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Everything posted by Frances

  1. As others have stated in the other thread, it's rather silly for people to rediscover superpowers every single round, and genetics could be given other roles instead. For example, they could culture replacement organs for people, or try genetically engineering some animals (like a non-sentient meatsack which can be harvested for meat). Perhaps they could be combined with virology and made into 'biologists' (with geneticist and virologist as alternative titles for the same job-slot, like medical doctor and surgeon). Perhaps they could try genetically engineering bacteria to perform certain tasks, such as cleaning up hazardous waste, synthesizing certain materials, or making advanced medicines. Perhaps the geneticist could team up with botany to make better crops. Perhaps the geneticist would be able to work with creatures from the Unathi, Skrell, Tajaran, human, and diona ecosystems, with each category of organism having its own advantages and limitations. There's a lot of things you can do with a geneticist other than making super powers (which I think are quite a bit silly). Their work could be used to help out numerous departments. They could help chemistry make medicines, they could help botany make better crops, they could help medical by making replacement organs, they could synthesize clean-up bacteria to help engineering deal with stuff like plasma spills. There's a whole lot of stuff they could do. Edit: In fact, they could also do some interesting things with Tajaran and Unathi genomes. Finding the cures to various disorders in their species could be interesting and less immersion-breaking, due to them being more recently discovered. If you have some decent ideas, I'd suggest getting in touch with a developer and see if we can create some new gameplay for it. The genetics job is in sore need of a rework - it needs to inherit virology, and be given another purpose that's more realistic and rp-oriented. I'd be willing to sprite anything needed for it, should we get a project underway.
  2. The library has one, the 2x2 table with 8 chairs in the back of the area. It's simply not separated by a wall, but since the library is pretty quiet, it doesn't really matter. The new map also has two small conference rooms, inspired by that. This doesn't really help for meeting new people, though - it favors preexisting hangouts, but you're not exactly going to walk into another group's study room while it's in use.
  3. I noticed one main reason why my characters have troubles making friends: they're at work. Work isn't necessarily the place to socialize. I might strike up a conversation with a nearby coworker during downtime - otherwise, my introverted characters busy themselves with a book or writing, while my extroverted ones try to join up with a pre-existing group. But that can be difficult, sometimes. Here's why: We need a better communal area. Right now, we have two main hubs. The bar, and the holodeck/pool that never gets used. While groups do form up in the bar (roughly 30-50% of the time, maybe less during deadhour), the holodeck rarely sees use, and even the bar is a less than optimal location for some, especially if it's not your character's kind of hangout. The lack of actual coded activities also makes things difficult, with the holodeck essentially featuring only fighting games (again, not everybody's kind of deal, unless your characters are especially sporty), and the bar being the location for chair RP and not much else. Decks of cards will be added soon, which will open a new avenue for IC gaming, but I think as a whole we need to think of more social activities we could implement. This is a problem the new map sort of tries to fix, by creating a more open, high-traffic communal area with an open bar and restaurant. The addition of a central hub should facilitate the formation of groups, and make them more approachable - and while there's going to be some more secluded and calm areas for people who prefer privacy, I don't think that the large public facilities should be placed very far away from the main avenues of the station.
  4. Let's take a few moments to look at what led to that ban, because I'm honestly a bit concerned. [16:52:41]OOC: Melody Davis/Sleepy Wolf : stool meaning shit? [16:53:11]OOC: Melody Davis/Sleepy Wolf : is the next update gonna let us shit in the toilets!? [16:53:29]OOC: Melody Davis/Sleepy Wolf : i cant wait [21:38:53]OOC: Melody Davis/Sleepy Wolf : well, what else would come out of my mouth? [21:38:55]OOC: Melody Davis/Sleepy Wolf : dicks? [03:19:53]OOC: Melody Davis/Sleepy Wolf : just fuck melody already, geez, quit letting her down [06:50:53]OOC: Katyusha Sigrun/Sleepy Wolf : god damn collar bones are hot as fuck [06:51:01]OOC: Katyusha Sigrun/Sleepy Wolf : like holy shitting dicks [15:16:15]OOC: Melody Davis/Sleepy Wolf : brb putting on thigh highs and fucking bitches B) [16:06:28]OOC: Melody Davis/Sleepy Wolf : i love bondage [16:06:35]OOC: Melody Davis/Sleepy Wolf : i mean [16:06:42]OOC: Melody Davis/Sleepy Wolf : sorry [16:06:56]OOC: Melody Davis/Sleepy Wolf : oh my god sex swings [16:07:02]OOC: Melody Davis/Sleepy Wolf : i remember looking that up w my friend [16:07:07]OOC: Melody Davis/Sleepy Wolf : she wanted to buy it [16:07:18]OOC: Melody Davis/Sleepy Wolf : /cry/ [16:07:26]OOC: Melody Davis/Sleepy Wolf : bondage is kinda pg-13 [16:07:47]OOC: Melody Davis/Sleepy Wolf : my mom used to- okay [13:57:08]OOC: Melody Davis/Sleepy Wolf : COCKFUCKER 9000 [14:00:00]OOC: Melody Davis/Sleepy Wolf : if melody ever gets her hands on one of those stun batons i think i know what she might do with it in her alone time [14:00:10]OOC: Melody Davis/Sleepy Wolf : /shudders/ [14:01:14]OOC: Melody Davis/Sleepy Wolf : WOAH WHEN DID I EVER SAY THAT [14:01:30]OOC: Melody Davis/Sleepy Wolf : also 'virginia' [14:02:43]OOC: Melody Davis/Sleepy Wolf : also i mean, hell just imagine someone turning it on /insude if you/ [14:02:58]OOC: Melody Davis/Sleepy Wolf : i wonder if it vibrates [15:20:17]OOC: Unknown/Sleepy Wolf : im good at foreplay [20:51:50]OOC: Melody Davis/Sleepy Wolf : ahelp What if I shoved a stun baton up my butt, would I die? [20:52:23]OOC: Melody Davis/Sleepy Wolf : what if I turned it on while it was inside? [20:52:35]OOC: Melody Davis/Sleepy Wolf : do you think it'd vibrate? [20:52:44]OOC: Melody Davis/Sleepy Wolf : or would it just numb and not give stimulation [22:16:18]OOC: Melody Davis/Sleepy Wolf : then they fucked [22:16:54]OOC: Melody Davis/Sleepy Wolf : MELODY HAS THE BOYS ON HER THIS ROUND These were all logs I fetched from your OOC in the past week. Meaning these are recent, very recent events. Frankly, there's a lot of them - I believe you're currently the person who is the most disruptive to OOC as of late - and while most disruptions happen because people generally tend to argue very aggressively, then get booted from the server, your problem is that you seem unable to keep your mouth shut when you should, and although that might not be as grave, it does pile up and become an issue nevertheless. You have also been warned twice about OOC conduct. After having several discussions with the mods (and other users calling you out), you should have a general idea of what you should and shouldn't say in OOC. The fact that you've continued the very same behavior you've been talked to several times about proves to me that warnings have been ineffective - a ban comes as the next measure. Now, to make sure this ban actually serves its purpose, it's time for us to open dialog again. I'd like you to pinpoint exactly why the logs I posted above are problematic, and suggest a plan of action you can put in place to ensure further incidents of this kind do not occur.
  5. I have made the effort of looking through roughly a week of Sleepy Wolf's OOC logs, and singling out any quotes from them that I found remarkable, and likely deserving of an OOC mute/note. Throughout only last week, I can find at least twelve different incidents of this kind. (This does not include a LOOC review.) This is quite a lot. At this point, the most reasonable course of action would be to have a discussion with Sleepy Wolf about their OOC conduct. Given that this would actually make it the third time I have to warn them directly about OOC behavior, I've also taken the liberty of enforcing a three-day ban for now. They will be contacted after that break, and are free to share their thoughts on this complaint now.
  6. I missed a few words in that, ignore my post u_u
  7. That is hardly related to the bar having shutters at that point, given that people getting drunk implies the bartender is- Oh.
  8. Was this adminhelped? That is definitely something you would want to adminhelp.
  9. Except that the bar can still be used as a reclining surface, and is sort of a common room for the station, even when nobody is manning it. Having the shutters down by default leaves you to sit on a stool in front of a wall.
  10. It should still serve as a deterrent. Climbing over a counter to break into the station's kitchen makes you an idiot. Climbing over a counter protected by clearly closed shutters and phasing through them makes you a double idiot.
  11. I second this - that's the way a regular establishment works. It is ridiculous that so many people (or people at all) get it in their mind that it's okay to break into the kitchen and use it like you were in your own home. People in real life do not break into their workplace's foodcourt to make eggs on the grills because the restaurant is closed. And yes, part of it is us stopping these people to tell them that it's unrealistic or childish behavior - but we should still have means in place to prevent these sort of incidents from happening at all, as it makes sense both from an IC and OOC perspective.
  12. This is more due to a failure of the media as a whole to educate new (and old) generations. There's nothing wrong with a good old shooter in which you get to blow people's brains out - studies have proven there's no correlation between violent videogames and real-life violence. However, there's a shocking lack of media which, parallel to that, actually educate people as to what these themes (war, discrimination, rape, poverty, illness, etc.) actually entail. Do we need to revile all kinds of violence? No. People understand fictional violence is fictional - they simply aren't taught what real violence is.
  13. Frances


    While this is something we had already discussed, it still makes me sad to see this post finally come. Even though you might not have been active recently, I always considered you a driving force behind this community, as well as a source of personal encouragement, and you will be a face I will miss seeing among staff. Best of luck with whatever it is you'll try to do, and I hope you find satisfaction in your future enterprises.
  14. Cultural values. I actually don't know why Americans are such prudes. Like, even on a historical basis, I'd sorta like to know why things ended up being that way. Because you can show a boob on tv in Europe and nobody will care.
  15. I seem to have misunderstood the way IC complaints were dealt with - which is, you submit them, then staff decides to do something with them. (What's that something? I don't know. Maybe Pumpking knows.) So until Pumpking says otherwise, feel free to keep discussing the issue here. But be nice, and keep in mind what we're discussing here is a character's personality, not a player's direct actions.
  16. Nope. You sorta got permabanned, fucked up, and got permabanned again. That's a lot harder to left, especially since we lifted your previous ban under the belief no more incidents would happen, which you've managed to disprove. Wait a few months. (It would also be nice to have some sort of guarantee you won't be creating any new accounts with attempt to bypass, because at the moment, your little stunt with an extra ckey means we have to keep an IP ban which bans your brother from playing too.)
  17. I would ask that you make a thread for each whitelist application, as they get processed separately. This shouldn't be too much work, given you've already filled out both forms - you just need to make a second thread and move one of them there.
  18. Not a lore dev. However, as an admin, I've gotten to work with Dea and see her in action as a mod since she rejoined our staff, and I can say that she seems a lot less tense than before - more laid-back and friendly. I don't know how much this translates to devving (which tends to be filled with a lot more conflicts and internal problem-solving), but I figured I'd put in a few good words for her, as that's what I have observed recently.
  19. Yes - however, I believe the core of this issue, up to and including Phoebe's defense, can actually be conducted ICly (which is why I made the other thread as an IC complaint). If you actually have reason to believe part of this discussion cannot be conducted ICly, PM me about it, and I'll see to reopening this thread.
  20. I would like this issue to be resolved ICly. It's one of character behavior, and it's certainly not outrageous enough to force a full player complaint, now that the IC complaints board exists. Plus, having two complaints against your character up at the same time can be a bit intimidating. Would we be okay with moving the discussion to the other thread?
  21. While I certainly appreciate you being forthcoming with your less than honorable intentions, I must take note once again that making plans to come back on the server after having been banned to grief/self-antag does not help your case. Also, posting character sheets won't help you. The question here isn't about your writing or roleplaying abilities - it's about your ability to follow and understand the rules. Other people fucking up does not excuse you fucking up. You doing something else decently does not excuse you fucking up. You doing your job 95% of the time does not excuse you fucking up majorly the other 5%. At this point, you should just admit that you've made a mistake, and deal with it.
  22. We're willing to overlook minor slip-ups, depending on how much time has elapsed since the last incident. One month since a permaban is not a lot of time. Neither was this a minor slip-up. Returning with an alt account also does not put you in a good light.
  23. Except it should follow common sense that maintenance drones don't exist to fuck around, given that you are given very specific laws, just like cyborgs (one of which is "don't interfere"), and that you had /no business/ welding medbay doors. Between failing to acknowledge or understand how what you did is bad, and creating an account named "Ihatetheaurora" shortly after the ban and trying to reconnect, this paints you as an immature individual who doesn't have the patience to play on a heavy-RP server. Going to wait for someone else to weigh on this, but my first reflex is to keep the ban in place. You don't really get a permaban lifted, and then start messing up with what got you permabanned in the first place.
  24. I would not consider that welding doors of a high traffic area, pulling alarms and creating a news channel as a drone constitutes "small-time" chucklefucking. Since I find it hard to believe you weren't aware you were clearly breaking the rules by doing all of this, I'm going to assume you simply cannot prevent yourself from doing these things. You were given plenty of warnings. You were given a last chance /after/ being permabanned. You just ruined that chance. You can apologize all you want, but you will find actions speak louder than words. At the moment, we have no guarantee you will actually fix your behavior, seeing as we gave you chance after chance to do so, and you blew every single last one of them. What makes this time so different?
  25. Yes. You should not have done that. You have a wide array of notes, from injecting random people with chemicals out of boredom, to mopping the halls with welder fuel and setting them on fire. These latest actions do not seem to be any different from that, which is why you've collected a second permaban. I don't see it as a wake-up call. You were permabanned for chucklefucking. Perhaps at this point, after getting successfully unbanned, you should take it as a hint that you shouldn't chucklefuck again - since you've seemingly failed to heed that against all logic, your permaban has been reinstated. Irrelevant. That entire thing was a joke event, and other people's mistakes still do not excuse your own. If other people mess up, they'll be punished appropriately (and there's a pretty big difference between messing around during a joke event, and setting rooms on fire during extended repeatedly). Lastly, perhaps you'd like to tell us about the alt account named "Ihatetheaurora" you made to try to circumvent the ban?
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