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Everything posted by Frances

  1. As an observer in all this, I'm a bit sad to see the admin team resort to tone policing. Like, I think Cass has a very obvious message she's trying to communicate (relatively clearly, I'll add), and her posts are being dismissed because they're written in a funny way or she's being sassy. This is something I've always seen happen with her too - I'm not sure how I'd feel if I were her but I can imagine I'd be very frustrated because most of the time it's like she's speaking into nothingness. And like, come on. I understand showing the door to people making half-assed attempts at trolling while trying to expose whatever minor issue that concerns only themselves, but what's being brought up here is actually legitimate. I thought we were trying to be one of the "cool" servers, so can't we actually judge people for the actual content of their posts? I don't really think Cass is being an ass either. Like she's free to correct me here, but I really wouldn't be surprised if she was 100% willing to work with you were you open to engaging in dialogue with her. So it's not a "I hate the community, let's shit on it" thing. Except that's a very subjective claim, and usually followed by poignant examples of the accused user doing some, not really cool things. If you want to convince the community that the ban was justified, you could simply attempt to provide proof of that. I assume there is probably a lot of evidence left from the recent admin review that led to Cass being banned, so you could post some of it? If you feel like you might not be at your best judgement, given that you're our headmin and seem to have taken the direct responsibility of handling discussion in this thread, then I would advise locking it, getting some sleep, and coming back with an unlock and a follow-up statement later. Waiting until you're well rested is much better than taking the chance of making some half-assed statements you might regret later.
  2. You can't take what Cass says with a grain of salt? I fail to see what's so insulting in her post.
  3. People need to calm down. I feel like a lot of people will be jumping to the conclusion that the administration doesn't want to deal with them based on how the last topic we had ended. The truth (from what I can see) is that the administration doesn't want to deal with a lot of people because they're sort of being asses. Not because they're trying to sweep this whole incident under the rug (and like, good luck with that anyway. Everybody knows of this drama by now, and I don't think any of the server's admins are delusional enough to think plugging their ears and ignoring the issue will make it go away.) But the fact is, a lot of people in that thread were being pretty mean with what they said, there was flaming, and well, yeah. It's just not conductive to proper discourse. I'm not sure if staff are closing off dialogue on this issue forever, but I really hope they're not, and if nobody else brings it up again, staff or nonstaff, I'll seek to reopen it as soon as people have had time to calm down a bit. In the meantime, don't think that staff are showing you the door, or wishing for you to fuck off, because I really don't think they are. The thread was just, getting impossible to deal with and everyone is good for a cool off period. I'm saying this because staff didn't, and I don't want everyone to be mad at each other when there's no good reason to. Also, you probably want to have this locked because otherwise people are just gonna come here to argue about the issue again.
  4. That's the GP's room. There wouldn't really be any place for it with our current setup (it's hard to expand medbay due to science and /tg/atmos squishing it on either side. There's only three big rooms in the medbay. The lobby - which is used for RP, the Treatment Center - which fills up quickly when a lot of people are wounded, and the recovery room - which isn't used much. The thing is, I wouldn't mind getting rid of recovery entirely and replacing it with a GP's office, but would that actually get used? I do see people roleplaying checkups from time to time, but I can imagine the room remaining empty about 90% of the time.
  5. Endorsements are encouraged, though they're not mandatory. When they were, it led to silly situations such as people being denied whitelists simply because nobody knew them - regardless of how good their apps were. As long as you've played a week or two on the server and nobody can prove you can't behave yourself, you'd be good for a shot at a whitelist, imo. Besides, I've seen a few idiots in command and I can nearly 100% assure you they wouldn't have any trouble getting recommendations anyways.
  6. That sounds complicated. I personally prefer whitelists be handed by 1-2 trusted people, through a simple one-time application process. It doesn't keep all the troublemakers out, but we don't really have any guarantee a more complex system would either.
  7. You might be misunderstanding my post. I'm only saying that there's an associated risk to using disposals, and that risk should be considered from both an IC and OOC perspective. You wouldn't jump into disposals to run after an item you lost, but you might consider it to escape certain death or pull off a crazy stunt against antags. There's mechanical consequences to it. Like I really don't see the issue with someone going "okay, we're gonna try to stop these dangerous criminals by going through the station's disposal system, it's pretty risky and we might get injured but we're all out of ideas and it's time to be a hero". Then it either works or the person delivers themselves gift-wrapped to antags which is pretty funny. But either way, you can question the intervention of the HoS as a whole, but I don't think they should be punished simply because of the means they used. Whoopsie. Missed a detail in the OP, but barricades and security's willingness to bust the whole situation made me assume it was such. Anyway, we can file it under "bad guys holed up in a room".
  8. Disposals won't outright kill you, but it's very dangerous for anything that's properly secured (assume humans stuffed in lockers are /not/ secured.) Now, I don't feel very comfortable hearing that simply using disposals for travel is powergaming. It's risky, and the decision to use it should simply factor in the associated risk. People messing with disposals for the heck of it (or to accomplish very petty things) is a no-no, but I believe using them to solve a hostage situation shouldn't be treated as black and white powergaming.
  9. but but what do carnivores eat do they just eat other sentient animals is that cannibalism are there nonsentient regular animals too if so are there dogs with pet dogs foxes that live with cows and eat cattle are the sentient animals weirded out by that how do animals of different species do the do can they just all reproduce and create monstrous squirrel-elephant hybrids these are all important questions
  10. I honestly don't see the problem with this. Some people simply dislike foxes (for whatever reason) because they haven't yet understood how great they are. Officially branding our server as "furry-friendly", as well as finding additional ways to integrate the furry lifestyle into gameplay would help people get acquainted with a new and exciting concept most are simply unfamiliar with. And after all, I 100% believe that Aurora was initially created to be a furry server, although that vision has sadly been lost in the minds of many newcomers who remain unaware of what true Heavy-Roleplay has always been about. I am sure people will be more receptive to the changes once they are forcefully implemented. Those who disagree simply do not know what they want.
  11. I always thought timers were up to the judgement of the warden/officer (in lack of a warden). This mostly prevented people with a lot of various minor crimes from being handed a 45 min sentence and going afk.
  12. But I don't understand what's the exact issue with them spawning inside of cargo or in the IAA office. Should they be used to write full forms? No, but they probably have other uses (annotations, informal communication). If the problem is that idiots are using them to write full forms, they should just be taught not to write forms with them. Don't take away a man's steak because a baby can't chew it.
  13. That's the only place where I really know they are, though (besides in the morgue - another place for forms - and the bar). Wouldn't it really be better to just ask people not to write forms in red?
  14. AFAIK armor doesn't reduce part of incoming damage, but rather has a chance of completely negating an attack's damage. This could introduce cases such as workboots doing nothing 95% of the time, then blocking the one punch that causes you to lose a fight, out of the blue. Giving random pieces of equipment a small chance to negate damage seems more like an exercise in frustration than anything else. I'd have no issue if the damage system was reworked in favor of %damage (rather than RNG), but that would probably be a daunting task, not to mention RNG and luck are pretty much at the core of SS13 combat in some aspects (some people will disagree but I'll just tell them they're playing the game differently.) But this wouldn't be a good addition of RNG, as far as I can see.
  15. Previous reported incidents can serve as a good base to gauge a player's character, but we mustn't fall to the trap of using a lot of unsubstantiated reports to build accusations. The only thing I've really been able to realize from this thread (and the last complaint involving Callum) is that he seems to have some communicative issues with others (which is quite surprising for a mod.) The rest of this is muddy at best and could really be expanded on.
  16. So basically, a player roleplayed an asian character with an accent and a name close to Kim Jong-il/un?
  17. Can you present examples of any of this? All of these traits are not bad per se, at least not without context. Like, delegating tasks isn't necessarily bad, HoSes are allowed to have a temper depending on what they get upset at, a character can become suicidal due to justified IC drama, and the rest is sorta vague and left to interpretation. It would be better to have clear and solid evidence, if you wanna bring up a problem with these characters.
  18. So you basically want to remove colored pens from the game because some people are using them wrongly?
  19. Wait, why? People have black pens in their PDAs. What exactly is the issue you have with colored pens here, summed up in one sentence?
  20. Can't be any worse than changeling. Er. Changeling does bring roleplay. Sometimes? Yes?
  21. Can you guys all take a step back? You're being seriously mean to each other. This isn't what complaints are for.
  22. While I understand your frustration, the overall tone of your complaint takes a bit of credibility away from it (you sound like you might be looking for confrontation with these characters/players, especially as the aggression here transpires in your OOC post). Anyway. I won't speak for Callum/Ezra Scott, but the actions you described from Rebecca McGrath here don't really sound fitting of a CE at all. I know McGrath to be a confrontational character, but even when a conflict is instigated by another party, it's imo inadmissible for a head to insult the person who insulted them right back (with the same degree of maturity) and get involved in a fistfight.
  23. But... Why would you not want to be able to make a sandwich out of a knife?
  24. That seems more like an argument against power imbalances than for them. I don't expect people to read every single post of superlong threads, but
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