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Lord Lag

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Everything posted by Lord Lag

  1. Sorarne continues to stand and wait. If he fled, he would surely get lost in the labyrinth that made up Riften's sewers.
  2. Sorarne stood still at the sound of movement, opting to instead listen closely, trying to determine more about what was moving, from possible numbers to possible armour.
  3. Sorarne heffed once more. "Mmmh...Lead the way.", looking expectantly at Abelard.
  4. The stealth suit can drop stealth when you are hit. The module which governs stealth can be damaged, which forces you to drop out of stealth. Combined with the suits complete lack of an armor value, the module gets damaged nigh on every time you are successfully hit.
  5. "I fail to understand how walking through sewers will help us get the Necromancers." Sorarne lamented.
  6. Sorarne remained silent, face and expression hidden behind the armor, and opted to fold his arms and watch closely.
  7. This. All of this.
  8. "Mmmh" Heffed Sorarne, reading the contracts, eyes darting between the first two before opting for the former, marking his name down. "Undead are no match for a mace" He mused.
  9. Name: Sorarne Shield-less Description: Sorarne is a proud, muscular nord with long blond hair who prefers relatively light clothing, and dawns a heavy set of unremarkable steel armour with an underlayer of cloth. Primary skill: Heavy Armor, Block, One-Handed Misc skills: Reading Disadvantages: Has a bizarre disdain for sunlight. Backstory: Sorarne is a born-and-raised Windhelm citizen who, prior to joining the companions, enlisted to assist the fight to free Skyrim from the imperials. Third-born noble sons weren't destined for much he reasoned. Yet, once the war was one and his pride filled, he was left with a hunger for battle. A hunger for blood. His time fighting had stirred something base within him, and so, he did not return home. He chose to instead strive forth and seek out one group that could help him with his desire.
  10. Once as a changeling, a mini-event occurred. A box appeared, and when you put an item into it, it traded it for a much rarer item. I got completely distracted that I forgot to actually be a ling. No genomes were taken that day.
  11. As far as I understand it, this is an AI that can basically get up and start walking around. Even if it lost the ability to interact with things, something about this just doesn't strike me the right way.
  12. They've been playable on the new code since the first day. Its just no-ones playing them. Alas, the hype train died.
  13. Im loving the fire-related suggestions for Tajaras. I'm just imagining them bursting into flames after being battoned now.
  14. I could totally get behind something like this. Most of the ways it can be abused are already covered in the rules anyway.
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