IPCs are really getting blown up by random things then the way their limb health works should be reworked, but a limb being blown off by what I believe is one of the game's strongest weapons doesn't seem too extraordinary for SS13 balance. Edit: What's the difference between a limb being blown off and made unusable? Is it realism?
  6. I feel like the question of who was piloting the Durand is pretty inconsequential. It's not unbelievable for captains to have military background, and if someone wants to play a battlecap'n during a rev round, power to them. It only puts their head at a greater risk, if anything (well, okay, not in a Durand.) The truth is there's no exact rule for this (as far as I can see). The definition of whether a captain holing up in a Durand to dish out justice is "fair" (rather than delegating it to someone else) is really left open to interpretation and the circumstances surrounding the individual case. I'd be concerned with Tool's actions while inside the mech, yeah. The fact that he himself got a mech in the first place? Hardly punishable.
  7. 1. I'm not here to fault the DO, but I don't think Techno needs to magically guess their intent (I also don't think lag makes you pick up items by accident.) See person pick up gun, shoot person with gun. 2. I'm under the understanding that the singulo was released, and that you were in the process of evacuating the station. No? As I said, I don't condone of other actions I might not be aware of (and I do think Techno opting very liberally to use lethals during code blue when they were unneeded is an indication a discussion on conflict needs to be had with him), but I wish to insist that this one, very particular incident (which has been stated to be the "straw that broke the camel's back") doesn't really seem to have any incriminating evidence against him.
  8. So to recap: -You have a visiting DO + bodyguard -Techno is antag, decides to kidnap the DO (who can be considered valid due to the evac) -Techno's plan is to shoot down the bodyguard then hold the DO at gunpoint -Bodyguard can pretty much be considered valid, you're a high threat protecting a high value target and your job is pretty much to die for your DO (and I don't think bodyguards should be there exclusively to stand around as they are protected by all forms of assault due to plot armor) -Techno ambushes the DO + bodyguard in a secluded area, kills the bodyguard -The DO picks up the bodyguard's gun in a risky move, and gets killed by Techno as a result Can an admin confirm that this is the basic outline of the events? Because if so, I fail to see what's really wrong with it. Techno did take the high-chaos route (which isn't wrong per se), but there was a pretty clear chance that an interesting situation could result from it. In fact, the only reason why he was unsuccessful is because the DO decided to take their dead bodyguard's gun and fight back with it - had Techno been succesful in [kidnapping a DO after shooting down their escort as an antag], I doubt he'd be facing an antag ban. There seems to be some confusion as to what happened, however, as Baka is reporting that Techno "attempted to shoot [everyone present on the DO shuttle] the moment it docked", which is contradictory to some of the other information posted here. I don't condone any of Techno's other actions, such as the shooting of that engineer by the armory or any of his other 28 notes, but it's not my place to judge those.
  9. Well, this presents two separate ideas: one is that disputes may arise from a specific round, and the other is that disputes may arise from a specific player. When a round goes bad, it's always due to the actions of players (I mean, it's not by magic. I wish, plus magic would be kinda cool.) However, an issue with complaints is that they might be putting too much focus on people rather than events. The counterargument to that is that events might not be player-centric (something might happen because of conditions or rules rather than because of a certain player's mentality), but they are always interlinked to one or more players. On that aspect, having a separate forum for "round complaints" would be redundant. However, a second counterargument could be that such a forum could help alleviate some of the focus players receive unjustly. A third counterargument could be that such a forum could also bring an even greater negative connotation to player complaints, and that further care should simply be taken to reinforce the presence of complaint forums as places for discussion rather than accusation and punishment. Thoughts? I'm just spitballing here.
  10. Okay, I think I have an idea how to get this thread more on track with what you wanted. The issue you're presenting goes as follow: "People aren't playing along". The question we should be asking, thusly, is: "Why are people not playing along?" hint: I don't think a lot of people on this server are playing to win, but I think a lot more are playing to "do a good job".
  11. Just chiming in to say you generally fire to neutralize. If the captain's intent was to prevent you from harming him, then his attempt would have been ineffective had he stopped after the first shot, as your character did have the ability to fire back after that. Hope this can shed a bit of light on the situation.
  12. I get that people are pretty upset at each other (I'm not implying it's without reason, I really don't know at this point). However, I'm kinda puzzled: despite that, does anybody actually gain anything from being mean or aggressive? I wish we could recognize that we're all trying to solve the same problem, and that it's going to be easier to accept and solve disagreements if we make an effort to be kind to each other.
  13. I tend to write really long posts but I don't think many people read them so here's a short one instead. (I do try to address the issue and not just the situation, though. Believe in me.) Consider this. In the first situation you mentioned, what was the issue? That the Biohazard situation the AI attempted to roleplay was shut down. Don't look at the RD, don't look at the DOs, look at the problem. Why did this happen? Lack of planning. How can this be solved? More planning. Probably. It sounds like a cool idea on paper. However, I don't think there's anything wrong with a head being suspicious of an AI giving out orders or engaging extraordinary procedures (the AI's job isn't to lead or direct). It would be natural for them to ask for CC confirmation, and get suspicious if they couldn't obtain it. And although it would be nice if the admins/DOs played along, it should be assumed that faxes could be a problem, as long as they're an element you don't control. The RD reacting the way they did isn't unexpected given the high stakes of a situation such as an AI announcing a biohazard you know to be a hoax. (And there's an explanation for the borgs blowing up in Garnascus' self-complaint, too.) What's the best way to fix this? Get the admins on-board. If your job is to impersonate centcom (and the admins are centcom) the easiest way to do it is to get the admins to help you (and they should usually be willing to help proven you have an interesting plan. These are people that love the game more than anyone and are always trying their best to make a round more fun for players.) Otherwise, you're counting on the possibility of something you can't predict being able to foil your plan, and at that point you can't fault anyone but yourself. The RD didn't play along, but he didn't have any particular incentive to play along. You could give him some very good ones to do so.
  14. Finding a donor would be about as fast as placing (and waiting for) a cargo order, not to mention more reliable (as there might not always be people at cargo but there's always gonna be people with blood at medbay). It's also a lot more dramatic, so, woo.
  15. Hmm. I see what might be sort of a logic flaw here The process being described in this thread is a long and elaborate one. Conversely, internal bleeding is a condition that happens rarely, and requires immediate attention. Thus, there's really only two possible situations with this. Either nobody bothers to use the machine at all (because it's needed so little, and when it is, it isn't fast enough), or it becomes another part of medbay routine to set up, in which case I ask, what have we really gained?
  16. I think empathy is a key value for being a good mod and not enough people seem to realize this. Basically, put yourself into the other person's shoes. When you're trying to solve an issue, there's no reason to be mean, rude, or strict with the other person. They'll be a lot more receptive if they see you're making an effort to understand their viewpoint. People generally don't mean to fuck up, and starting a conversation by showing the person you're talking to you actually understand what their intent was goes a long way towards solving disputes in an amicable way. There's no need to make enemies
  17. That seems like a really good solution!
  18. That's actually pretty good, but... One thing which always bugged me was not being able to know when it was extended and when it wasn't. And by association, other gamemodes such as cult, nuke, rp-rev, etc. Some characters just fit certain gamemodes better than others and I like that we're capable of having a heads-up of what we're heading into. For example, playing janitor through extended is a maximum pain, but playing janitor through rp-rev can be very funny. I'd just hate to lose that
  19. There's two problems. Promiscuity, furpiles and general time-wasting to do "cute ;3" stuff is one. The other is "entitlement" over a fictional cat race. That can range from yes, getting super mad at people constantly when you're supposed to be marginalized (I can tell you what would happen if lore were enforced fairly for that. Your character would be fired.) to simply refusing to do your job or be a cunt to other races while pulling the race card. It also goes beyond that, though - I've seen OOC comments about "cat-kind being upset" and it's honestly a little ridiculous. There shouldn't be any need for bandwagoning from Tajaran players; Sue is rather considerate for the race, the lore writers involved in this issue have been rather intelligent and considerate, and the issue should be debated maturely and rationally. However, it isn't, and that contributes to the issue of entitlement. Now, about the sex thing. I don't know how far you want people to dig, but I don't think providing a 20-page document of logs should be necessary. Something really important I want to convey is that the constant, flirtatious and overly-sexual behavior emanating specifically from Tajarans is a problem. Heck, there shouldn't be any need to prove much, since you're asking people to "stop accusing you of being sex-craved" and then making a passing comment that your character and another player's should have sex in the very same post. You're a furry (at least your name would seem to indicate so). You should know what furry stereotypes are. You should also make an effort not to perpetuate them, or at the very least, if you're unable to, you should come to expect the kind of kneejerk reaction you're being met with here.
  20. Zubari Akenzua says, "A ssssimple jab to the gut will bring sssomeone down with thissss." Safiya Isra says, "She...not know what that is" Jim Calhoun asks, "You've never heard of coitus?" Jim Calhoun asks, "Sex?" L.I.Q.I.U.D.F.O.X. states, "Most likely 19th or 18th century old." Safiya Isra says, "Oh! yes!" Safiya Isra says, "Ah...give herrr moment, we have sex laterrr~" there. so what do we do now?
  21. Frances

    OOC Blacklist

    Yeah, you don't have to. However, it'd make things a bit easier for me to understand? And, you do have to justify it to the devs, if you want them to add the change.
  22. Frances

    OOC Blacklist

    And yet my question goes unanswered. Give me an example of a reasonable permablock?
  23. As an observer who currently doesn't play any catbeasts, I'd like to pitch in. I think some people are confusing IC conflict creation and bad roleplay. There's two elements to roleplay that pretty much go hand in hand: "does it make sense for the world?" and "is it fun to experience?" Characters such as Houssam don't really create any issues, as far as I can see. Why? Because Houssam plays by the rules (or appears to). He does a lot of shady shit, but attempts to hide it (and succeeds reasonably well). Tajaran culture is extremely narrow-minded, but you can be a gay Tajaran as long as you don't scream it over comms every five seconds (that would get you shanked by other Tajarans, if more people complied with the lore). Furthermore, Houssam might have hurt a few characters' feelings (usually through hilarious and justifiable ways, such as calling them out for flirting at work or on comms), but thankfully players aren't their characters, and are mature enough to recognize that these situations are more OOCly funny than real annoyances for them. And like, as for Ana (since she's being brought up), I'll actually say that I don't really think her presence as I witnessed it a few months ago would really support current Tajaran lore. (But I haven't seen her recently. Have you? Is she the same?) However, she still has the redeeming quality of providing rather hilarious banter. Not saying it's perfect, but not saying it's evil incarnate. On the other hand, though. You've got Tajarans engaging in furpiles, buttgrabs, turning their fur pink and asking everyone to have sex with them. You've got Tajarans that will refuse to speak to you for trying to get them to comply with basic workplace regulations. You've got Tajarans that will physically assault you for calling them "cat". And the sad thing is... there's not really any redeeming qualities to this. Not only is open aggression and ridiculousness like this absolutely contrarian to the lore, but the lore was written specifically to curb this kind of situation. And this point can be sorta hard to explain, because I can't just use the excuse of "this is a roleplay server!!1" when there's also people making jokes about pizza and pasta and playing funny assistants, but the end of the line is I see a lot of stereotypically bad "furry culture" elements resurface through Tajarans, and people in general tend not to like these elements (I, for one, just don't want to see catbeasts constantly trying to have sex with people at work or "nuzzleglomp" them or whatever it is they do, while also making ridiculously misguided efforts to be taken super-seriously. It's dystopian.) So the solution, especially when compared to characters like Houssam? I think you should actually feel free to act like them. If you want to play a subversive Tajaran, do it in secret. Think of it like 1950s era black US. You don't come in at work and insult your boss every day while refusing to work until you get fired (and a lot of the Tajaran community would hate you for it because you essentially gave them an even worse name.) But you can mount underground protest rings, you can organize underground support groups, you can engage in all sorts of clandestine activities. The way to do it is just not to scream on comms or resist openly (unless you stage something where all the Tajarans on station can have a revolt at once and cripple the supply lines?), and the day everybody realizes what the proper way to do things is, the race is going to play a lot better.
  24. Frances

    OOC Blacklist

    There's a legitimate idea for a mute that I can actually support. When people are having an acceptable, but really long-winded debate that you really don't care about, yet you still want OOC for other stuff, such as round/game discussion or general chatting. (And you get annoyed simply by seeing a lot of OOC because you've never modded and oh my god the log spam turn it off) It's kind of a big addition when compared to say, IRC chatrooms, but OOC does have uses other than existing to serve whatever current topic is being discussed, so I can see the utility of muting certain conversations. What I'm supporting, however, is the muting of conversations, not users (being ignored by people you're trying to communicate with because they decided they don't like you isn't fun.) Like I personally think that people should grow the fuck up and learn to tolerate OOC (and I say this in the kindest way, but anyway, OOC really isn't Hitler), but it's sort of a nice service to have if a dev is willing to code it and it seems mostly harmless.
  25. Frances

    OOC Blacklist

    I'm still waiting for my question to be answered. Give me an example of someone deciding to block another party forever where neither of them are being complete idjits, and you'll have my vote.
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